Read Made for You Online

Authors: Lauren Layne

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance, #Contemporary, #Contemporary Women, #Erotica, #Humorous

Made for You (12 page)

BOOK: Made for You
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It took several seconds to register. “You want to take me to the science center? As in the Pacific Science Center? As in school field trip, nerdy grade school nirvana?”

“Yup.” He was already heading that way.

“But Will,” she said, scampering after him in her high heels. “I’m supposed to be living on the edge. This is even more mundane than my

He stopped so suddenly she would have skidded past him had he not grabbed her hand. Brynn assumed he was steadying her, but he kept pulling her closer. Then closer still. Until they were standing chest to chest, hip to hip in the middle of a crowded courtyard.

feel mundane?” he asked, tilting his hips forward slightly.

“Will!” she hissed at the contact with his erection. “You’re…”

He shifted his hips again to confirm it. “Yup.”

“There are children around.”

“Somehow I don’t think two adults dry-humping is going to outrank cotton candy with the six-year-old set.”

“We are
dry-humping,” Brynn said, her hands going to his chest to push him away. Except she didn’t. Okay, maybe they were
kind of
dry humping.

He carefully scanned the crowd for gawkers before slowly lowering his head as though to kiss her cheek and then missing, and landing behind her ear, where there were about a thousand nerve endings.

“Is that a yes to the fling?” she asked, hoping he didn’t notice her slightly breathless voice as his tongue flicked across her earlobe.

Will pulled back almost as quickly as he’d moved in. “Mmmm, too soon to tell. I’ll have to see how you perform in the bubble race.”

Brynn stared in exasperation at his back as he strolled toward the admissions gate of the center as though they hadn’t just necked in public.

She chewed her lip.

She hadn’t been lying about it being field trip heaven in there. Every school in the area made an annual trek there. Including hers. And every damn year, her class had been instructed to pick a partner to stick with for the day. But there was always an odd number. And Brynn had
ended up with one of the chaperones.

Which had been fine, really. Because at least the chaperones hadn’t called her names and hidden her lunch box.

“Come on, Princess!”

She took a deep breath.
You can do this. You’re an adult.

You’re not that little girl anymore.

“God, I hate you,” she muttered as she set off to follow Will.

It was a sentiment she’d been thinking and saying for years. But for the first time, she wasn’t even remotely sure it was true.

No sex without love. We’re not savages.

—Brynn Dalton’s Rules for an
Exemplary Life, #24

dmit it, you had fun,” Will said they crossed from his driveway to hers. Over the grass this time. Because rebels did that sort of thing. Still, Brynn might have been just a
careful not to let her heels pierce the lawn.

“The Science Center was fun,” she conceded as she dug her keys out of her purse. “But the Ride the Ducks adventure was a monstrosity.”

“Come on, that’s tourist gold!”

“Perhaps. But it’s local trash.”

Will followed her into her dark foyer without asking permission to come in, and Brynn was surprised that she didn’t have the slightest inclination to ask him to leave, even after an entire day spent in his company. When had spending time with Will gone from miserable to…fun?

It’s just this weird phase you’re in. In a couple weeks you’ll wake up and realize that he’s a schmuck and that you have a tattoo.

Brynn’s eyes went wide at the thought. “My tattoo! I entirely forgot!”

Will gave her a slow, smug smile. “Which was exactly the plan.”

She threw her purse onto the entry table and immediately reached for the waistband of her skirt to finally inspect the new marking on her hip.

But Will moved faster than she did, capturing both her hands in his and bringing them purposefully against his chest. “I’ll do that,” he said in a strained, gruff voice.

She froze. Any girl past puberty knew that tone. It was the one that said,
I want you naked. I want you to scream.

Brynn swallowed and forced her eyes up to his. They were dark and smoky, exactly as she’d known they would be.

“Will, I…”

He lifted one hand to her face, unfolding her fingers and planting a hot kiss on her palm, the tip of his tongue just barely making contact with her skin.

And just that one touch was enough to have her moan. This was why she’d picked Will for her fling. The guy knew his way around sex.

Or maybe he just knows his way around you.
She pushed the thought out of her mind. No way would she get through this night by

“I still want to see my tattoo,” she whispered.

Will backed her up slowly until she was against the wall. “Later.”

