Lucid (13 page)

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Authors: A.K. Harris

BOOK: Lucid
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“Why don't I go with you. Can't leave you lovely ladies on your own it would be quite rude.” He offered wrapping his arms around both of us. When we got out of earshot he let out a sigh. “Thank God you showed up when you did. I thought they were going to devour me whole.”

“They might have if we hadn't showed up,” Olivia replied with a laugh. For the first time it seemed like they were getting along. At least a little. And I don't know why but that made me happy. Maybe I could have them both as friends after all.

Feeling a sharp tingling of electricity down my spine I turned back to look behind me, trying to find out where the sensation was coming from. But I couldn't see anyone watching me.

Suddenly I was reminded of what Deegan had said when we fought in the kitchen. People...
were out to kill me... and here I was wandering around pretending to be normal. This was beyond dangerous... this could be catastrophic... if whatever was sending me these bad electric vibes was willing to do anything to kill me. I was sure it would have no problem going through a gym filled with kids.

Olivia seeing my slight hesitation tightened her grip on mine. “We'll catch up with you later,” she offered. And without turning back to Ethan she drug me out onto the dance floor.

When we got out there and started moving, I took a quick moment to glance back at Ethan. He seemed content to watch from the sidelines while trying to deflect the entourage of girls that had once again crowded around him. By the third song my body was beginning to ache, and once again I regretted not being in better shape.

As the song began to slow, to something couples would dance to, I felt Olivia freeze. I glanced over at her but her eyes were widened in shock staring at something past me, I could only hope and pray it wasn't going to be the thing that ended my life tonight.

I could feel how close it was, like heat radiating against my skin. The tingling in my spine getting stronger. I glanced around, scanning to room to see who else noticed the monster that was about to tear this place up, but besides a few flirtatious glances in our direction by the girls on the dance floor there was no indication that anything was different.

Locking my eyes with Olivia, I scanned her confused expression trying my best to figure out what was going on. She kept glancing from whatever was behind me, to me directly, then back again. And I couldn't accurately judge by her expression what exactly was behind me.

“Sorry,” he whispered. His thick brogue cut through the music humming across the dance floor. “Thought perhaps I could cut in?”

Olivia's eyes tried to find mine again but before they could my whole body snapped around at the sound of Deegan's gravelly deep voice. He pulled back a bit at my sudden turn, but continued to stand there sheepishly with his hands in his pockets. His deep red eyes were locked on mine, and I felt myself stuttering for air in the suddenly overheated gym.

“I mean...” he continued nervously. “I was hoping we could … talk?”

Olivia placed her hand on my back gently before walking over to intercept Ethan who was trudging over with a look of murder on his face. She simply walked up to him snatched his arm up and practically drug him away.

Deegan offered me a small nervous smile before holding his hand out for me to take it. It took everything I had to hold the tears out of my eyes. Olivia had seen him... that meant he was real. This whole time he had been real. Slowly I put my hand in his larger one. It was warm. Comforting. With a sweet dimpled smile, he took my other hand and placed them both on his chest before wrapping his arms around my waist letting his hands rest gently on my hips.

There was nothing, too intimate, or to forward about the gesture. But it was hands down one of the best moments of my life. Being here wrapped up against him. The
him. The one I had wanted. I'm sure he could see the confusion on my face as I tried to work through my emotions without crying and ruining Olivia's make up job.

“Ah cariad... why don't you ask whatever is on your mind. I'll answer anything,” he whispered softly resting his chin on top of my head.

“You're... you're
. Why did you never tell me? This whole time I thought...” My words trailed off as I tried to keep a hold of my emotions.

“You wouldn't have believed me. You were so dead set that I was a figment of your imagination that you never even second guessed it.” he replied with a sad sigh.

“Then how did I dream you?”

“It's part of your gifts. You can communicate with people through your dreams... among other things.”

“You're here... I mean how... how are you here?”

“First plane out of Edinburgh,” he replied with a nervous chuckle.

“How...” I thought seriously for a moment about how to ask this question. “How did you know where I was...?”

