Madrigals And Mistletoe (23 page)

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Authors: Hayley A. Solomon

BOOK: Madrigals And Mistletoe
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“Have you news?”
The eagerness in Lord Frederick's tone was unmistakable. He was pacing the room in a quite deplorable fashion, without doubt wearing the soles of his immaculate top boots to shreds. He cared not a fig for that. Hoby, he knew, could always craft him another such pair.
Even now, at St. James's Palace, the orchestra was striking up, the delicious notes of the harp rising seductively over the triple violins and the single, tinkling bell that had been wrought from silver and designed specifically for the occasion.
The Prince of Wales would be taking his seat, wrapped warmly against the snow. If he had stopped for a moment to think, Frederick might have wished him season's joy, for it was Christmas again and the notes warming the chamber, more melodious, more challenging, more spiritual than anything that had graced it before, were Lord Argyll's own.
Tonight, however, as the church bells chimed and the yule log crackled in the grate, his thoughts, tumultuous, untramelled, deliciously poignant, remained steadfastly at home.
“I do, Freddie.”
Frederick did not wait for more. Cordelia's inner radiance was sufficient. He'd seen it once before, after all, when the sixth Duke of Doncaster to-be had made his lusty little way into the world. Even now, he was lying snug in his crib, unaware that his place as the youngest little nobleman was about to be usurped.
Lord Argyll took the stairs nimbly, anxiety creasing his smooth brow. As he tapped gently and pushed the rosewood door open just a crack, his breathing eased. He paced himself and permitted his habitual air of casual jauntiness to return.
Seraphina smiled. Though a trifle pale, her face was nonetheless bathed in familiar angel light. At Lord Argyll's entrance, she puckered her lips into a delicious pout.
“Frederick, have you
decorum?” He was unprepared for a scold, but resigned himself to the obvious fate by a mere flicker of the eyebrow.
His heart's delight continued. “For myself, I do not quibble, but really, a simple music master ought at
remove his beaver when making the acquaintance of two beautiful young ladies!”
The smile gave her away. Frederick gasped and took two very quick strides to the bed. Nestled next to her very honourable ladyship lay the most adorable set of angel cherubs Freddie had ever encountered.
He stared, then stared again. Tentatively, he touched one little finger. It wrapped round his upon the instant. He repeated the favour with the
small bundle who was patiently awaiting his attention. The same, again.
There were no words for what Freddie felt at that moment.
“Merry Christmas, my lord.”
“Merry Christmas, my ladies.”
ZEBRA BOOKS are published by
Kensington Publishing Corp.
850 Third Avenue
New York, NY 10022
Copyright © 1999 by Hayley Ann Solomon
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ISBN: 978-1-4201-3183-3

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