Magic Kiss (Hope Falls Book 11) (28 page)

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“Thank you.” She chuckled a little at the irony of him demonstrating exactly what she was trying to describe as she took the bandana. After she wiped her cheeks and blew her nose, she held it out in front of her. “And when you do things like this, like get Drew medicine or pick the perfect movie, I transferred all of that anger to you. Because I know that, in a couple of weeks, we’ll be back in Seattle and I
be going out in the middle of the night by myself. I’ll be going to the store to get the medicine. I’ll be making chicken noodle soup. I’ll be alone.” She didn’t even try to wipe the flood of tears. “And that’s fine. That’s my life. But I think I’ve just been holding it all together for so long with no room for error. I’ve had no safety net. I couldn’t lose it because I’m all Drew has.”

“He has me. You have me. You’re not alone.” Logan sounded as heartbroken as she felt.

“I know.” She forced herself to smile as she assured him, “I know we do.”

She didn’t want him to feel sorry for her. He’d been nothing but amazing to her and Drew. Knowing that this breakdown was not what he’d signed up for when he’d generously offered for them to stay here, she stood and headed towards the door, but didn’t make it far before she found herself being pulled into Logan’s arms.

For a moment, she froze. She didn’t hug him back. Didn’t move.

Emma needed to be strong. She needed to get back some of the armor that staying there had chipped away from her. She was scared that, if she gave in to the comfort, the embrace Logan was offering, the next time she needed support and he wasn’t there, she would fall flat on her face.

Despite her fear, her body molded and sank into his hold. She wrapped her arms around his waist and let herself feel his strength—but she felt a little more than just his strength.

“Ignore it,” Logan said flatly.

Emma started laughing. She loved that he addressed the situation instead of trying to pretend that it wasn’t happening. Happiness flowed through her, and her tears dried up.

Maybe she hadn’t dealt with Andrew’s death in the best way. Maybe she still had a lot of issues because of it. But the one thing she’d learned was that no one is promised a tomorrow. And you should take all the joy from each moment you have on earth.

In this moment,
ignoring it
was the last thing she wanted to do.

Lifting up on her tiptoes, she snuggled her face into his neck the same way she had five years ago, but she hoped there would be a much different outcome. Pressing her lips to the muscle that ran from his collarbone to his jawline, she whispered against his skin, “What if I don’t want to ignore it?”

Chapter 20

ogan was torn as to whether this was a good idea or not. He didn’t want to take advantage of Emma when she was in such a vulnerable place, but damn, he was only a man.

“What about Drew?” He figured that would give her pause to think about their next actions, be an easy out for her.

“He’s sleeping,” she explained between planting soft kisses that drove him crazy on his neck. “We can be quiet. Very quiet.”

Quiet. That sounded like a good idea to him.

After sweeping his hands down the slope of her back, he gripped her hips and picked her up in one swift movement. Then she let out a squeal of surprise.

“That’s not a good start,” he joked as he stalked back to the door.

“Where are we going?” she giggled into his neck.

“To lock the door.”

Drew hadn’t once come to his room at night, but if he couldn’t find his mom in her room, his would be the next logical place to check.

“Good idea.” She squeezed her arms around him tighter as she trailed kisses from his jaw to his shoulder.

Logan had planned on locking the door, turning back to the bed, and stripping them both, but Emma had other plans.

The second the door was secured, she started squirming out of his grasp. While gently setting her down, he thought that she must’ve been having second thoughts. The disappointment swarming through him like bees around a hive was less about the physical loss and more about the emotional loss Emma’s one-eighty would cause. Being with Emma was so much more than getting his rocks off. The night he’d spent with her was the first time, maybe ever, that he hadn’t felt totally alone.

Could hearts get blue balls?

Thankfully, he didn’t have to find out. Instead of leaving, she dropped to her knees and slid his sweats down with her. As he stepped out of them, her fingers wrapped tightly around his shaft and he hissed. The pleasure just her touch gave him caused his knees to buckle. He had to brace his hand against the wall for support.

“Mmm.” Emma’s big, blue eyes looked up at him. “This should definitely not be ignored.” Then she guided his engorged head to her mouth like a microphone.

She rubbed it over her lips like she was putting on lipstick. His fingers clenched on the wall as she added her tongue to the mix. She alternated between brushing her lips and slowly licking up and down his rod, making sure to pay special attention to the base and the tip.

Rolling waves of pleasure swept through him as she increased the pressure and friction as she stroked him. His shaft throbbed in her grip. He swept some of her hair behind her shoulder so he could see her lips, her hand, her tongue on him.

When he had a clear view, her eyes peeked up at him through a thick bed of lashes and she sealed her lips around his mushroom tip. Then she slowly sucked him deep into her wet mouth.

“Fuck,” he gritted out as he locked his knees, and his breath caught.

Logan liked to be in control. Some guys loved blowjobs, but he never had. In his experience, a woman’s mouth was a distant second to her sex. Emma was the exception to the rule.

He’d always looked at blowjobs like going to the park when you could go to Disney World. But Emma on her knees before him, teasing him with her mouth, definitely Disney World.

The sensation of her soft, velvety tongue and the suction of her mouth, were the best kinds of sensual torment. His body was alive with pent-up arousal; it tremored through him. He had no idea how many nerve endings she was hitting, but it felt like all of them. Lust radiated down his legs, up his torso, through his chest, and spread all the way through his fingertips.

