Love Me With Fury (22 page)

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Authors: Janelle Taylor

BOOK: Love Me With Fury
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“Why would you want to marry a stranger? Particularly me?”

“I told you I don’t want to marry anyone at all, but my father will arrange a marriage if I come home single,” she stated in exasperation. “Since you can’t make any demands upon me and you’ll be gone soon, you’re the perfect solution to my problem. You promised, Joshua.”
“That was before I knew you could meet my terms!” he blurted.

“Then you were teasing me!” she hotly charged. “Well, that doesn’t matter. You gave me your word!” she defiantly reminded him.

Spencer went back to the table and sat down. Once she discovered they were heading back to America on top of his refusal to comply with their silly deal, she would be furious.

As she impatiently awaited his next words, her eyes found the petticoat upon the floor: the one with the messages from her uncle to her father. She tensed in panic. If Joshua saw it, there was no telling what he might do with that information. He was most assuredly not beyond blackmail! He could ruin both her uncle and father with the coded messages there. He could take her jewels and her body and refuse to meet his part of their bargain. How to get rid of it?

She recalled Henry’s caution about disposing of it. She glanced at the porthole, then at the man whose attention was upon her jewelry. She leaned over and picked it up, pretending to toy with it. She nervously rolled it into a tight bundle and began to aimlessly, but purposefully, head toward the porthole. Standing before it, she pretended to gaze out at the moon’s reflection upon the indigo water. She dared to glance at him again, but he seemed preoccupied by the fortune in his hands.

She tightly clutched the treacherous material and began to ease her hands upwards to stuff it through the porthole. Just as it was halfway out, a hand snaked out
and seized it. She began to struggle with him over its possession. It was imperative to throw it out.

“Let it go!” she yelled at him. “It’s mine; I can throw it away if I wish!”

Spencer shoved her backwards to the bed and pinned her down with the weight of his powerful body. He snatched the garment from her tight grip and glared at her through stormy eyes. “You seem mighty anxious to toss this outside, love. Why?”

He got up and started to unroll the petticoat. She jumped up and grabbed for it. Another fight ensued. Within minutes, he was sitting on top of her, her arms imprisoned beneath his knees. “Now, let’s have a closer look at this,” he breathlessly stated.

“No!” she shrieked in dismay, fearful of the unknown stitches there. Why had she forgotten about this dangerous evidence? Why hadn’t she gotten rid of it before? She trembled in alarm as she watched him.

To a man with Spencer’s experience, the irregular stitches stood out as clearly as a black storm cloud. He studied them for a time, then more closely as he held the fabric up to the light. Amazed to find an obvious code sewn there, he glanced down at the helpless girl beneath him. “What does it say, Angel?” he asked in a deceptively calm tone.

She belligerently returned his stare. “I don’t know what you mean,” she lied noticeably.

Who was this bewitching girl with expensive clothes and jewels who had mysteriously entered his life on two critical occasions? “The code’s as clear as the nose on my face, love. What does it say?” he
harshly demanded.

“What code?” she sweetly inquired, failing to disarm him.

“Come now, Angel, I’m no fool. What does it say?”

“What would I know about such things? And better yet, what would you know about such things? You’re a pirate, or so you claim,” she sneered with bravado.

“Who’s sending this message and to whom? How are you involved, my beautiful English spy.”

“Spy?” she incredulously echoed. “Me? If there’s some message there, I know nothing about it.”

“Then why were you trying to discard it?” he demanded, his eyes narrowing at his apparent misjudgment of this girl.

She turned her face from his piercing eyes and sighed as if unconcerned. “I don’t know anything about it. Someone must have put it there. Perhaps that was what Thackery really wanted. How should I know?”

Spencer got up and stared down at the rebellious girl. “You won’t leave this ship until you decipher this code,” he suddenly warned.

She jerked upwards. “But we have a deal! You promised!”

“Is that what you’re after, love? My name for your superiors? That’s where the gowns and jewels came from, isn’t it? How long did you and Thackery hang around hoping I would attack and ‘rescue’ you? You almost had me fooled, Angel,” he angrily admitted aloud.

“What are you talking about?” she cried in dismay. “You sound as if you honestly think I’m some scheming spy!”

