Lucky Chance (9 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Lucky Chance
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“I want you by my side, tonight and always.” He strolled toward her and took her hand into his. “You look gorgeous.”

The doorbell rang before she could gather a reply. There was something about him that left her grasping for words. He was a man of action, but his words always sent her heart fluttering. The man she’d always wanted to spend her life with—but decisions had divided them. “Go ahead down. I’ll be there in a minute.”

With a brief nod, he headed downstairs to the door, leaving her alone once again. Her memories turned to a night very similar to tonight. But instead of Kyle, it had been Ace and Wynn joining them for dinner.

Lucky had spent most of the afternoon cooking what was supposed to be a romantic dinner for two, but when she arrived at the Diamond household she found Lucky in less than a romantic mood. “What’s wrong? Dinner not coming along as planned? Anything I can do?”

He pulled out a pot from the oven before turning toward her. “Dinners fine, it’s just the company I’m disappointed with.”

“Hmm, shall I take offense to that?” She tipped her head to the living room where two other Diamonds were waiting. “Or shall I assume you mean them?”

“Them?” The lid clanked against the roaster as he checked dinner. “Everything was perfect until Mom came home. She’s grounded Wynn, so we’re stuck with her. Ace got back for the weekend on leave, and he’s too exhausted to move. He’s refusing to go out. So, I guess that means we’re stuck with him as well.”

“It’s okay. We’ll have dinner together, and then maybe we can spend some time alone. Ace will go to bed and you can order Wynn upstairs to study or something. What about your parents, are they joining us, too?” She didn’t care that Ace and Wynn were around. After all, Wynn was her best friend and she liked Ace, but she had hoped for a quieter evening with Lucky.

“No, they’re out for the evening and won’t be back until late. That’s why I thought we’d have dinner here instead of going out. Wynn said she had plans, and I hadn’t expected Ace to be home.”

“It’s okay. I’m not upset. Plus, it will be nice to see Ace. It’s been months since he’s been home.”

That night was their graduation celebration. The next morning, they’d graduate and it would start their countdown to him shipping off and her starting college. Wynn would have one year left in high school. Gwen had already headed off to college the year before. All three of the friends would be separated.

As the memory fell away, it left traces of how scared she’d been to go off to college by herself. She had been so close to Gwen and Wynn in high school, even though they’d been in different grades. Back then, things like that had a way of dividing friendships. Even through it all, theirs had remained strong.

“I wish I could go back to that time, where everything was so much simpler, and all of us were together.”


Dinner had gone smoothly and Lucky had even enjoyed the time reminiscing with Kyle, but he was anxious to get Maddie alone again. Something had seemed to be bothering her since she had joined them downstairs, but anytime he had a second alone with her to ask, she brushed him off as if it was nothing.

“So, Kyle, what made you buy a horse farm?” Maddie sat on the far end of the sofa, a mug of hot tea in hand.

“My wife, Staci, was raised on a horse farm. Her parents didn’t own it, but after his service her father trained horses, taught her everything she knows, and her mother was a veterinarian. It’s the one thing she’s always wanted. Since I needed something to devote my time to, I decided to give it a shot. We moved to Kentucky, bought the farm, and haven’t looked back since.” He paused and took a long swig from his beer. “We breed, train, and even race our mustangs. We have a few horses that are boarded on the farm as well.”

“My mother always loved horses, and when I was young she signed me up for a riding class. I enjoyed it but haven’t been on one since.”

“You’re more than welcome to come when Lucky visits, and we can rectify that.”

“Don’t think you’re getting me on a horse.” Lucky shook his head. “Not my thing. I’ll watch you.”

“That’s what I said to Staci when she first told me about wanting to own a horse farm.” Kyle gave her a wink. “She got me on one, and I think Maddie can do the same for you.”

“I don’t know about that.”

“Well, I let you two love birds work that out.” He stood and grabbed his beer bottle. “I should be going. As much as I’ve enjoyed this trip, and seeing you again, I’m looking forward to getting back to Staci.”

“It was great seeing you.” Lucky stood and took the bottle from the other man. “I mean that. And I will take you up on your offer to come to Kentucky. I’m looking forward to meeting Staci.”

“You’d better. She was disappointed she couldn’t make the journey out to meet you, but we’ve got a horse due any day now, and it’s been a rough pregnancy. Staci didn’t want to leave her in case things went south. Our first mare. She’s attached.” Before he headed for the door, he turned back to her. “I look forward to seeing you again. Until then, you take care of him.”

“Oh, I will, and I’m going to make sure he wins.”

“I’ve no doubt.” Kyle cupped a hand over Lucky’s shoulder. “Give them hell, like you’ve always given the men, and I know you’ll come out on top.”

“I’ll win this for you.” Lucky nodded.

“Not just for me, but for all of the Marines.”

He followed Kyle to the door to show him out. There was no doubt that each of the contestants wanted to win this for their branch, but his duty to bring home the prize was strong because of Kyle. He’d only known him a few months before the mission that left him wounded, yet they had grown quite close over the last few days. He’d win this for him, and all the other wounded veterans who needed that money.

Lost in her own thoughts, she moved around the kitchen cleaning up the last bits from dinner, placing their dishes in the dishwasher, and wiping down the counter. The evening had gone off just as Lucky had planned, and the conversation had been easy, but her thoughts had been jumbled most of the night. She hadn’t even heard Lucky as he returned.

“I’d have done that.”

“I just wiped off the counter and added the last few items to the dishwasher.” She rung out the rag and draped it over the spigot. “If you’ll excuse me, I need to return a couple phone calls that came through while we were having dinner.” She hated to lie, but she didn’t want to divulge who she was really calling, or even what was on her mind.

