Love Me With Fury (23 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Love Me With Fury
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Each stroke of his manhood served to increase her blissful agony. Her fingers played in his hair, then she pressed his mouth more tightly against her. It seemed as if she couldn’t taste him enough or get close enough to him. The intensity built to a point she felt she could no longer endure. She cried out in need of the pleasure only he could give her. Her mind reeled and her body shook with the force of her release, and over and over she murmured his name.

Caught up in this savage storm of volatile emotions, Spencer held her tightly and possessively. Wave after wave of blissful ecstasy washed over them, carrying them along in its powerful force. Gradually the tremors and sensations ebbed away, leaving them in a peaceful ocean of serenity.

Still, Spencer did not roll to her side or withdraw from her moist body. His mouth continued to demand kiss after kiss. Later, his respiration returned to normal, as did his thudding heart. He leaned back and stared down at her, an inexplicable expression in his unreadable eyes.

“You are the most tormenting creature alive, Angel. You’re a mystery which I plan to understand.
You can give everything one minute and nothing the next. What spell have you cast over me, my lovely sea witch?”

Her hand went up to wipe the glistening beads of moisture from his upper lip. “You, Sir Demon, are the one who has cast the spell over me. I am but a woman, but you are far more than a mere man. I can’t understand you at all. One moment you’re kind and tender, the next you’re cold and cruel. For a man who can have any woman he desires, what do you want with me? Why must you so cruelly dance in and out of my life? Who are you, Stephen?”

He captured her hand and placed a kiss in its palm. “Your missions are over, love. You’ll never deliver that petticoat or me to your countrymen. You’re an artful teaser, Angel; but I won’t fall for your pretense of innocence or your magical charms. Be satisfied I’ll grant you the time to confess, but don’t play the coy maiden with me.”

“Are we back to your absurd charges and suspicions again? Have it your way, Captain Steele, but I’ve nothing to confess. The messages are about business, Stephen; I swear it. My uncle and father would never ask me to become involved in any dangerous or traitorous activities. If you wish to pretend you believe such charges for some ulterior motive, then do so. But don’t expect me to play along with this ridiculous game. All I want is to get home and forget all about you.”

“What ulterior motive could I possibly have?”
“My jewels…using me…a choice between who will pay the most for me and that petticoat: the Americans or my family…How should I know what you have in mind? Perhaps you hope to intimidate me with these wild ideas while taking advantage of me, then play the gallant hero by releasing me. You know I would never reveal any of this to anyone, including my family.”

He chuckled playfully. “You are more cunning than I realized. You play your role with perfection. How long have you been helping them? If they’re forcing you to do this, I can help you, love. You can keep the jewels and I’ll grant your freedom in any port you choose if you cooperate. I’ll even offer you my protection if you’re afraid of them.”

Exasperated, she protested, “There is no one to fear or obey, Stephen! The only ones forcing me to do anything are you and my father. You’re holding me captive and he’s forcing me to marry some fool!”

“I have to admit, you’re damn good at this for one so young. You have a heart of stone and a cunning mind I envy. Of course, your many other assets aid in your disguise,” he teased. “You strike me as a natural heroine and courageous patriot. With your charms and beauty, you could ingratiate yourself into the hearts and lives of the most important men in the American government. You could easily worm out every secret they have, and no one would ever suspect such an innocent, enchanting woman of spying.”

“I’m afraid you overestimate my patriotism and
skills. I can be brave when the moment demands it, but I’d never make a successful spy. I lack the talent for deception and dishonesty that job demands. I despise deceit and deceivers,” she vowed, accusing him of such actions. “Besides, the requirements needed to worm one’s way into the hearts of influential men would be impossible for me. Such a price for patriotism is too great to pay.”

“Are you still interested in marrying me?” he abruptly asked.

Startled, she watched him closely. This was only some trick to disarm her. “No,” she wistfully replied. “You aren’t the man I thought you to be. You fooled me.”

“You sound disappointed,” he mocked her sad tone of voice.

“Strange as it seems, I am. I’m just too gullible and naive for my own good. Thanks for the lessons, sir.”

“There’s one more you’ll soon learn: I always get what I want. And you know what that is,” he hinted.

To nettle him, she smiled coyly and sighed, “Me, of course.”

“That was true before I discovered what a cunning and dangerous witch you are. Now, I only want information. And I’ll have it before you leave this ship.”

“Then you had better relax, Captain; it’s going to be a mighty long voyage. I’ll never tell you anything,” she bravely asserted.

“We’ll soon see. I think you’ll tire of me and this
seclusion before I tire of having you along,” he teased merrily, eying her appreciatively.

