Lyon's Way

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Authors: Jordan Silver

BOOK: Lyon's Way
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Jordan Silver

2013 Alison Jordan

Rights Reserved



Who would've thought that sneaking out to get a sandwich could
cause this much trouble? Colton is gonna be so pissed when he gets back to the
office and finds me gone, I'll probably never hear the end of this. I have no
doubt that he'll come and get me, you see that's one of the things he always
promises whenever I have one of my flashbacks or I wake up screaming, clutched
in a nightmare from the night of the attack. He'd wrap me up tight in his arms
and in his gruff no nonsense voice he'd swear that he'd always find me no
matter what.

We were stopped and my heart picked up speed again, with my hands
tied behind my back as they were there wasn't much I could do, I'd spent the
mad drive to wherever this was fighting to hold on and not give in to the need to
escape in my head. All the things Colt and been teaching me in the last few
months played through my head over and over as I tried to stay calm. It wasn't

"Where are we, why did
you bring me here?"

"I told you to shut the fuck up." He rubbed his hands
roughly through his hair as he sat behind the wheel; his eyes when he glanced
back at me were wild and unfocused. He had a few days growth of facial hair,
there was spittle at the corners of his mouth, and his clothes looked like he'd
slept in them.

climbed out and came around to pull me out of the back of the car by my bound
wrists, my knees threatened to buckle and I needed to throw up. All I could do
was keep repeating over and over in my head 'hurry Colton hurry'. I didn't know
what this James person had in mind and as he dragged me into the house that I
assumed was his a wave of dizziness hit me as I fought back the tears that
wanted to escape.

Now was not the time for
crying I needed to stay focused and think of something to get out of this.

"Colton's gonna come looking for me."

"No he won't no one saw me, how would he know?"

Hadn't he seen CyCy running towards us?

be quiet and let me think."

He dragged me through the house to the back; I didn't even have
time to notice anything about my surroundings other than that it was kinda big
and needed cleaning. When we reached a bedroom the fear threatened to overpower
me once more and my knees did give out on me that time. He pulled me back up
roughly and threw me down across the bed while he mumbled to himself. My
clothes were being ripped away roughly but my hands behind my back proved to be
a hindrance. It didn't make sense to use my feet I needed to get my bearings
and plan my form of attack.

I was ready when he released
me, my nails going straight for the side of his face.

"You bitch." He slapped me across the face but it wasn't
hard enough to do much damage just enough to stun.

"You try anything like that again and I'll cut away little
pieces of you to send to your boyfriend."

Bile rose in my throat as he roughly maneuvered my body on the
bed, I hated having him touch me, look at me. Please Colton please hurry.



I was spread out on the bed
in just my camisole and underwear, my arms, and legs tied to the bed posts. I
had a really bad moment when he stared at my body and my gorge rose when he
reached out to run has finger down my thigh.

please, please, please. Is it strange that all I could think of in that moment
was what would Colton do if I was raped? The thought made me want to curl into
a ball and die.

James left the room, I could hear him talking but wasn't sure if
he'd called someone or if he'd completely lost it and was arguing with himself.
I tried tugging at my restraints but he must've been a boy scout because there
was no give. He'd stuffed a gag in my mouth before he'd left which wasn't the
most comfortable thing. It made it harder to breathe for one and lying on your
back with something stuffed into your mouth felt like you would choke on your
own saliva.

Think Kat, think, think, I
couldn't seem to hold a thought, my mind ran in a million different directions;
I thought of my mom, my dad; all my new friends here and Colt's family. Mostly
I thought of Colt and my heart hurt at the thought of never seeing him again.
It just wasn't fair that I should have him for such a short time, that I'd only
known such happiness for such a fleeting moment, life couldn't be that unjust
could it?


It seemed like forever had passed when I heard the commotion
outside, someone was here, but was it friend or foe? I couldn't forget that
this nut's sister was an even bigger threat than he was, I had no doubt that if
she found me in this vulnerable position she'd kill me on the spot. Once again
fear threatened to weaken me but I fought back, I could still hear Colt in my
head and as long as I could hold onto that I'd keep fighting.

I heard his sweet voice raised in anger though it was, or was that just my
imagination? Whatever, I took the chance and tried to scream around my gag, the
sound I made wasn't much but it was something. Next I tried jiggling the bed
anything to make even the slightest sound. My heart was beating so hard I
thought it might give out on me; I kept up the screaming and movement on the
bed, praying all the while that Colt would hear.

Then he was there, standing
in the doorway and I'd never been so happy to see anyone in my life. He came
over and removed the rag from my mouth.

"Did he touch you baby?"

I shook my head no; he untied me and drew me in close for a minute
before pushing me back. He got my clothes that had been torn from me off the
floor and tried putting them back on before removing his tee shirt and pulling
that over my head as well.


"I know just hold on for me okay baby, you sure he didn't
hurt you?"

I had to swallow around the bile that rose in my throat. "No,
I think...." 

My body chose that moment to shake uncontrollably; it's as if
everything that had happened in the last few hours had finally caught up with

picked me up in his arms, my nose buried in his neck this time inhaling the
scent of him into me. He hurried past the room where I think James was but I
couldn't be sure because Colton forced my head deeper into his shoulder before
taking me out into the blessed sunlight and put me on his bike.

He released an earsplitting whistle that I didn't understand until
I saw Jared and the others come from around the sides of the house. Kissing me
softly on the head he walked off a little ways out of ear shot. I could see
from their stance and the looks on their faces that they were all pissed and I
became worried about what they had planned. Jared and Zack especially had me
worried, I know Jared would feel it the most except for Colt because he more
than anyone else here understood what I'd been through the last time. I wanted
to go to him and offer him comfort but was pretty sure Colton would skin me
alive if I dared move from where he'd put me.

