Lyon's Way (2 page)

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Way
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Chapter 3




"You can get undressed
because you're not going anywhere."

"What but you're going to work, why can't I go?"

"Because you don't listen for shit and I have to be in and
out of the office all day you're staying here."

"Am not." She folded her arms and gave me the bitch
brow, yeah okay.

"Were you or were you not just in the clutches of a crazed
fucker just a few days ago?"

"So, you came and got me." She shrugged it off like it
had been nothing.

"Katarina I appreciate that you have this great faith in my
abilities to save your ass but please do me a favor and keep your little ass
where I put you for at least a month or so so I can have some peace and quiet
around here?" 

Fucking girl, I don't think I've ever had so much shit going on
until I met her, how one little bit of a thing could get into so much trouble
was beyond me.

"What's that supposed to mean, you're acting like it’s my
fault that nut took me."

"If you'd stayed your ass where I put you he never would've
got his fucking hands on you."

She pouted and kicked the table leg before stomping out of the

"Get back here."

She came back in head down arms folded and face like a

"What's the matter you need your ass spanked or something?
Just say the word and I'll do it for you, only I don't think you'll enjoy it
because brats don't get love taps you understand me?"

She didn't bother to answer and I didn't expect her to.

I left the house after
turning on every security measure in the place, I'd already put in an order for
some shit for her to wear, she'd never know she was wearing tracking devices
because knowing her hard headed ass she'd probably take them off out of spite,
but by the time I was through her cell phone, iPad, watch anything that was a
constant would be traceable. I wasn't taking any more chances. Jennifer's crazy
ass was still on the loose because I didn't have any solid proof that she'd
been part of that day but I still had her in my crosshairs, desperate people
did fucked up shit.

We'd had to put the wedding planning on hold for the last few days
but mom had still been doing her thing so things were still on track there; I'm
not sure how long she'd buy my lie about Kat being sick. Who knows when nosy
ass Char would have one of her visions or whatever the fuck?

"How is she doing

Jared met me before I could even turn off my bike, I'd kept the
guys in the loop the last couple days, they’d needed instructions after all on
what needed doing while I took off. Somebody had to go pick up the supplies
that I'd left scattered all over the lot that day among other things and we had
a shit load of bikes to get ready for delivery. In other words life still went
on no matter what was going on in our little corner.

"She's fine, a little pissy because I wouldn't let her come
here today. What the fuck's so funny bro?"

He was laughing and shaking his head at me.

"Dude did you not hear anything I told you about the type of
person she was before that shit went down in Arizona?"

"Yeah, but some new shit just went down and I don't want her
going back to being that person she was when she first came here."

"Not gonna happen bro you know why, you've been teaching her
all that shit you're into and building her up she's not the same person she was
when that shit happened bro, why the fuck are you teaching her all that
empowerment shit if you don't expect her to use it?"

"I don't expect her to use it against me; I expect her to sit
her little ass down where I put her and stop making me crazy, the fuck!"

"Oho you're scared."

"Fuck you bro." He just laughed harder.

"I'm thinking instead of that bonus you were asking for you
should be paying me for taking her stubborn ass off your hands."

"You're full of shit bro."

"Whatever, how have things been around here?"

"Good, the guys know what needs to be done; those of us who
were there know to keep our mouths shut if that's what you're worried about.
Grimaldi has been calling every day, he knows something's up because apparently
he has Kat's cell number and she's not answering."

"Yeah I turned the shit off after Elena and Tina called like
five hundred times the first day."

"Speaking of which guess who's gonna be here in the next day
or so?"

He had me there, I hadn't been aware that we'd been expecting

"Tina bro, word is she'll be staying with your parents until
she finds her own place, something about coming out to help with the wedding
but seeing the lay of the land if you know what I mean. You better make room
for the mother in law bro."

"Fuck that." Damn how the hell was I supposed to keep
Kat under lock and key with her mom coming to town? Jared was right, he'd hit
it on the fucking head; I'm scared as fuck for her to come outside, don't ask
me why, it's a fucked way to think but shit, until I shake the feeling there's
nothing I could do about it.

"How's Cyrus handling it I haven't spoken to him since the
first day has he been coming in?"

Jared took a deep breath and folded his arms across his chest.

"He's still a little down on himself, you know how he is with
Kat, and he feels like he should've been able to do something. We're just gonna
have to let him handle this one on his own bro, no amount of telling him to let
it go seems to be working."

"I'll talk to him."

We both headed towards the building but Jared went back to the
shop while I went to the office. First things first, I had to catch up on some
paperwork then I'll go see where my boys were at in the shop.


Three hours later I was almost done going through the pile of shit
on the computer, how the hell did she do this shit? It's only been a few days
and there were already a few thousand emails waiting to be answered not to
mention bills and invoices and bullshit. Fuck; for a split second the thought
of hiring someone else entered my mind but I squashed that shit. That's my
girl's chair out there; no one else is sitting in it ever. What the fuck I'm
gonna do after I give her her wedding gift is beyond me. Maybe she'd let the
board run her Fortune five hundred company and spend her days hanging out here
with me.

I'm a fucking sap, I called
her like six times between the time I got there and lunch.

"Colton, you just hung up the phone like twenty minutes

She was still huffy; damn this girl could hold a fucking grudge.

"Your point?"

"What exactly do you think is gonna happen in the space of
twenty minutes?"

"How long did it take that sick fuck to truss you up and
throw you in the back of his car?"

"Get over it already, by the way your mom and the wedding
planner are coming over and we're going to go try cakes."


She hung up on my ass and left me fuming, why, why couldn't she
just listen?

"Mom, where are you
taking Kat?"


"How many other sons you got?"