“I don’t think I could ever tire of you, Stephen,” she admitted.

“What about Steele?” he instantly came back at her.

“Him? He’s a different story all together. Who knows, maybe I’ll eventually come to like and understand him too,” she parried softly.

“Name your price,” he entreated.

“Price?” she repeated in confusion.

“Anything in exchange for that information,” he clarified.

“Anything?” she provocatively inquired.

“Anything,” he stressed.

“Including you?” she fenced.

“Which one of us?” he played along.

“Both of you as one husband,” she casually replied.

“Back to that crafty marriage again?” he teased.

“I need a husband, and you’re the ideal choice. Why not?”

“Why not indeed?” he echoed, lying down to gaze into the darkness.

“Well?” she challenged.

He spoke clearly and evenly, “I’ll give it some thought. Go to sleep, Angel.”

She lay down and closed her eyes. This was the most perplexing conversation she had ever had. If she was
to be his prisoner for several weeks, why not make the best of it? She had craved adventure and suspense. She had hungered for this man for weeks. Why not take advantage of this unusual situation until she was free?

“Good-night, Stephen…Josh…”

He chuckled. “’Night, Angel,” he murmured.

They were both asleep within minutes.


“She speaks, yet she says nothing.”
“So loving-jealous of his liberty.”

Romeo and Juliet,
William Shakespeare


Those next two days passed sluggishly for both Spencer and Alex. Spencer spent much of his time on deck to avoid any contact with the beautiful and suspicious girl in his cabin. Andy teased him unmercifully about his restlessness and stormy moods. He had never seen any female treat his good friend this way or affect him in this curious manner. Josh wasn’t one to take something like this from a woman. Why was this girl different? If she was truly a spy like Josh suggested, why didn’t he turn her in? What strange hold did she have over his captain? Did he care about her more than he dared to admit, even to himself?

Alex roamed the confines of Joshua’s quarters with rising dismay and apprehension. It had been two and a half days of verbal battles and challenging bouts in his bunk. They had quarreled, talked, loved, and pleaded. Nothing changed either one’s mind.

Most of the time Alex spent alone, too much time alone. She and the captain shared chilly dinners and stubborn arguments. But at night, all things faded but
fiery passion. Who were these two men sharing the same body? Alex thought. Why did he keep pretending he was trying to force some information from her? Did he honestly believe those messages were critical? Even so, why did they matter to him? Was
really an English spy?

She longed for fresh air and exercise, anything to break this nerve-racking monotony of silence and seclusion. Dressed in a nightgown, she couldn’t leave his cabin. True to his ruthless nature, he had sent her baggage back below. She could only await his…his what?

Bored, Alex went to the porthole to look out. Land! They were actually in sight of land! Where were they?

The door opened and in swaggered Stephen. He glared at her, then walked to his clothes chest. He withdrew a pair of fawn-colored knee breeches, a white linen shirt, and a dark brown coat and matching vest. Without even speaking to her, he began to dress.

“Where are we? Are you going to release me tonight?”

“I’m going ashore. You’ll remain here under guard. I won’t be back until morning,” he snarled his responses.

“But what about me? I’ve been locked in this room for days. I need some air and a stroll. You said I could leave at the first port,” she petulantly protested.

“I doubt you would find an American port safe, love. I have some business. Don’t leave this cabin. Understand?” he growled.

“You can’t hold me prisoner forever, Captain
Steele! I want to go home!” she shrieked at him.

He faced her. “You know the terms for your release.” As with his crew, he was also starting to ponder his motives and actions where this girl was concerned. She was a deceitful, cunning, and defiant spy who resisted his charms and powers. Why should he feel guilty about holding a spy captive? Why should his harsh treatment of such a devious woman bother him? Yet, it did. Why did her continual refusals deal him such an infuriating blow? What did her fate matter to him? If he had any brains and courage at all, he would simply beat the information out of her! What scheme could terrify her into compliance? Nothing seemed to work on this stubborn female!

“Damn you!” she screamed at him, rushing forward to beat upon his chest.

He captured her hands and imprisoned them in his tight grasp. She fought against his brute strength, finally yielding to it. “Please, Stephen. Let me go now,” she pleaded, tears sparkling in her eyes.

He seized her and kissed her savagely. He released her so suddenly she almost fell. He steadied her and smiled mischievously. “I think I’ll see an old friend while I’m here. She’ll certainly be better company than you are,” he stated to annoy her.

She paled. “You’re going to see another woman?” She seethed with anger and jealousy. “What about me?” she stormed.

