Read Loving a Bad Boy Online

Authors: Erosa Knowles

Tags: #romance, #interracial romance, #african american romance, #l, #romance action adventure, #romance adult erotica contemporary adventure, #mafia romance, #romance adult erotica

Loving a Bad Boy (33 page)

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He positioned his erection between her legs
and gyrated against her. The scent of her arousal washed over him
like liquid heat, igniting his passion higher. He reared back and
slid into her slowly, watching every flicker of pleasure that
crossed her face. A deep sense of satisfaction came over him that
his touch made her react so wantonly.

Intent on catching her breathy cries with
his mouth, he leaned forward, but she changed the script and threw
her hips upward and squeezed. “Shit,” he hissed. His eyes closed in
ecstasy as her inner walls tightened around him.

Her palms on his ass held him close. “Move,
now,” she commanded in a guttural tone.

The need in her voice coupled with the fire
of his need roaring through him, shattered the remnants of his

He lost it. Instinctively, he lifted her leg
and wrapped it around his waist. The moment he did that, his cock
filled her to the brim.

She gasped, but didn’t relinquish her

His thrusts went deep, hard. Her arms
tightened around his neck as he continued to slam into her, the
slap of their connection filled the air. He shuddered and quickened
his pace. The orchestra of his grunts, her moans, and the sounds of
slapping flesh played in the room.

Take it," he growled.
"Take all my cock."

Yessss,” she hissed,
pressing eagerly against him.

Just when he thought he’d do the inexcusable
and cum first, her body went taut and her inner muscles tightened.
He arched his back and thrust one final time as hard as he could.
His body shuddered and convulsed. Spurt after spurt of his semen
flooded her channel as she milked him.

Arrggh,” he yelled as
waves of unbearable pleasure washed over him. His strength
evaporated and he fell forward, trapping her beneath his weight.
Their harsh breaths were the only sounds in the room.

That was… damn.” Her palm
stroked his sweat laden back. She coughed and turned her face away
from his. A moment later her sniffles caught his

Pam?” He slid off her,
while pulling her close. “What’s the matter?” Clueless, he stilled
as her body shook under the force of her emotions.


He stared at the wall wondering how to deal
with her blatant denial. “Really?” He tilted her face toward him.
His stomach clenched seeing the tears across her face. “So you cry
when you wipe a man out? Steal his strength to the point he can’t
do nothing but think about how good you feel? Is that fair?”

Her eyes widened a bit. Her mouth opened and
closed with a snap. A grin lit her face as she slapped his chest.
“No, that’s not why I’m… that’s not fair….” She huffed and covered
her face. “You tricked me. But thanks. Sorry about that,” she
mumbled as she tried to give him her back. He wasn’t having any of

Sorry about?” he pressed.
This was one of those times when talking after sex was important.
At least he thought it was important to understand the tears. The
last time a woman had cried while in bed with him, he had just
asked her to get out of said bed.

She rolled her eyes at him. “It was good,
really good. Okay,” she snapped.

Deep contentment, primal in its nature,
enveloped him as her words penetrated. “Yeah, it was. I meant it.
So don’t ask for any more right now.” He squeezed her waist. “I
need’a hour or two to regroup before finishing my promise.”

Her brows furrowed as she met his stare.
“What promise?”

Deliberately, he sighed loud and long. “Your
pussy gotta sing praises to my cock. I need to hear more
accolades.” Laughing, he ducked as she swung the pillow at him.


Chapter 21


Pam woke with a start. It took her a moment
to realize Julio’s arm and leg were resting across her chest and
legs. She couldn’t move and she needed to get to the bathroom.
Remembering his need to sleep, she gently slipped out from under
him and then left the bed.

Hurry back,” he said in a
drowsy voice.

She waved him off as she
opened the bathroom door and rushed inside. After she relieved
herself, she remembered Julio’s wild claim that her father, of all
people, had told someone he could have her.
. Her daddy hadn’t come to
see her, or spent time with her most of her life. What would make
him think she’d honor or listen to anything he had to say about
relationships? “Pfft, he’s crazy.” She washed her hands and headed
back to bed. A knock sounded at the door. “Yeah?” she called out
while looking for her robe.

Where’s the sweet-bread?”
Tex asked.

I’ll be out in a few.”
She looked at Julio. He was on his side, his arm covering his face.
Her throat tightened as tingly emotions for him swamped her. She
spun toward the wall and closed her eyes tightly. She knew better
than to allow her feelings for him to override her common sense.
Julio and Tex were into risky security, which involved late night
meetings and lots of travel. Based on how fast the doctor had
responded and how good he was, she figured they made good money.
Probably did a lot of government work.

Her mind and body battled over reason. One
thing was clear, he had penetrated her defenses and she cared
deeply for him. Worse, she believed he would protect her from
whatever was going on. Her belief was emotionally based and
possibly flawed since she didn’t know him that well. But it was all
she had. Lust, like love, was a powerful motivator to hope and

Since she was too sore to wear jeans, and
her nipples were too tender for a bra she pulled on a print halter
dress. After sliding her feet into a pair of matching sandals, she
quickly glanced at Julio, pushed aside all the warning bells and
then left the room.

