Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) (3 page)

Read Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: Lea Barrymire

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)
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Large hands wrapped around her waist and pulled her down the bedding until her arms were stretched completely above her head. She squeaked at the sudden movement. She tried to struggle against the grip but was quickly pressed into the mattress by a very large and very heavy male body. She stilled immediately, fear drying her mouth.

“You must stop struggling. I’m fighting my instincts enough as it is, but if you continue to struggle, you will force me to lose control.” He growled again, vibrating her chest where it met his. She was caught by a pair of golden feline eyes as he stared down at her. Their faces were mere inches apart. She gasped when the realization hit her that he wasn’t human. His face was humanoid, but wider and squarer than a typical male’s face. His eyes were widely set and deep in his face. His nose was wide and flat like that of a big cat. He had a full head of golden tan hair that was very similar to a lion mane. Thick lips clamped tight enough to whiten stress lines around them. Her body tensed, ready to battle the male laying on top of her. He squinted at her and rumbled deep in his chest. “Little human, you must listen to me. Your fear smells sweet and enticing. If you want me to behave myself and not take you this moment, you must calm and stop moving.”

Maggie forced herself to stop struggling. She lay tense and scared under the male, blinking up at him as she tried to control her breathing. As seconds ticked by into minutes, she started to relax. She obviously could be overpowered and hurt while bound to the bed. He hadn’t hurt her and seemed to be trying to get control over himself. She closed her eyes and breathed deeply, dragging air into her lungs to calm her racing heart.

“Much better,” he said with a nod. She opened her eyes and stared into his feline gaze, trying to remain calm. He slowly rose off of her body and stepped back into the corner of the cell. A quick glimpse of tanned skin stretched over well-defined muscles on a massive chest was all she got before he moved into the shadows again. She could see him breathing rapidly, clenching his fists.

“If I stay still, may I ask questions?” She kept her voice low and gentle. If he needed her to be docile, then she would play the game. As long as he kept from hurting her, she would do whatever was needed.

“You may ask, but I may not answer.”

“You know I am human, and you obviously aren’t. So, where are we?” Maggie tried to catalog her questions in order of most important. If he would only answer a few, then she needed to spend her time wisely. She watched him shift his bulk into the corner and lean against the walls of the cell. His eyes almost glowed in the dark, giving his face a spooky but intriguing look.

“We are on the warship Argon, prisoners to the Xeltec race. They are the ones that removed you from your planet and brought you on this ship.”

“So, we are in space? Why am I here? We aren’t at war with any other races. Shit, humans don’t even believe that there are other races in space.”

“You were taken from your planet to function as a distraction to my men. We are traveling to mines on Terrax to work as prisoners of war. You and the other females were captured and given to us to keep us from revolting.” His voice was still gravelly, but it had taken on a smoother, deeper sound.

“Distraction? Like a toy? Why am I tied, then?” Maggie had a good idea of how she was supposed to be distracting the male staring at her. She tried to stay calm, but fear started coursing through her body again.

“You are tied to keep me from killing you.” He sighed. He moved forward, slowly, approaching the bed. “You were placed in my cage while I was in the exercise yard. They tied you down to keep you docile. If you reacted badly when I reentered my cell, I could strike out and injure you.”

“Why?” She gulped air as he came even closer. He was almost close enough to touch her. Her body tensed even though she tried to keep calm.

“Because instinct will take over. You’re a female. Females of my species are passive and submissive. If they fight or do not listen to instruction, they’re punished. Our punishments would likely kill you because you’re weaker and softer than our females.” He sat on the bed next to Maggie’s hip and slowly reached out to place a hand on her thigh. She watched him inhale deeply through his nose, flaring his nostrils wide. “You smell so good when afraid. I don’t know if I can fight the need that is rising. We are a very sexual race. You were given to me because if our males go too long without a female, we start turning on each other and venting frustration by fighting. The Xeltecs don’t want their work force killing each other. They found a race of females compatible with our sexual needs and practices.”

Maggie gasped as the words he just spoke filtered through the fear. She was given to him as a sex toy. Holy shit. She ran the scenarios through her head quickly. If she fought him, he would probably kill her. If she gave in, perhaps he would keep her safe and she might not have to be a play thing for any other male.

