Lovers and Gamblers

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Authors: Jackie Collins

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Jackie Collins




Praise for Jackie Collins

‘Sex, power and intrigue – no one does it better than Jackie’


‘A tantalising novel packed with power struggles, greed and sex. This is Collins at her finest’


‘Bold, brash, whiplash fast – with a cast of venal rich kids, this is classic Jackie Collins’

Marie Claire

‘Sex, money, power, murder, betrayal, true love – it’s all here in vintage Collins style. Collins’s plots are always a fabulously involved, intricate affair, and this does not disappoint’

Daily Mail

‘Her style is pure escapism, her heroine’s strong and ambitious and her men, well, like the book, they’ll keep you up all night!’


‘A generation of women have learnt more about how to handle their men from Jackie’s books than from any kind of manual… Jackie is very much her own person:a total one off’

Daily Mail

‘Jackie is still the queen of sexy stories. Perfect’


‘Cancel all engagements, take the phone off the hook and indulge yourself’


The 30 Best-Selling Novels
Jackie Collins

The Lucky Santangelo Cookbook (2014)

Confessions of a Wild Child (2013)

The Power Trip (2012)

Goddess of Vengeance (2011)

Poor Little Bitch Girl (2009)

Married Lovers (2008)

Drop Dead Beautiful (2007)

Lovers & Players (2006)

Hollywood Divorces (2003)

Deadly Embrace (2002)

Hollywood Wives: The New Generation (2001)

Lethal Seduction (2000)

Dangerous Kiss (1999)

L.A. Connections: Power, Obsession, Murder, Revenge (1999)

Thrill! (1998)

Vendetta: Lucky’s Revenge (1997)

Hollywood Kids (1994)

American Star (1993)

Lady Boss (1990)

Rock Star (1988)

Hollywood Husbands (1986)

Lucky (1985)

Hollywood Wives (1983)

Chances (1981)

The Bitch (1979)

Lovers & Gamblers (1975)

The World is Full of Divorced Women (1975)

The Love Killers (1974)

Sinners (1971)

The Stud (1969)

The World is Full of Married Men (1968)


This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places and incidents are either a product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual people, living or dead, events or locales, is entirely coincidental.

LOVERS AND GAMBLERS. Copyright © 1977, 2014 Chances, Inc.

All rights reserved, including the right to reproduce this work, in whole or part, in any form.

The right of Jackie Collins to be identified as author of this work has been asserted in accordance with sections 77 and 78 of the Copyright, Designs and Patents Act, 1988.

ISBN 978-0-9898900-4-5 (eBook)

Cover design by Kim Koehler; [email protected]
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A Note from Jackie

Praise for Jackie Collins

The 30 Best-Selling Novels of Jackie Collins





Six Months Later

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Jackie's Newest!

The Lucky Santangelo Cookbook

More from Jackie Collins


For all the Lovers and Gamblers I have known

Especially Oscar

Book One
Chapter One

Al King slammed and locked the bathroom door. He ran the shower until it was pleasantly warm, then let the water cascade on his body for at least five minutes. He soaped himself vigorously, turning the shower onto ice cold and marvelling at the sudden shrinkage of his cock. Amazing. Never failed.

He climbed out of the shower and studied his nakedness in the full-length mirror. A week at a health farm had done him the world of good. The slight paunch he had suspected was gone, his stomach was flat as a pancake. Forty push-ups a day helped there. He turned sideways. Pretty good. The body was in fine shape. Lean, tanned, hairy, masculine. Al allowed himself a pleased smile, and leaned forward to study his face. Everything seemed in order except for an incipient blackhead lurking on his chin. He squeezed it carefully.

Yes, he still looked pretty goddamn good.

In fact he looked better than ever. The recent operation to remove the bags under his eyes had been an unqualified success, and the new teeth-capping job was excellent.

Physically he was in perfect shape for his forthcoming tour across America, an event he was looking forward to with mixed feelings. It was two years since he had been on the road, and although he wouldn’t admit it to anyone he was worried that he could keep up the pace. Jesus Christ – so many cities – and every one of them would expect a peak performance. His voice was in pretty good shape, but the tour promised a gruelling schedule – and the press, the critics, would be the first to pounce if he wasn’t up to his previous standard.

He opened the bathroom door carefully. The redhead and the blonde were both waiting, lolling on the bed in an advanced state of nakedness. He headed towards them. Time to play. Time to get it on.

An hour later his enthusiasm was turning to boredom.

‘Al!’ exclaimed the blonde for the tenth time. ‘You are the greatest!’ She smiled a vacant pretty smile and concentrated once more on pleasuring him. Earlier in the day, when they had first met, she had promised him in a heavy southern drawl, ‘I am gonna
you, honey, like you ain’t
been pleasured before!’

He was still waiting.

‘Al!’ mumbled the redhead, mouth full. ‘You are too much! Just too too much!’

Al wasn’t really listening. He lay naked and relaxed in the shuttered hotel room, his arms casually behind his head. With his eyes half-closed he endured the attentions of the two women. He had no plans for getting involved or of even participating. Why should he? Let them do all the work. After all he was a star, wasn’t he? They were lucky to be in his bed, his room, his life.

