Love or Money (11 page)

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Authors: Elizabeth Roderick

BOOK: Love or Money
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Riel waved away the flies trying to settle on her sticky brow. “When we retire, let’s do it somewhere with air conditioning.”

“Done and done,” Evan said.

Luis returned, lugging a large cardboard box. He sat it on the floor, then disappeared into the back again.

Evan got up and went over to the box and started unpacking it. Inside were square packages wrapped in white plastic and stamped with a grinning emoji with heart eyes. Luis came out with another box, setting it beside the first.

Evan counted the bricks. He carefully tore aside a corner of the plastic on one of them at random, stuck his thumb in and brought it to his nostril, snorting up the white powder.

He straightened, sniffing and rubbing his nose. Luis watched him. Evan’s eyebrows crept up his forehead. “Whoa,” he said.

Luis laughed. “It’s good, right? Got a new guy this time. Old one, he was fucking with us or something. Stuff wasn’t so good anymore.”

Riel’s stomach clenched. She didn’t want to know what had happened to the old guy.

They hauled the boxes out to the car and opened the secret compartment. Evan handed Luis the bag of money, and then started packing bricks into the compartment while Luis leaned against the car, counting the cash.

Riel glanced around, her heart pounding in her ears. The old men were still deep in conversation on their porch, the kids still playing across the street. A pair of older ladies were strolling down the road, dressed in linen skirt suits, and Riel wondered how they didn’t faint in the heat. None of them seemed to be showing any interest in what was going on here. She supposed they all knew better than to pay too much attention.

When the goods were all squared away, the compartment and the trunk lid closed, Riel felt her anxiety lessen somewhat.
Now it’s just a matter of running it north.
And since Mishmash had a guy at the border, that should be easy.

Luis shook both their hands, lingering again with Riel and giving her a cocky smile. “See you again soon,” he said.

Hasta luego, entonces,
” Riel said, heat rising to her cheeks. She could feel Evan’s eyes on the two of them.

They climbed back into the car as Luis strutted back into his house, the panting pit bull trotting behind him.

Evan started the engine and cranked the air conditioning. As they bumped down the rutted, dirt road out of the neighborhood, Evan sighed and reached over to rub Riel’s shoulders. “You doing okay?”

“I’m fine.” She adjusted the pistol, which was pinching her hip.

He put his arm around her and pulled her against him. “Let’s go to the beach and get some seafood. We’ve got some time to kill before Mishmash’s guy goes on duty.”

“Okay.” She was silent for a moment, tugging at her hair. “Evan?”


She looked up at him through her eyelashes. “Am I really your girlfriend?”

He looked sheepish, then shot her a nervous grin. “I…well…I mean, is that okay with you?” Riel’s response got stuck in her throat for a moment, and Evan shifted uncomfortably. “I’m sorry, Riel, I just…I didn’t like Luis looking at you like that. It just popped out. But if you’d rather it not be…”

“No,” she said. “I want to be your girlfriend.”

He blinked at her, then grinned.

“It just took me by surprise, that’s all,” Riel said. “I thought you just wanted a, you know, friends-with-benefits sort of thing.”

“Sure, but friends with

A smile spread across Riel’s face. In the middle of all this bullshit with Isaias and Mishmash, it was good to have something to be happy about. It might not work out with Evan; he may renege on his promises to help her get out of this business, get into school…he may not really have her back in regard to bringing Isaias down, but at least in this moment, she had him.
To each day, its own problems.
She scooted closer, kissing his neck. “Evan, you’re sexy,” she muttered.

He took one of his hands off the wheel, running it down her back, pulling her closer. “You’re going to make me crash, beautiful girl, but that’s okay with me.”

She laughed and pulled away slightly. “Maybe not the best idea, with what we’re carrying in back.”

“I think it’d still be worth it.”

He pulled off on a side street and parked in an alley behind a bodega, between two dumpsters. He stashed his gun beneath the seat, then gently pulled hers loose, putting it away next to his.

He climbed between the seats into the back, pulling her with him. She climbed awkwardly over the console and into his lap, kneeling on the leather bench seat, her skirt pulling up around her hips.

He kissed her, his hands working their way down to her ass, squeezing it. “Why don’t you show me what you learned about lap dances?” he said.

Riel grinned. She could feel his cock getting hard under his jeans, beneath the thin cotton of her panties. She pressed against it, rubbing up and down his long shaft, starting to get wet. She wanted to kiss him, to feel his lips against hers, and to run her fingers all over his muscled body. But she didn’t; this was a lap dance.

“You’re so hot,” he said and reached up to fondle her breasts.

“Uh-uh,” she chided. “No touching the dancers.” She gently pried his hands away, placing them on the seat cushions. Riel slowly moved her hips back and forth, rubbing her clit on his throbbing cock. “You like that?” she breathed. “You like my pussy on you?”

“Oh, I like it.” He arched his back slightly, moving against her. Her hard nipples brushed against his chest, sending thrills through her. His hands crept up, grabbing her ass, but she pulled them away again, though her skin craved his touch.