“Aren’t you? Wasn’t this some trick to worm your way into my confidence? Trouble was, you didn’t expect the man by the pond, did you? It looks as if the joke’s on you this time, Angelique.”

“You’re crazy! I’ve told you the truth, Stephen. I’m English, but not a spy!”

“Then tell me what message is on this petticoat!” he growled.

“I don’t know! My uncle is sending it to my father. It’s nothing to concern you; I swear it!” she vowed, her apprehension rising.

“Who are your father and uncle?” he instantly inquired.

“I can’t tell you. I won’t allow you to blackmail them! Why are you so eager to know what’s written there? You sound more like a spy than I do!” she screamed at him.

To make light of her charge, he laughed heartily. “If the message wasn’t critical, love, it wouldn’t be in code. I find this most intriguing. You’ll remain here until I know its contents.”

“Damn you, Stephen! I don’t know what it says!”

“Maybe that’s true and maybe it isn’t. But for certain you know who’s involved. Tell me if you desire freedom and home again. Your little ruse about marriage doesn’t fool me an instant.”

“I was serious! There might be something there that
could endanger my father’s life. I honestly don’t know what it says, but it isn’t important to you! Keep the jewels, just take me home.”

“We’re heading for an American port at first light. You can either trust me with the information, or I’ll turn you over to some American officers to extract it. I owe several of them favors. Handing them a beautiful and devious spy should repay them,” he coldly threatened.

“You can’t do that. I’m not a spy. You must take me home. Please, Stephen. My father will pay you any ransom you name.”

“Your father or your employers? I doubt a cunning witch like you even has a father. During war, there are ways of dealing with crafty spies,” he threatened. “The price of freedom is high this time, love. You can either give me their names or the contents of this message. You have my word I’ll release you.”

“Your word is as fake as your name, Steele!” This man could not be trusted, she decided. If he did take her back to America and leave her, she could claim innocence. Her uncle was one of them; he would come to her aid. She would tell Joshua Steele nothing!

Reading her look of defiance, he came forward and halted before her. “Do you have any idea what prison is like, love? Do you realize what they’ll do to get the truth from you?”

“I’m innocent. They’ll believe me,” she bravely declared.

“When I hand them this petticoat, they won’t.”

“It’s your word against mine. Who would aecept the word of Joshua Steele over…mine? If you take me there, I’ll tell them who you really are,” she issued a threat of her own. She was alert to catch the concern in his eyes before he shielded them against her probing gaze.

“I would strangle you first,” he sneered arrogantly.

“How can they extract information from a dead woman?” she scoffed. “You turn me in, and I’ll blow your cover so fast you won’t be able to leave the port before they blast you from the water!”

Spencer couldn’t afford for anyone to learn his secret just yet. But the information on this petticoat could be vital. That would explain her actions: the panic to discard it, her sudden flight home, her presence here and in England, and her possession of such wealth. Had he simply blundered into her current mission? Had Thackery been a part of it or not? Was she reckless enough to want to add his capture to her list of daring and successful exploits?

“I think it’s past time we have a serious talk, love. There are things I must know and now,” he icily informed her.

Confused, frightened, and angered, she sneered, “Talk about what, Captain Steele? Your kidnapping? Your seductions? Your lies and tricks?”

“About you and your furtive activities in America,” he snapped.

“You have no right to know anything about me! I am your prisoner, nothing more,” she retorted.

“I am captain here; everything and everyone are my concern.”

“Not me!” she hotly protested.

“It could prove most dangerous and embarrassing for me if a British spy is found upon my ship.”

Mocking laughter vexed him further. “Spy? You really think that?”

“Aren’t you?”

Stubborn and vengeful, she haughtily sneered, “You may think anything you wish, sir.”

“I’demand the truth, woman!” he thundered in rising impatience.

“I will only say this much; I have never been a spy in my country or yours. You have committed far more offenses than I ever could. Will you turn yourself over to your American friends to be punished?”