Al King was a rock-soul superstar. A singer who drove women mad the world over with his low throaty growl and his sexual gyrations. At thirty-seven he had reached the peak of his success. He had everything.

Money. Plenty of that. Off-shore investments, and lots of ready cash for the useful little things in life like a two hundred thousand pound house in London. A new red Ferrari, plus matching Rolls and Bentley.

Love. Well, he had a wife of sixteen years standing, a fair-haired sensible woman called Edna, who stayed out of the way because that was how Al wanted it. For more exciting sex there was always a selection of ready and able ladies. Any shape, size or specification.

‘Al,’ suggested the blonde, shifting so that her well-developed mammaries hung invitingly over his mouth, ‘Al, baby, why don’t we fuck?’

The redhead paused at what she was doing and expressed great interest in the blonde’s suggestion.

Al grunted. Stick it into these two. They must be kidding.

‘Just keep at it.’ He pushed the redhead back into position.

Women had never been a problem. Always plenty to go around, even before he was famous. With the fame came the classy bits. Falling over themselves for a piece of Al King cock. And what ravers!

He could feel no sign of an orgasm. The trouble was that he just couldn’t be bothered to make it with the casual pick-ups that crowded his bedroom. He started off thinking,
yeah – great
. And he ended up thinking –
why bother?
Lately it had to be a very special girl – and how many of those were there around?

It was four o’clock in New York. It was the middle of July, and hot. Of course the room was air-conditioned, but still it was a strange sort of coolness.

Al said, ‘Get dressed, girls, I’ve had enough.’

They both chorused their disappointment. He hadn’t even touched them.

‘I could make you come,’ the blonde said, ‘if we got rid of
.’ Scornfully she indicated the redhead.

Al got off the bed and headed for the bathroom. Whatever gave her the impression he would
to come with her? ‘Dressed and out in five minutes,’ he snapped.

‘Hey…’ objected the redhead.

Al took another shower; you couldn’t be too careful. This time when he emerged from the bathroom the girls had gone. Good. Sometimes they stayed to argue. He pulled up the window shades, flooding the bedroom with sunlight.

He contemplated phoning his brother Paul, but he was with Linda, and she wouldn’t be too pleased. Linda wasn’t bad: too strong for Paul though, it wouldn’t last. Anyway, she wouldn’t stand a chance against Paul’s wife, Melanie. Now she was a real little toughie. She liked the money, the big house, and all the perks of being Al King’s sister-in-law. She would never stand for another woman in Paul’s life.

Al yawned. Now
wife was another proposition. Sweet, faithful Edna. He had met her when she was sixteen, knocked her up, done the right thing and married her. Well, her father had been very persuasive, he had given Al two thousand pounds to set him up in a record shop. However, being shut up in a shop did not appeal to Al. What he really wanted to do was sing. He was well known locally. Whenever there was a wedding or an event people would say ‘Get Al to give us a few songs.’ He made the odd five pounds here and there, but he would have done it for nothing.

Paul was the brains of the King family. He had just finished a course of business accountancy and was working for a chartered accountant. Al had persuaded him to leave his job and open up the shop with him. ‘After all, it’s just the two of us now,’ he had said. Their parents had recently died within months of each other.

Soon the shop became the local musicians’ hang-out, and a group called Rabble invited Al to sing with them. Paul took over their management, and within two years it was ‘Al King and Rabble’. Within four years it was just Al King, and the ride to superstardom had really begun.

Edna had never complained. They had started married life in one room. Al was out all day working, and then, when he joined Rabble, he was out all night too. Edna looked after the baby, helped out in the shop, cooked, cleaned, struggled to make ends meet. She had been a softly pretty girl when Al had met her. Now, at thirty-three, she was plump and matronly, and she stayed very much in the background of her husband’s starry life.

Al’s family was important to him. His sixteen-year-old son, Evan, received everything he wanted, although to Al’s chagrin he never seemed to appreciate anything. He was a skinny, sulky boy with acned skin and greasy hair. ‘You’re Al King’s son?’ people would question in disbelief when they first met him. He was a poor scholar and hated school. Al had promised that at the end of the present term he could leave and perhaps accompany him on his tour. Evan had shown unheard-of enthusiasm. Al had decided it would do the boy good to get away from his mother. Edna fussed around him too much, the boy was stifled.

As a boy Al had never been stifled. He had engaged in sexual relations at the ripe old age of thirteen with one of the local hookers. Evan, at the ripe old age of sixteen, never seemed to notice girls, let alone screw them.

Al had plans to change all of that. Get the boy away from his mother, show him what it was all about. Yes, it was about time he gave some of his attention to Evan. Get rid of those spots. Put some weight on the boy. Get him royally laid. Yes.

The hell with it, Paul should be at his disposal – not Linda’s. He picked up the phone. ‘Hey, Paul baby, you want to shift your ass up here and discuss more important things than getting your rocks off?’

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