Love me if you dare (17 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Love me if you dare
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voice sounded like heat, desire and … love when he looked at her with all those
feelings replicated in his eyes for her to see.

time I touch you, it is with love … every time I kiss you, it is with love …
every time I look at you, it is with love … and every time I love you it is
with a desire and passion that is borne from my love for you.  Tell me true, my
love … how can you not know that?  Do you really believe that the intimacy we
share is possible if we didn’t love each other?”

pulled her hands from his and tenderly circled his face, her eyes shining with
love so pure and deep he stopped breathing.  She reveled in the love in his and
sighed into his mouth as she kissed him; whispered against his mouth, “I guess
I was too scared to believe it was possible that you could come to love me so

reared back and thundered again, “Quickly!  My God woman, I have been in love
with you since the day we met!  But you were too young. I was devastated when
you disappeared and I did not stop searching for you for years, but it was as
if you had vanished. I eventually accepted you didn’t want to be found, so I
stopped looking.  My heart however, never did and when you walked back into my
life, it was the happiest day ever.”

… you searched for me?”

my love I did.”  He pulled her close and kissed her with all the love and
tenderness in his heart and sighed when he tasted the saltiness of her tears
mixing with her sweet taste in his mouth. His eyes caressed her features
lovingly, tenderly wiping her tears away. 

leaned back and took her hands in his again.

DuPont, I have loved you for ten years and will love you forever and further
into eternity. I want to spend the rest of my life with you, wake up with you
in my arms, even when we are wrinkled and gray.  I want to make babies with
you, as many as you desire and I promise never to go to sleep angry or not
kissing you goodnight!  And if it is the words you need, I will tell you every
day how much I love you … Will you please marry me?”

heart was beating so fast she could scarcely breathe.  His eyes staring so
lovingly and earnestly into hers urged her to believe in his love, in their
love and their future together; the slow smile on her lips were brilliance
personified and took his breath away.

Nico, yes … please, I will marry you!”  The kiss they shared fortified their
love and their future.  Nicolas promising himself to always protect, love and
make her smile.

groaned and pulled himself up from his knees.  “Thank goodness!  My knees were
killing me!”

laughed and Samantha pinched his arm.  He looked at her and couldn’t resist
stealing another quick kiss.  She whispered against his lips.

love you so much, my love.  And as long as you tell me every now and then … I
will be happy!”

and Owen congratulated them and more hugs and tears made the rounds.  Then Owen
whispered loudly to Camilla with a wink at Nicolas.

guess now that they’re engaged you don’t need to worry about the ‘burglar’ you
heard in Samantha’s room last night.”

younger couple blushed and the elders burst out laughing.  Camilla scolded her
son laughingly.

your hoyden!  I knew you were in there with her! We were young once too, you

except we are not children anymore.  I am thirty five years old for goodness
sakes!  That being said … good night, Moms, Pops … we will see you in the
morning.”  He bend down, plucked Samantha up and walked out of the house
towards his cottage next door, with a screeching and blushing Samantha over his

Chapter Seventeen

had taken the bait by the time they went back to work.  After a long
conversation with Desmond, Nicolas decided to add one of their actual active
projects to the bait.  He needed to make sure there was substantial proof of
her involvement with Wieldman. 

were finalizing details of their plan and Desmond respected Nicolas more and
more.  He sighed, realizing Nicolas was not going to change his mind about
including one of their most lucrative R & D Projects to the bait.

appreciate your concern Desmond, but it is more important to me to completely
ruin Wieldman and I am willing to risk losing out on the one one of the most
lucrative developments this country has ever seen to achieve that.” 

nodded.  “You love her that much?”

warmth that immediately glowed in his gaze was answer enough and his hoarse
voice seconded the fact.  “Yes, I love her that much.”

glad.  Thank you for giving me the opportunity to at least in a small way make
up for what I did.”

did the least damage of all.  Had you not been there to assist, someone else
would have.”  Nicolas pulled a large envelope from his drawer.  “I did a
background check on you and you seemed to have pulled yourself together over
the years.”  He handed him the envelope and Desmond looked at him

shrugged.  “You achieved proven success with Sales team developments.  We just
happen to have an opening for a Sales Business Developer.”

was choked up and forced the word past his lips.  “Why?”

assured me you are a good man, and made a mistake years ago, because of
immaturity and over eagerness to shoot to the top.  Wieldman is good at making
promises like that. I think she still has a soft spot for you.”

don’t know how to thank you and yes I accept the offer.”