And then his lips found hers, and he kissed her long and slow and hard.

Brynn forgot all about her tattoo as she let her arms wind around his neck, pulling him closer, not caring that she seemed needy, not caring that they were using each other for sex, or maybe companionship or some other weird, possibly unhealthy connection she didn’t know how to name.

The kiss wasn’t gentle, but it was different from the other kisses they’d stolen from each other. It was purposeful, each giving as much as they took.

Will’s hands were roaming over her back as he deepened the kiss, and Brynn raked her nails lightly over the back of his neck, relishing his guttural low moan.

Brynn had never understood the big deal with kissing. It had only ever been the obligatory first step toward the main event, but kissing Will was an event all its own.

He pressed hotter, deeper, his arms locked so tightly around her that she couldn’t breathe. Didn’t
to breathe. Dimly she became aware that there was a certain desperation to his kiss. As though there was something darker at play than standard male horniness.

When he finally released her mouth, they were both gasping for air as their gazes locked and held for several seconds. Without warning Will dipped his head and ran his tongue along her exposed collarbone before moving his mouth to her neck and sucking.

“You’re going to give me a hickey,” she said, her voice crackly.

He pulled back slightly letting just the tip of his tongue soothe the spot he’d just ravished. “You want me to stop?”


“Upstairs,” she said, digging her fingers into his shirt collar and pulling him downward so her lips could reach his neck. Will let her nibble and suck for several seconds, but when her hands started to travel toward the button of his shorts, he pinned both her wrists together in one hand and, before she could register surprise, slung her over his shoulder.

It took Brynn several seconds to realize that she was upside down, staring at Will’s back. Not a position she thought she’d be in. Ever. Good view, though.

She reached down to pat his very nice butt when she realized they weren’t heading in the direction of her bedroom.

“The stairs are the other way, cowboy.”

This time it was her butt that was getting patted. “
girls do it in bed, Brynn. Wild women like you? They do it on the couch.”

Brynn squealed he tossed her unceremoniously on her couch. Her white couch. She gaped at him. “We can’t do it here, it’s

Will was already unbuttoning his shirt. “Exactly.”

Brynn struggled to get into a sitting position, not letting her shoes touch the pristine upholstery. Just because she was letting loose didn’t mean she didn’t have some standards.

She froze when she felt Will’s warm palm on her inner thigh. Her eyes fluttered shut as his hand slowly slid upward until his pinky finger brushed her
. And then he was cupping her new black satin panties and she was lost.

“Fuck the couch,” she said, slumping backward and pulling him on top of her.

“It’s not the couch I’m after.” He slipped a finger under the elastic of her panties, his finger barely touching her as he stroked and teased.


He plunged a finger inside her, roughly and uncompromisingly, and Brynn arched her back in surprise.

Will shifted until he was lying over her, his lips finding hers as he added another finger and began touching her in firm, sure strokes.

Brynn’s fingers played over the sharp lines of his abs as she returned his kiss hungrily, even as she writhed beneath his hand. It wasn’t enough, and she was on the verge of begging for more when he shifted the angle of his hand slightly until his thumb found her sweet spot. He pressed and circled, once, twice, and then she was lost, her body shuddering in a helpless orgasm.

When she finally stopped shaking long enough to open her eyes, she was horrified to find him studying her face with a small smile.

“Were you watching me?” she accused, squirming in embarrassment.

“What’s the point of doing all that work if I don’t get to watch?” he asked, giving her a swift peck on the lips before rolling off her.

She whimpered at his absence. “You’re leaving?”

Will gave her a smoky look as he deftly unbuttoned his shorts and stripped down to a pair of tight black briefs. “Not even if you paid me.”

The sight of a mostly naked Will was so arousing and achingly familiar that before she’d realized she’d moved, Brynn pulled herself into a sitting position, resting her hands lightly on his hips. Keeping her eyes on his, she pulled him toward her until his waist was at her eye level and he was standing over her. Other than using a single finger to tuck her hair behind her ear, Will didn’t move. Brynn was in control and vulnerable at the same time, and the combination was intoxicating.

The old Brynn had never been much of an initiator in sex, but this was the new Brynn. Moving ever-so-slowly, she dipped her head forward, planting a lingering kiss on his erection through his briefs. His hips bucked forward and he let out a sharp hiss before closing his hands around her head.


