Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1) (11 page)

BOOK: Mafia Queen (The Manning Sisters #1)
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Chapter Twenty-Two


“Lee, we need to talk,” Dakota announced as he entered the guard shack a little while later.

“Sure,” Lee told him as he sat down. “Sounds serious.”

“That’s because it is,” Dakota acknowledged as he perched on the edge of the desk. “What can you tell me about Jenn’s family?”

“Not much, why?”

“Have you ever met her parents?”

“I’ve met her mom, but her dad was killed several years ago in a warehouse explosion. Want to tell me what this is about?”

“I have reason to believe that she is the illegitimate daughter of the late Takeshi Nadas.”

“Why in the hell would you think that?”

“Because his legitimate daughter told Lis that just before Lis killed her a couple of hours ago,” Dakota told him and sighed. “I hope she was lying, but I need to ask Jenn a few questions.”

“You want to question my wife?” Lee asked, anger lacing his voice.

“Lee, calm down. Somehow Kiwa had the security codes for the house and the panic room. I know Jenn is the one who had all of that installed. I need to find out if she knew that
Secure Guard
was a ghost company owned by Morrison. I need to know if she’s working with Morrison. I need to know if she lied to me and put Lis in danger.”

“She didn’t. There’s no way she could have,” Lee told him.

“Lee, Elisabeth decapitated a woman she’d known most of her life. A woman who was sent by Morrison to either kidnap or kill her. A woman who did injure her in a fucking sword fight. Now, you can either call Jenn and get her down here or I will go to your house and question her there without your presence. Your choice.”

“I’ll call her,” Lee gave in. He knew Dakota well enough to know that he meant what he said. “I’m sure you’re wrong, though.”

“I hope I am, Lee. For your sake as well as hers.”

Lee turned his back to Dakota and picked up his phone. When he turned back a moment later he looked worried. “Her phone went straight to voicemail. She never turns her phone off. Ever.”

“Could it have died?” Dakota asked.

“She just charged it while she was here earlier. She left right before the explosion and her phone was fully charged.”

Dakota looked at him for a second before he nodded and walked out of the shack.

“Dakota, if what you said is true, she could be in trouble,” Lee said as he followed Dakota out of the shack.

“If what I said is true, she is in trouble,” Dakota acknowledged. “Morrison and Nadas were lovers and now Nadas is dead. If Jenn is her sister and did help her, Morrison will blame her for Kiwa’s death and will most likely have her assassinated.”

“Fuck. We have to get to her before Morrison does,” Lee said and darted to his car.

Dakota watched him drive through the gates, but didn’t make a move to follow him. Instead, he walked back to the house and went inside to where Lis, James, Rachel, and David were awaiting the arrival of the cleanup crew.

“Dakota, did you talk to Lee? Are you going to talk to Jenn?” Lis asked as soon as he walked into the kitchen.

“I did talk to Lee, but Jenn is missing. She’s turned her cell off,” he answered and turned to David. “I have her number. Can you try to find her GPS location?”

“Sure I can, if you have the right equipment for me to use,” he responded and Dakota grinned.

“You do remember who you’re talking to, right?” he asked and David laughed.

“Lead the way, brother,” David responded and Dakota led him to a large room hidden behind a hidden panel in the wall.

“Do your magic,” Dakota said and motioned to the computers lining one of the walls.


As David searched for Jenn’s cell phone signal, Jenn was sitting in Morrison’s mansion. “Mike, I promise you that Kiwa will be here in a little while with Elisabeth. She’s highly trained and knows what she’s doing.”

“Jenn, if anything happens to her, I will personally kill you,” Mike told her and she cringed slightly.

“I’m sure she’s fine. She knows the codes and the layout of the mansion. Even if Elisabeth runs, Kiwa will catch her. You even said that Elisabeth isn’t a fighter.”

“Lis isn’t a fighter, but Jackson is and he will try to stop Kiwa if he comes across her,” Mike told her. “You’re sure it was just those two that came in before the explosion?”

“Yes, I’m completely sure. I was there for three hours before they got there and no one else came in.”

