Loving A Romano (22 page)

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Authors: Sindee Lynn

BOOK: Loving A Romano
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Chapter Twenty-six


“What’s this?” Wade asked from his seat at Ashley’s kitchen island two weeks later.

It was Monday morning and he’d stayed over the previous night. It was part of his commitment to their spending more time together when possible. It was four thirty and he was on his way to a new job site his dad wanted him to check on.

Ashley turned from the task of pouring him a cup of coffee and glanced over her shoulder.

“That’s one of the ideas for the new face of Blaze. Remember I was telling you how Torrie had this great idea to reveal a new Blaze emblem at this year’s event. It would have been awesome but no one can come up with anything she likes.”

“The new one is almost identical to the old one. And the original isn’t all that great,” he said almost to himself.

Walking around his side of the island, she glanced over his shoulder down at the drawing in his hand. She had looked at this one and more just like it a million times and hadn't noticed they resembled each other. As she looked at them now she still didn’t see it.

“Mind if I take this with me,” he asked pointing to the many copies of the original emblem she had on the counter.

She hunched her shoulder.

“Sure why not. I have plenty of those. What I don’t have are any new ideas.”

Twenty minutes later she walked him to the door amazed at how adjusted he seemed to be to these crazy hours. He’d even driven over in one of the company trucks so he could go straight from her house to the site. If he was happy then she was happy for him. At least she would be if she didn’t still have that nagging feeling in the back of her brain saying something wasn’t right. He’d never answered her questions about when or why he’d decided to go back to work for Joey. Every time she brought it up he changed the subject until finally she’d just stopped asking figuring he would tell her when he was ready.

Ashley headed back upstairs to bed, stifling a yawn with the back of her hand. She couldn't imagine how Maura did this every morning. Ashley doubted if she even went back to bed after Joey left for the day. As Ashley laid her head down praying for sleep to reclaim her quickly, she admitted regardless of how she felt about the ungodly hour she had to get up the alternative of not having Wade here with her at least some nights during the week was not an option at all.


Thank God it’s Friday, Ashley thought as she walked into the cool interior of her house. It had been the longest week she could recall having ever
. Everything that could have gone wrong with the Blaze event had. The dishes she and Torrie had labored over for weeks were no longer available. They’d had to meet this week to pick a whole new table setting. Torrie then had the nerve to say after looking at their initial choice it was a good thing it had become unavailable because she didn’t really like it anymore. The fabric for the table clothes being specially made for the event hadn’t arrived as anticipated which meant the seamstress would have to work double time to get them all done before the event. To top it all off, she’d gotten up at four every morning this week to see Wade off to work. She was exhausted. All she wanted to do right was change clothes and get herself a cold beer. Not necessarily in that order.

She kicked her shoes off and headed for the kitchen. Tossing the mail on the counter she went for her beer. After a long pull, she flipped through the pieces of mail. When the bills outweighed the junk mail she gave up. Taking another pull of her beer, she headed to the trash can with the junk mail and some balled up napkins that had been on the counter.

Ashley didn’t recall seeing them this morning but she had been rushing about. She was about to drop all of it in the trash when she noticed there was something on the napkins. Her brow puckered as she unfolded first one and then a few of the others. Tossing the rest of the junk mail in the trash she headed back to the island. The Blaze name was on each of them but the emblem was different. Was this what Wade had been doodling this morning? She studied the design and headed back to the foyer where she’d dropped her pocket book off to locate her cell phone.

“Torrie McAllister.”

“Hey, Tor you still in the office?” she asked heading for her home office where she made a copy of each of the drawings.

“Yeah why?”

“I’m going to fax you something. Tell me what you think?” she said punching in the numbers to Torrie’s fax machine in her office.

“Okay it’s coming through now. Hang on.”

While she waited, Ashley pulled the pins from her hair. She ran her fingers through it.

“It’s about damn time. Which one of those over paid idiots finally got it right? Please tell me it’s our current firm since we pay them so much money to be creative already.”

“Actually none of the overpaid idiots currently on your pay roll came up with those. Wade did.” Pride filled every part of her being.


“The one and only.”

“I want this design Ashley. Hell I really want them all. They kind of build upon each other like they go together. At least that’s what it looks like to me. You tell him I’ll pay him whatever he wants for the rights to them all. It’s the best thing that’s come across my desk since we’ve been planning this thing. I like it better than what we have now. You think he can be at a meeting in my office next week sometime to work out the details?” Torrie asked.

Ashley could almost see her mind working. She was positive when they got off the phone Torrie would be contacting their legal department to get a contract made up. She tried to think of what she had said her current ad agency had received when they’d come up with the old emblem. It was something ridiculous especially considering they couldn't come up with anything new.

“I’ll check with him and give you a call over the weekend. We need to set the appointment for no later than Wednesday. We have to allow for time to get everything to the printers. As it is we’ll have to get rush orders done for everything we’ll need.”

“Do what you need to do as far as rush orders. I trust you to take care of all of that. I’ll wait to hear from you this weekend. Regardless of what it takes and no matter the cost, I want these designs Ashley. Work your magic on that boy. I’ll talk to you later,” Torrie said and hung up.

She was so excited she didn’t care if Torrie’s last words had sounded more like an order rather than a request. Ashley had no doubts Wade would just offer to give the designs to Torrie free of charge so she needed to make sure he realized what he’d truly come up with and the scope of it all.

