Read Love Ties Online

Authors: Em Petrova

Tags: #erotic romance

Love Ties (34 page)

BOOK: Love Ties
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A maniacal laugh burbled from the man, curdling Jamison’s blood. God, this guy was pure evil. He liked killing. That’s why he did it for a living. And he wasn’t going to tell them who had paid him to kill Ever’s mother.

Drake jerked into action, swinging his leg and smashing his boot into Satkowsky’s mouth. Teeth shattered and blood spurted. His laugh changed but didn’t cease.

“Shut the fuck up, you freak!” Drake bellowed.

“Jamison, kill the guy. Make him shut up,” Ace pleaded.

Jamison couldn’t look at it as taking a life. This guy had killed countless people for profit. Lives and families suffered. Ever had almost been destroyed. If not for Stone saving her, she would have fallen prey to scumbags who would have used her. She would have been ruined forever. She’d been lucky, but so many others probably weren’t.

“This is your last chance to tell me the name of the guy who paid you to kill Bobbi Peerson,” Jamison demanded.

Satkowsky continued to laugh, spitting out blood and teeth.

“Time’s up.” Jamison pulled the trigger and felt no remorse. After Jamison called Stitt, the cop who was closest to the MC, he came for the body. Apparently they’d been after a man who fit Satkowsky’s description. He was wanted for murder of an entire family.

Justice was served.


“It’s over.”

Ever looked up from the Twain she was reading and into Jamison’s eyes. Shadows lived beneath each, but his hair was wet and his clothes were clean.

She set the book aside and slowly climbed off the bed. “You showered.”

“Yeah, had to. There was a lot of blood.”

Catching the strain in his voice, she held out her arms, and he let her hold him. He lowered his head to her shoulder, and they swayed a bit. “Thank you, Jamie.”

He tightened his hold. “Of course. I told you I’d take care of you. I just hope it won’t always be this way—killing. I’d rather take care of you by bringing you breakfast in bed or something.”

She hummed a laugh. Sliding her hands up his strong back to his nape, she delved into his eyes. Shadows stirred there. “Do you need to talk about it?”

She’d seen Stone after a kill, and he’d been good enough of a man to let it bother him. On more than one occasion she’d comforted him.

He shook his head. “I purged myself to Ace over a shot of whiskey. I’m good.”

“If you’re sure.” She leaned onto tiptoe, bringing her lips a breath from his. The scent of whiskey lured her in.

“Mmm, you smell like tequila. Get a little Sarah pussy, baby?” His cock was instantly erect, nudging her through the long T-shirt she’d borrowed from his stack of clean laundry.

“You practically invited her to my bed.” The sweetness of her time with Sarah swelled into so much more with Jamison. Her nipples hardened.

Skipping his hand over her curves to her hip, his eyes glowed. “It’s hot as hell thinking about you making out with a woman while I’m out taking care of you.”

She twisted his T-shirt under her hand and walked backward, pulling him with her. “Is it?” She squeezed the hard length jutting in his jeans.

“Fuck, yeah.” He shoved her down. She bounced on the mattress, a huff of laughter bursting from her. He stripped off his shirt and covered her with his body, cock digging into the
of her legs.

“Did you get on that pill yet, baby?”

“I was a bit distracted today. I’ll do it first thing tomorrow.”

“Good. That means only a month until I can have you bareback.” He pressed two fingers into her wet cunt, and she moaned. “I’ll get checked too, and I swear I’ll only be inside you.”

She wiggled under his touch. He pressed the inside wall of her channel, right over the spot that drove her crazy. Cream slicked his fingers, and he growled in response.

“She might have licked your pussy while I was gone, but only I can do this.” He thrust a third finger into her, stretching her.

“Yesss.” God, his fingers were so big, callused, and perfect. She draped her leg over his shoulder, and he finger-fucked her hard and fast. Taking and giving in one complete circle. The first spasms rocked her, and she barely had time to catch her breath before he sank his condom-covered cock into her core.

She dug her fingers into his carved ass, driving him deeper, faster. Perspiration coated her throat, and he licked it off. Then he crushed his mouth to hers, thrusting his tongue in rhythm with his hips.

His ass muscles grew steely as he reached his peak. He rammed into her harder—and she came.

The cords on his neck stood out while he roared his release. He continued to churn his hips, and her pussy contracted around his every inch.

When he collapsed atop her, she felt his tension flee. Ace might have been a friendly ear, and a shot of whiskey might have loosened him a bit, but Jamison had needed her.

She wrapped him in her arms and held him as he fell into a deep, healing sleep.


Brothers milled around the club, checking weapons and ammo. Jamison folded his arms over his chest and watched them. His own weapons had been checked hours ago. He was ready.

