Lucky Chance (2 page)

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Authors: Marissa Dobson

BOOK: Lucky Chance
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“I’m sure Gwen and Wynn would love to see you before we left town. Or even when we come back. It’s been too long.”

Her thoughts flashed from memories of him to those of her two best friends. Through the years, she had kept in touch with them, mostly exchanging Christmas and birthday cards, a phone call here or there. Even though she had received wedding invitations from both of them, she hadn’t come back to town for them. Like with Lucky, the doors to those friendships had closed. They were in the past and even though it sent a pain through her heart, that’s where they needed to stay.

“Did you hear me?”

“We don’t have time.” She tried to reason without having to reveal why she didn’t want to deal with a reunion.

“Then, when we get back.”

“I won’t be coming back to Virginia. On our return trip, we’ll part ways in Washington D.C. and you’ll return here to your normal duties.” It might have sounded harsh, but that’s what the future held for them. Two weeks, then she could put him back in the past and keep her feelings for him stuffed away.

“They’ll be disappointed that they didn’t get to see you.” He paused at the stop sign before turning right and heading out of town toward Ace’s house.

She remembered hearing that Ace had bought the family home when his parents wanted to downsize and travel. Another place that held too many memories, but she had no plans to get out of the truck. Since her offer to wait at a café in town didn’t work, she’d wait in the truck and let him handle his business.

They rode in silence, and her thoughts continued to travel into the past. “Only a few hours…”

“What’s that?” He shot her a sideways glance as he kept his attention on the road before him.

She hadn’t meant to say it aloud, only in her thoughts. “Oh, nothing.”

“You’re anxious to get out of town. Aren’t you?” When she said nothing, he added, “You keep looking at your watch, and I’d guess you’re counting the hours until we’re on the plane to Denver. Is it me or the town that makes you uneasy?”

“I’m only trying to keep us on schedule. Media appearances are lined up for the next few days. Sergeant Major Graves also made it clear he wanted you to determine what you were cooking and to try your recipes out before the contest. He doesn’t seem like a man you want to let down, so I’m going to stay on you and we’ll need to stay on schedule. It’s already going to be later than I’d like before we get to Denver.”

“You’ve always been so concerned with schedules and timetables. One thing that can be said for you is that you’ve always been on time.” He pulled in front of Ace’s old Victorian house. “Even your mother said you were born right on time. She went into labor five minutes after midnight on the day the doctor said she’d have you, and a few hours later, you were born. You must have been the only infant on schedule.”

“Schedules are the timetable of life. Stick to it, and you’ll get everything done you were supposed to. It’s all about timing.”

“Madison, sometimes you need to let your hair down a little and be spontaneous. You can’t plan every minute of your day.” He shoved the truck into park and shut it off.

“I’m spontaneous when I want to be.”

He turned enough to look at her directly, a smirk tugging up the corners of his lips. “You’re spontaneous when you have it written in the calendar to be spontaneous. But for the next two weeks, you’re stuck with me, and when I’m not on duty, I don’t live by any schedule. You’re going to have to learn to go with the flow.”

“We’ve got interviews scheduled, a photo shoot…”


“Don’t call me that.”
She cut him off before he could finish his sentence. Years ago, that had been his special name for her as a way to tease her about her temper, but now it only pained her to hear it.
It was my decision to leave him, so why does it hurt so much now? Hormones.

“You’ll always be my Maddie.” He reached out to touch her, but stopped before he did. Instantly, he grew serious and nodded. “We’ll do everything you’ve set up, but it doesn’t mean I’ll be jumping like a well-trained dog every hour for you. On the plane, I want to look at this schedule, and I don’t want you to add anything else to it without consulting me.”

“I’m the public relations director on this project. If I can get any more media attention for it, whether it be for you or one of the other branches, I damn well will. This is my job we’re talking about.”

“And my life.” He tugged the keys from the ignition. “I never wanted to do this stupid cook-off. I cook for the guys because it’s better than eating the crap the military tries to pass off as food. I take what we have on hand and turn it into something that’s at the very least somewhat enjoyable, but I’ve never wanted to compete on some cooking show, or be a chef. I’m only here because I’m under direct orders from my Sergeant Major.”

“It won’t be so bad.”

“Really?” He cocked an eyebrow at her. “Because I think it will be, or I wouldn’t have offered to become a target for shooting practice.”


“When Graves told me about this new assignment my exact words were: Isn’t there something my time could be better spent on? A volunteer deployment? Crash test dummy? Target for shooting practice?”