A goofy grin spread across her face. Speaking of, she needed to call him with the good news. She punched in the number to his cell phone. She waited impatiently for his voicemail to pick up. Leaving a short message simply to call her, she tried him at the guesthouse but got the same thing. Glancing at her watch, it was almost six o’clock. She thought he’d be home by now. She hung up this time without leaving a message.

She’d just go over there. This was big news and she wanted to see his face when she told him. She’d just grab a quick shower and be on her way.

Almost two hours later she walked into the Romano kitchen and saw Maura at the stove. Did the woman ever get tired of cooking?

“Hey,” she said giving her the usual kiss and hug.

“Ashley I wasn’t expecting you today. I thought we finalized everything for Wade's birthday party,” Maura said returning her kiss and hug.

Ashley took a seat at the counter.

“We did. We’re all set for next weekend. I’m waiting for Wade.”

“Oh,” Maura said turning her pot down low before walking around the counter to sit on one of the other stools.

“I’ve been meaning to talk to you about that,” Maura said.

“Yes ma’am?” She tried to gauge her intentions but as usual Maura’s face gave nothing away.

“Oh come now with all that ma’am nonsense. We’re more than that. You are like a daughter to both Joey and me. We love you as if you were one of our own.”

This is what she’d been afraid of and it appeared she’d been correct. Her heart sank a little as she sat waiting.

“But all of that aside, I just wanted to let you know Joey and I both give our blessings to your relationship with Wade.”

Wait. What had Maura just said?

“Did you say you and Joey are okay with me seeing Wade? How’d you know?”

The warmth of the smile on Maura’s face and the hand covering hers on the counter had tears prickling the back of her eyes.

“Honey we couldn't be happier. We’re not blind. Our Wade has loved you since the day he met you,” she said laughing. “For years Joey and I have watched you two, wondering if fate would ever bring you together or if stubbornness, more on your part than Wade's, would cause you to go in separate directions.”

“It’s all so new and a little scary sometimes,” she said almost to herself. She’d been worried for nothing.

“I think love is supposed to be a little scary. It keeps us on our toes,” Maura said. “You do love him don’t you sweetheart?” 

She diverted her eyes momentarily before lifting her gaze to meet the woman who could one day finally be her mother for real. “Yeah I do.”

“Oh I knew it.” Maura clapped her hands together. The animated expression on her face caused Ashley to giggle.

“I told Joey Wade had finally worn you down.” She nodded. “You have always been a good influence on him. I strongly believe his going back to work for Joey was in large part due to you.”

Ashley sat with her mouth slightly ajar. No way. Maura was way off base with this one. She’d never been one to get on Wade’s case about finding a job or doing something with his life.

“No I don’t think his decision had anything to do with me. He probably just got sick and tired of doing nothing all day.”

Maura patted her hand once again and simply smiled at her.

“If that’s what you’d like to believe,” she said getting up from the stool.

Ashley was saved from saying anything else on the subject when Antonio entered the kitchen. His face brightened when he saw her sitting at the counter.

“Aww what a lovely sight to see when a man comes in from a long day of hard work.”

His arms closed around her.

“You sure do pile it on there,” she said giving him a loose hug.

Wade’s tall frame came through the door next. The frown on his face left no doubt he was not pleased at what he was seeing. She attempted to pull away from Antonio and after a moment or two longer he released her.

“You waiting for me?” Wade asked moving towards her.

Several pairs of Romano eyes fell upon her. She almost resorted to her old tactics. Avoidance and denial but if she was going to do this then she may as well start now.

“I sure am,” she said boldly looking up into his annoyed blue gaze.

He grabbed her hand.

“Mom don’t worry about us for dinner.”

She allowed herself to be practically dragged from the house out into the Austin night. Ashley silently followed him down the path and into the guesthouse. She tossed her keys on the coffee table and turned towards him only to find him heading upstairs still not having said a word. She followed him.

“Are you okay?” she asked walking into his bedroom.

He paused in taking his shirt off to look over his shoulder at her. “What do you mean?”

“You know exactly what I mean. The caveman routine when you practically dragged me from the main house.”

“I’m fine. I’m just sick of Antonio always hitting on you.” He walked into his closet and began rummaging loudly through his dresser drawers.

“You put on that little show because you’re jealous of Antonio?” she asked softly walking to the door of his closet.

“Look I’m sorry if I embarrassed you. But it got on my nerves before we were serious and now it’s like ten times worse.”

He suddenly swung around in her direction.

“Did you know he has some God awful list of things to do before he dies? And fucking you is on it. Like I’d let that happen. I’d break his damn legs first.”

The last part was mumbled under his breath but Ashley caught it. She just barely was able to stifle her laughter. He was definitely jealous. A warm tingling feeling started in the pit of her stomach. It felt kind of good to garner that kind of reaction from him.

“I’ve wanted to tell him he doesn’t have a chance because you're mine. I can’t because for some reason you still don’t want my parents to find out which means I can’t tell that asshole hands off. I mean I don’t know how long this thing between us will even last and I’d like to enjoy rubbing it in his face that I get the pleasure of sleeping beside you at night,” he said slamming his dresser drawer with a bang.

He brushed pass her to exit the closet and she turned to stare at his back. Hadn’t they already had this conversation?

“Nicki what are you talking about? What do you mean you don’t know how long this will last?” she asked walking after him. “I thought we had covered all of this over a month ago when I decided to give us a real chance. Yes, I’ll admit I was reluctant to tell your parents but apparently you and Heather were correct.”

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