Lyre (7 page)

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Authors: Helen Harper

BOOK: Lyre
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He choked and spat out water, his long spiky eyelashes fluttering rapidly.  ‘That kiss.  I might need that kiss again.’

LONDON, 2014



Yuri was finding it increasingly difficult to look Oz in the eye.  She fixed her gaze instead on a loose strand of his hair falling artlessly across his forehead.  She kept telling herself that the reason he looked so good was because he had a veritable army of stylists to cater to his every whim and desire.  It didn’t stop her from feeling tired, grubby and very, very small in his presence, however.  His nut-brown, blemish-free skin told of hours spent worshipping the sun and his hair, once sandy-coloured and streaked with gold, now shimmered, even under the harsh lighting of the conference room. Had his eyes always been that vivid shade of green? 

‘Our readers will be interested to know what beauty regime you undergo,’ she found herself saying.

He raised an amused eyebrow in her direction.  ‘Beauty regime?’

Don’t you dare blush, she told herself firmly.  ‘Doesn’t every girl want a man as impeccably turned out as you?’

Oz’s eyes danced.  ‘You say that as if you think looking good is a sin.’  He leaned across the table.  ‘But you do think I look good, right?’

Yuri swallowed.  The gall of the man.  Clearly, spending his time preening amongst legions of fans had swelled his head to gargantuan proportions.  ‘Well,’ she responded coolly, ‘we do live in a society where looks are promoted above talent.’

Alicia choked.  ‘I’m sure we can allow a question of that nature.’  She sounded like a strangled cat.  Oz, irritatingly, just looked amused.

Making a meaningless notation in the notepad open in front of her, Yuri nodded.  She knew she was treading in dangerous waters, but she seemed unable to stop herself.  ‘And on the question of talent,’ she continued, ‘something along the lines of how you deal with your detractors will be of interest.  You know, those people who say you’ve sold out your music to make as much money as possible?’

The corners of his mouth curved up.  ‘Oh, money doesn’t interest me.’

‘Then what does?’

‘I like having women faint at my feet.’

Yuri was starting to get the distinct impression that he was laughing at her.

‘We’ve already decided that your love life is off the table,’ Alicia interjected, obviously starting to feel that proceedings were getting away from her.

Oz didn’t look at her.  ‘I have no objections to answering questions about my romantic entanglements.’


‘Excellent,’ Yuri butted in, before he could change his mind.  At least she could go back to
and make it seem as if she’d done something right.

‘However,’ Oz added, holding up one finger in the air, ‘there is one caveat attached to that.’  His gaze seemed fixed upon her with searing intensity.

‘Yes?’ she squeaked, then cleared her throat and tried again.  ‘What’s that?’

‘The band is playing at a local club tomorrow night.  As you have doubts as to my talent, then perhaps you should come along to see for yourself.’

‘I’m busy,’ she lied.

Oz folded his arms across his chest.  She tried not to notice the way his t-shirt fabric strained across his muscles as he did so.  ‘That’s the price you pay for asking any question you want.’

‘It’s not as if you’ve had any new songs out for a while,’ Yuri said, aware she was being rude but desperately seeking a reason to refuse the invitation.

Oz’s eyes gleamed.  ‘It’s funny you should mention that.  But actually, there is a new song.  I’ve just written it.  It would be great to have your feedback on it.  If you want the interview, you need to come to the gig.’

Alicia stood up, her palms slamming down against the table top and making the glasses rattle as she did so.  ‘I really don’t think that’s necess…’

‘Done.’ Yuri brought her eyes up and managed to hold Oz’s gaze.

He smiled.  ‘I’ll have my people send the details over to
by this afternoon.’

She sniffed.  ‘My people will be thrilled.’

Oz licked his lips.  ‘Who are your people?’

Her mind a complete blank, Yuri reached out and took a sip of water.  ‘I work at one of the leading magazines in the country,’ she answered finally, regrouping, ‘there are many people.’ 

Alicia’s hands began to flutter in the air.  ‘If we’re done here, Ms. Tateno,’ she trilled out, ‘I’ll see you to the door.  The actual interview will take place on Thursday afternoon.  You’ll have forty-five minutes to ask your questions after the photo shoot is completed.’