“Tell me what I want to know, and you can have my full attention for as long as you wish,” he unexpectedly declared.

“You’re an animal! I despise you! Go to your little harlot! I could care less!” She should have realized his sudden gentleness had only been a trick to win her confidence. What cruel fate had forced her to fall in love with a demon lover? Would she ever be free of him?

He threw back his head and laughed. “Methinks you’re jealous, love.”

“Methinks you can think anything you damn well please!” she snapped.

“You could come with me,” he nonchalantly remarked.

Her head jerked upwards and her face brightened. “I could?”

“If I could trust you?” he cunningly added.

“But you can.”

“How can I trust a female who won’t trust me?” he reasoned.

She realized he was only teasing her. “How long do you plan to continue this cruelty? Don’t answer!” she said angrily, knowing what it would be. “You’ll be sorry for this one day, Stephen.”

“I already am, love. I wish I had never laid eyes on you. From our first meeting, you’ve been nothing but trouble and pain. If we could re-live that day by the pond, I would reject your charms like the plague. Seducing you was the worst mistake I’ve made; the second one is allowing you time to confess. I doubt you’ll relent even to save your own deceitful neck! Why I even care about your fate is beyond me!” With those stinging insults, he left.

Alex cried for hours. She envisioned Stephen in the arms of another woman. She cursed him and swore vengeance upon his head. If she only knew what that code said, she might tell him in hopes he would release her.

As she lay there, a daring plan came to mind. She hurried to his clothes chest and withdrew a pair of tight black knee breeches and a white shirt. She quickly put them on. Since they were close to shore, she could jump off the ship and swim to safety and freedom. She would go to the authorities and give them some tale about escaping from ruthless pirates. She would tell them about her uncle and surely they would send her to him.

Dressed in Stephen’s baggy garments, she knocked on the door until a man came to answer it. “What’cha need, ma’am?”

“I fell. I think my arm is broken. Is there a doctor on the ship?” Just as she hoped, he opened the door and came to check on her. Before he caught her deception, she landed a heavy blow to his head with a paperweight.

Alex struggled to pull his body inside to prevent anyone from seeing it. She stuffed the money from Stephen’s desk into a pocket and concealed her flowing mane of gold beneath a black bandanna. She eased the door open and looked out. All was quiet. Terror filled her as the steps creaked beneath her footsteps. Still, she bravely continued her plans.

The door to the deck was open. With only a quarter moon, it was very dark. She strained to see if anyone
was about. She tensed. There was a man on guard near the bow. He was leaning against the rail, staring in the other direction. She glanced at the rail nearest her and calculated the distance to it. She was agile and light. She could doubtlessly make it before he could reach her. Her only drawback was the distance to the water. How soon could he sound the alarm if she was sighted? How quickly could they pursue her?

She soundlessly made her way across the wooden deck to the rail and looked down. The water was a long way off. White waves could be sighted lapping against the hull of the ship. It was now or never. She had already gone too far to turn back now. She summoned her courage and placed her leg over the side. Throwing the other one over, she momentarily hesitated as she sat upon the wooden barrier to her freedom. Should she dive or just drop in?

The ship lurched suddenly and her decision was made for her. Feet first, Alex struck the water with force. Alarmed, she struggled to regain the surface. Finally, she rose to the top and struck out for the shore.

She didn’t realize she had cried out as she was tossed from the rail into the deep water. The man came running over to see what had happened. Her scarf gone, shimmers of golden hair reflected the moon’s light as she swam toward shore. He called out to her, but she ignored him. Alarmed at discovery, Alex increased her speed. He shouted again, but the shore was near.

Nearly breathless, her feet touched bottom. She
fought the pull of the water against her slender body and saturated clothes and staggered toward the shadowy beach. At last, she was standing upon dry ground. She sank to it to catch her wind. She had made it this far. Yet, she needed to conceal herself before they could pursue her.

She forced herself to her feet and raced toward the woods. As she passed the first large tree, a hand snaked out and grabbed her. She screamed and fought with this unseen villain who was hindering her progress.

“What do we have here?” the stirring voice of Joshua Steele taunted. “A mermaid escaped from the sea and her master?” he teased.

“You! You said you would be gone all night,” she shrieked, trapped in the iron confines of his arms.

“I changed my mind,” he lazily stated. “I discovered you’re far more satisfying than most females.”

“Let me go. I’m getting your clothes all wet,” she foolishly ranted.

Tugging at his stolen shirt, he roguishly concluded, “Both sets from the looks of it. Just where did you think you were going?”

“I don’t know, just out of your reach!”

