Maggie's Desire (6 page)

Read Maggie's Desire Online

Authors: Heidi Lynn Anderson

Tags: #BDSM menage contemporary erotic romance

BOOK: Maggie's Desire
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He rose. His eye tracked to the bowl of melted ice cream. "I can see that."

Maggie pointed at the door. "If you don't want to fuck me, then get the out. I have no use for you."

"Wait a fucking minute." Brian stalked to her and pinned Maggie to the door. His mouth overtook hers in a blistering kiss.

* * * *

Brian lost all of his senses in her heat. He traced his tongue over her sweet lips. When Maggie opened her mouth to suck in air, he delved in to take a better taste. Her seductive flavor filled the deep well of need inside him. Maybe if he felt his body in hers just once, he could get her out of his system.

He pulled back. Her stunned expression had guilt needling at his conscious. "Shit," he said, setting her down.

Maggie held up her hand. "Don't tell me you're sorry again."

He stumbled back to the chair and sunk down. "I don't know what to do with you."

She stiffened. Her
don't mess
with m
e look was back on her beautiful face. "Why don't we forget today ever happened?"

Who is she kidding? Pandora's box has been smashed open.
"What's option number two?" he asked.

Her pretty face pinked and her sparkling green eyes shot fire at him. "I'll take Nick up on his offer."

Jealousy, lava hot, poured over him. "What the fuck does that mean?"

If looks could kill, he would be a chalk outline on the floor.

"You don't do virgins and Nick does."

He willed himself to not grab her and shake some sense into her. "That is not something you should throw away."

"I'm not throwing anything away." She shrugged. "Maybe I don't want to be the oldest living virgin anymore."

Brian stood and shoved his hands into his jean pockets. What was he going to do with her? "Fuck me," he said, annoyed.

She gazed down at the floor. "We could get it over with and just do it."

Just shoot me now
. The woman goes years afraid of men and now she wants to throw
away. He eyed her. "Why now?"

She shrugged and Brian's gut clenched. "It's time. I need to stop letting one bad experience rule my life."

"Why with Nick?"

Her hands balled into tight fists. "That's none of your business."

Like hell it isn't.
"Why with me then?"

She planted her hands on her hips. "Why don't you
do virgins?"

He sent her his coldest smile. "Virgins don't understand my lifestyle."

The pretty, little wench laughed.

"I work at a sex club for fuck sake. I've
your lifestyle. I can tell you that's not what I want in a relationship, but I've seen you screw. I think you would make it worth my while.

Is she kidding me?
He reined in his temper. "What do you want in a relationship?

Maggie shoved her hair behind her ear. "I want what Ava and Logan have."

"Logan had to all but give up his lifestyle for Ava."

"That's not true."

"Yes, it is. He's never in the public room anymore. The two of us haven't banged a woman together since Ava walked into the club."

"It's called monogamy, you jackass."

Her words stung like a slap. "Is that what you want?"

Her chin lifted. "Yes."

"Even if Nick wanted to fuck you with me."

She blushed and turned away.

"Well, well, Maggie. This I can work with," Brian said as he beat back the ugly, green monster that roared to life inside his gut.

"I'll make a deal with you."

She spun and scowled at him.

At that moment Brian knew he needed to be straight with her. "I can only promise you a good time tonight." He took the few steps to her and traced his fingers over her cheek. "But, if you want hearts, flowers, and commitment from me, look someplace else. I don't do that."

Brian shut off the little voice in his head telling him he might like romancing Maggie.

"You don't have to worry. I don't think I can handle hearts and flowers," she said.

His chest started to ache. An odd mix of tenderness and lust collided inside him. Brian's cock took that moment to beg for attention.

His gaze roamed over Maggie's small body. Brian smiled. The skimpy, mismatched outfit fit her personality perfectly. The small, blonde, spunky fairy on her tank top fit her to a tee and the curvy boo-boo-bee-doop brunette on her shorts matched her too.

Brian leaned in and kissed Maggie softly. He hadn't kissed anyone like this in a long time. Memories of his Amy drifted into his mind. Maggie moaned, gripped his shirt, and nipped at his bottom lip, pushing all thoughts of his wife back into the dark place in his head. He nipped Maggie back and soothed his assault with his tongue.