"Hi baby how're you, listen I can't talk now the girls and I
have some errands, we have the wedding to take care of seeing as how it's only
a couple weeks now and we haven't even chosen a cake."

"Mom I don't want Kat going outside."

"Oh nonsense she sounds perfectly fine and she said her cold
is all better, you worry too much son, reminds me of your father."

"Get the girl some weed boy that'll knock that shit right

My dad the doctor was heard from in the background, I hope he
wasn't prescribing weed for his heart patients, geez.

Daniel be quiet." There was a loud squeal and I could hear the two of them
horsing around before mom made some half assed excuse and hung up, I don't even
want to know.

I headed out to the shop not
too happy with the women in my life, I don't know since when I'd become a punk
but I'm gonna have to deal with Kat's fuckery before she got any more out of
hand. On the one hand I'm pleased that she's not letting what happened keep her
afraid but on the other it's like she thinks she's invincible or some fuck;
somewhere along the way while I was teaching her to take the power back she
seems to have found a second helping because I can't seem to get it through her
hard as fuck head that what I say goes. Now she's got my mom in on her shit

"Hey Cyrus my man what's doing?"

He was lying on his back checking the paint job on a sweet hog
with flames shooting up the sides. Gliding out from under he climbed to his
feet and walked over to where I was standing.

"How is she Colt?"

Damn he sounded and looked bad, I had to pull him out of his funk,
it wasn't right for him to blame himself like this. I knew part of the problem
was his misguided assumption that he owed us for what he considers rescuing him
but that was straight bullshit. If people couldn't do the right thing without
expecting something in return then the world was fucked.

"She's a pain in the ass that's how she's doing." His
eyes widened in surprise, maybe he expected me to tell him she was all torn up
about what had happened.

"Come again?"

"You heard me she's giving me fits, she won't stay put and
she doesn't listen for shit." I saw the beginning of a smile and figured I
might as well make his day.

"To top it off she's got Elena and maybe Char as well and
that annoying ass wedding planner doing who knows what, the whole lot of them
are on their way to harass some unsuspecting soul about wedding cake or some
such fuckery." He was outright laughing now.

"Yeah, she's not upset or anything you sure Colt?"

"Would I lie to you, now stop moping around she'll be back
soon enough to drive us all up the wall and don't think I don't know she's been
showing you tricks on that damn bike, you go ahead and follow her and break
your damn fool neck."

now I'm not telling tales out of school so I won't be saying if she does or if
she doesn't." He zipped his lips and went back to what he was doing with a
new pep in his step.

I fooled around in the shop looking over what the guys were doing
and checking what they'd done in the few days I'd been gone. I was happy to see
that they'd held shit down even without me being here. I had to call Grimaldi
at some point to keep him abreast of the progress, or better yet I should let
Kat call since I'm sure he'd rather deal with her anyway and I wasn't in the
mood for his bullshit.

My phone rang in the middle
of a conversation about one of my Godchildren who was starting to walk. Kat
calling; how the fuck long was it gonna take for me to stop getting sick to my
stomach with worry at shit like this?


"Colton guess what." She was crying and laughing and I
didn't know what the fuck to think.

"What angel tell me." I held the bridge of my nose
waiting for whatever it was she had to tell me, hopefully I wouldn't need to
kick anyone's ass at the end of this conversation. She was out with my mom so
what the hell could go wrong? Then again she was out with my mom and the girls
so I know from experience a fuckload of shit could wrong.

"My mom's here it was a surprise isn't that great?"

"Well shit."

"Now Colt don't be like that please, pretty please for
me?" She whispered into the phone.

"Uh huh, I'll be nice when you start listening."

"Colton I had to come we need a cake for the wedding, you do
remember saying it had to be now? Right well we have to do everything in a
hurry but we also have to make it nice and we can't leave everything to your
mom and since you refuse to work with the planner I have to step in."

"I know you think that little speech is supposed to make me
feel guilty but it won't work, Elena knows how to bake tell her to make a damn
cake I don't see what's the big damn deal. People aren't coming to eat cake,
they're coming to see us do the deed and have a few beers."

"Don't you want me to have the wedding of my dreams?"
Shit now she was really crying.

"Baby come on, cut that shit out you know I hate when you do
that and I'm not there to comfort you, of course I want you to have the wedding
of your dreams get two cakes, big ones anything you like." Just please
stop crying fuck.

by the way we're having dinner at your parents tonight to welcome mom and dad's
going to be there isn't that great? Okay see ya bye."

She hung up the phone the
little sneak and I turned around to see the guys including Cy watching me with
stupid ass grins on their faces.

"What the fuck?"

"Dude you are so whipped."

"Fuck you Tommy."

"Oh baby have three cakes would you like me to bake them too?
Yes please with sugar on top." Zack thought he was funny with that shit
and Jared the ass was making kissy faces.

fucks don't have anything better to do? You need me to find something for you
to do because old man Ingles need some shit done on his roof I'm thinking this
weekend's as good a time as any?" They were all groaning and cussing by the
time I was done.

Old man Ingles is a mean son
of a bitch who always gives us a hard time; the guys hated going over there
which we always end up doing every couple of months or so because he lives in
the oldest house in creation and something always needs fixing. He gives us
shit but every time he needs something done he calls up mom and she passes it
on. This last time dad had gone over there to check on him and now apparently
old man Ingles has been mellowed out ever since. I don't even wanna know the
moral fortitude of a doctor giving a ninety something year old man weed but if
what mom said is true then the shit worked.

"That's cold bro, even for you."

"It's gotta get done, before you know it it'll be winter and
the old guy needs to stay warm so buck up girls." Now it was my turn to
laugh, old man Ingles didn't bother me I usually just told him to kiss my ass
to which he usually cackled one of his toothless grins and threaten to tell
Elena on me, something he's been doing since I was five.



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