Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1) (15 page)

BOOK: Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1)
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Chapter Thirty-One


“He’ll be okay, Lis,” Rachel assured her ten minutes later.

“He’s pissed at me and I can’t blame him, but dammit I’m pissed at him, too. He has no right to risk his life like that. He has no right to put himself in danger because of his own fucking morbid curiosity,” Lis responded.

“I happen to agree, but you wounded his pride when you stood up to him. He’s supposed to be the alpha male of the family and you basically cut him down. He’ll come back and he’ll be just fine,” Rachel told her again. “James is going out now to check on him.”

Lis nodded and watched James disappear behind the hidden door she watched Dakota walk through earlier. Less than a minute later James reappeared and his hands were shaking.

“Dakota’s been shot. They’re taking him to Mercy. We have to go, now,” he said and disengaged the locks on the panic room door.

When they walked out, they were instantly surrounded by police. “Elisabeth, I’ll take you to Mercy,” Ballard said as he cut through the uniformed officers and stopped in front of her.

“Do you know what happened?” Lis asked as she, James, and Rachel followed Ballard to his car.

“One of my officers shot him. He came out of the woods and
my officer reacted before he realized he was unarmed and had his hands in the air. It looked like a shoulder wound to me, but when the bullet struck, Dakota was knocked backward into a nearby tree and he struck his head on the trunk. He was unconscious when loaded into the ambulance.”

“What the fuck?” James yelled. “Don’t your officers have better training than that?”

“My officers had just been in a shootout where three of them were injured. They were a little on edge. I agree that he should have been a little more observant, but none of us expected Dakota to emerge from the woods behind the house. Hell, I could have shot him myself,” Ballard told them and sighed. “The officer responsible will be dealt with. Let’s get you to the hospital so you can check on Dakota. Elisabeth, I am sorry this happened.”

Lis didn’t say anything as the reality of what happened sunk in. Dakota left the panic room because he was pissed off at her and now he’d been shot. She should have kept her temper in check earlier and maybe he wouldn’t have gone out when he did. Maybe if she’d talked to him differently he’d be beside her instead of lying in a hospital bed.

“Lis, I know what you’re thinking and you’re wrong. This is not your fault. Dakota is a grown man and made the decision to leave the safety of the panic room. He made the choice that got him shot,” Rachel told her quietly.

“If I had handled it differently he may have made a different choice,” Lis told her and shook from head to toe.

“Maybe, maybe not. He’s a stubborn man who thinks he was doing what he needed to do to keep you safe. If you hadn’t said something he would have gone out sooner and possibly been killed by Morrison’s men.”

“But I could have handled it differently. I could have tried to stop him when he left instead of just standing there watching him leave. I could have followed him instead of letting him walk away. But no, I let my fucking hurt feelings get in the way and I let him walk away.”

“He let his fucking hurt feelings get in the way and he chose to walk away from you,” James told her from the front seat. “Lis, he was pissed off and let his emotions lead him. He should have been man enough to realize that all you wanted was for him to be safe. He should have shoved his pride aside and been the strength you needed.”

“I’m not blaming him, or the officer who shot him. I should have followed him,” Lis said and Rachel shook her head.

“You’re just as stubborn as he is,” she said and smacked Lis on the arm. “Drop the fucking stubborn pride and go check on your man.”

Lis looked up and realized they were stopped in front of the ER entrance of Mercy. She took a deep breath and got out of the car. She waited on the sidewalk for James and Rachel to join her and they walked in together.

“May I help you?” A nurse asked from the admittance desk.

“Yes, we are here for Dakota Jackson. He was brought in a few minutes ago with a gunshot wound and a head injury,” James told her and the nurse looked at him inquisitively.

“Are you family?” She asked and James shook his head.

“I’m not, but this is his fiancée,” he told her and pushed Lis forward.