“Am I to be given to another male when you are done?” She kept her voice low, dread coloring her words. She knew that for a female she was too round and didn’t have the looks that anyone would call beautiful. She was average looking at best. What if he wanted to trade her for a different woman? Some of the women that she had been held with were better looking, thinner. Dread and something close to rejection flowed through her body.

“No, you are mine. You are beautiful and perfect for me. You have enough cushion on you so I can pound my cock into you without bruising myself on pointy bones. Once I mate with you, then no other male would dare touch you. Are you an innocent? I will be gentle either way, but if you are innocent I’ll try to be extra careful with you.” He bent close to her face and then buried his face in her neck, breathing in deeply. He rumbled deep in his chest, almost like a purr. The hand on her thigh inched higher, squeezing and kneading her flesh as he moved closer to the apex of her thighs. He stroked her lightly from knee to hip, moving along the inside of her thigh.

“Innocent? Do you mean virgin?” She tilted her head to the side to give him better access to her neck. She couldn’t help the submissive gesture as he moved slightly to lie next to her on the bed. She breathed in his scent. He smelled like sun-warmed spices. Her eyes closed on their own as he breathed warmly against her neck. “No, I’m not a virgin. I’ve only had sex a couple of times, though. The last time was about eight months ago.”

“I don’t know how much longer I can keep from taking you. You must remain quiet so I don’t injure you. I won’t hurt you as long as you submit to me. Do you understand?” He rumbled against her neck and chest, breathing his words across her shoulder. She shivered with the feel of warm, moist breath skating across her skin. Her mind was racing to catch up with reality. She was going to have sex with this large non-human male, and soon from the sounds of it. The evidence of his intent was pressed tightly against her thigh, hard and hot.

“I understand. Please don’t hurt me,” she whispered. She closed her eyes and waited for him to take her. She knew it would hurt some, but sex wasn’t pleasant anyway in her experience. It was another reason she had sworn off men. Her last boyfriend had talked her into having sex with him only to find out that she didn’t enjoy it at all. He was rough and didn’t care if she came or not. His idea of foreplay had been taking off his clothes. She tried to keep herself from tensing up, knowing that would make it harder for this male to get his cock inside her. With deep breaths, she waited.

“Human, look at me,” the male rumbled against her chest. Maggie opened her eyes and stared at his face. He scowled. “I promise not to harm you. Why are you so frightened? I’ve explained that I won’t hurt you. I know you can accommodate my anatomy. What is there to fear?”

“Sex hurts. I don’t really like pain, but if you go slowly, I can stand it.” Maggie blushed deeply. She didn’t talk about sex with anyone, especially a stranger. Definitely not with a strange male. “That’s what is causing my fear.”

“You don’t enjoy sex?” He raised a golden eye brow. “Perhaps you haven’t done it right. It won’t hurt when I do it. You will enjoy it.”

Maggie almost laughed. It seemed that males everywhere were sure of their sexual abilities. A snort escaped before she could stop it. She paled as he scowled down at her.

“That noise tells me that you’re either laughing at me or you don’t believe me. Shall I prove it to you?” Before she could react, he turned and pulled the sheet off her body, flinging it onto the floor. She gasped and tried to move to somehow cover her body. He rolled onto her body, pinning her to the bed, and growled in the back of his throat. She tensed and then forced herself to calm.
Docile, Maggie, remember to stay calm.
She breathed a few times to get control of herself before opening her eyes and looked at him.

“Watch me, human.” He moved slowly, sliding his body down hers until his face was level with her breasts. She blushed as he stared at her ample flesh for many moments. Slowly she watched him lower his head until he sucked a nipple into his hot mouth. Shock and something more shot through her body. His tongue moved slowly over the peak, circling the flesh he kept captured in his mouth. She watched his cheeks move as he suckled her breast, slowly sucking more flesh in. She moaned and couldn’t stop the slight arching of her back that pushed her breasts into his mouth. Sharp teeth scraped her breast as he pulled his head back, letting the nipple pop from his mouth.