When he came back to the
bike I got another forehead kiss before he pulled my helmet down on my head.

"You okay to ride? I didn't have time to get the truck."

I nodded my head yes just ready to be gone as far away from here
as possible, I barely caught sight of the boys as they headed back inside
before Colton was pulling out of the driveway, my arms wrapped tightly around
his middle.




Chapter 2



I took her home and checked
her over from head to toe making sure that she really was okay. The reality
that she was safe and unharmed was now kicking in but I was still passed way
the fuck off, this shit can never happen again that's it. Whatever I have to do
I will do to make sure she was never in danger again in her fucking life.

there." I left her on the bed with a swift kiss and my finger down her
soft cheek. I had to call Cyrus and let him know she was safe. I wasn't going
to tell him too much but I'm sure when the news hit he'd put two and two
together, I wasn't too worried about it. Her father, now that was a different
story, he was the law after all.

I made a few calls, first to Cy to tell him and to caution him bit
to share what had happened with anyone not even my parents. I understood I was
probably putting him in a tight spot, he'd grown close to my dad and hers after
all, and the three men spent at least three nights as week together hanging
out, not to mention mom was always in his face. I had no doubt though that he'd
do it because it was Kat.

Next I had to call my family
and give them some bullshit story to explain her soon to be enforced absence
from the human race. I'm keeping her under lock and key until I no longer had
the fear of her being taken from me.


That night and the next I
couldn't touch her, not to do more than hold her while she slept anyway. I'd
talked her to death about what had happened and how she felt inside; I'd even
ripped her a new one for leaving the office when I'd told her not to. If she'd
thought I'd let her off the hook because of her ordeal she was wrong, she's
lucky I didn't turn her over my knee.

claimed she was fine and she seems okay but it was gonna take a while for me to
get back to normal. There was a whole lot of uproar in our little town about
the fire that took the life of one our leading family's only son. Jennifer
started her shit by spreading the rumor that I'd had something to do with it
but since she couldn't tell the good citizens that her fuck of a brother had kidnapped
my woman and that's why I'd roasted his ass no one pretty much paid her too
much attention. Dad had only given me a look and a nod when they'd been over
last night and that was that. We'd decided not to tell the family what had
happened, I had no worries about my crew talking they knew better than that
shit and the truth is it probably won't be the last time one of us had to make
that fucking call because motherfuckers were getting more and more out of
control everyday and we're about protecting what's ours.

By the third night she'd had
enough of my shit I guess because she was the one to start shit off.

Of course she couldn't do things like a normal human being she
started off with a slug to my chest and tears in her eyes. My guts dropped and
my mouth went dry because I thought for sure she was about to have some sort of
mental break.

"Angel what the fuck?"

"I told you he didn't touch me." Smack smack smack.

"What? What the fuck, babe calm down and talk to me, what are
you saying?" My heart was running away from me, had she lied after all,
had he...?

"I told you he didn't touch me so why won't you make love to

I could only stare at her at a loss for words, is that what she
thought, that I didn't want her because I thought he'd touched her? Here I was
giving her time to heal and all this time she was thinking that fucked up shit.

"Come here." I pulled her up and over me pushing her
hair back from her face so I could look into her eyes.

"Stop crying angel that's not why I haven't touched

"Then why?" She sniffed as she wiped the wetness from
her cheeks.

"I thought you might need some time after...I just didn't
want to be an animal."

She snorted and rolled her eyes at me.

"Babe you are an animal that's what I love about you."

"Yeah? You think your man's an animal, huh?" I rolled
her laughing and squealing onto her back as I took little nips out of her skin
starting at her neck and working my way down to her pierced nipple.

I had to stop and just enjoy the sensation of having her under me
again, as much as I wanted to pounce on her and fuck I made myself go slow.

 I had to squeeze my cock a time or two to keep him satisfied
as I took my time with her body. I licked and sucked her flesh leaving my mark
on her tits and stomach as my mouth found its way to her already wet and ready
pussy. I teased her clit piercing with my teeth before sticking my tongue
inside her. She grabbed onto my hair and pulled but that had no affect on me as
I enjoyed her taste on my tongue.

My cock was literally thumping against the bed so hungry was he
for his girl, it had been way too long since I'd had her, fuck, I wasn't going
to be able to go slow after all.

Lifting up on my knees I pulled her ass up and opened her wide so
I could see the beginnings of all that pink goodness just begging to be fucked.

Twisting myself into position since my hands were occupied holding
her ass I lined my cock up and sank home.

"Ahhhh....fuck." I gritted out between my clenched
teeth, she grabbed me and sucked me into her heat like a welcome home.

"Look at me baby." She opened her eyes and stared up at
mine as I thrust into her.

"Mouth." I leaned over and took her offered lips as my
dick went deeper inside her. The bed protested as I picked up the pace when her
nails scraped down my back and her teeth sunk into my shoulder. I wasn't able
to hold off and give her the sweet loving she deserves; it's like this every
time, as soon as I get inside her all my good intentions flee. 

babe cum for me." I manipulated her clit as I fucked her harder making
sure to reach that place inside that made her feel extra good. We were both
cumming within minutes but that was okay, I planned on going back for seconds.

As a first after the fuckery
it was a wild ride, we fucked until the wee hours of the morning when I was
sure her little pussy had to be sore because I'd not been easy on her and my
boy was almost rubbed raw.

After sharing a bath we both dragged into bed, tomorrow I was
going back to work for the first time but she wasn't, her ass was staying here
under lock and key until I didn't feel like I was going to lose my fucking mind
with worry. At least here I knew no one could get to her this place had more security
installed than the pentagon. I'm sure she'd give me shit but whatever. I
wrapped her tight against me which was the only way I could sleep these days.

"Sleep." I drew her back against me and we both fell




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