Deciding upon another ploy to disarm her, he yawned and suggested, “I say we sleep on this problem and discuss it again with fresh minds. I don’t know about you, but I’m exhausted. This has been a most enlightening and baffling day,” he turned on his charm. If force wouldn’t work, perhaps another course of action would…

Needing this reprieve to regain her wits, Alex instantly agreed. Lying side by side in the darkness, she murmured softly, “I’m not a spy, Stephen, no matter what you believe.” She turned to her side to try to relax. His nearness and manly scent assailed her senses. Was it possible to love and hate the same man at the same time?

He propped himself up on his elbow, gently and enticingly trailing his other hand down her arm. “Think it over, love. I wouldn’t want to see you harmed,” he murmured.

She turned and gazed up into the moonlit shadows. “Why are you doing this to me, Stephen? What difference does the war make to you? You can’t honestly believe I’m a dangerous spy. What if they imprison me or execute me? If you take me home, I’ll do whatever you say.”

“Tell me what the code says or give me the names involved, and I’ll set you free. War will most definitely affect me and my business. What am I supposed to think when a beautiful girl is caught with secret messages stitched to her petticoats? In my place, what would you think?”

“In your place, I wouldn’t see why it would make a damn! I can’t comprehend why the messages are more important to an infamous pirate than jewels and money. What am I supposed to think?” she returned his query. “If there’s a suspicious spy in this room, Captain Steele, it’s you.”

“I need the information now, love. We can’t make England for weeks.”

That slip enlightened her to his prior deception about their schedule and destination. “I’ll never tell you anything!”

“There are terrible ways to extract information from a woman…”

“Such as lash me to the mast and flog me ten times?
Do so if you dare,” she dauntlessly challenged, her chin trembling to belie her courage.

Alex began to weep. She was so frightened and confused. Why was this pirate so intrigued by her petticoat?

Spencer strained to see her in the dimness. Was this some new ruse to win his mercy? What if she was telling the truth? What if she was an innocent player in this deadly drama? The fact remained, this situation was suspicious during these perilous times. Morris told him three English spies had already been captured, one a lovely and ice-hearted female. Did he dare trust this curious girl? This time, as always, his head had to rule over his loins…and heart.

If only he knew more about her. It would be dangerous, perhaps fatal, for him and her if he callously handed her over to the American government. The only path opened to him was to find some way to win her trust and cooperation…

Spencer stroked her hair and pretended to soothe her fears. “Don’t worry, love. I won’t make any drastic moves. We both need time to think over this matter. But I can’t release you until I have some answers.”

“I can’t tell you anything, Stephen. I’m sorry,” she sadly murmured, wishing the traitorous garment didn’t exist.

“I understand,” he softly replied, mentally planning his strategy. He leaned over and kissed her lightly upon the lips. “You’re very unique and beautiful,
Angelique. I wish things hadn’t worked out this way.”

“We can’t help who or what we are, Stephen. You could change that if you wanted to. We’ve reached an impasse; the next move is yours.”

He smiled. “How about this one?” he huskily whispered, kissing her soundly this time. She struggled briefly before relenting to his magnetic charms.

“Let’s make the best of it until we talk again,” he coaxed as he nibbled upon her ear.

“You’re a fiend, Steele,” she mumbled, easing her arms around him.

He chuckled. “I’ve been called much worse, Angel.”

“I’m sure you have, and justly so,” she teased, returning his kiss with heated passion.

Soon, nothing mattered except dousing the fires of passion which consumed them. Spencer used every skill and charm he possessed to tantilize her beyond reality. As his mouth tenderly ravaged hers, his deft hands gently and enticingly explored her pliant body. As he trailed kisses over her face and throat, she moaned in unleashed desire.

He teased her taut breasts and eased his hand lower to remove any thoughts but him. Such wild and wonderful feelings washed over her as she delighted in this fiery union. No matter who or what he was, Alex wanted him desperately. She clung to him, moving her hands up and down the rippling muscles of his firm, smooth back. There was such strength and tenderness combined in this complex man, such power and
passion. His contempt of danger was like a heady drug which numbed her wits and tormented her body.

Each time his manhood plunged into her receptive body, his kisses would deepen. They challenged her to match them. She trembled as the fires of passion raged within her, crying out for appeasement. Shouldn’t it be a crime for a man to possess such magic and appeal?

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