“You could have been injured jumping off my ship. Not to mention eaten by sharks.”

“Sharks?” she fearfully stammered. “You mean there’re sharks here?”

“Plenty of them,” he lied most convincingly. “I’m surprised they missed a delectable piece of meat like you.”

Alex nervously glanced out across the darkened waters. She hadn’t even considered that danger when she planned her daring flight.

“What should I do about you, Angel?” he devilishly teased her.

“Let me go,” she instantly answered. “Please, Stephen…”

He looked up to see a small boat heading their way from his ship. “It seems you saved me the trouble of signalling my ship. My men are hot on your trail now.” He motioned to the boat about to beach. Noticing the way his white shirt clung to her wet body, he removed his jacket and ordered her to put it on. “You leave little to the imagination, love. I wouldn’t want you to tempt my crew. It’s been a long time between shore leaves.” Roguish deviltry sparkled in his sapphire eyes.

Her eyes flew to the revealing condition of the shirt. She gasped and picked at the material to conceal her breasts from his laughing eyes. She quickly slipped into his proffered jacket and held the sides tightly together. “It’ll be ruined,” she stated apologetically. “Thank you, Stephen,” she added softly.

“Your manners never cease to amaze me, Angelique. You were well trained, love,” he complimented her in an insulting tone.

Two men came forward, their expressions sheepish. “Sorry, Capt’n. But I didn’t see her in time to stop her. We came as quickly as we could.”

“Doesn’t matter, Tom. Angel’s a sly and daring vixen. Let’s get back to the ship. We sail at dawn.”

“We can’t!” she wailed. “Please, Josh, let me stay here.”

“I’m almost tempted to let you. But it isn’t safe. You’ll come with me until I say you can go home.”

What little moonlight there was seemed to play in her wet locks, and Spencer gently reached out to wipe the beads of moisture from her nose and chin. She pondered the tenderness in his expression and touch. If he was furious with her, he certainly didn’t act like it. Yet, his keen mind seemed to be on some disturbing topic.

She smiled as she realized he had not spent the night with that female he had mentioned earlier. “Do I detect some amusement about something?”

“I was just thinking you came home mighty early,” she flippantly hinted.

“I did, didn’t I?” he murmured, alertly catching her insinuation. “Were you looking for me?” he jested, an arresting grin upon his sensual lips.

“Naturally. I can’t afford to allow some other woman to take my place.”

“You’re a brazen flirt, Angelique. Come along, my slimy siren.” He grasped her hand to lead her to the waiting boat.

“Ouch!” she cried out, leaning over as if she had something in her foot. She rubbed it, eying him from beneath her trailing hair. While he waited patiently for her to solve her problem, he turned away to scan the horizon. Too much was happening too fast to suit him.

She rashly grabbed his ankles and tripped him, then
ran for the cover of the trees. The sand slowed her progress, as did her wet and baggy garments. Spencer was upon her in an instant, throwing them both to the ground. A struggle followed. With little exertion, he had her pinned to the gritty surface beneath her.

“That was a foolish thing to do!” he snarled at her, glaring down into her defiant features.

“I won’t let you take me back to your ship! I’ll scream until someone comes to help me,” she threatened.

With a few swift moves, she was gagged and bound, his belt surrounding and immobilizing her arms. Alex squirmed in the sand, but Spencer only laughed. He lifted her and tossed her over his powerful shoulders and calmly walked to the boat. His two men couldn’t suppress their grins at this humorous sight. Spencer captured her feet and pinned them against his chest to prevent her from kicking him in the groin, which is what she appeared to be trying to do. What a little she-cat to tame!

He settled himself in the forward section and placed her in his lap. The craft was shoved into the water and they headed for the ship. With Alex dangling over his shoulder, he agilely climped the rope ladder to the deck. He placed her bare feet upon the wooden surface and chuckled in amusement. Alex angrily twisted her shoulder to slam into his rumbling chest. The stalwart captain imprisoned her against him, taunting, “What a little she-cat you are.”

He lifted her in his arms and strolled off, whistling merrily. He called over his shoulder, “Back to your
duties, men; the fun’s over for now.”

They encountered Tully, the ship’s cook, along their way. Spencer ordered, “Tully, send a tub and some water to my cabin. I have a slimy fish to bathe.”

Tully laughed heartily and went to comply. Once inside his cabin, Spencer sat Alex down in a chair. “You’re a lot of trouble for such a little package. Sit still before my temper gets out of hand.” Following a knock on his door, Spencer went to let Tully inside with the tub. “It’ll take a while to warm some water, Capt’n.”

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