Her hot, sweet mouth commanded his body. She quickly found a rhythm that had his balls tightening against his body, tingling with release. As good as this was feeling, he didn’t want to come this way.

Logan grabbed her shoulders, stood her up, and within seconds, had her out of her sweats and T-shirt. His gaze slid over her naked body. Over her bare shoulders and beautifully formed, creamy breasts. Past her pink, hardened nipples and the rosy skin surrounding them. Down her quivering stomach, which flared out at her hips. Skimming his way along the inner slope of her thigh and then back up again.

Every inch of her body was a male fantasy come to life. Even the small, white stretch marks on her hips and her lower belly turned him on. She was a living, breathing pinup girl. A work of art.

If they’d had all the time in the world, he would’ve taken more time to admire her bare form. But the fact that they could’ve been interrupted at any minute created a heightened desperation in him.

He wanted her. Needed her. Now. But he needed to make sure she was ready.

He slid his hand from her hip to her center, and dipped two fingers between her legs. The small patch of curly, dark hair at the top of her seam was damp with arousal, and when he moved his fingers lower, he slid easily along her slick folds.

Her already being so wet when he hadn’t even touched her—that she’d gotten that aroused from pleasuring him—made the primal feelings only Emma had ever inspired in him, roar with urgency.

Her hands held on to his shoulders as she spread her legs apart for him, giving him better access to her core. When he began rubbing circles around her clit, she let out a small cry before burying her face in his neck. With one hand, he held her hip in place while the other intimately caressed her. Her nub swelled as he flicked it. Then, shifting slightly, he replaced his forefinger with his thumb while he slid his middle finger up and down her taut opening.

“I love how you touch me,” she whispered as her nails dug into his shoulders.

Emma’s breathing turned into pants, and the heat of her gasps fanned his neck. With every pass of his finger, her seam pulsed, begged for his touch. The evidence of her arousal coated him as he rubbed along her tender flesh.

The wetter she got, the harder he grew. It had been difficult for him to take things slow the first time they were together, but now that he knew how it felt to be inside her, it was damn near impossible to take things slow.

Not knowing how much longer he could maintain any self-control, Logan pushed his finger past her tight slit and into her sweet, warm center. Her body contracted against the intrusion, and she silently cried out as she snuggled her face closer to his neck. She held on to his shoulders as he thrust in and out of her snug canal. When he crooked his finger, embedded deep in her body, her entire body began shaking.

“Yes… Oh God…” she breathed.

He pressed his lips against her ear as he whispered, “That’s it. Come for me. Come on my finger.”

At his words, her hips bucked and a rush of liquid heat enveloped his finger. She clung to him as she rode his finger, drawing her completion out and softly gasping into his shoulder. He continued whispering words of encouragement as she collapsed against him.

As he removed his finger from her body, her inner muscles spasmed around him and his dick twitched in anticipation. One hand remained on her hip, holding her sated body upright, while the other reached to his nightstand for protection.

“I’ve been on the pill since Drew was born,” she said so quietly that he almost didn’t hear her.

Well, his ears had barely heard her, but from the painful swell of his shaft, his dick had apparently heard her loud and clear. As much as he liked where this was headed, he still had one question.

“I thought you said you haven’t had—”

“I haven’t.” She slowly shook her head. “It just… It keeps things regular.”

“I get tested every six months. I’m clean,” he assured her.

Never before in his life had he had unprotected sex. Some guys, like his twin brother, played fast and loose when it came to jimmying up—he didn’t. Not only because he had no plans to have kids ever, but also because he never knew what kind of a past someone had. He liked his junk too much to put it into jeopardy over one night of fun.

But this was different. Emma was different. He wanted to feel her with nothing between them. If he was
that was what she wanted.

A sweet smile tilted her lips as she ran her fingers up his arm to his shoulder. “I know you are. I trust you.”

He was sure.


Emma hadn’t meant to blurt out that she was on the pill. It had just happened. When Logan had reached for his nightstand, she’d opened her mouth and that was what had come out.

For a moment, Logan just stared down at her. And again, she would’ve thought being totally naked while a man stared at her—with the lights on—would’ve made her self-conscious or, at the very least, shy. But just like two nights before in her room, when Logan looked at her, it turned her on. Made her feel bold. Empowered.

Heat spiraled through her, and she didn’t really care if he used a rubber or not. She wanted to get this show on the road.

“Or you can—”

Before she finished her sentence, his mouth was on hers. His kiss was forceful yet soft. Firm yet yielding. The perfect combination of hot passion and simmering sensuality. A blissful moan sounded in her throat as his tongue slipped between her lips and met hers in a tangle of urgency.

A strong arm snaked around her waist as her feet left the floor. Her arms hugged Logan’s broad shoulders as their bodies pressed against each other. She loved feeling him, skin to skin, with no barriers. Her breasts swelled as her nipples skimmed in tantalizing brushes across his muscled chest.

He pushed her up against the wall, his hard body pinning her in place. As she lifted her hips, she looked down to see him positioning his member at her entrance. Her mouth watered as his thick head disappeared inside her. When he pushed farther, her body protested. He felt so good, but he was so large.

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