Blacky expected the raid, and that meant they had to shake him up a bit. Jamison sent Ever away with Sarah and O’Dovey as a guard.

“Hey, Jamison. Sit down with me.” Strother flicked his fingers at him.

“Yeah.” He popped a cigarette into his mouth and lit it before following his prez into church and shutting the door.

Strother dropped into his chair at the head of the table. He looked a little stronger today, that haunted shadow gone from his face. Maybe this was exactly what he needed to gain control of his pain.

“Your woman’s not in the clubhouse.”

“No.” Jamison blew out a long plume of smoke. “Thought it best to keep her out of the loop.”

He eyed Jamison. “Probably a good move.”

It was time the prez knew everything. “Blacky was going to use her—keep her by him as a shield.”

Strother’s face drained of color. “No shit?”

Jamison pushed out a breath, fighting for control. “As if you didn’t realize the Raiders would try to use her when you sent her in.”

“Look, man, she got what we needed. She’s helped our club, proved her loyalty.”

Anger was hot in Jamison’s gut. “You really believe what you’re saying?”

Strother sighed and rubbed a hand over his face. “I do. I know you’re pissed off about the way I used her, but we had to know. Now we do. When you marry her, we’ll all celebrate. You will marry her, right?”

“Yeah.” His anger vanished like smoke on a breezy night. Jamison couldn’t keep the corner of his mouth from twitching upward at the thought of taking her hand.

As soon as they got out of this mess.

He trusted O’Dovey to lay low and keep her safe. If the Raiders got hold of her, they’d know how she was playing them. From what she’d told him, those photographs would be certain death. The Hell’s Sons had to get her clear of this bullshit, and then it wouldn’t matter who saw the photos.

Jamison dropped into his seat at Strother’s right hand. “I know why you’re driven to do this raid. The same reason I was driven to kill Satkowsky—you take care of your family. But Strother, after this is finished, no more. We stick with what we know—alcohol, prescription drugs, and now gambling. The Hell’s Sons keep the blood off our hands.”

“Absolutely. When I know that no other father can lose a son the way I did, when no more mothers can suffer as my old lady has, I’ll be satisfied.”

Jamison held out his fist, and Strother bumped his knuckles to Jamison’s. “You ready to ride, prez?”

“Let’s go.”

“One more thing. I nominate Drake as a member. He stood strong with me against Satkowsky.”

“Then we vote tonight. And have a double celebration, if all goes well with today’s business.” Strother slid his chair back, and they left church, friends once again.

Strother gave the word they were to ride out, and a war cry resounded through the club. Strother stopped to kiss Trina good-bye, and Mitch dipped Carol Ann over his arm.

As Jamison got on his bike and strapped on his helmet, he longed for a good luck kiss from Ever.

His cell vibrated, and he answered without glancing at the display. “Yeah?”

“Jamison, it’s O’Dovey.”

Dust rose as the guys pulled out around him, but he couldn’t move. Not until he knew Ever was safe.

“What’s going on?”

“She’s gone. Tricked me. She said she had to use the restroom, and she split. Took our car.”

Panic and fury made a dangerous cocktail. Jamison yelled, “What?”

“I’m sorry, man. I fucked up. Never trust a goddamn woman.”

“Just—shut up, O’Dovey. Where did she go?”

He sounded properly chastised. “I don’t know.”

“Please tell me you at least have Sarah.”

“She’s with me.”

Leave it to Jamison’s woman to be disobedient. Damn her.

Ace was hanging back, a question mark on his face.

Jamison held up a finger. If he was going after Ever, Ace would have to stick close to Strother, protect him.

“Keep a close watch on Sarah. I’ll find Ever.” Jamison stabbed the button to end the call and then bit off a bellow.

“What’s happening?” Ace asked. Copilot sat back on his haunches, waiting patiently with his goggles in his mouth.

“Ever. She threw O’Dovey off her trail. Must have known we were up to something.”

“Do you think she’ll try to get to the warehouse?”

Jamison sighed. “Yeah. Crazy woman. Fucking hell.”

“I’m coming with you to find her.”

He shook his head. “No, you go with the others, watch Strother’s back. I’ll intercept Ever.”

“What if you don’t get to her before she reaches the warehouse?”

Jamison’s heart flipped. “Then I’ll redden her ass with the palm of my hand.” Ignoring Ace’s grin, he sped out of the parking lot and onto the highway, gunning the engine to reach the road Ever would have to travel to reach the warehouse.

He hadn’t been lying when he’d told Ace he planned to spank her ass. Oh yeah, she was going to regret putting herself in the middle of this.


BOOK: Love Ties
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