Make Believe: A Novella (3 page)

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Authors: Sharlay

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Make Believe: A Novella
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“Yeah, I think we are. Did Kyle get the plastic cups?” I asked.

“Yeah, they are on the island in the kitchen with the drinks,” he said, smiling.


“So, did you two manage to sort things out?” Aiden asked as he stared into my eyes.

“Yeah, I apologized, and told him that I was happy for him and would support him no matter what he decides,” I said. I was able to have a long talk with Kyle when he came back to pick Tammy up. I didn’t want him to feel bad about trying to make a better life for him and Tammy. I just wanted him to be happy, and if that meant I had to make a few sacrifices, then so be it.

“Good, I’m proud of you. I know it will be hard, but we’ll make it work, OK?” he promised as he wrapped his arms around my waist.

“I know, I’m just going to miss them both so much,” I said dropping my head on his chest.

“Me, too,” he said, stroking my hair.

“Do you thi….”

A knock at the front door cut me off.

“Well, it looks like the first guest has arrived. I’m just going to get the last of the food ready, OK?” he said as he headed back to the kitchen.

“OK,” I said and went to the front door.

“Hey,” Crystal grinned as she threw her arms around my neck and handed me a bottle of wine. I don’t like red wine, so I didn’t take much notice of what it was, but I’m pretty sure she had bought it for herself anyway.

“Hi,” I said as I gently pulled away from her.

“Oh gosh, am I the first one?” she said, crinkling up her nose.

“Yes, you are, but it’s not as if you haven’t been here before,” I said, closing the door behind her.

“Yeah, but I wanted to be fashionably late,” she said smiling.

“Leave it to Anthony,” I said as we both burst out laughing.

“The fashionable part, no but the late part, definitely,” Crystal said, taking her jacket off.

She was wearing a pair of tight denim jeans, a red satin blouse, and red heels. She, of course, wore jewelry to compliment her outfit.

“So, do I need to take my shoes off now that you have fresh carpet?” she asked.

“Yes, Aiden has a thing about shoes on carpet. Just leave them there,” I said, pointing to an empty spot next to the door.

“Sometimes I wonder who the woman is in this relationship,” she said. We both cracked up.

“You are aware I can hear you, right?” Aiden shouted from the kitchen.

“Don’t worry brother. It wasn’t a secret,” she said as we went to find Aiden.

“Oh, something smells good!” she said and gave him a peck on the cheek.

“Of course, it smells good,” he said, smirking

“Modesty never was your thing, was it?” I said, sitting down on one of the stools around the island.

“Nope, I tried it once, but it never really worked out,” he said laughing.

“Where are Kyle and Tammy?” she asked as she began to wash her hands in the sink before grabbing some potato chips.

“They went home to get changed,” I said.

“OK, how is Tammy?”

“She was fine. She stayed at Janet’s today, since she was ‘sick’,” I said, rolling my eyes.

“Just like her aunty, that kid is,” Crystal said, reaching for another handful of chips.

“Wow, I can feel my ears burning,” a voice said, making us all turn around.

“Hey, Mimi,” I said as I smiled at her.

“I’ll have you know that I was not half as bad as Tammy when I was her age,” she continued, sending us all into a fit of laughter.

“Yeah right,” Aiden said, rolling his eyes.

“Oh, come on Aidy! Cut me some slack, I was cute,” she said smugly.

It was so sweet that Mimi still called Aiden, Aidy. There was something so cute about it.

“How did you get in, anyway?” I grilled her.

“You didn’t lock the door,” she said, simply and took a seat on a stool next to me.

“I keep forgetting you need a key to lock it. It’s not like the old place. It’s going to take some getting used to.” I got up and headed toward the door.

On my way I heard two voices and began smiling to myself.

“Oh, come on baby. You can’t stay mad at me forever.”

“Yes I can! One thing I asked you for, just one thing!” Jess shouted as she stormed into the house.

“Hey,” I said, smiling at them.

“Hey, April, do you think you can lock him out for the night?” she wondered, giving a dirty look to Anthony.

“Oh dear, what did you do?” I asked Anthony.

“What makes you think it was my fault?” he said, smiling back at me.

“Because it always is, you moron!” Jess shouted at him.

“It’s really not that big of a deal, baby,” he moaned.

“Yes, it is because I just want you to remember, but you can’t even do that,” she complained as they headed for the kitchen, leaving me to lock the door, with the key this time.

“OK, guys calm down. You’re damaging my unborn Godson’s ears,” Aiden said, poking fun at the angry couple.             

“Goddaughter,” Jess corrected.

