Loving Kate (Acceptance #3) (19 page)

BOOK: Loving Kate (Acceptance #3)
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As I drift off, I hear him talking to Lucas through the monitor. The last thing I hear before falling asleep is Daniel telling him how much he’s loved by us all.

A week later and I’m yawning again but this time in a very fancy bridal shop somewhere in the middle of Laguna Beach. Apparently, April is a bit of a bridezilla, which I would have never guessed—not in a million years. I’m pretty happy I’m only here for the fittings because if I had been on this journey with her from the beginning…well, I don’t even want to think about that.

“Kate, that would be fun, right?” Jess asks with a beaming smile on her face. I totally zoned out so I just agree with her.

“Sure sounds like fun.”

“Eeeppp!” April squeals as she and Jess start roaming the store, looking at more dresses. I’m not sure why; she is just getting a fitting, she already has hers.

“Come on, Kate, find a dress!” Jess yells at me from across the store.


April is on the other side of the room so I hurry over to Jess.

“Jess, what did I just agree to? I was completely zoned out,” I whisper to her frantically and she doubles over in laughter.

“I thought that was a little too good to be true but you’re stuck now, unless you want to piss off the blushing bride.”

More bridezilla? Hell no. As I shake my head, she continues to snicker.

“April thought it would be fun for all of us to try on dresses.”

Oh no, I did not just agree to that.

“Yep, get to picking before she picks one for you.”

Groaning inwardly, I begin to peruse the racks of dresses. You could buy a car for the price of some of these dresses. On a dress you will only wear once. I don’t care if I have money or not, there are other things,
things, I could use my money on than a dress.

Maybe I can just pretend I don’t see anything.

“Kate, look!” April squeals. “This would be perfect on you and it’s your size. Let’s go try it on.”

As we walk toward the dressing room, Jess calls out from behind me, “If that doesn’t work, this one might.”

They are seriously enjoying this too much. The saleswoman has April’s dress out and ready for her to try on and the seamstress is setting up her area in case it isn’t perfect. Jess is already stripping out of her clothes and getting into a dress.

I’m surprised they just let you try on dresses but considering April paid about twenty grand for hers, I doubt they would complain about much. I’ve just never been one of those girls who has really put much thought into a big wedding. I’d be happy eloping with a few friends. With my mom gone and my strained relationship with my dad, it just isn’t high on my list of things to do.

“Come on, Kate, try them on,” Jess once again pulls me from my thoughts she’s already tried one on and turned her nose up at it and tried another one on. She looks beautiful.

“Wow, Jess, that dress is amazing on you.” As she spins around in the three way mirror, she checks out her ass.

“I know, and it doesn’t even make my ass look big and white
makes my ass look big,” she says with a giggle as the seamstress looks at her with disdain.

I’m stepping into the first dress April picked out and it’s huge. This thing must weigh as much as I do. It’s loaded down in beads and tulle and must have a twenty foot train. It’s good for a few laughs and then I struggle to get out of it. The next dress Jess picked actually needs a corset for me to even try it on, or so says the saleswoman. So they strap me into a gorgeous white corset and in the back of my mind I’m wondering if they have one in black that I can buy and take home today. Daniel would love this.

When they zip up the second dress, both Jess and April have tears in their eyes. They must be hormonal because it’s not like I’m getting married; we’re just playing dress up. And then they turn me around and now I have tears in my eyes. This dress is everything and more.

“Wow, Kate, you’re absolutely breathtaking,” Jess says and April nods in full agreement.

“Absolutely stunning and that dress is quite the bargain at eleven thousand dollars. Intricate beading like that usually goes closer to twenty. This particular designer, though, prefers happiness over money and donates half of her proceeds to charity. The dresses are handcrafted in Africa and for every dress made, the girl who makes it not only gets a very generous hourly wage but the charitable portion of the dress goes into her education fund.” That is amazing.

“Kate, you should buy this dress. You and Daniel will get married eventually and it’s perfect.”

Jess is right; it
perfect. It’s a strapless dress with almost a wrap look to the bodice. The top half of the dress is fully hand beaded, but not shiny beads, just beautiful white ones. It has a silvery beaded belt but it’s stitched in and actually part of the dress. The bottom half of the dress is satin, flared out a little bit—more like a ball gown and less like a tulle explosion. There are three satin ruffle type sections that give it just a little bit of a fun, sophisticated look. My boobs look huge and my waist smaller than normal thanks to the corset. It really is a beautifully made dress.

“I’m not buying a dress, but when and if we get married I know where to come and look for one.” There’s no need even thinking about weddings. I know it’s only been a few days but Daniel hasn’t even given me my ring back.

“Still no ring yet?”

It’s like she can read my mind. “No, but it’s only been a week. I’m sure when he’s ready and when he’s really over everything he’ll give it to me. I’m not worried,” I tell them with a forced smile.

The truth is I’m
worried. All my stuff was moved in two days after the funeral and the last week has been pure bliss. Maybe he still isn’t really one hundred percent over Marc and he just needs more time to be sure.

“He’s probably just waiting to see how things go. Moving in together is a big step. You don’t need a ring to know he loves you.” Jess is shooting April daggers and April blushes in shame.

“Enough. This is
day, April. Get your dress on so we can see how you look,” I say with a smile.

Jess and the saleswoman help April into her dress while I put my clothes back on,
they get me out of the corset.

