Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) (2 page)

Read Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic) Online

Authors: Lea Barrymire

Tags: #Romance

BOOK: Maggie's Abduction (Siren Publishing Classic)
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“Do you think she will be the last one?” someone new asked the darkness. Maggie tried to open an eye again but this time only opened it a slit. Bright light assaulted her senses, but she didn’t slam her lids shut this time.

A shadow crossed her sight, and a redheaded woman came into focus. “Don’t try to get up yet. Give it a few minutes.”

“Where am I?” Maggie croaked. She tried to clear her throat and tried again. “Who are you?”

“My name is Laura Daniels. Just relax for a minute, and I’ll help you sit up.”

“Okay, that answers one question, but where am I? I remember walking home from a bar and then nothing. Did I get picked up by an ambulance or something?” Maggie’s mind was clearing, and she could see metal walls past Laura’s head. She knew she was laying on something hard, so she assumed the floor. She could tell more people moved around them from the sounds of other voices.

“I’m not quite sure where we are, actually. We all assume we were drugged somehow and brought to this location. I woke about two hours ago, and more women have been brought into this room since then. You are the last brought in so far.” Laura pushed her arm under Maggie’s head and helped her sit up. “We’re assuming we’ve been abducted by a group of men for something, but as of right now we don’t have any information. What’s your name, anyway?”

Maggie looked around the square room and noted that there were seven other women in the metal room with her. Blood rushed to her head, causing a quick headache, but even that couldn’t pull her from the scene in front of her. The metal walls were solid and smooth, like polished steel. There was a small toiletlike object in one corner and bright lights along the ceiling. The women were all of different sizes and shapes, but most were around her age. Some were sitting, softly crying. Others were walking along the walls, running their hands along them. A few were sitting together, quietly talking.

She turned her head to look at the woman still squatting next to her. Laura was also in her midtwenties. Laura still had a questioning look on her face. “Sorry, I think I am still a little foggy. My name’s Maggie. Maggie Roberts.”

“Nice to meet you, Maggie.” Laura held out a hand and gripped Maggie’s hand tight giving it a quick shake. “Now, let’s get you up.”

Maggie pulled against the offered hand and struggled to stand and felt better once she was on her feet. Her clothes were wrinkled but still intact, a good sign, she thought. She glanced around for her purse but really wasn’t surprised when she didn’t spot it. A glance around the room brought up more questions when she noticed the lack of a door or any breaks at all in the smooth metal walls. She turned to ask Laura but was stopped by a metallic sliding noise. With a quick turn of her head, she watched in fear as a large portion of one wall slid up, opening a wide door in the wall.

A massive male entered the cell and stalked toward one of the women sitting on the floor. He wore head to toe black armor. A helmet and face mask covered his head, leading right down to a black, long-sleeve, shirt. Skintight pants molded to his legs. Large combat boots rounded out the black ensemble. He towered over all of the women and moved with fluid grace.

“Move.” A growl came through the face shield as he walked through the cell. He reached down to grab one of the women by the arm and hauled her off the floor. “You will come with me.”

She fought back as much as she could, hitting and kicking at the male. He didn’t react at all to her assault. He moved with her toward the doorway, pulling her along like a wayward child. A screech of pure terror reverberated around the cell when he flung her over his shoulder. He turned with the woman and walked through the doorway. A soft whoosh sounded as the door slid closed again. Silence was absolute.

“What the hell was that?” Shock made Maggie’s voice shake. She looked around with disbelief etched on her face. She shook with the adrenaline that still pounded through her body.

“That was one of our abductors arriving to remove another one of us. That happens every few minutes,” Laura answered, quietly. “Mary, Sarah, and now Nora have been removed from the cell.”

“Where are they going?” Maggie whispered. She collapsed on the floor and hugged her arms around her knees, trying to still her tremors. She glanced around at the others and saw the same fear and shock etched on the other women’s faces.

“We don’t know,” one of the other women answered. She stood and walked to where Maggie had sat. “All we know is that we were all drugged and brought here.”


