Make Believe: A Novella (4 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #Romance

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?” Mimi asked amused.

“Way in the future!” Crystal said, making a face at Mimi.

“Hey, ladies,” Murphy said as he walked through the living room door and smiled at us.

“Oh! Look what the cat dragged in,” Jess said, jokingly.

“And by cat, she means a lion because it could only be the king of the jungle that could drag that ego in,” Crystal teased.

“Yeah, I missed you, too,” he said, winking at her.

“Hey, Taise,” we all sang in unison. He was the latest guest Aiden let in.

“Hey ladies,” he said with a huge smile on his face.

“Where’s Marissa?” I asked, noticing the empty space behind him.

“She’s coming later. She had to work late,” he informed us.

It turned out that Marissa had a secret crush on Taise since she first met him at one of Murphy’s parties. Fortunately, he finally worked up the courage to ask her out a year ago, and they’ve been together ever since.


“So, what are you ladies chuckling about?” Murphy wanted to know. He casually leaned against the doorframe, eyeing up Crystal.

“Last I heard, they were talking about pregnancy,” Aiden unsuccessfully whispered.

“It’s rude to listen in on people’s conversations, Aidy,” Mimi said, scowling at him.

“Not when you do it in your own house, it isn’t,” he laughed.

“Whatever. Can you morons go? We’re trying to have a grown-up conversation here,” Crystal said, giving Murphy a look that said get out now.

“Well, I know when I’m not wanted.”

“Come on guys, we’ll get some food.” Aiden nodded to the others to follow him to the kitchen.

“Now that sounds like a plan,” Taise said, smiling.

“Yeah, it does,” Murphy said as he gave Crystal a wink before walking out.

I turned my attention to Crystal but she was clearly trying to avoid my gaze.

“So, what’s happening with your car?” Jess asked.

“Well, Anthony and Aiden are working on it, but I’m wondering if I should just cut my losses, and buy a new one,” I said reminding myself of all the hassle with it lately.

I knew that if anyone could fix it, it would be Anthony and Aiden, but honestly, I was just fed up with it.

“Yeah, it has been nothing, but trouble the past few months,” Mimi agreed.

“Yeah, well we’ll see,” I said.

There was another knock at the door, so this time I got up to get it.

              “Hey,” I said as I opened the door to a smiling Anthony.

“Did you get it this time?” I asked, noticing his empty hands.

“Get what?” he asked pretending to look confused.

“Jess’ candy?”

“Oh, no!” Now he looked panicked.

“Anthony, are you kidding me?” I whispered, staring at him in disbelief.

“Yeah, actually I am.” With a huge grin on his face, he whipped out a Hershey bar from his back pocket.

“That wasn’t funny. I thought I was going to have to plan your funeral,” I said, playfully hitting him on the arm.

“No, I’m not that bad. Now can you let me in? I’m sort of freezing my butt off out here,” he said, shivering.

“Yeah, sorry.” I stepped aside and let him in.

“So, how’s fixing my car going?” I asked, preparing myself for the worst answer.

“Yeah, it’s OK. It’ll be as good as new in a couple of days,” he reassured me.

“Really?” I smiled at the thought of getting my freedom back.

“Yes, really. Aiden and I didn’t just set up a business for the fun of it you know. We are actually good at what we do,” he smiled and nudged me playfully.

“Yeah, I don’t doubt you guys. It’s that car I worry about.”

“Well, even if we can’t fix it, you know we will get you a new car so you don’t have anything to worry about,” he said, smiling.

“Thanks, Ant,” I said, and we both headed back to the living room.

“Hey baby,” Anthony said to Jess.

“Hey,” Jess said, smiling at him.

“Here you go.” He handed her the Hershey bar, much to her delight.

“Oh goodness, my favorite! Thank you, baby.” She kissed him, then ripped open the packet.

“Wow! She really takes this eating for two thing seriously, doesn’t she?” Crystal said, earning her a dirty look from Jess.

My phone rang, but I could barely hear it over the chatting, so I left the room to answer the call.

“Hey,” I said.

“Hey, April!” Jinnie shouted excitedly.

“Where are you?”

“I’m stuck in traffic, but I’ll be there in like ten minutes. Save me some food,” she said.

“OK, I will,” I laughed.


I chuckled to myself as I walked back into the living room and sat down between Jess and Crystal.

“Who was that?” Crystal wanted to know.

“It was Jinnie. She was calling to make sure we save her some food,” I said. We all burst out laughing.

“Typical,” Jess said as she rolled her eyes.