‘That will be fine,’ Yuri murmured, realising she was finally being dismissed - and grateful for it.  It was time she got the hell out of this place before she said something she really regretted.  She pulled herself to her feet, snapping her notebook shut and picking up her belongings.  Despite the water, her tongue felt unpleasantly furry and her stomach was continuing to twist with nausea. 

Oz also got to his feet.   He moved smoothly round the table until he was standing right in front of her.  Flustered, Yuri stuck out her hand as if to shake his, but he ignored it and instead inclined his head, giving her a light brush of his lips on her cheek.  She caught a whiff of his aftershave – deep and earthy – and was instantly transported back in time while her knees felt suddenly weak and unable to hold her own weight. Then he abruptly pulled away and gave her a perfunctory smile.  Somehow Yuri managed to smile back and remain upright while he moved past her and back out of the room.  As soon as he’d gone, her shoulders sagged in abject relief.

‘I don’t know what kind of game you think you’re playing,’ Alicia hissed in her direction, ‘but don’t think for one second that you’ll get away with it.’

Yuri drew herself up.  Enough was enough.  ‘I’m not playing any game,  I’m doing my job.  If you have a problem with that then take it up with
yourself. Your client certainly didn’t seem to mind.’

‘He doesn’t have to mind.  That’s what he pays me for.  I protect him from the more predatory elements of the press corps who seem to think they’re more important than he is.’

Yuri batted her eyelashes.  ‘Why, who on earth could you mean?’

‘Ladies, ladies!’ Dirk interrupted, rubbing his hands together.  ‘I think perhaps we should leave things as they are for now and pick them back up again on Thursday at the interview.’

‘Fine,’ Yuri muttered.  She really hadn’t meant to get herself on the other woman’s bad side.  It’s just that her hackles were well and truly raised after being forced to sit across the table from Oz – who clearly couldn’t remember her from Adam, despite everything that had happened between them in the past.  That stung more than Yuri was willing to admit even to herself.  She forced a smile on her face.  ‘Thank you for your time.’




‘So he really didn’t remember you at all?’ Sibyl asked.

Yuri shook her head.  ‘Nope.’

‘I can’t believe that.  Are you sure?’

She growled in response.  ‘He acted like he’d never seen me before.’

‘Oh, sweetie.’  Her friend drew her into a hug.  ‘I’m sorry.’

‘It’s fine,’ Yuri murmured into her shoulder.  ‘It’s for the best.’


Yuri pulled away, unable to look her in the face.  ‘Really.’

‘Are you going to go to this club?’

‘What choice do I have?’

The gilt envelope, containing a single VIP pass to Nemesis the following evening, sat on the table between them, taunting her.  Yuri stared at it morosely.

‘He smells the same,’ she said absently.

‘Ohhhh,’ Sibyl said, shaking her head in dismay.


‘You’re still in love with him.’

‘No! Definitely not!’ Yuri protested.

‘He still smells the same?  Are you kidding me?’

She shrugged uncomfortably.  ‘I just thought it was strange that after all these years he’d not changed his aftershave, that’s all.  It doesn’t mean anything.’

‘Yeah, right,’ Sibyl scoffed.

‘It’s true!’

Her friend pursed her lips.  ‘I did a divination when you were out.’

Yuri glared at her.  ‘I told you I didn’t want that.’

‘It wasn’t for you,’ Sibyl said.  ‘It was for him.’

‘Ozzy?’ Yuri shook herself.  ‘I mean, Oz?’

She nodded.  ‘Do you want to know what it said?’

‘No.’  She bit her lip.  ‘Okay, yes.’

Sibyl looked troubled.  ‘It’s not good, Yuri.’

Alarmed, her eyes widened.  ‘What?’

Sibyl sighed.  ‘It was difficult to tell exactly.  It was dark.  He was upset, I could tell that much.  He seemed to be on his knees begging someone.’

Yuri found it hard to imagine the self-assured man she’d just met on his knees begging for anything.  ‘Right.’