“Do you have these in black?” I ask the saleswoman, and from the way she puckers her face at me you’d think I’d asked her for a bondage set. Oh well, guess I’ll have to look online. “Oh wow,” I say as I turn and face my two friends. April’s dress is amazing.

“April, you look like a princess. That dress…well, I can see why you spent so much money on it now.”

Jess nods in agreement. “When Jake sees you in that he’s going to cry like a baby and then he’s going to fuck you six ways ‘til Sunday,” she says with a giggle.

The dress is perfect and needs no further alterations. They will send it directly to the hotel for her, too, so she doesn’t have to worry about storing it at her house.

After we leave the store, April has us run to a few more places. She’s excited and wants us to see the linens and place settings she picked out. She eagerly asks our opinion on every little thing and I think Jess is over it if her eye rolling is any indication. I’m trying to give April all my attention and answer her honestly since Jess is being so bitchy all of a sudden. She has been texting a bit, and I wonder if she and Connor had a fight.

On the way home, we talk a bit about random stuff and about the bachelorette party. The wedding is in three weeks, so the bachelorette party is in two. Plus, to top it all off, Linda rescheduled our graduation party two weeks after than when Jake and April get back from their honeymoon. Thankfully, it’s summer and I’ve got nothing but free time.

“How’s it going with Lucas?” April asks while Jess types furiously away on her keyboard.

“It’s going good. We’re getting into a routine. He’s babbling a little more, and lifts his head during tummy time. I can’t believe he’s already going to be three months old in a few days.”

“I’m glad Lucas is doing well, but how are
doing?” A social worker’s job is never done.

“I’m okay. Some days are harder than others. Not because of Lucas, he’s a really good baby, just because I’m sad for Vanessa and I miss her,” I reply honestly.

“I can imagine it must be hard. You were just kind of thrown into taking over for her.” She keeps her eyes on the road so she can’t see my glare but I wonder if she can feel it.

“I don’t feel like I was
into anything. I wouldn’t be doing this if I didn’t love Lucas. And I’m not doing it because I’m in love with his dad, either. That’s just a perk. I’m doing it because I loved his mom. I rubbed her belly and talked to him while he kicked at me from the inside. This little boy had me wrapped around his finger before I ever knew who his dad was.”

Jess is patting my shoulder now from the backseat and I don’t even know why I’m so mad.

“Kate, I’m sorry. I didn’t mean anything by it, I swear.”

I close my eyes and count to ten. “I know you didn’t, I’m just angry. Lucas got robbed, we all did. Losing Vanessa just sucks.”

They both murmur their agreement and we ride the rest of the way home in silence.



Misty’s grandma is still in the hospital so I haven’t seen much of her lately. Between summer classes, work, and now her grandma being so ill, our time has been spent mostly over coffee breaks at the diner. Finally, tonight we’re going on a date. We’ve been seeing each other almost two months now and I really want her to get to know my friends, so we’re going to Connor’s for dinner and she agreed to spend the night.

When I pull into the driveway, she looks like she’s going to throw up. “They’re not bad, you’ve met them all before. Relax.”

She flashes me a tiny smile. “Yes, but I wasn’t your girlfriend then. Now they’re going to want to ask questions and get to know me.”

“What’s wrong with them wanting to get to know you? It’s kind of important since I don’t plan on getting rid of you anytime soon.” I’m completely joking with her but she’s not loosening up at all. Once we’re out of the car, I pull her close and tip her chin up to me. “Breathe, baby, it’s all going to be fine.”

My lips greet hers in a sexy hello and she opens for me greedily. Damn, I’m already hard and the night’s just starting. I’m pouring a lot of passion into this kiss and she’s giving it back in equal doses. Too bad we just can’t go straight to my room and skip dinner.

“Seriously, you guys, too? There’s more tongue out tonight than at a KISS concert. Get a room, would you?”

I flip Connor off as I pull away from Misty, positioning her in front of me so I can calm down a bit.

“Hey guys!” Jess pops her head around Connor’s. “Come on in, dinner’s ready and waiting.”

Misty laces her fingers into mine and smiles at me. “Let’s do this,” she says determinedly as we follow them inside.

Everyone is outside by the pool and Jake is pulling chicken and steak off the grill. It’s a beautiful summer night. Kate gives Misty a hug and a margarita as we take a seat. Jess passes me a beer and plops down on my lap.

“Girl, didn’t anyone ever tell you that you have boney ass?” She sticks her tongue out at me and then kisses me on the cheek.

“Yup, you did, more times than I care to remember. That’s why I always sit on you. Connor doesn’t think my ass is boney, do you?”

Connor looks at her with the straightest of faces as he replies, “Baby, I love your boney ass.”

“Connor!” she hisses at him but he’s too busy laughing to care. “Do you see what I have to put up with around here? You’re lucky you’re the new girl, enjoy it while you can. Pretty sure they’re going to treat you just like they do me, with absolutely no respect,” Jess tells Misty rather dramatically.

“Don’t listen to her, Misty. We’re still trying to figure out how it is she’s going into nursing and not the theatre. Love ya, Jess,” Kate says sweetly.

Connor pulls Jess from my lap and onto his and Daniel walks out with Lucas. “Does he smell better now?” Connor asks wrinkling his nose, but Daniel just laughs it off.

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