Make Me (2 page)

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Authors: Suzanne Steele

BOOK: Make Me
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Chapter Two


I purposely lag behind in order to ensure I get a seat beside Linda on the mini bus. I can’t help but feel a little disappointed when she jumps in her SUV and takes off.

I make my way onto the bus and can’t help but question why I ever agreed to do this show.

I try tuning out the women’s excited conversation. It is beginning to sound like an irritating chirping noise that I have no power to shut off.

I like control. In fact, I’m all about control. Being in this situation is making me feel very out of control. I need to hurry up and get through these next six weeks.

Hopefully, with Linda in tow.

I know this scenario all too well and I will be shocked if there is even one girl in this group who is truly into the lifestyle.

It sickens me to think about these girls using the lifestyle to try and gain fame. It is one of the main reasons I agreed to take on the part of the Dom in this series.

These girls are going to find out very quickly just how cutting a Dom’s personality and demeanor can be. I chew women like this up and spit them out for entertainment.

I am not a man to be toyed with, and if Linda thinks she was setting up boundaries in that studio earlier, she has no idea what and who she is up against.

I understand she is used to being in control; I’m certain she has to be because she works in a man’s world. The face of TV is usually a woman in front of the camera being paid to be beautiful. She is behind the camera making the magic happen and that isn’t an easy field of work to be in.

She is the perfect embodiment of brains and beauty, working in a primarily male dominated industry, so I can see why she is so defensive. The fact that I understand where she is coming from doesn’t detour from the issue that she resents dominant males. There is more to this woman than meets the eye and I have every intention of finding out what her story is and why she is so damn turned off by men in authority. My guess is she has been subjected to some asshole who was abusive, not dominant, and there is a big difference between the two.

The incessant chattering on a bus full of females pulls me from my thoughts, once again wreaking havoc on my senses and adding to my already irritated mood. What the hell have I gotten myself into?




I make my way from my car and up towards the mansion the girls will inhabit for the next six weeks. A smile crosses my face when I think about how disappointed David looked when he realized I wouldn’t be accompanying him on the bus. I mean, seriously, could he be any more arrogant and egotistical? He fits the demeanor of a Dom in more ways than one—primarily his narcissistic behavior.

The clicking of my heels on the marble flooring announces my arrival and heads turn to greet me. I can see the excitement on the women’s faces. In just a short amount of time, that excitement will turn in to various other emotions, none of which will be positive. I begin my pep talk.

“This is where you are going to be living for the next six weeks, ladies. The mansion does not come with a maid, but it does come with a rotation chart for cleaning. Not keeping up with your end of the bargain is grounds for your contract being terminated.”

I know if I don’t operate in ‘bitch mode’ that these girls will run me over. Turning on my bitch switch is proving to be a very easy thing to do after the morning I have had.

I move out of their way and state: “Find your rooms, girls.” Each girl takes off running to go and secure the room they are certain will be the best.

Before long, the bitching and whining will start for those who don’t secure the best one. Reality TV means spoiled, selfish women, and these girls will be no different. In the small towns they have inhabited up until this point in their lives, they have been queen bees.

It is only a matter of time before the cattiness starts. Things like hiding one shoe and dousing a girl’s gown in bottle of cologne will be an everyday occurrence soon, but I will be here to deal with it when things get out of hand. It isn’t a matter of
they get out of hand, it is only a matter of

I have seen it all before and it boils down to one thing: TV has a way of changing people—money does too.

Even the most professional of TV news anchors and talk show hosts become ‘catty’ when it comes to their careers.

There is always someone standing in line to take your job and they aren’t beyond sabotaging a career to do it.

The competition is so cutthroat and fierce, that sooner or later it breeds fear. The fear turns to insecurity which, in turn, develops into jealousy. It is only one of the reasons I’m grateful I work behind the scenes and not in front of the camera.

Yes, I know all too well that fame is a double edged sword. It has to be wielded with the utmost of caution and even in the most capable hands, there will always be casualties.

Chapter Three


While the girls are preoccupied, I use the opportunity to go and check out the mansion on my own terms. I’m wandering curiously through the hallways when I stumble across the dungeon.

I want to check it out, part due to my own curiosity and part due to wanting to do it alone.

Immediately, a sense of awe encompasses me. The room is set up much like what I picture a castle dungeon would look like.

I run my hands over the furniture and breathe in the smell of orange oil and leather. It is almost intoxicating the way the room is assaulting my senses.

Everything in this room is state of the art, right down to the sconces which hold candles ready to burn.

Rich tones of mahogany wood and velvet red upholstered furniture set the mood; it is almost as if the room is its own separate entity and has its own energy. Yes, I can see how a person could very easily be pulled into the lifestyle, especially if they have even a remote chance of possessing BDSM tendencies.

I can’t resist sitting in a chair that resembles a king’s throne, only differentiating in its appearance because it houses wide black straps that attach to a victim’s wrists and ankles. I close my eyes and let my imagination take over.

I never expected to be this enthralled with the dungeon when I set out to find it. I knew it would be different than anything I had ever seen, but I never expected to be so intrigued with it.

I find myself wondering what it would be like to see a scene unfold between two people in this room. I know I would never have the nerve to watch two people engaging in sex, but boy would I ever love to be a fly on the wall. In my mind, I try and figure out some way to be a spectator at a scene. I can always say it is for research purposes so I don’t appear to be interested in the lifestyle.