“You must be Lis,” the nurse said and Lis nodded. “The paramedics told us Mr. Jackson woke up in the ambulance and started yelling for you. He was uncontrollable so they had to sedate him. If you’ll go through that door the nurse will take you to him.”

Lis nodded and walked through the door she indicated. She was met by a tall, thin blonde and was immediately taken to Dakota. When she pulled the curtain aside, he was laying in the bed and his eyes were closed.

“Thank you,” she mouthed silently to the nurse as she pulled the curtain closed behind her and walked to the man she loved with everything inside her.

She stopped beside the bed and gently took his hand in hers. “I’m sorry, Dakota. I was completely out of line earlier. I was so scared you’d go out of that room and I’d never see you again. That isn’t an excuse, but it’s all I can give you at the moment. I love you, Dakota, and I need you beside me. I cannot imagine my life without you in it. Please don’t leave me.”

“I’m not going anywhere,” Dakota said softly and Lis looked into his sapphire eyes. Her eyes filled with tears and he released her hand to stroke her cheek. “I’m sorry,
too. I should have listened to you. I was angry when I left that room and I brushed you off when you tried to apologize and explain everything. I hate not knowing what’s going on and I felt trapped. I love you, too, Elisabeth.”

“I’m sorry I made you feel trapped,” Lis said and looked away from him. “You aren’t trapped with me. You are free to go whenever you want.”

When she started to walk away, Dakota raised up and grabbed her hand. “Elisabeth, listen to me. I don’t feel trapped by you. I never have. I felt trapped in that room, not in our relationship. You make me feel things I have never felt before, Lis. If anything, you free me and allow me to be the person I was meant to be.”

“Dakota, I never want you to feel like I’m holding you back, but you have to understand that I worry about you just like you worry about me. This is a two-way street and in order to make it work we both have to be considerate of the other’s feelings. We have to remember that we are both strong and capable of protecting ourselves, but we also have to remember that each of us only wants the other to be safe.”

“I love you, Elisabeth. I love you more than I love myself, and if anything were to happen to you I don’t know what I’d do.”

“I feel the same way, Dakota.”

Before either could say anything else the doctor walked in. “Mr. Jackson, it’s nice to see you awake. Let’s look at that shoulder and your head.”

Lis sat in the chair as the doctor examined Dakota. “I need to be released within three hours, Doc,” Dakota told him and the doctor nodded.

“That shouldn’t be a problem. It appears you don’t have a concussion and the bullet went straight through your shoulder. I’ll clean it and stitch it up then you can go,” he told Dakota and smiled. “If I had someone like her to take care of me, I’d want to get out of here, too.”

Dakota chuckled as the doctor walked out.

“We’ll be out of here in enough time to finalize the security for the memorial,” Dakota told Lis and she nodded. “We will get through this, Elisabeth. We will get through it together.”


“Dakota, David called and told us you’d been shot. Are you alright?” John asked as soon as Dakota answered the phone.

“I’m fine, dad. How is Tatiana and Paris?” Dakota asked, trying to shift the topic from himself to his sister.

“Your sister is doing well and the city is beautiful. Stop trying to distract me and tell me how you got shot.”

Dakota sighed and told his dad what happened. When he was finished John chuckled.

“Son, you should have listened to that woman of yours. She’s a smart one and knows what she’s talking about. How are you feeling?”

“Like I’ve been shot,” Dakota answered sarcastically and John laughed again.

“Been there, son. David said it was a through and through so it should heal quickly as long as you don’t aggravate it too much. Rest and take it easy,” he advised.

“I will after Richard and Bianca’s memorial today. We have a little bit of work to do before then, but not so much that I can’t get a little rest. That is if the doctor ever comes back to sew me up so I can get out of here,” Dakota told him and John chuckled again.

“Always the impatient patient,” he told Dakota.

“Yes, and I will never change,” Dakota told him just as the doctor stepped through the curtain and raised an eyebrow. “The doctor is here, dad. Give mom and Tati my love and I’ll see you soon.”