She sat there staring at him for a moment, waiting for him to tell her he was just joking, but something about the look in his eyes told her that he was dead serious. He’d rather do any of those things than this cooking competition. “I’m sorry you got dragged into this, but I had nothing to do with that. Your Sergeant Major is the one who recommended you to the brass, and they had the final choice. Don’t blame me because you’re saddled with me and these orders.”

“I’m not upset about being stuck with you. That might be the one highlight of this situation.” He opened the door and slid out. “Coming?”

He couldn’t actually mean that he wanted to spend the next two weeks with her. What about the tension that was in the air because of the way they’d left things?
Don’t be stupid. The tension isn’t from that. It’s from the desire burning in his gaze that heats the fires within me.

He couldn’t possibly feel anything for her after more than a dozen years. Could he?


Lucky leaned against the kitchen counter as he filled Ace in on his new orders, while his thoughts kept traveling back to Madison. She had refused to come in until Gwen had gone to retrieve her by force, if necessary, from the truck. Thankfully, it hadn’t come to that, and now the women were chatting in the living room, while Roulette slept in her bassinet, and the men were in the kitchen. It was almost like old times except his parents weren’t hiding somewhere in the house waiting to catch them in some compromising position—well, that and Roulette was here.

If things hadn’t turned out the way they had so many years ago, maybe he’d have been married to Madison and living a life like Ace had with a wife and baby. Funny how things change. Only last night he was happy living the single life, enjoying his condo and freedom. Now, here he was questioning everything he thought he wanted. Though, there was one thing he knew he wanted, and that was to get her on her back. He wanted to make love to her again, to hear her scream his name in ecstasy. He missed the way she wrapped her legs around him as they made love, and how the simplest touches had her wiggling against him.


Ace’s tone brought him back to reality. “Huh, what were you saying?”

“I told you I’d pick up your mail and check on your condo. Gwen and I will go over and take care of the refrigerator and stuff tomorrow. Anything else you need done?”

He tried to think, but nothing came to mind. He had a simple life. There were no plants that needed to be watered, and all of his bills were automatically deducted from his checking account, so when he was deployed he didn’t have to worry about anything. “I don’t think so. I’d put a stop on the mail, but we’ve got to catch a plane in a few hours. I barely have time to go home and pack.”

“No sweat.” Ace took a swig from the beer bottle. “Need a ride to the airport?”

“Naw, thanks though. I’ll leave my truck there since my return flight doesn’t have me getting in until late.” He glanced at the clock on the stove. “I guess we should be going, I’ve still got to pack.”

“Well, little brother, I’ll be rooting for you. I know you can do it. Go there and show them what a great chef you are, all self-taught and everything.”

“You better not let your team hear that. Rooting for the Marines when you’re a Navy SEAL could get you stoned.”

Ace grabbed his beer, and with a smirk he led the way to the living room. “You know the guys love your cooking. We’ll all be rooting for you, but be prepared to pay up big time if you lose.”

“I’m sure there’s already a poll going on base. If I hear my very own brother bet against me, there’s going to be hell to pay.” A soft cry from Roulette had Lucky speeding his pace. “What’s wrong, darling?” He plucked his niece from the bassinet and cradled her in his arms.

“I think she might be coming down with something. She’s been fussy today and has barely slept.” Gwen stifled a yawn.

“Have you been keeping your mommy up?” He kissed her forehead but it didn’t feel warm.

“And her daddy,” Ace added as he dropped like a lead balloon onto the sofa next to his wife.

“Get me out of this cooking battle, and I’ll take her so you can get some sleep.” He rocked her gently, easing the cries.

“You wish.” Ace shook his head. “But the Marines are counting on you.”

“You’re going to make them proud and show them what you’ve got. I know you can win this if you put your mind to it,” Madison announced, and as everyone turned to look at her, the heat of embarrassment colored her cheeks. “Umm, I think I’ll wait outside.”

“There’s no need, we’re going.” He stepped toward the sofa, and with one final kiss, he passed Roulette off to Gwen. “Now, you behave for your mommy, but make sure you keep Daddy on his toes. Also, don’t grow too much while your favorite uncle is away.”

“Favorite?” Ace gave a deep chuckle. “See, she was telling me just this morning that Uncle Boom is her favorite.”

“Stop it, you two; you know she has no favorites.” Gwen cut them off before they could continue to provoke each other.

“Yes, ma’am.” He gave his sister-in-law a mocking salute, before tipping his head toward Ace. “Keep him in line.”

“These two never stop.” Gwen met Madison’s gaze. “Wynn will be sorry she missed you, so I hope you keep your word and come back soon. It will be nice for all of us to be back together again.”

“Soon.” Madison nodded and headed for the door.

“Everything okay with her?” Gwen whispered as Madison opened the front door.