I breathe in deeply, once again taking in the smell of orange oil and leather. I am so caught up in my own world, allowing my senses to take over, that I never hear the door quietly open and David entering. If I had heard him, I would have jumped up and ran from the room. I certainly wouldn’t have allowed what happened next to happen.





I quietly make my way into the dungeon. Seeing her seated in the bondage chair like that is just too good to pass up.

I have to stifle a laugh when her eyes fly open as if she is a deer caught in headlights.

“Shh, it’s okay, it will be our little secret,” I state as I slowly pull the bolt through the rod iron hasp.

“It’s so much better with the restraints attached.” My hands work quickly before she has a chance to resist—verbally or physically.

“Close your eyes, Linda,” I speak as if soothing a frightened kitten.

I purposely make my way to the back of the chair and begin whispering into her ear as I place my hand gently around her throat.

“Now just imagine you are at my mercy; no longer do you have a say, or even a will, Linda. Now, there is only my will—my command.

“It can be so freeing for a strong business woman such as you. Letting go of all the responsibilities and letting someone you trust take over. BDSM is all about trust, Linda. You don’t realize it yet, but I am going to be your greatest ally in this game show you call ‘reality TV’.

“I want you, Linda… and I’ll play your little game, but you can be assured that before the six weeks is up, you’ll be mine. You can fight it, you can resist all you want, but I can assure you I am not a man who gives up easily. Your secrets are safe with me, Linda. This conversation never happened. The feelings you are experiencing right now will remain between you and me. I’m not the man you think I am. Always remember, Linda, things are not always what they appear to be. I’m not here for the reasons you think I am.”

I am glad I have her in a predicament because it means she has to listen to what I am saying. This is the beginning of the most important part of any relationship or friendship; it’s the time of establishing trust. The things I am saying to her right now will remain in her psyche and it means that I am doing exactly what I set out to do; I’m getting in her head. Being in her head ensures that even when I’m not around, I’m still with her. It is one of the first things any good Dom does—get inside a sub’s head—because he knows if you have a woman’s mind, you have the woman herself. This is only the beginning of her education. Little Ms. Independence is being trained and she doesn’t even realize it yet…


As quickly as he enters, he leaves. Leaving me here now unrestrained, yet still trapped in the sense he has successfully seared the experience, along with his words, into my subconscious. I will be trying to process what just happened for the next few days.

I will be trying to process how the heat of his breath on my neck and his sensual whispers in my ear make me feel. I will be trying to figure how it seems like he is able to read me like I’m an open book when he doesn’t even know me.

How does he know I’m independent and I harbor a grudge towards strong, dominate males? I make sure to stay professional at all times. In fact, I make certain to not take my attitude towards men out on my male colleagues. I never presume they’re jerks just because they are men. I, at least, give them time to prove themselves before I just assume they are dickheads.

Now he has me second guessing myself professionally and I don’t like it. I certainly don’t want the top male producers in the business thinking I’m a man hater; it’s bad for business. I chide myself for letting this guy get in my head and I make a mental note to stay as far away from him as I can. Little do I know, this is all part of David’s plan. Now he has my mind right where he wants it: on him.


I make my way around the corner as I push down on my hardened cock. That was so fucking hot I can’t even put it into words. That girl is in my sights now for sure. I have access to some of the most desirable subs in the city, but she just took hot to a whole new level.

I hadn’t planned on that happening, but seeing her in that chair was just too good to pass up.

I make my way to my room, curious about what it will look like. Nothing could have prepared me for what I see.

A huge four poster bed dominates the room. It looks like something that should be in the room of royalty.

Antique furniture is placed throughout the room and there is a massive walk-in closet. The bathroom consists of a large, sunk-in Jacuzzi and a shower.

Regardless of how grand my bedroom is, it isn’t home. The only thing that is making the next six weeks of any interest to me is Linda.

Linda and showing a true version of the BDSM lifestyle, not some bullshit Hollywood glossed over version, are my only reasons for being here.

I couldn’t care less about the fact that doing this reality show will make me a ‘star.’ What I do care about is the fact that BDSM is being portrayed as the cool thing to do, and not the lifestyle it is. Having a sub or a slave is work and above all, it is a responsibility that should never be taken lightly.

As far as I am concerned, I am going to enjoy putting these wanna-be bitches in their place. I’m going to enjoy knocking these women, who are here for the money and fame, down a peg or two. It is a mockery to reduce the lifestyle to this joke. We already have enough problems with society dubbing us as having mental and emotional problems just because we are kinky. The average person thinks we enjoy kink because we have been traumatized sexually when, in fact, we are born with a bent towards kink. To put it simply, this is how we are wired and no amount of psycho-babble-bullshit will ever convince me otherwise. By the looks of it, my little victim may just have some BDSM tendencies of her own. How ironic would it be for my boss to become my student?

Yes…this is going to be a very interesting six weeks. The biggest challenge is going to be maneuvering my way around fucking any of these contestants because I have no interest in any of them. I fuck who I want, when I want, and no amount of money or fame is going to force me into any woman’s bed. There isn’t but one woman in this house I care about fucking and that is the queen bee herself.

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