“Stalkerish tendencies?” he offered hopefully.

“You... you would have died... the real you would have died...”


“Then why in the world did you...” I struggled against his soft grip turning my face up to look him in the eyes.

“I would die for you a thousand times over. Never...
would I do anything less than give everything I have to protect you cariad.”

“Why me?” I whispered, a single tear rolling down my cheek, that he deftly wiped away with gentle fingers before placing his hands back on my hips.

“That,” He replied with a cheeky smile, “Is a secret.”

“I thought you said you would answer anything,” I remarked a small smile tugging at the corner of my lips.

“I did answer.”

“It wasn't a very good answer.”

“That's not my problem,” he replied with a chuckle.

Letting out a small laugh I laid my head on his chest, as we continued to dance slowly to the song letting the rhythm dictate our movements.

“Why are you here?”

I felt his laughter rumble through his chest more than I heard it, like a comforting pull, I snuggled closer to him.

“Did you forget already? I would do anything for you Mercy. I would do anything, but stay away. That... that is the one thing I can not bring myself to do.”

It was a confession if I ever heard one... which I hadn't. But I couldn't imagine anyone saying anything more romantic than that. I leaned further into him with a little sigh.

“That's right... I remember... you Hati's are weird like that.” I replied smiling into his chest, feeling the laughter vibrate through him... through
. I liked the sound of that...
. Now that there was an us.

“You know its dangerous for you to be out tonight...”

“I'm sorry... I know... but I had to do something outrageous. Liv's rules not mine,” I replied with a chuckle.

He slowly took a strand of my hair with a smile and began twisting it around his finger. “I'd say the pink was outrageous enough... I like it though.”

The warm spark inducing feeling Deegan had given me, suddenly compressed to a cold fear and I knew something was wrong. So did Deegan. He grabbed my hand tightly and began dragging me out of the center of the dance floor.

I could see Olivia and Ethan making their way over to us, probably trying to rescue me, the horror on my face apparent. I don't know why I turned. I don't know what made me look that way, but my head turned to the doors that lead to the rest of the school.

The doors flung open, and a pasty exhausted looking Mr. Shadar fell through. Even from this distance I could see his skin peeling and popping as he turned. Just as Deegan had been real, so was he.

“Olivia!” I shouted above the roar of the music, and the din of the kids who didn't know their world was about to come crashing down.

She locked eyes with me and I gestured wildly to the emergency fire alarm on the wall near them. By her confused expression I could tell she didn't know what the hell I was doing but she glanced that way, trusting what I was telling her. I could see her come to an understanding as he eyes landed on the alarm. She shoved Ethan toward the alarm and I could see her lips moving frantically as she told him what to do.

As he turned to pull the alarm Olivia continued toward Deegan and I. Deegan making for the exit that led to the parking lot dragged me closer to Olivia. When we finally met up she fell in line beside us.

“What the hell is happening?” She shouted over the blaring of the music.

“Basilisk,” was all Deegan said in response.

“Basalisk?” She asked confused. “Like Harry Potter?”

” was all Deegan managed to get out before all hell broke lose.

Chapter 23



I could barely hear the fire alarm that Ethan had pulled over all the screaming. The water pouring down from the spigots in the ceiling soaking everything. Glancing at the source of the screams, my hoodie blocked out the falling water, and I could clearly see Mr. Shadar's serpent body... his basilisk body, shoving sobbing kids out of the way as he looked around wildly... he was trying to find me... this was all my fault. I could feel Deegan and Olivia tense at my sides, as they watched the scene unfold in front of them.

“Olivia you have to get them out of here...
have to get out of here!” I shouted turning to her. Here eyes were wide and she was shaking her head, I knew she would protest but it wanted me and I couldn't drag her down with me. “You've got to get everyone out of here,” I said again vehemently. “Deegan and I can take care of this.” We had too...

I took one final glance at Deegan. At the tight muscles, corded and flexing under his tanned skin. He glanced away from Mr. Shadar still snarling and throwing his way through the crowd sniffing and huffing trying to find my scent. His liquid red eyes found mine, and in that moment I wanted nothing more than to kiss him before we tried to fight fate and escape this death. That's what they do in the movies... and it works for them. They get their happy endings.