“You know the rules,” she said. She moved her hips faster, wanting him, her need growing, and Evan gasped and dug his fingers into the leather upholstery. His cock throbbed, and she slid her clit along the entire length of it, aching inside, her panties slippery and sopping now.

“Do you want to touch me?” she said.

“Yes, Riel…”

A bead of sweat dribbled down the back of her neck, but she barely noticed. “Do you want to stick it in me? Do you want to slide your cock inside and fuck me?”

“Oh, God, yes.” His hands slid up her legs, grasping her thighs, and she wanted them there, but she pulled them slowly away again. His chest heaved, and he moaned as she rubbed faster against him. “Oh, Riel, I want you so bad. I want in that sweet pussy.”

She leaned forward and gave him a light kiss, then pulled away, though it was torture. “That’s against the rules.”

He pressed up against her, breathing hard. Her big tits were mashed against his chest.

“Please,” he begged.

“Do you want me to get fired?”

“Yes,” he said. His insistent hands crept up to her tits again, squeezing them, his thumbs brushing over her nipples, and finally she couldn’t take it anymore. She fumbled at the fly of his jeans, unbuttoning them, and Evan pushed them down his hips with a quick jerk. Then Riel pulled aside the soaked crotch of her panties and, as slowly as she could manage, she slid him all the way inside.

She moaned, and he sighed as he thrust himself up hard inside her, making her cry out again. “Riel,” he muttered. “Riel.” He thrust harder, his frantic hands working their way under her shirt, unhooking her bra, caressing her breasts. She let him pound her, feeling the ache build with each stroke. He brought his hungry lips to hers, their hot breaths mingling as he pounded deeper, squeezing her ass and pulling her against him.

“Ah, Evan,” she moaned. “You’re making me come. Fuck me. Hard. Hard.”

With a strangled noise, he grabbed her hips and pulled her down as he thrust himself even deeper, crying out each time, her shoulder blades bouncing against the back of the driver’s seat. The head of his huge, thick cock stroked her sweet spot. Her wet clit rubbed against him; pleasure took her fully. She cried out, and he let out a breath as he came hot inside her.

They sat, gasping for a moment, and Riel realized she was completely soaked in sweat. They were parked in the shade of the building, but the car was suffocatingly hot. She looked at him, and they both grinned. He wiped his forehead. “I’ll leave the AC on next time,” he said.









Chapter Nine



When they joined the line of cars heading north through the border, the horizon still glowed orange with the setting sun. Riel was full of food and a little bit sleepy, but couldn’t stop the little jolts of nervousness creeping up her spine. Evan tapped his fingers on the doorframe, faster than the beat of the music, which played low on the stereo.

“You’re nervous too, aren’t you?” she asked.

He grimaced. “I guess I am. Must be because I haven’t done this run before. I trust Mishmash more than I trust Isaias and Mama Maria, though. Guy’s got his shit together.” He passed his hand over his face. “We’ve got nothing to worry about.”

The line of cars moved slowly, each one stopping at the border gate, their taillights glowing brighter as dusk fell. They were the third car in line, then the second, and Riel squinted through the window of the guard booth as they got closer.

Her heart jumped painfully. “Uh, Evan? We’re in lane three, right?”

He glanced at her nervously. “Yeah. Why?”

“That guy in there doesn’t look like an elephant seal.”

He followed her gaze to the thin man in the guard booth, and his jaw tightened. “That can’t be the right guy.”

They exchanged a panicked look, Riel feeling suddenly cold. “What happened?” she asked.

“I don’t know.” He pulled out his phone, checking it. “Mishmash didn’t call us or anything. He would have if the guy had called in sick or whatever.” He threw the phone down in his lap and raked his fingers through his curls. “I don’t know what happened, but let’s stay cool. We’re just tourists, coming back from a day at the beach. They have no reason to suspect us, even if this isn’t Mishmash’s guy.”

Riel tried to bring her heartbeat and breathing under control. The car in front of them pulled forward, driving free onto U.S. soil, and Riel watched it depart with desperate longing, wishing they were the ones inside that car. Then they pulled up to the guard booth as the gate came back down, blocking them in.

Riel hugged herself. The awning above seemed to press in toward her, and her heart pounded so desperately that her vision flickered. She took a deep breath and pulled out her fake passport, handing it over to Evan, the cover slick with sweat from her palm.

Evan put the car in park and gave her a reassuring smile. Then he rolled down the tinted window.

“Good evening,” Evan said jovially, handing the passports out to the tall, wiry man at the booth. Definitely not Mishmash’s guy. Riel took another breath, wiping the sweat from her forehead.
Keep calm. If you’re nervous, it just makes it worse. These guys can smell fear, like dogs.
She concentrated hard on relaxing, and felt her heartbeat slow somewhat.

The border guard peered at them with cold, rheumy eyes the color of smoke. He glanced down at the passports, flipping them open, then walked back to his booth, taking his radio from his hip and muttering something into it.

“What is he saying?” Riel hissed.