“Okay, good,” Mike said and looked at Jenn. “While we wait for Kiwa to return, why don’t we have some fun?”

“Fun?” Jenn asked and raised one eye brow.

“Yes, fun,” Mike answered as he unbuckled his belt.

“I like fun,” Jenn responded as she slid off the sofa she’d been sitting on and crawled to where Mike was sitting.

Mike stood up from his chair and pulled his belt from his pants. When she reached up to unbutton his pants he shook his head and motioned for her to turn around. “This is going to be a lot of fun,” he said and slapped her hard across the ass with his belt.

When she yelped and tried to cover her ass with her hands, he pulled her over to his desk and pulled off his tie. After he tied her hands behind her back, he bent her over the desk and jerked her short skirt up over her hips.

“Luscious ass,” he said and smacked it again with his belt. “You keep quiet or I’ll gag you, understand?” Jenn nodded and he smacked her across the ass with the belt again before he jerked her panties down and slid his fingers inside of her. “You liked me smacking your ass. You can deny it, but your cunt disagrees. Your juices are flowing and you are ready for me.”

He moved his hand, quickly pulled his pants down, and covered himself with a condom before he plunged deep inside her and started moving hard and fast. When she cried out he stopped moving and yanked her head back by her hair.

“I told you to be quiet,” he said in her ear. “Now I must gag you.”

He pulled a bandana from his pocket and tied it around her mouth then started moving inside her again. As he pounded he started talking. “You have sacrificed so much for this, but I must ask you to sacrifice one more thing,” he said and wrapped his belt around her neck. “You’ve always been a good fuck, but your usefulness to the family has come to an end. I’m sorry, Jenn, but this will be the last time we can be together.”

He pulled the belt tighter as he felt her release building. When she came around him, he pulled the belt even tighter and continued to pound into her as she struggled to breath. When he saw her eyes roll back and felt her body go lax, he shouted his release and let her fall to his desk.

“You always were a good fuck,” he said to her motionless body as he pulled the condom off and tossed it in the trash can. He pulled the bandana from her mouth and untied her hands before he removed the belt from around her neck. After fixing her panties and skirt, he called for two of his men to come in.

“Get rid of her,” he said as he sat behind his desk and lit a cigarette. “And call me when Kiwa gets here.”

Once the men were gone with Jenn’s body, Mike puffed on his cigarette and thought about what had just happened. As he remembered the sound of her drawing her last breath, he grew hard again. Sex and murder were his two favorite things, but when combined, he was in his own, personal heaven.


Chapter Twenty-Three


“Fuck, I just lost her signal again,” David said into the phone at his ear.

“Are you sure she was at Morrison’s before you lost it the first time?” Dakota asked as he drove around the city following a signal that kept moving.

“Yes, but right after I locked on to it, it moved. You were here, you saw it,” David told him and Dakota shook his head.

“I saw a bleep for a second and then it was gone. You know I suck at tracking shit.”

“Which is why you have me, dear brother,” David teased and grinned. “Got the signal again. She is heading to the Cape.”

“Why the fuck is she heading to the Cape? Her and Lee live here in the city and her mom lives on the other side of the city.”

“Could she be with someone else?” David asked and shook his head. “She’s stopped.”

“Give me her location,” Dakota told him and David rattled off an address. “Fuck. That’s one of Morrison’s properties. They’re building something out there. Why would she go to a construction site?”

“Maybe she isn’t going willingly,” David suggested and Dakota cringed.

“I hope you’re wrong. For Lee’s sake, I hope we’re both wrong.”

“Me, too, Dakota,” David agreed and sighed. “The signal is gone again, but it didn’t move from that location before it bleeped out.”

“Okay, we’re on our way there now. You keep an eye on things there. I have a feeling things are about to get worse.”

“I do, too, brother,” David agreed with Dakota again. “You and Lis watch each other’s backs.”

“Will do. You, James, and Rachel watch each other’s backs, too.”

“Count on it,” David told him then disconnected the call.

“Sounds like Jenn is in deeper than we thought,” Dakota told Lis and she shuddered.

“Could she be dead?”