haven’t even looked at it.”

doesn’t matter what it is.  This is an opportunity to make right what was wrong
and protect her in future.”

gaze splintered at him.  “That, Harris, is my responsibility!”

nodded with a smile and got up to leave.  “Where do I report to?  I’d like to
start right away.  It will give me more time to get everything in place

nodded and they shook hands, just as Samantha walked in, looking questioningly
at Nicolas. He smiled wryly at her.

was just congratulating Harris on accepting the job.”

job?  You offered him a job?  Really?  Oh, Nico …”

shone in her eyes and she turned to Desmond and threw her arms around his neck,
hugging him tight.  His arms folded around her and he hugged her briefly,
cognizant of the man stiffening behind her. 

am so sorry, Sammy!  If I had known, I would never ha …”

… it’s over and you made up for it already.  I am so glad Nicolas offered you a

could just as quickly fire him again!   I do not appreciate you in his arms,

pulled out of his arms and flew into Nicolas’s and he drew her tight against
him, shaking his head at her exuberance.  Desmond left them alone, and Nicolas
hugged her even tighter, feeling her warmth seep into him. He never thought he
would ever see her again, let alone have her in his life, a future with her in

Samantha was not pleased to work
with Elaine.  She was uncooperative and disruptive, especially whenever
Samantha requested something from her.  Yet, she ground her teeth and tried to
form some sort of a bond with her.  They were sisters and the least she could
do was try.  But her patience was wearing thin and the past month has been
extremely tiresome with her around the offices all the time.

was very secretive about what he was busy with as far as Wieldman were
concerned and refused to give her details.  Wieldman had been out of the
country for nearly two years and apparently only returned recently to take the
reins at Wieldman Enterprises again.

sister dear.  We have not really had any opportunity to get to know each other
since you’ve been back.  Would you join me for lunch?”

stiffened, not liking the prospect of spending so much time alone with her. 
They did not have anything in common and Elaine had never liked her, even when
they were very young.  She searched her eyes for some emotions, but could find
none, and sighed.

well.  Let me just go and tell Nicolas.”

need.  I already told him I am taking you to lunch.”  She clutched Samantha by
her elbow and steered her along to the parking garage and headed for her car.

booked a table at the Sensations restaurant in Greenside.  It is apparently
very chick.  We’ll take my car, seeing as I am the one that invited you.”

did not like it, but couldn’t really decline the offer … or rather instruction.

long as we don’t stay away too long.  I have a conference call with Nicolas and
the Exco team from Cape Town at half past two.”

problem, that gives us at least two full hours.”  The smirk on her face caused
Samantha to feel very uncomfortable, sure that she was up to something, but she
had no idea what.

at the office, Nicolas and Desmond just signed the Forensic Court order against
Wieldman Enterprises.  The forensic team was already on their way to Wieldman’s
offices, after Desmond confirmed with one of his employees he was still friends
with, he was in his office.  Nicolas leaned back and drew his hands through his
hair.  The end was near and he could not wait for the day he would come face to
face with that cowardly weasel.

reminded him it was nearly time for their conference call with Cape Town’s Exco
team and she was concerned that Samantha was nowhere to be found.

is always very punctual. It is not like her to just disappear.”  Her concern
was rubbing off on Nicolas and fear clenched his heart.

was she last seen?”

from downstairs reception saw her leaving with Elaine earlier.”

Where did they go?”

took the elevator down to the parking garage. Neither one of them is answering
their phones.”

dread gripped his heart.  “Cancel the call with Cape Town.  I have to find
her.”  He grabbed his keys and started for the door.

are you going?” Desmond asked, shaking his head.

have to find her?”

you can’t just rush off.  We need to think this through.”

your friend and find out if the Forensic team is there and more importantly if
Wieldman is still there!”

stiffened his whole body when he deduced from the one sided conversation that
the forensic team was there and were already busy with the investigation, that
they have stopped all operation and all employees were gathered in the
entertainment area.  Desmond was pale when he faced Nicolas.

he left just before they arrived, in a big hurry with a huge smile on his
face.  He overheard him say … he said …”

Desmond!”  He grabbed his shirt and shook him.

heard him say something to the effect of … take her to my loft.” 