“Baby, I told you that the kid is a boy,” Anthony said with a smirk on his face.

“And I told you that it is a girl,” she moaned and gave him a dirty look.

“So, what’s all of the drama about?” Mimi asked, then bit into an apple.

“All I did was forget to get her a bar of candy. I said I’d go back, but now she’s saying she doesn’t want it,” Anthony said, frustrated.

“Yes, because you should have remembered it in the first place! I asked you to do only one thing, and you can’t even manage that,” she grunted.

“You won’t die if you don’t get a bar of candy,” he said as he leaned against the island.

Oh dear Anthony, you just made a big mistake.

“Do you have any idea what it is like to carry around your big headed kid all day? My feet are swollen, my back hurts, my ribs ache, not to mention that my breast now weighs a ton, and you can’t even manage to remember to get me one bar of candy!” she screamed. The whole room went silent.

“Do you see what I have to put up with?” Anthony asked. None of us opened our mouths, of course. We were not about to disagree with hormone-crazy Jess right now.

“This is all your fault!” she continued shouting at Anthony who stood leaning against the island staring wide-eyed at her.

“What’s my fault?”

“This,” she said, pointing to her belly.

“All I wanted was to go out and have some fun, but oh no! You had to convince me to have a quiet night in, and now look at what you’ve done. You’ve disfigured my body, I’m tired all the time, and constantly hungry!” she ranted on as she forced her hands on her hips for effect.

“Aw, baby! Calm down. I love your disfigured body, come here,” he said. She tried not to smile at his comment.

“You’re just saying that,” she muttered as he gently pulled her toward him.

“No, I’m not. I told you already, you’ll always be beautiful. I love your body! In fact you’re the hottest mom I’ve ever seen,” he said, making her giggle.

“Really?” she said as she looked up at him.

“Yes, really. Now you go and chill out with the girls while I go and get your candy bar, OK?”

“You don’t have to go.” But Anthony cut her off.

“I want to. I’ll see you when I get back, OK?” He kissed her on her head and headed out the kitchen door.

“Thank you, baby,” she said, calming down. Wow, those hormones really did have her up and down.

“I still got it,” Anthony mouthed to us once he knew Jess couldn’t see him. That boy made me laugh.

“What?” Jess asked when we all began laughing.

“Nothing. We’re just laughing at how cute you two are,” Crystal said, quickly.

“Can someone let me out of this prison?” Anthony shouted when he got to the locked front door. We all burst out laughing again.

“I’m on it,” Aiden said, taking my keys to rescue his best friend.

“Right, let’s go next door so we can decide what games to play,” I said, motioning for Crystal, Jess, and Mimi to follow me into the living room.

I waited patiently while they all got comfortable on the couch. I couldn’t help but stare at Jess’ stomach; it was so cute. She was due any day now, and she looked adorable. It was no lie when they say that pregnancy gives you a glow because it was working wonders for Jess. Her skin was immaculate, she hadn’t actually put on any weight other than on her stomach, and she just looked beautiful.

“I don’t know why we are planning because once your family starts a game of charades that’s it for the night,” Crystal said and we shrieked with laughter.

“Yeah, you’re right,” I replied, smiling to myself.

I was so looking forward to seeing everyone tonight. Even though everybody has already seen our new home, we thought it would be fun to make it official and have some food and play some games, and just socialize. Really, it was just an excuse to get together.

“So, how’s Tommy?” Crystal asked Mimi.

“Getting on my nerves,” she said, making us all crack up.

“Don’t they all,” Jess said. We all nodded in agreement.

“Is he coming tonight?” I asked as I shifted around in my chair trying to get comfortable.

“I don’t know, I haven’t asked him yet,” she said, letting out a long breath.

“Mimi!” I couldn’t believe it. I just stared at her.

“What? I told you he annoyed me last night, so I’m taking some time out,” she giggled.

“Good, that’ll be one less guy for me and Kyle to deal with,” Aiden said, walking back into the room.

“Aiden, the girl is eighteen years of age and does not need you or her over-protective brother ruining her love life,” Crystal said, rolling her eyes.

“Exactly,” Mimi agreed.

Our conversation was cut short by a knocking at the front door.

“I’ll get it,” Aiden said, getting up and giving his legs a workout walking back and forth.

“Anyway, how are you feeling, Jess?” I asked.

“Fat and tired,” she said, folding her arms across her stomach.

“Don’t be silly. You look great,” Mimi said.

“You do, actually. I hope I look half as good as you when I’m pregnant,” Crystal said, beaming at her.

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