“Take it easy, son. I love you.”

“Love you, too, dad,” he responded and ended the call. “Sorry about that. My brother apparently called my parents and they were worried.”

“Understandable,” the doctor responded and smiled. “Now, let’s get you stitched up so you can get out of here. There’s nothing I hate more than having my day interrupted with pesky gunshot wounds.”

Dakota chuckled at the doctor’s attempt at humor, but Lis just sat there quietly and watched as the doctor closed the entry and exit wounds the bullet caused. When he was finished he put a clean, white bandage over both and smiled. “Now for an antibiotic shot then I will get your release papers and you’ll be all set to go.” 

“Thanks, doc,” Dakota told him and watched him walk out of the room. Once he was gone, Dakota turned to Lis. “What’s wrong, baby?”

“You could have died and you’re laughing it off like it was nothing. It wasn’t nothing, Dakota. It was very much something and it scared me worse than anything else I have ever had to face in my life.”

“I know, Lis, but if I don’t laugh it off then more people will worry and I cannot have my parents and sister here right now. I have to know they’re safe in order to do what needs to be done to keep us safe. I know that me getting shot was a huge deal, but I really am okay. I didn’t die and I didn’t lose anything important.”

“I’m sorry, Dakota. I know I shouldn’t worry so much, but the thought of losing you scares the hell out of me and I just can’t get the image of you lying in this bed out of my head. Maybe I will be able to move past it soon, but for now, can’t I just coddle and baby you?”

“I would like nothing more than to have you coddle and baby me, Elisabeth,” he told her and was just about to reach for her hand when the nurse walked in.

“I have your discharge papers, Mr. Jackson, but first I need you to hop out of that bed and drop your pants. I promise I’ll be gentle.”


Chapter Thirty-Two


An hour later they walked out of the hospital and got into the SUV James had gone home and gotten. “Nice to see you on your feet again, boss,” James greeted Dakota once he was seated in the back seat.

“My arm may be in a sling, but I can still kick your ass, James,” Dakota told him and James grinned.

“I’m more worried about Lis kicking my ass at the moment,” James told him and Lis chuckled.

“Yes, because I’m the real threat here,” Lis agreed and growled a little. “See, I’m fierce and vicious.”

They all chuckled for a moment before James cleared his throat. “In all seriousness, I’m glad you’re okay, Dakota.”

“Thanks, man. Tell me what went down,” Dakota shifted to business.

“Four of Morrison’s men were taken into custody, two more are dead. Ashleigh is dead, but they don’t know which gun killed her yet, and Aaran and Shai were long gone before Ballard got there. No idea where they are, but Morrison’s men are saying Aaran is the one who shot her and that before he took off he vowed revenge on us.”

“I’m not afraid of him,” Lis told them and Rachel nodded.

“Neither am I, but I think we need to be extra cautious today. I think he’s going to attempt something at the memorial,” Rachel said and looked at James.

“I agree. We will be on high alert and I will tell the other families to do the same. No one will get inside that shouldn’t be,” Dakota agreed and looked at Lis. “Are we clear to go back home?”

“We are, but I have rented us a hotel suite for the time being because two windows were busted out. I have a crew coming in to fix them today and we will be back in the house by tonight. I also rented Schaffler and his wife a suite so they can relax and clean up before the memorial. Schaffler is insisting they want to be there.”

“That’s fine. He really came through for us this morning,” Dakota said and Lis nodded.

“Make sure he has a seat with the family. I want him to have the same protection we have throughout the service,” Lis told them and they nodded.

“Yes ma’am,” James said and grinned.

“James, don’t make me kick your ass,” Rachel threatened and James’ grin grew wider.

“You know, I think I would enjoy that,” he countered and she blushed.

“I’m sure you would,” Dakota teased and James laughed.

“Okay boys,” Lis admonished and earned groans from them both. “We have a few things to discuss once we get to the hotel, but first I have to ask if you got our clothes when you got the SUV.”