God!  Where … where is it?”

shook his head.  “I don’t know.  I only know where his house is in Sandton. 
There must be a way …”

swung around and opened his laptop, opening the tracking program, frantically
shouting at Gertrude.  She came rushing in.

me Elaine’s car registration number.  Quickly!”  He shouted when she
hesitated.  She ran back with a piece of paper a few seconds later.  He grabbed
it from her, his voice so low and ferocious she winced.

time did Lucy see them leave?”

before lunchtime.”

forced the fear down and concentrated on the rage fostering higher and higher
inside him. The system took forever to locate the vehicle’s position and he
released a string of vicious expletives. The moment the last fixed position
flashed on the screen, he tore out of the office, Desmond close on his heels. 
He was thankful that Alexander demanded all of them had trackers installed in
their vehicles and linked to their system at the office.

far is it?”

twenty kilometers.  Pray there is no traffic.”  He gave the address to Desmond
the minute they got into his car to key it in the GPS and he pulled away with
screeching tires. 

his offices and if he left,” he glanced at his watch and cursed, “An hour ago,
he would have arrived there thirty minutes ago already.”

the police!  They could be there before us.”  His mouth tightened at the suggestion
and Desmond realized he didn’t want the police there when he got there.  He had
murder in his eyes and he knew he would pummel him to death if he laid a hand
on Samantha.

pulled his cell phone from his pocket and phoned the police anyway, but doubted
they would beat them there, especially as it took them forever to take the
details.  Nicolas drove like a maniac, but not irresponsibly and according to
the GPS they would arrive in ten minutes.  The closer they got, the tighter a
fist of fear compressed around his heart.  Please God, let them not be too

lifted her head and felt as weak as a baby.  She could hardly lift her arm and
her mouth was dry and tasted bitter.  She forced her eyes open and fear rushed
through her. She pushed herself upright and utter terror gripped her when she
realized her one hand was tied to the bedpost and she was naked except for her
bra and panties.

struggled to breathe and started panting in fear. No, not again!  Please God,
not again!

does this not bring back pleasant memories, my dear sister?” She laughed
wickedly and leaned against the doorframe, her eyes shimmering in enjoyment.

shook her head to try and shake of the grogginess.  “Elaine … what …” her eyes
widened and she pulled at the rope around her writs.

… it was you?  You’re the other one that helped Wieldman!”

laughter was twisted and ugly.  “Helped him?  No, my dear Samantha … I planned

stopped struggling with the rope and looked at her sister in disbelief.  
“Why?  Why would you do something like that to me?  How could you set me up to
be brutalized and raped?”

laughter dried up and she looked at her curiously.  “You don’t know he di …
this is even more priceless than I thought.”  Her wild laughter echoed through
the room.  A door slammed in the background and she turned to the man that
appeared in the doorway and closed the door behind him.

screamed as just seeing him, brought back all the terror and pain she suffered
at his hands six years ago.  He stepped up to the bed and slapped her hard in
the face, his eyes glittering with vicious intend.

your mouth, bitch.  This time there is no one that will interrupt our little
reunion!  I intend to enjoy this as much as I did then.”

turned on him, her anger bursting forth like a hurricane.  “What are you
talking about?  She is not here for your enjoyment!  She is here to suffer! 
Suffer for all the unhappiness I had to go through because she was Daddy’s
favorite.  And then he still gave her everything, after he chased her away!  I
got nothing!  Everything we did six years ago was for nothing!”

turned on her, the smirk on his face one of disgust, then back at Samantha.
“Oh, I don’t know about that.  You know he came to find me two months before
his death and I took pleasure in informing him how I raped his innocent little
daughter.  How she cried, screamed and pleaded.  He couldn’t take it, having
chased her away, calling her a slut when he found her in my bed, to be told she
was innocent in it all!  He was incensed, nearly killed me with his fists, but
just the look on his face was worth the pain!  The fact that he overheard your
conversation with me after his return is what finally broke him, what caused
his heart attack, what made your mother pay for what she did to me!”

speared a glance at the terrified woman on the bed and then snapped at Elaine,
“And you do not dictate what I do or don’t do.  I had her once; I will have her
again; as many times as I want and you will not stand in my way.” 

laughter sounded like a witch’s.  “Had her?  In your dreams.  You never HAD
her!  Remember the glass of champagne I gave you while we waited for her to
come by?”  She laughed shrilly.  “Yes, you nearly shredded her to pieces with
your nails, but then you got groggy and got up and passed out on your couch.”

expression was livid and Samantha could not stop shivering. She pulled
desperately at the rope, trying to loosen the knots while they were arguing. 
She still struggled with the grogginess and found it hard to believe what she
was hearing.  Her own sister!  Now she understood why Nicolas was so haunted
and would not tell her.

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