* * * *


Maggie sat with her back to the wall directly across from the doorway. They both knew that it would open again soon. Laura and she were the last two to be removed from their cell. They had sat and watched in horror as each woman was removed from the cell in the exact same fashion. Their questions went unanswered as if the males couldn’t hear them. Dread coursed through Maggie as she waited for her turn at whatever fate she was facing. The unknown was the worst part of the waiting. If they were going to be tortured or raped, she could deal with it, survive it, but not knowing what was coming was terrible.

She was ripped from her musing by the now-familiar sound of the door sliding open. She gripped Laura’s hand tight as they awaited the approach of the male. They both watched him in silence as he stalked across the cell.

“You, get up.” He pointed to Maggie, growling out his command. She struggled to her feet. He grabbed her arm in a massive glove covered hand and in a quick move picked her up, tossing her over his shoulder. Her breath rushed out in a huff as his hard shoulder slammed into her stomach. A strong arm wrapped over her legs, holding her body to his, and he turned to leave the room. She hung, stunned for a moment before turning her head to watch the door slide shut. Her last glimpse of Laura was of the woman slumped over, curled into a ball of defeat.

They moved quickly down a corridor made of the same polished metal. His boots clicked loudly in the quiet. Maggie tried to keep track of the turns they took as he walked through the hallways. Hope of finding Laura or one of the other women was dashed after a few minutes and many corridors went by. There was no way she would be able to navigate the hallways without getting caught.

Fear ran cold and thick through her veins as the unknown crashed around inside her head. What was going to happen? Why had they been taken? Who had taken them? Would she survive whatever was to come?

The male carrying her stopped in front of a piece of wall before touching it with a gloved hand. A door slid open in the wall, and he walked into a room the same dimensions as the cell she had been kept in. Pure terror poured through Maggie when he turned, allowing her the first glimpse of the rooms decor. In the middle of the room was a metal table, complete with metal restraints. The walls and floor were metallic and bright lights shone from somewhere above them. The room looked very much like a surgical suite in a hospital. A table with wicked looking instruments was next to the examination table. Maggie’s instincts kicked in, and she struggled in her captor’s arms. She kicked, hit, and wiggled, screaming out her fear into the sterile room. The male holding her didn’t react beyond holding her tighter to his chest. Her voice bounced back at her as she screamed again. Tears streamed down her face in fear and defeat.

“Hold still, human. If you do not, you will be sedated again.” The words vibrated under her chest. She stopped struggling and tried to get a grip on her fear. “I am going to set you on the table, and you will lie down. The physician will be in momentarily. If you struggle during your time in this room, he will sedate you.”

Maggie’s world was flipped around as the male removed her from his shoulder. Cold metal greeted her when he set her lightly onto the table. She scrambled to comply with the request. She would rather be awake and complacent than be sedated. The oblivion would be welcomed, but then she wouldn’t know what was being done to her body. Laid out on the table like a sacrifice caused all kinds of thoughts to run through her mind. Science fiction movies were favorites of hers. She loved the old flicks about space ships and aliens, but those movies lent way too many scenarios for her to think about. Visions of being probed, violated, and cut up skated through her thoughts. Fear gripped her chest tightly, making breathing difficult. Tears ran down her face, pooling coldly next to her ears on the metal table. She tried to swallow her sobs, but they tore up her throat, echoing back at her mockingly.

Another male approached the table from the same doorway and stood at her side. He was also dressed in all black. The shiny face plate on his helmet reflected back a stark picture of terror. Maggie cringed at the image of herself and closed her eyes to keep the picture from being branded into her memory. She didn’t want to see the petrified woman lying on the table, awaiting an unknown future.

“Place your limbs in the restraints.” The new male’s voice was slightly different, but his voice was still deep and the words vibrated through the air as a growl. Maggie jumped to comply, moving her arms and legs to fit them under the cold metal restraints. She closed her eyes and tried not to cringe when the clamps clicked shut over her wrists and ankles.

Maggie’s eyes popped open when a mechanical whining started very close to her head. Her eyes widened when she saw the second male holding a wand of some sort. She tried to move away from the device, but the clamps held her in place.

“What are you doing?” Her voice came out as a whisper. She pulled against the restraints and whimpered.