“Sure did, sis. They’re already at the hotel. I also grabbed your jewelry case because I wasn’t sure what you wanted to go with your dress. I assumed the shoes you wanted are the ones you had sitting out, but I grabbed two more pair just in case,” Rachel answered and Lis grinned.

“You know me well,” she said and looked at Dakota. “Do you need anything before we get to the hotel?”

“Not as long as they grabbed the suit I had laid out and my dress shoes,” he answered and looked into the front seat.

“We got it. I also gathered your shaving kit, soap, and shampoo,” James answered and Dakota nodded.

“I’m all set then. Let’s get to the hotel and get these plans laid out so we can get ready and be at the church on time.”

“Yes sir, boss,” James said and mock saluted.

Lis rolled her eyes and Dakota groaned, but neither of them said anything as James drove toward a downtown hotel. A few minutes later, James pulled into the parking garage and pulled into the space designated for the penthouse.

“Went for the best, I see,” Lis acknowledged and Rachel smiled.

“I snagged some of the fake id’s and cash from the safe at home. We’re all set for a couple of days here if we need to be, but I think we will be going back to the mansion tonight,” Rachel explained as they got out of the SUV and loaded into the elevator.

“Smart thinking,” Dakota told her and smiled. “Shouldn’t expect anything less from a Manning girl though. You were both raised to think on your feet and that is what most people don’t realize. You’re nothing like people expect.”

“I’m not sure if that’s a compliment or an insult, but I’m going to take it as a compliment,” Rachel said and Lis laughed.

“Same here,” she agreed as the elevator dinged and they stepped into the luxurious penthouse suite. “Beautiful.”

“This is a three-bedroom suite. I assumed you two would be okay with getting ready together,” Rachel told Lis and Dakota and they both nodded. “Okay, good. James and I already put your things in the biggest room.”

“Thank you,” Dakota told them as he sat on one of the large, black leather sofas. “Let’s talk strategy for later then I need a shower. I smell like the hospital.”

“So you don’t like smelling clean?” Lis asked with a raised eye brow and a half grin.

“Clean yes, sterile no,” he answered and patted the couch beside him. “Come here, baby.”

Lis sat next to him and for the next hour they discussed the plans for the memorial service.


“Lis, can you help me?” Dakota called from the bathroom.

“Sure, what do you need?” She asked as she poked her head in. The sight of him with his shirt half off made her giggle. “Never mind, I see what the issue is.”

“Would you stop laughing and help please?” He snapped out and the laughter on her face died.

“Yeah,” she answered and walked silently into the room. After she got his shirt off him she turned to leave, but he caught her arm with the hand of his uninjured arm.

“I’m sorry I snapped at you,” he apologized and she shrugged.

“It’s fine. I shouldn’t have laughed,” she told him then pulled out of his grip and walked into the bedroom.

He sighed heavily and followed her. “What’s wrong?”

“Nothing,” she answered, but he didn’t believe her.

“Elisabeth, something is bothering you. Please tell me,” he coaxed softly and she sighed.

“I’m afraid something is going to happen today and you’re not in a position to protect yourself,” she finally answered.

“I am perfectly capable of shooting a gun. If I need someone’s ass kicked I’ll just yell for you,” he told her and nudged her in the ribs with his elbow. “Baby, we will protect each other today. I promise I won’t do anything that will hurt me.”

“Can you manage without your sling for a few hours? I don’t want anyone watching to know that you are injured. They would see you as a weak link and come straight for you if they did.”

“I can manage without it,” he reassured her and she looked up at him.

“I’m sorry for laughing at you,” she apologized and he smiled.

“Well, I know how you can make it up to me.”

“How?” She asked.

“Help me shower,” he told her and she grinned.

“Gladly,” she responded and followed him to the shower. Once inside, she did a lot more than just help him wash and when they got out half an hour later, Dakota was slightly weak in the knees and was sporting a face-splitting smile.


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