She kissed him again, parting her lips slightly to let his warm breath rush over him before carefully curling her fingers into the waistband of his briefs and pulling down, exposing him to her gaze. To her mouth.

Will let out a string of curse words that belonged in a trucker pit stop as her lips found his bare skin. She teased him slowly, and he let her, her lips brushing and tongue flicking lightly until finally she wrapped her lips around him and sucked, just once, but enough to have him uttering a hoarse “fuck” before tugging her head back roughly.

“Not like that,” he whispered, his fingers brushing his cheek.

Brynn felt her cheeks heat in mortification. She’d forgotten that Will had turned sex into a pro sport over the years. He’d probably had a thousand women do that a hell of a lot better than her awkward attempts.

“No” he said sharply, his fingers tightening. “Stop whatever you’re thinking. I just don’t want to do it that way. Not the first time.”

“But it’s not our first time,” she said, trying to joke her way out of her embarrassment.

Will’s grip loosened slightly and he ran a hand over her cheek. “It’s the first one that counts.”

Brynn didn’t have time to ponder what that meant because then he pushed her back onto the couch, following her down and planting gentle kisses along the tops of her breasts before tugging her top down and slipping a tongue under the low cut of her black bra. She whimpered when his tongue flicked her nipple and together they awkwardly shed her shirt and bra until she was wearing nothing but a tiny skirt and damp panties underneath him.

“Pretty,” he said softly, before wrapping his mouth around her nipple.

She’d never been well endowed, but Will made her forget about that as he loved her, giving gentle attention to each breast until the new Brynn took over, pulling his head firmly against her as he sucked hard.

“I feel like we’re doing things all out of order,” she said, her back arching.

Will chuckled, blowing warm air over her cold nipple. “Baby, if you think there’s an order to sex, you’ve been doing it all wrong.”

She wanted to protest, but then he tugged her panties to her knees and was inside her with a firm hard stroke, and somewhere amid the searing pleasure she wondered if he was right, that she had been doing it wrong, because it had never felt so right as right now.

Brynn let her hands roam wherever they wanted, nails raking his flat nipples before clutching greedily at his firm hard butt, pulling him tighter, harder against her.

Will began to move faster, his hand moving between their bodies and finding her sweet spot as they both watched down where their bodies were joined. His fingers ceased their playing long enough to grab Brynn’s right hand and guide it down until she was touching herself.

With a groan, Brynn began to touch herself in the small circular motions she liked, as his greedy eyes took it all in.

It was dirty and elemental and so fucking
, that Brynn barely had a chance to register that she was going over the edge again until lights exploded in front of her eyes. She hadn’t yet caught her breath when he grabbed both of her hands, this time pinning them above her head as he rode her harder, his eyes burning into hers as he let out a sharp yell, thrusting into her one last time before he let his own shudders take over.

Neither of them moved for God knew how long, until Brynn finally wiggled her fingers, which were starting to fall asleep.

“I’ve gotta pee,” she whispered.

Will grunted and rolled over just enough for her to scoot out from under him, as she half walked, half waddled to the bathroom wearing only her tiny skirt.

She didn’t bother to look in the mirror, knowing she wouldn’t like what she saw, but as she was righting her skirt after peeing, she felt an unfamiliar bandage.

The tattoo.

Her fingers shook in nervous anticipation. Allowing another person—especially Will—to select a tattoo was one of the riskier things she’d ever done. And so wildly out of character, she didn’t feel even remotely like herself.

And she kind of loved it.

Brynn shimmied her skirt down to her ankles and very carefully removed the bandage from her upper hip. She was surprised that it didn’t hurt, especially after the grinding gymnastics she and Will had just done on her couch.

She braced for the worst as she stood on her toes so she could see the tattoo in the mirror. She’d been expecting something funny, or clever, or downright embarrassing, but she frowned when she realized it wasn’t a picture at all. It was a saying.

There it was in tiny black letters.

One step closer…

Her mind went blank, and she waited for understanding to register. She didn’t hate it. It felt…intriguing.

But why?

She was obviously missing something. One step closer to

It was unlike Will to be cryptic.

And that bothered her more than anything.

BOOK: Made for You
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