“I am removing your clothing before cleansing your body.” The male answered. The wand cut through her shirt and bra straps. An unknown suction device pulled her clothing off her body, leaving her bare from the waist up. She shrieked and struggled harder, bruising her wrists. “Stop moving, human. I will not warn you again.”

Maggie couldn’t believe this was happening. This couldn’t be reality. Things like this didn’t happen in real life. Maybe it was just a nightmare, she hoped.
I’ll wake up and be in my own bed, safe and sound.
A small voice whispered in the back of her head,
this is really happening
. She closed her eyes and tried to ignore the voice, tried to close herself off from what was happening. She felt her pants being cut off her body and whimpered.
Someone, please, help me.

“Close your eyes and mouth while I cleanse you. The chemicals will cause irritation to your mucus membranes.” A moment later cold foam was sprayed over her naked body. It tingled slightly when it hit her skin. Cold air blasted across her body drying the foam. She shook and her teeth chattered from the frigid temperatures and shock. “You may open your orifices now.”

Maggie opened her eyes and stared down her body. A fine white powder covered her from head to toe. She couldn’t see any marks marring her skin from where her clothing had been cut off. She jerked her gaze to the male standing next to her as he moved to the instrument table. He picked up what looked like a knitting needle and walked to the end of the table by her feet.

He touched something on the end of the table. The leg restraints and part of the table started to move. It forced her legs farther apart and up into a birthing position, opening her legs and pussy. “I will examine you now and place the implantation inhibitor inside your body cavity.”

A scream tore up her throat when she realized what he was about to do to her. Pure terror broke something in her mind. She no longer had rational thought. Escape was the only thought she had. She struggled against her restraints, arching her back. She thrashed against the metal, screaming her deviance with animalistic shrieks. Her wrists were cut by the metal clamps as she thrashed. Hot blood flowed sluggishly down her arms. The pain almost was a relief from the fear. A tiny prick of pain in her thigh made it through the haze of terror just before oblivion flowed over her in a blanket of darkness. She welcomed the darkness, opening herself to it and accepting that she was going to die. Death was better than the pure terror she felt now.

Chapter 3


“Wake now.” A male voice entered the darkness and dragged Maggie from the comfort of unawareness. She struggled to place the voice, but reality stormed into her thoughts quickly. The metallic taste, dry mouth, and lack of memory quickly brought her from the black oblivion of unconsciousness with an eerie sense of déjà vu. She had been on a cold table, being tortured. Terror spiked fast and hard through her body.

She opened her eyes, expecting the same sterile room, but found herself in a darkened metal cell. She was on her back on a bed of some sort, or at least a cloth pad that cushioned her body. With a quick glance, she noted that she was still naked but was covered with a coarse white sheet from breasts to mid thigh. Relief flowed through her. She wasn’t dead, hadn’t been maimed, and was probably okay. The drug-induced fog hadn’t fully lifted from her mind, but she didn’t feel any pain or discomfort anywhere. Maggie tried to roll, hoping to get a look at the rest of the cell. Her movements were halted by soft cloth straps around her wrists, tethering her to the corners of the bed. She pulled on the restraints, finding them stretchy and unbreakable. Shit. Now she was restrained to a bed? Would the nightmare never end?

“Stop, now.” A gravelly voice pulled Maggie from her thoughts. She whipped her head around and stared across the cell at a large male standing in the corner farthest from the bed. The lights in the cell didn’t illuminate his face, but from the look of him, he was one of the largest men she had ever seen. His shoulders were easily twice as wide as hers. She guessed he stood close to seven feet tall if the height of the ceiling was the same as the first cell she had occupied.

“Who are you?” Her voice was reedy and weak. She struggled to move on the bed to face him, but the ties wouldn’t allow her to roll. She pulled at them, testing their strength.

“You must stop struggling against the restraints,” he growled.

Maggie stared at his shadow for a moment, and when he didn’t speak again or move, she shifted her gaze to the fabric binding her to the bed. She pushed both arms up as far as she could to slacken the cloth, working her wrists in the cloth cuffs. If she could just get it loosened a little more—

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