“I don’t know, I can’t hear.” He reached out to take her hand, squeezing it and shooting her a smile. “Don’t worry, everything’s okay.”

The guard came back to the window. “I’m going to need you two to step out of the car,” he said.

The sweat seemed to freeze on Riel’s body.

“Is there a problem?” Evan asked. His voice was steady, politely confused.

“Just step out of the car please,” the guard repeated.

Evan gave her a short, loaded glance, and Riel reached deep inside herself, finding calm there beneath the panic.
You can get through this. You can get out of this. Don’t freak out.
They both unbuckled their seatbelts and climbed out of the car into the dry, balmy air.

The floodlights under the awning seemed unbearably bright. A breeze gusted, blowing her hair and bringing the smell of sage and exhaust. Riel breathed it deep. She was determined to stay free, to not get locked up again where she couldn’t feel the wind on her face.

Another man approached her from the building off to the side of the checkpoint, a tall, broad-shouldered, Hispanic guy, and Riel smiled at him, putting as much charisma into it as she could. She saw a ghost of a smile soften his strong jaw in response before he caught himself and his expression sobered.

“Good evening,” he said. “
Buenas tardes

“Hi,” Riel said.

The man walked around to the other side of the car, getting one of the passports from the other guard, who was standing with Evan. The guards exchanged a couple words, but Riel couldn’t hear what they were saying over the noise of the car engines. The Hispanic guard came back around to her, his sharp eyes darting from the passport to her face. “What’s your name?” he asked.

“Nora Mejia,” she said.

“Your date and place of birth?”

She told him the date and place on the passport, glad she’d memorized them.

The guard studied the document, flipping through pages. She could hear Evan talking calmly behind her, something about San Diego and the beach. The Hispanic guard looked back up at her face. “What brought you to Mexico today?” he asked.

She shrugged perkily, bouncing on the balls of her feet to make her boobs jiggle. She saw the man’s gaze slip down to her cleavage for a split second before he pulled it back to her face. “We just went to the beach,” she said. “I’d never been to Mexico, and I wanted to go.”

“Ah,” the guy said. “Where do you live?”

“San Diego.” She gave him the address on her fake driver’s license. She’d memorized that too.

“You live in San Diego, but you’ve never been to Mexico?”

“Just moved there. I lived in Seattle before.” The story rose to her lips as if it were the truth.

He studied her face, then jerked his chin toward Evan behind her. “This guy your boyfriend?”

Riel rolled her eyes theatrically, leaning her hips toward the guard a little. “Yeah.”

She saw the man’s lips twitch and one of his eyebrows creep up. His eyes skimmed over her body.

“Okay,” he said. “Just hold up a second. Don’t go anywhere.”

He walked around the car, and he and his friend went in the booth, talking to each other in low voices and glancing at the passports. She and Evan exchanged a look over the hood of the car. He gave her a brief, reassuring smile, his hands in his pockets, his shoulders loose, though she knew him well enough to see the nervousness behind the act.

Both guys came out of the booth. They pulled flashlights out of their belts and shone them through the windows of the car, walking around the vehicle and scanning the inside. Riel sent up a silent prayer that the guns were well-hidden under the seats. When the guard asked Evan to pop the trunk, she prayed that the secret compartment was sealed up completely.

She wondered if there was enough coke in there to get her a life sentence. It would be her second offense while she was still on probation for the first, and she’d get another charge for the fake documents, since once they took her fingerprints they’d know who she was. There were a hell of a lot of drugs in that car, and smuggling across the border was a serious crime.

The two guards lingered over their task, murmuring to each other, prodding every corner of the vehicle with the beams of their flashlights, and Riel began to feel sick to her stomach.
Keep cool.
Her gaze found Evan’s again, and he stuck his tongue out at her, crossing his eyes. Warmth flooded her, and she felt a smile rise to her lips. He grinned in response.

We’ve got to get out of this. I don’t want to be locked up, away from him.
Her smile faded, and Evan’s did too. He held her gaze, the same thought seemingly passing silently between them.

The guards exchanged a couple more words, putting the flashlights back in their holsters. The blonde guy strutted toward Evan, and the Hispanic guy came toward her, his steps quick and purposeful.
This is it,
Riel thought, her heart in her throat.

The guy smiled. He handed her back her passport. “Okay, Miss Mejia. Sorry for the inconvenience. You’re good to go.”

Relief flooded her. She smiled back. “Thanks.”

“Have a good evening,” he said.

“You too.”

Evan was smiling at the other guard, who was retreating to his booth. He and Riel climbed back in the car and buckled their seatbelts. The automatic gate lifted, and Evan put the car in drive, rolling through the gate.

They hit the open road, back in California again. Both of them heaved a simultaneous sigh. Riel felt light and giddy, and she laughed. “What the fuck was

Evan laughed too, but his expression was clouded. “I have no idea. That was fucked. Something was up. I’m surprised they let us go.”

They looked at one another, and their hands clasped over the console. Riel knew he was thinking the same thing she was: they’d been lucky this time, but if they kept this up, it was only a matter of time before they were dead or in jail.

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