She whimpered. The soft sound brought memories of Amy back to the forefront of his mind and carried with them the horrible images of the accident that took his wife away from him. He pulled way and stared down at a rosy-cheeked Maggie.

She swiped at her swollen lips. "What's the matter?"

Brian raked his fingers through his hair. "Nothing."

Maggie's eyebrows shot up. "Brian, you're at a disadvantage with me. I've watched you fuck and know all your moves. I know something's wrong."

Yearning, regret, and tenderness swelled and rolled in his gut. "Shit." Brian shoved his hands in his pockets. "It's been a long time since I had to take
with a woman."

Her cheeks glowed red. "I'm done playing this game. I'm going to take a shower. If you're still here when I'm done then I'll assume you have your shit together." She turned to stomp away.

He owed her an explanation. "Wait."

Maggie stopped and glanced over her shoulder. She took his breath away. She was nothing like Amy. His wife was tall, very curvy, and mild mannered. The woman glaring at him might just be the woman to open his dead heart.
God, help us both

Chapter Five


Maggie let cold water rain down on her overheated skin. Blowing out a breath, she willed thoughts of Brian out of her mind. If he was gone when she got out of the shower, Maggie knew once and for all where she stood. Anxiety settled in her chest and made her heart trip.

"Fuck this." She tuned off the water and grabbed a towel. If he didn't want her, there were many guys that did. It wasn't like she didn't get offers on a daily basses. Maggie scrubbed the water from her body and hair. Wrapping the terrycloth around her dainty frame, she whipped open the door and marched to her room.

Relief swamped Maggie. Brian sat on her full-size bed with his back against the headboard and his ankles crossed. He glanced up from the book he had to have picked up off the bedspread and grinned his shit-eating smile that melted hearts and made her insides turn into liquid.

"This shit's hot," he said.

She tugged on her towel, suddenly unsure of herself. She'd love to do page sixty-nine with him and maybe page eighty-five with him and Nick
. OMG, is it possible to be a slut if you are still a virgin?

She marched over to him, not wanting to show how much he affected her and snatched the erotic romance out of his hands. "Give me that."

"I thought most people read that stuff on their e-readers and shit like that."

"They do, but I like to have a book." She opened the drawer to her nightstand and tossed the paperback inside.

Brian gripped her hand before she could close the drawer. "What do we have here?"

White-hot heat exploded inside her. "Nothing."

Brian swung his legs to the side of the bed and tugged her hand away. "I think it's something." He lifted the book and tossed it on the bed. "Wow, you have quite a toy box here."

She slapped his hand way. "Just because I'm a virgin, doesn't mean I've never had an orgasm."

He lifted her rabbit vibrator and placed in on the bed. "I can see that."

She grabbed for the toy, embarrassment overfilling her. "Hey, put that back."

His arm shot out, warding her off. "No, I might need it for back up."

She didn't think so. What did it say about her, that the last thirty minutes had been like foreplay? Her inner thighs were sticky with arousal.

If he didn't touch her soon, she would have to jump on top of him and use him like the sex toys in the nightstand. "What? Are you saying a piece of silicone and some batteries can do a better job than you?"

Brian placed a magic bullet next to the rabbit. He picked up the rabbit and put it back, shutting the drawer. "There. Happy?"

Actually, yes, she was. Maggie didn't want him fucking her with a dildo. She wanted to feel the real thing. "Do you have condoms?"

He smiled showing off his
too sexy
dimples and reached into his back pocket. Brian pulled out a string of four. "Always be prepared."

She rolled her eyes as her belly did the flip-flop dance at the thought of using all the condoms at one session. "You're a friggin' boy scout." She nudged his knees with hers, needing to take control of this situation before she wigged out and lost her nerve. "Let's get this show on the road."

Brian unwrapped her towel and cupped her ass. His hands singed her skin like a branding iron. "You are in no position to be so bossy."

Maggie moved forward. "Oh, yeah?" she challenged.