Before I had a chance to think on it. Before I had the chance to second guess myself. I drew up to my full height wrapped my hands around Deegan's face and drew him down to me. Only for an instant was there the gentle kiss that I had dreamed of. The kiss was frantic and full of need. There was only a moment of shock before Deegan wrapped his arms tightly around me and crushed my lips to his. He let out a snarling growl, and I felt his fangs as he nipped my lower lip.

When I leaned back to look at him his eyes were a deeper red than I had ever seen, his pupils were wide open, looking like they were dilated.  This was the kiss I had wanted, the kiss I had needed, the kiss I would take with me to my grave. The thought cause a sharp pain and I turned away from him before the hurt could become crippling. At least I had him... even if it was only for a little while... at least he was real. But that made the pressure of risking  him even stronger.

I had no choice. I rushed forward. Toward the screaming masses. I rushed forward to a basilisk. I rushed forward to my fate. Whatever that may be. I could hear Deegan. The popping and tearing, the breaking of bones, and the snarling roar that escaped his throat. I could hear Olivia shouting, trying to get everyone out of the way. It took everything I had, but I tuned it all out. There was only me and the basilisk left. I knew there were no powers to help me here. According to Deegan I was a dreamer, with powers in my dreams. So I did the only thing I could to get his attention before Deegan could strike. I had to have his attention on

My hands tightened around the leg of the plastic and metal chair. I gripped it so hard my knuckles went white, and just as he began picking up some fairy princess to kill I swung. I swung the chair as hard as I could. My aggression was rewarded with a resounding thump as the chair shattered across his face. He tossed the girl aside, and watched me with his yellowed snake eyes. As I turned to take off, I could see the black blur of Deegan throwing himself into the serpentine body with a snarl. Mr. Shadar tossed Deegan aside as he advanced on me. I had his full attention. So I turned and ran.

I ran as fast as my nonathletic legs would carry me. I ran straight out the door and into the open night air. It was quieter out here. It was empty. Nobody for him to kill besides me. And I could hear him coming.

I turn and made a beeline for the trees. They wouldn't save me, but they might provide enough cover for me to get him further away. They might get me enough time to think about what I could do. How I could stop him.

 I hurriedly clambered over and under fallen logs in the little traversed forest. The dirt sticking to my hands and feet and I pushed myself off the ground. The low hanging branches of trees smacking my face creating little cuts and welts along my skin, but still I didn't stop. I could hear another beast joined the chase and I knew it was Deegan. I could feel the hum of his life as he grew closer. And even further away, left in the dust by the supernatural chase I could hear Ethan shouting my name. I hoped and prayed this would all be over before he got here. He had enough on his plate he didn't need to worry about saving me.

Tuning Ethan out of my thoughts, I put all my focus into making it through the woods without falling. I could hear trees behind me shattering, as the massive serpentine body forced its way through the thick growth.

When I came to the dip, where the ground began swiftly sloping downward, I didn't second guess it. I just kept running, changing the angle of my body as I rushed down the hill and over the fallen logs as fast as I could.

Mr. Shadar let out a vicious roar as he followed me down.  I could feel broken chunks of wood striking me in the back as he grew closer. The splinters were flying in every direction. Glancing behind myself, I managed to duck below his claws at just the last minute, as he threw himself at me. The collision of our bodies knocked the air out of me as we went tumbling down into the deepest part of the ravine.

When I finally was able to pull myself up off the ground, my aching muscles screaming in protest. Mr. Shadar was dragging himself up his golden snakelike eyes piercing into me. Just as he began to move toward me, the muscular black mass of Deegan slammed into him. He was darting in and out nipping and snapping almost faster than my eyes could keep up. The Basilisk Mr. Shadar let out a snarling roar as he sunk his talons into Deegan's side. Deegan stumbled, his momentum carrying him away from Mr. Shadar's raking talons.

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