When she entered the kitchen, she noticed
all the cabinets were open, and the pots were without lids, a big
no-no in her domain. A quick look into the living room revealed the
culprits, sitting on the sofas, stuffing their faces. For a moment
she thought to fuss over the condition of the kitchen. Tex knew
better. But the enjoyment shining on the faces of Miguel, Pete and
the new guy stopped her. Good food was meant to be relished.
Instead of making a negative comment, she headed back to the
kitchen to fix plates for Julio and herself. After placing his
plate in the microwave for safekeeping, she grabbed her plate and a
can of iced tea.

Not wanting to intrude on the camaraderie in
the living room, she strode outside to sit on the patio. The sounds
from the ocean were a calming lullaby, instantly soothing her
conflicted emotions. She ate in silent enjoyment of the view.
Finished, she threw her head back, allowing the breeze to cool her
heated flesh.


Pam snapped up and spun in her chair toward
the corner of the patio. A tall, fine, and very handsome black man
walked forward. For a moment she simply stared, wondering if he
were real or not.

He smiled, showing pearly white, even teeth.
He was clean shaven from the top of his head to the end of his
chin. Bald men had never attracted her before, but there was
something about this one that warranted a second look. Perhaps it
was his wolfish smile that he tried to mask. Or the manner in which
he swaggered toward her. Calm. Sure. Unafraid. Most definitely

The moment she thought that, she wondered
where was Tex’s team. How had this man breached security? Julio was
going to kick someone’s ass big time.

Who are you?” A hundred
questions running through her mind and that’s what she came up
with? Mentally she upbraided herself for not asking why he was on
the property. But first, she really wanted him to answer her

He dipped his head. The late sun glinted off
the shiny plate of his scalp as he lifted his head and captured her
eyes. “I am Boots. Has your father spoken to you of me?”

Pam’s eyes narrowed at the mention of her
father. That was twice in the past hour. Whereas Julio was able to
get her mind off the madness her daddy had spouted with
mind-blowing sex, this man would not.

No, he and I don’t talk
that much. If he’s a friend of yours, you came to the wrong place
to find him. Call him at home or someplace else. He’s not here.”
She took another swallow from her can.


She looked behind Boots and watched as her
father jumped over the rail onto the patio. Frowning, she wondered
how they were able to travel over the lower rocky terrain. None of
the security team had been able to scale the walls or the shore.
She made a mental note to speak to Tex about it.

Her father passed Boots and came to stand
next to her. He even went so far as to press his hand down on her
shoulder. She almost brushed it off, but after looking at Boots,
she thought better of it.

What are you doing here?”
he asked Boots, in a brisk and formal tone.

Pam caught the vicious irate look on Boot’s
face before he wiped it clean. If she hadn’t been looking, she
would’ve sworn it hadn’t been there. But it had. One thing she
knew. Boots did not like her father. She wondered how they knew
each other. Her father didn’t trust this guy but they were acting
as though they were friends, when that wasn’t true.

I came to meet Pam. I
told you I wanted to see her.” He made the statement in a calm
tone, but the clenching and unclenching of his right hand told a
different story.

I told you I would
introduce you later.” Her father squeezed her shoulder when she
started to protest. Julio’s words rushed back.
I don’t like men trying to take my woman from me.”
Seems like Boots hadn’t learned his

With all due respect,
Sir, you said that two days ago. I thought you’d be happy I came on
my own. Took the initiative.” He spread his hands while offering
her a smug smile.

Goosebumps exploded over her skin. “Excuse
me? Didn’t you get the message earlier?”

Pam.” Her father squeezed
her shoulder.

She looked up at him. “He thinks I should
know him. Claims he has your permission to claim me. Now where did
he get that idea?”

Does he?” His tone was
noncommittal, but he speared Boots with his eyes.

His response wasn’t quite what she’d prefer,
but he hadn’t yet thrown her under the bus either. She nodded
before speaking. “Yeah.”

He smiled down at her. “I don’t know about
that. We’ll have to see.”

What do you mean—” Boots
stepped forward as the clicks of cocking guns split the

Tex strolled forward. “He means what he
said. Now leave.”

Boots stared at him defiantly.

Without turning, her father waved Tex back.
“Everything’s okay. I need a few minutes with my daughter.”

Shocked at his request, she remained quiet.
Boots took a step in her direction.

She cannot stay here,”
Boots growled.

Her father’s right hand flew from his side.
He held a wicked looking blade firmly in his grip. “You question
me?” His voice dipped low and menacing. Pam tried to get a look at
his face, but the damn hood was in the way.

Boots froze. For a long moment he stared at
her dad. Dread battled with excitement as the tension built.
Finally Boots bowed his head and then stepped back. “No, Sir. I
apologize. For a moment I forgot myself. Please forgive me.”

Although the words spoken were supposedly
humble, they sounded insincere. Pam hoped her daddy realized the
man was trouble. She stood brushing imaginary crumbs from her
dress. The back of her tongue tasted raw. “I’ve got to go to the
bathroom,” she said to no one in particular. As far as she was
concerned this impromptu meeting was over. All she wanted right now
was to get out of the crossfire.

Tex was armed. As were the rest of the
security team. If Julio woke and saw this, there would be
bloodshed. Her man had a slow fuse, but it morphed into an inferno
when lit.

Wait for me in the living
room when you’re done. We need to talk.” Although he spoke in the
general direction of her ear, his face never wavered from Boot’s

There was a time to speak your mind and a
time to be quiet. She nodded and walked off. Tex waited until she
moved inside, then he followed her. The big male took Tex’s place
outside. Pete stood outside her bedroom door.

Miguel?” she asked,
wondering where Julio’s other bodyguard was.

On the patio outside your

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