“So, what time do the games begin?” Anthony sat forward and rubbed his hands together. He couldn’t wait to get started.

“Why? You’re only going to lose if you’re up against me,” Aiden said, smiling.

“Dude, you really need to get over yourself,” Anthony said smugly.

“Scared?” Aiden said, smirking at his best friend.

“Of you? Dude, you’re like a little pussy cat,” he scoffed before leaning back in his chair.

“That sounds like a challenge,” Aiden said.

“Now baby, you know you don’t like to lose,” Jess said, desperately trying not to laugh.

“You know, your lack of confidence in me is insulting,” he said, sarcastically.

“OK, but don’t say I didn’t warn you,” she said, taking a bite out of the apple in her hand.

Anthony turned and smirked at Aiden and announced, “Let the games begin!”

* * *

              “Dude, you’re a cheater man!” Anthony roared as Aiden beat him for the fifth time. 

Forty minutes into the Mario Cart challenge, and Anthony still hadn’t won one race. The living room started out
packed with essentially two groups of people —those who were either Team Aiden or Team Anthony. Unfortunately, Team Anthony dwindled over time as Aiden continued to win. But we all still had a great time and made lots of noise laughing so I felt quite sorry for the neighbors.

“How can I be cheating? I’m just that good, face it,” Aiden said smugly.

“Now, now Aiden. Stop teasing the poor boy,” Susan said as she tried her hardest not to laugh.

“Yeah, at least let him win one game,” my mom said pleading with him.

“It’s not even on the hardest level, Aunty Kels. There is not much else I can do to help him,” Aiden said, smiling.

“I don’t need your help! He cheats that’s why,” Anthony complained.

“Come on man, it’s time to let someone with more skills have a go,” Kyle said, snatching the remote from Anthony’s hand.

“That’s it Daddy! You kick Uncle Aiden’s butt!” Tammy squealed with excitement.

“Tammy!” I said, sounding shocked.

“I mean, that’s it, Daddy you win,” she said so innocently.

“That’s better,” I said, glancing at Crystal who had a huge grin on her face.

“You guys need to stop this now, so we all can play,” Jinnie moaned.

“Yeah, she’s right,” Marissa agreed.

“OK, so what do you suggest?” Kyle said.

“How about charades?” Grandma said, winking at Aiden.

“Another game I can easily win, right on,” Aiden cheered as Crystal slapped him upside his head.

“You know, your violent ways are going to get you into trouble one day?” Aiden said as he rubbed the back of his head.

“Aww, can’t you take a hit from a girl?” she asked with an evil grin on her face.

“Back in a minute,” she said and got up and left the room.

“OK, so how are we going to split up the teams?” Mom asked.

“Girls against guys,” Jess taunted Anthony.

“Yeah, at least you get a chance of winning on my team!” Aiden said, tapping Anthony’s shoulder.

“Shut up, dude,” he replied.

“Wait, how many people per team, then?” Jinnie asked no one in particular.

“I’ll figure it out,” I said as I scanned the room.

“Right, there will be Anthony, Aiden, Taise, Uncle Harry, Bob and Kyle on the men’s team….”

“Wait, where’s Murphy?”Anthony asked.

“I don’t know, but he’ll be on your team, too, so that makes seven. Now, the girl’s team will be me, Jess, Jinnie, Mimi, Marissa, Mom, and Grandma. Oh, and Crystal when she comes back,” I said.

“Yeah, but you guys have got an extra team member,” Anthony said, complaining again.

“Yeah, but I’ve got baby brain, so it doesn’t count,” Jess said, and “anyway, you will have more later when the rest get here.”

“Fine,” Anthony agreed, reluctantly.


* * *

An hour had gone by, and I am proud to say the girls were winning by four points, much to Aiden’s dismay.

“Let’s take a time out. I need a drink,” Aiden said, heading off to the kitchen.

“That sounds like the best idea anyone has had all night,” Mrs. Staples said as she and Grandma got up to follow Aiden. It was nice to see Grandma smiling tonight. Gramps had passed away two years ago, and since then, Mrs. Staples and Grandma had grown closer. I guess they understood each other’s pain. Even though it was a difficult time for us as Gramps got older and completely forgot who we all were, we stayed strong for Grandma. And through this all, Gramps taught us a very meaningful lesson: that we should celebrate life and not mourn death. We all were so blessed to have known and loved him that we shouldn’t be sad now that he’s gone.

“Looks like someone isn’t used to losing,” Mimi noticed.

“No, he isn’t,” I said, chuckling to myself. I couldn’t help but smile as I looked around at all of the happy faces.

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