She watched with hooded eyes as he moved to the other breast and gave it the same treatment. She could feel heat and wetness pooling between her thighs. Surprise and excitement tickled her senses. She’d never reacted to a man this way before. Orgasms were few and far between even using her own hands. She knew from reading romance novels that women were supposed to be wet and willing when a man wanted to mount her, but she’d thought it was all myth until this exact moment. She could feel slight tremors shaking through her lower body. A need to be touched and more started throbbing in her lower belly. When he sucked her breast into his mouth and licked her nipple in quick strokes, she could almost feel those same strokes on her clit.

When he released her breast, she moaned and almost begged for him to do it more, harder, longer. She couldn’t believe she was going to not only give into this male and have sex, but possibly might have her first real orgasm with him. She realized that he was staring at her with a smirk on his face.

“Was that painful?” He rubbed his face on her breasts like a cat, rumbling a deep purr in his chest. His face was smooth against her heated skin.

“Um, no,” she breathed. Then she decided that she might as well be completely honest with him. “It actually felt really good in a hot kind of way.”

He grinned toothily and chuckled. The laugh vibrated through her body and almost drew a moan from her lips. She grinned back and relaxed into the bed. If he could make her feel that good by doing nothing but sucking on her nipples, she bet he could make her feel really good by doing other things.

“Let’s see if this feels good, too.” He slid further down her body until he was kneeling on the ground. He pressed on her legs until she spread them open. He wedged his shoulders between her thighs and rumbled something she couldn’t hear as he stared at her open pussy. She blushed and wiggled a little under his scrutiny. No one other than her doctors had ever looked so closely at her girly parts.

Maggie jumped when a thick finger slid down her folds, swirling around the opening of her vagina. She looked down just in time to watch him lean forward and take a long swipe along her folds with his tongue. She closed her eyes and threw her head back against the mat. His hot breath feathered along her heated flesh, sending goose bumps down her legs. Nothing had ever felt this good. Ever. He licked her repeatedly while dipping a finger into her opening, slowly swirling around the slick skin. She wanted more, needed more.

With a gasp, she sank further into the bedding. He used his tongue to slide slick circles around her clit, breathing hot air onto her swelling nub. With warm, firm lips, he slowly sucked it into his mouth letting out a hum of satisfaction. It vibrated against her clit, shooting sensations along her nerves. A cry slipped through her parted lips as she jerked involuntarily against his lips. The pressure from the suction and the flicks he gave the swollen nub were almost too much. She thrashed on the bed and cried out when he thrust a finger into her vagina. The intrusion was enough to send her spiraling over the edge, blasting apart as an orgasm gripped her. She moaned out with her release, wishing she could wrap her arms or legs around the man that had just given her the best orgasm of her life.

“Wow.” She breathed the word through trembling lips. She looked down her body at the male still pinned between her thighs. She grinned at his satisfied smirk. “Wow.”

“I’m going to take you now, but I will be gentle. Tell me if anything I do is painful.” He slowly crawled up her body with all the grace of a predator stalking prey. He purred as he dipped and suckled a nipple before licking a path from her collarbone to her ear. Maggie squirmed and sighed as he laved attention to her skin. His tongue was thick and slightly rough, sending delicious sensations through her body. He nibbled on her neck, causing shivers to slide down her spine. He breathed a whisper across her shoulder. “Spread your thighs, little human.”

Maggie moaned and did as directed, spreading her legs to accommodate his hips. He was cradled intimately between her thighs, resting against her mound. He reached down and undid his pants, pushing them down enough for his cock to come free. Hot flesh nestled in her wet folds. She wanted him to move, to rub his hard shaft against her. Her need was already climbing toward another climax and she wanted it with mindless passion. He rocked his hips slightly, sliding his massive cock along her slit, rubbing against her clit, drawing a long moan from her throat. He lifted his hips and pushed forward until the crown of his cock slid to the mouth of her opening.

“Look in my eyes, human,” he growled. His voice was deep and strained. Maggie opened eyes she couldn’t remember shutting to look deeply into the golden depths, amazed to see passion and need shining there. He shifted his hips again and started pushing his shaft into her passage with slow, continuous pressure. He groaned and watched her through half hooded eyes as he penetrated her depths. She gasped at the feel of him filling her.

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