‘There were shadows everywhere.  A woman as well.’

Yuri snorted.  ‘Why am I not surprised?’

Sibyl shook her head.  ‘Not like that.  I think she was more of a friend of sorts.  She was on his side and trying to help him.’

‘Help him with what?’

‘That I don’t know.  It felt,’ she paused, searching for the right word, ‘wrong, somehow.  Like he was where he wasn’t supposed to be.  I have a bad feeling about it all.’

‘You have a bad feeling?  Sibyl…’

‘It doesn’t mean anything.  You know sometimes the visions don’t come true.’

Yuri shot her a troubled look.  ‘Whatever you say, it’s got nothing to do with me,’ she finally asserted.  ‘I’m going to go to this stupid mock concert tomorrow night, do the interview on Thursday, and then I’ll never have to see him ever again.’

Sibyl nodded vigorously.  ‘Sure.  Yes.  You’re right.’ 

‘I’m going to take a long hot bath with lots and lots of bubbles.’  Yuri turned and padded upstairs while Sibyl watched her go with a worried expression marring her usually smooth face.  ‘The problem is,’ she whispered softly, ‘you were there, Yuri.  You were there in the background and he couldn’t see you.  And you weren’t well at all.  You looked more dead than alive.  It’s happening all over again.’

Yuri didn’t hear her.  She was already at the top of the stairs and thinking about other things.  Sibyl sighed heavily.  She didn’t have many friends; she was damned if she was going to let anything happen to this one.




The following evening, Yuri was more focused on what to wear than anything else.  At least it took her mind off the impending inevitability of having to talk to Oz again.  She frowned critically at her reflection in the mirror.  The pink dress was too damn tight and too damn showy.  She was a journalist, for heaven’s sake, not a bloody groupie.  She yanked it off over her head and cast around the debris of her room for something else more suitable.  Her work clothes hung on the back of her door.  She jutted out her bottom lip.  Well, this was for work.  Without thinking, she pulled them off the hanger and got dressed.

‘You’re not wearing that?’ Cam, glass of wine in hand, stood in the doorway, appalled.

‘This is what I normally wear when I work.’

‘Yes, but…’

Yuri put her hands on her hips.  ‘But what?’

‘They’re so boring!  Yuri, you’re going to a nightclub.’

‘To work.  I’m going to a nightclub to work.’

‘You’re not going to impress Oz looking like that.’

‘I’m not trying to sodding impress Oz,’ Yuri said through gritted teeth.

‘You wore sequins to work the other day.’

‘That was different.’

Cam raised his eyebrows.

‘It was!’

‘Yuri, you look like a schoolteacher.’  A knowing look suddenly crossed his face.  ‘Or is that the plan?  Give him a bit of kink?’

‘Fuck off.’

‘I think you should change.’

Yuri stubbornly dug her heels in.  ‘No,’ she asserted, ‘I’m going like this.’

‘You’re the boss.’

‘Damn right I am.’  There was just the tiniest quaver to Yuri’s voice.  Cam shot her a sympathetic look.

‘It’ll be fine.  Have you booked a taxi?’

She shook her head.  ‘I was just about to.’

‘How’s everyone doing?’  Sibyl appeared behind Cam’s shoulder.  ‘You know, maybe Cameron should go instead.  It’ll keep things less complicated.’

‘Can’t darling.  As much as I’d love to, I have a date.  I only popped by to wish Yuri good luck and to remind her to pack some condoms.’

‘Is sex all you ever think about?’

He frowned.  ‘No.  Well, okay, maybe.  Yes.  I admit it.  I always think about sex.’

Both Sibyl and Yuri rolled their eyes then the doorbell chimed, making them all jump.  ‘I’ll go see who that is,’ Sibyl said. 

Cam watched her go. ‘She seems tense.’ He tutted at Yuri.  ‘And you should at least put on some make-up.’  He drained his glass.  ‘I need to get out of here.’  He thumped down the stairs after Sibyl.

Yuri sighed and picked up some lipstick.  She supposed a little bit wouldn’t hurt.  She was just blotting her lips when Sibyl reappeared.

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