“She hadn’t expected that I was the Marine she’d have to work with. I believe I’ve thrown her for a loop. If she could board a plane in the opposite direction without putting her career on the line, I believe she would.” Lucky glanced toward the door and considered his options on how to get her over this initial unease.

“Go easy on her,” she warned. “It’s been a long time since I saw her, and I’d like to see her again soon. Don’t go messing things up so she doesn’t want to risk coming back into town.”

He nodded, instead of stating his doubts that she would come back here even if things went smoothly. No need to shatter his sister-in-law’s hopes, not without proof. Maybe their time together would make Madison long for a reunion with her two best childhood friends. At least he could hope for their sake, and maybe a little for his own.

Madison stood near the sliding glass door to the balcony and admired the view. Lucky’s condo was on the eighth floor, providing a beautiful view of the ocean, and even though it was clear that a single man lived there, she wasn’t surprised with how clean the place was. Mrs. Diamond had wanted each of her children to be able to take care of themselves, including cleaning up after themselves and cooking.
Maybe that was where Lucky got his talent and love for cooking.

She forced her gaze to stay focused on the ocean and the boats in the distances, instead of thinking about the life Lucky led. It was so completely different than hers. Not just because he was military and she was a government employee. But the fact that he was so carefree while she was always by the book.

If his condo had anything to say about it, he was still the same guy he had been years ago. He must still like to entertain. Otherwise, the large sectional and air hockey table would have been too much for just one person. The weights near the television reminded her once again of the dedication he had to the military. The area was relatively spotless, not that she expected anything less from Lucky. He had always been the most organized of the Diamond family, and lived on a strict timetable, making him a good fit for military life. As much as he spoke of being spontaneous, he lived as much by a timetable as she did, he just didn’t admit to it as much. The times he was spontaneous were mentally scheduled in, even if he didn’t realize it.

“We’re cutting this closer than I’d like, since the airlines suggest we arrive two hours early for security. Why don’t we grab dinner at one of the restaurants at the airport?” he asked as he tossed his garment bag over the back of the sofa.

“That’s fine. Don’t forget your dress uniform.”

“Already packed, along with my cammies. What hotel are we staying at? Is there a pool? Because if so, I should grab my trunks.”

The weight of the living arrangements hit her full force, and she turned away from the view to face him. “Actually…umm…we’ve got a house.”

“Nice. The least the government can do is spring for a house instead of shoving us in a crummy hotel room for two weeks. Even if I’m stuck sharing a room with one of the other guys.”

“It’s not exactly like that.” She tried again, only to have him interrupt her a second time.

“Oh, I get my own room. Even better.”

She shook her head, but he didn’t notice. He was too busy shoving things into his bag. Now that he’d accepted his fate, he was getting into it. “Umm, Lucky…”

“What is it?” He glanced up, his toiletry bag in hand. “You okay? You look pale. Maybe you should have a seat.”

“I’m fine,” she snapped. “I mean. Oh hell, what I’m trying to say is we’re supposed to share the house. Each branch has a handler and their own house.”

“So, Maddie, you’re my handler, and though you’d rather be anywhere else in the world, you’re stuck sharing a house with me. Aren’t you the luckiest woman?”

“Stop calling me that.”

“But you used to love it.”

“That was years ago.”
It didn’t tear out my heart then. I was young and naïve. I found the little nickname sweet, even though it was brought on by my raging temper.
“Stuck together all day in a house. We need to at least try to get along.”

“I didn’t realize we weren’t getting along.” He tossed the toiletry bag into his larger bag. “I know you’re not thrilled to be stuck with me, and I’m not happy with this competition, but we’ve both got a job to do, so let’s do it. If you want to give me the schedule and just go your own way until we have to make public appearances, then so be it.”

She’d love to take him up on that offer, or better yet skip the plane to Colorado and board one taking her back to Washington D.C. Then she could retreat to the sanctuary of her small studio apartment and try to forget about the emotions and desires he had stirred within her. But she couldn’t do that. This job was her hope of making a new life and getting the bigger place she needed. It wasn’t just her that she had to worry about any longer.

“Lucky, I know things are uneasy between us, but I’m not going anywhere. Since I just took this position, to see you win would do wonders for my job. So, you’re stuck with me.”

“I’ll try not to let you down.” He walked toward the kitchen and grabbed two bottles from a cabinet before returning. “Are you sure that’s the only reason?”

Was she that easy to read? She wondered if he could tell that as much as she wanted to run in the opposite direction, she wanted to be near him at the same time. It was like two sides of her playing tug of war, and neither side was winning. She wasn’t even sure she knew which side she wanted to win.

Ignoring his question, she nodded to the spice bottles in his hand. “What’s that?”

“My secret ingredients that are going to make sure I win this competition.”

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