“It’s a possibility, but I don’t know what Morrison would gain from her death,” Dakota answered.

“Mike doesn’t need a reason to kill,” Lis said and cringed. “He kills for sport.”

“Which made him and Kiwa perfect for each other,” Dakota said and glanced in the back seat. “Are you really going to send that to him?”

“I am, and I tucked a little surprise inside for him, too,” Lis told him and grinned. “My engagement ring is sticking out of her mouth. After we find Jenn, I’m going to express it to him. Overnight delivery.”

“If I didn’t know you like I do, I’d be questioning your sanity right about now,” Dakota informed her and she laughed.

“I’m questioning my sanity at the moment,” she told him. “But, I know that you won’t let me slip over the edge so I’m good.”

“If you go I’ll be right there with you,” Dakota told her as he slowed the car. “That’s where Jenn’s GPS signal said she was just a few minutes ago.”

Lis looked out at the building site and shook her head. “Jenn looked like a high maintenance princess to me. No way in hell she’d willingly come here.”

“Agreed,” Dakota said and nodded. “Let’s go check it out.”

Lis nodded and adjusted her jacket so it covered her holstered gun. “Let’s go.”

They got out of the car and quickly crossed the street to the construction site. “Lis, stay close. I have no idea what we may encounter here.”

“Baby, if I were any closer, I’d be shoved up your ass,” Lis told him and he grinned.

“Sounds interesting, but my ass is exit only,” he told her then put his finger to his lips.

She nodded and un-holstered her gun. She held it loosely at her side as they rounded the first construction trailer. No one was there so they sprinted across the dry ground and stopped beside another trailer.

“There’s someone inside,” Lis whispered just before Dakota rounded the corner.

He paused and listened for a second, but all he could hear here grunts and groans coming from inside the trailer. “Sounds like more than one person,” he mouthed almost silently and Lis nodded.

Lis took a step back and glanced through the window. When she gasped loudly, Dakota stepped back to where she was and looked inside as well. “Holy fuck,” he said louder than he intended.

“Dakota, isn’t that dad’s missing security in there?” Lis asked and Dakota nodded. “We have to help them.”

“Yes we do, but we have to be smart about this. I say we call Ballard and alert him of the activity here then we get the hell out of here before the cops show up. We are trespassing and carrying illegal weapons.”

“Good point. We can also have him search for Jenn while he’s here,” Lis said and Dakota nodded.

“Good idea. Let’s go.”

They sprinted back to the car and were inside with the doors locked within two minutes. Dakota started the engine and placed the call to Detective Ballard.

“Ballard,” he answered in a gruff voice.

“This is Jackson. I know where Richard Manning’s missing employees are.”

“How the fuck do you know that?” Ballard asked.

“If you’ll give me the chance, I’ll tell you.”

“This had better be worth my time, Jackson, or Morrison won’t have the chance to kill you.”

Dakota chuckled at the empty threat then explained to Ballard what was going on and where he was at. Once he was finished he listened for a moment then disconnected the call.

“Let’s get out of here. This place will be littered with police in about three minutes,” Dakota told Lis as he pulled away from the curb. Before they made it to the end of the next street, the sound of sirens filled the air and Dakota grinned.

“Looks like we put another wrench in Morrison’s operation,” Lis said and grinned. “Now, let’s get his gift delivered and go home.”

“That, my love, sounds like a great plan,” Dakota told her. 


An hour later, Dakota pulled through the gate at the mansion and smiled. It had been a hell of a long day, and it wasn’t over yet, but he knew that as long as Lis was beside him he could get through it all.

“Dakota, you have that phone meeting with all the family heads in an hour and you haven’t eaten since this morning at your parent’s house.”

“Neither have you and you’ve been shot, in a sword fight, and shipped a severed head since then.”

“Wow, has that all happened in the past twelve hours?” Lis asked and chuckled. “It feels like years.”

“It’s been thirteen hours, but yes,” Dakota answered and smiled. “Now let’s get inside and find something to eat before I have to deal with the rest of the families.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Lis said as they got out of the car and walked up the front steps. There was still a lot to do, but she knew it would all calm down soon.

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