“You’ve been distant tonight. Is everything okay?”

“Oh, yeah, fine.” She tried to keep her tone light, but she knew she was failing.

“Well, whenever you’re ready to talk about it, you know where to find me. Meanwhile, I’m going to shower.”

Not knowing what else to say, she nodded. “Goodnight.”

She stood there by the kitchen counter and waited until she heard the water for the shower start. Then she let out the deep breath she’d been holding and snatched her cell phone from the counter. The hour was a little later than she had wanted, but she needed to talk to someone. After the fourth ring, she was ready to hang up when Gwen’s sleepy voice finally answered.

“Sorry to wake you.” She slipped into the office and shut the door, so that once Lucky finished in the shower, he wouldn’t be able to hear her.

“Madison, is that you? Is everything okay?”

“Yeah, I’m sorry. I know you’re probably exhausted, but I need a friend.” Guilt stabbed through her heart at knowing she was one of the reasons Gwen would be tired the next day. It was selfish, but she needed someone to confide in.

“You know I’m always here for you. What’s up?” Gwen was a little more awake now.

“I’m falling back in love with Lucky.” She blurted it out before she could rein herself in. “I mean…I never stopped loving him, but being so close to him this past week makes me want to make up for all our lost time.”

“Forgive me. It might be the mommy brain, but I don’t understand what the problem is. So…you love him, and want to make up for lost time. Do it. I mean, unless there’s another man you’re hiding somewhere. What’s the problem?”

Madison was already neck deep, so she might as well take the full plunge. “I’m pregnant.”

“Wait, what? It can’t be…

The way she said
made Madison wonder if Ace had just woken up, but it didn’t matter because he’d find out sooner or later. Most likely after the phone call. “No, I’m just over eighteen weeks pregnant, so it’s not Lucky’s. It’s a long story, and I’ll tell you someday, but this only complicates things further.”

“Does he know?”

“Yes to both parts. Like I’ve said, things have happened this week, and although we haven’t fallen into bed or anything like that, it’s clear we are in love with each other. He also knows I’m pregnant because I told him a few nights ago.”

“And?” All the sleep was gone from Gwen’s voice.

“What do you mean
I’m pregnant with another man’s child, yet I’m thinking about picking up with an ex. It’s complicated.” She suddenly wished she had called Wynn instead, especially since she knew Gwen’s own story. “Plus, it means giving up my job, moving to Virginia. It’s all bad timing.”

“When you told Lucky you were pregnant, did he tell you about Roulette, that Ace isn’t her biological father?”

“Yes, but this is different.”

“I don’t see how.” Gwen stated as if it was clear. “You saw Ace with
daughter.” She stressed the
part to make sure Madison understood.

“I did.” Images of the two of them together flashed before her eyes. “But it’s a complete change of lifestyle. What will I do for work? I’ve got to be able to provide for my child.”

“Public relations is always in demand so I know you can find something.” Gwen shuffled the phone and it sounded like she’d readjusted in bed before coming back on the line. “Do you love him enough to change your life for him…if it means spending the rest of your life with him?”

“Yes.” There was no hesitation. She’d give up everything to be with him. To have what Gwen and Ace had.

“Then the answer is simple.” A baby cried in the background, announcing the end of their conversation. “I’ve got to go. Madison, I’m happy for you. Don’t let this chance pass you by. Grab him, and hold on tight. Love’s a ride you won’t forget, full of ups and downs, but having him on that journey with you will make it all worth it.”

After she’d hung up, she sat there and considered things. She was tired of overthinking the situation. If he was willing to be with her even though she was pregnant with another man’s child, why should she doubt it? He had always told her that their love was strong, that they’d be able to get through anything. She didn’t believe him years ago, but now she did. They were worth fighting for.

Instead of feeling sorry for herself, she decided to go to him. With each step, her confidence grew, until finally she reached the top of the stairs. His door was open but the lights were off. Even that didn’t stop her from going inside.

“Lucky?” She whispered from the doorway, not wanting to wake him if he had fallen asleep after his shower.

“I’m up.” He didn’t bother to turn on a light. “I just got into bed, but if you need me to come downstairs, give me a minute and I’ll get dressed.”

“No. Umm, can I come in?”


He leaned up against the headboard, and the rays of moonlight streaked in the window, illuminating his body. He was so much more physically fit than he’d been in high school. He was more toned than he’d been back then, making her want to run her fingers along his chest to feel the differences.

“I love you.” As she moved farther into his room, the view of him shirtless had her nervous. Everything she had considered before she stepped through the doorway had suddenly disappeared from her thoughts.

“I love you, too, Maddie, but are you okay? You seem off tonight.”

“I was off because I was considering what was happening between us. I’ve decided something…”

“Come here.” He held out his hand to her, and when she went to him, he nodded. “Go on; tell me what’s on your mind.”

“I’ll come back to Virginia if you still want me. I’ll travel anywhere…if it means being with you.”

“How could I not want you there with me?” He pulled back the covers. He smirked at her when she glanced under the blanket to make sure he had something on. “Don’t worry, I’ve got shorts on. Come here. Just let me hold you.”

Without hesitation, she slipped onto the bed beside him. “Tomorrow I’ll put in my three week notice.”

“Three weeks?”

“Whether you win or not, I have to see this competition through. That means those additional two weeks with the winner. If it’s you, then that’s wonderful. If not, I’ll join you in Virginia two weeks after that. Well, maybe three weeks. I’ll have to return to D.C. to sort out my office and condo, pack my stuff. Plus, I have a doctor’s appointment.”

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