Pushing him down into the mattress she realized he would let her have full control. Power surged through her. The butterflies dancing in her belly fluttered away.

Maggie straddled his hips. Brian's jean-clad cock pressed deliciously against her pussy. There would definitely be a wet spot on his pants when she got up. Fingers trembling, she started to unbutton his shirt. Brian's hands covered hers. "Do you want me to do that?"

She blew out a breath. Her palms burned to touch his skin. "No."

Sitting up slightly, he nipped her bottom lip. "God, you're going to kill me." He pinched her left nipple gently and rested back on the pile of pillows, placing his arms behind his head. "You're the boss—this time."

The stern tone in his voice had a shiver of excitement skidding down her spine. "This time," she said and made fast work of his shirt. Maggie had to give him credit. He didn't wince too much when she popped two buttons.

She ran her fingers over his well-toned chest and bit back a moan. The hard muscles quivering under her hands turned Maggie on even more.

He shivered as she traced a path around his taut nipple. "Maggie."

Her name sounded like a plea on his lips and set Maggie's body on fire ever more. Her breasts ached to be touched and her core cramped with desire. She looked into Brian's intent blue gaze and trembled. "Touch me, please," she begged.

The hard lines of his face softened. "Shit, Maggie."

A big hand moved over her breast. He squeezed the tiniest bit. Her body spun out of control. "Oh, God. Please." Maggie arched into his palm. She whimpered—needing more, wanting more. Maggie's back hit the mattress.

She blinked up at Brian. His muscular body pressed her into the bed. Maggie waited for panic to overwhelm her, but fresh longing soaked into her instead.

"Maggie," he said again. Her name sounded like a prayer every time he said it. Brian kissed her neck and swirled his tongue over her pulse point.

In all the years she watched him from her viewpoint at the bar. She'd never seen him touch another woman like this. His hands moved over her body slowly, carefully. Soft feelings spread warmth inside her chest. Maggie swallowed back a sob.

Brian's hands stilled. "What do you need?" he asked, his breath caressing her ear.

Damp need pooled between her legs. She squeezed her eyes shut. "Fuck me."

"No," he said softly. Too softly

Her eyes flew open. "What? Why?"

Brian pushed up on his elbows. His smoky, gray-blue eyes burned into hers. "No, your first time isn't going to be a fuck."

His words splashed over Maggie, cooling her overheated hormones. "What! You're going to make love to me?" she said sarcastically.

A flash of something she couldn't read crossed his face, hardening it. "No," he said.

It was all too much for her. "Stop."

Brian rolled onto his back, taking her with him and he sighed. His hands ran down her back, making small torturous circles on her tailbone. Maggie scooted up on her knees and worked at his pants.

He gripped her wrists. "No."

Frustration, anger, and lust all warred inside her. Frustration won. Maggie stood and grabbed her towel from the floor. "What game are you playing?" she demanded, wrapping the soft terrycloth around her sensitized skin. "At the club you fuck and duck. That's what I'm asking for now." She couldn't tell him his soft words and gentle caress made her heart sing. He could destroy her.

Brian had the nerve to chuckle. "Is that like dine and dash?"

"What the hell, Brian? Do you want me or not?"

"Yes, I want you." He pointed to his lap. "Can't you see that? I just don't kn—"

"Honey, I'm home." Nick's voice sounded from the living room. "Maggs, are you here?"

Maggie's heart shuddered as she heard Nick come down the hall. "Maybe you don't have to take one for the team," she said, watching Brian. "Would you like him to join us?"

Brian's whole body seemed to relax. "You've got to admit the man has good timing," he said, unbuttoning his pants. "If you want what you see at the club, then let's go."

She let fresh longing erupt inside her and overshadow the slight disappointment weighing on her
Maggie knew whatever Brian was going to say evaporated when Nick had opened the front door.

Closing her eyes, she took a moment to think about what she was about to do. Maggie knew she should feel shame at wanting two men, but this was the only way she could think of to have Brian, even if it was for only one night.

It's not as if she hadn't fantasized about this for years. Truth be told, she'd dreamed of having two men ever since she watched Brian and Logan take Wanda on the stage of the club for the first time

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