Love me if you dare (12 page)

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Authors: Sabel Simmons

BOOK: Love me if you dare
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and Liza seemed to have hit it off and he was relieved when she indicated he
need not take her home.  All the way home he concentrated on getting his
emotions and anger under control.  He could kick himself for taking Liza with
him, but his jealously took over when Mary told him she had a date.  Now he
regretted his impulsive action.  He gave her the ammunition she had been
looking for.  A valid reason to deny him what he desired the most.  Her!

sighed in relief when he saw her car parked in her usual spot, but was
frustrated that the house was in total darkness, except for the garden and
outside lights.  She obviously went to bed already.  Not that he blamed her; it
was past three hours since she had left the party.

took his clothes off warily and took a quick shower.  Wrapping a towel around
his waist he started back to his room but his feet turned the opposite
direction as if drawn by an invisible force into Samantha’s room.  He pushed
her door open softly and stepped through.  Her balcony door and curtains were
open as usual and a bright beam of moonlight shone through the opening to
caress the woman on the bed with a soft white hue.

a trance he moved closer to stand next to the bed, his eyes hungrily caressing
her beautiful face. Her hair was fanned out across the pillow; he reached out
to run the soft strands through his fingers.  His eyes moved over her sleeping
features and he smiled.  Her hand was tugged beneath her cheek, her long lashes
fluttered lightly against her cheeks.  He glanced lower and his breathing
became labored.

sheet had fallen away from her chest and the moonlight streaks were playing
over her pale breasts.  Her other hand moved from where it rested beside her to
her flat stomach and he gasped when her  hand moved higher to curl around her
breast, her fingers framing the rosy nipple.

hips moved sideways in an involuntary seductive way and her legs pulled the
sheet further down.  This time he could not retain the groan that escaped his
lips when a perfectly formed naked hip was exposed to his greedy eyes.  Good
lord, she was naked!

hand lifted, as of its own accord, and caressed softly down her cheek, to
hesitate on her chest.  She moaned as his hand moved lower still to gently
circle her nipple and he had to bite his lip when it immediately shriveled into
a hard bud. He slid his hand over her waist to flatten on her rounded hip, then
down her thigh.  She sighed, turned and pulled the sheet up to cover and hide
her treasures from his greedy eyes.

took a deep tortured breath; rushed back to the bathroom and took a long, cold

Chapter Twelve

struggled to shake of the dark remnants of sleep and sat up.  He drew his hands
through his sleep tousled hair.  He frowned and looked around his room,
wondering what woke him. He glanced at the bedside clock and with a groan
noticed it was not even three o’ clock.  No wonder he felt like death.  After
the cold shower he battled to fall asleep and only dosed off less than two
hours ago.

he fell back on the pillows, only to jump up again as a terrified scream echoed
from Samantha’s room.

… please …nooo!”

threw the sheet off and raced through the interconnecting door, which
thankfully was not locked, his heart pounding.  He went straight to her bed and
gasped when he realized the bed was empty.

tortured sobs reached him and he swung in the direction they came from.  He
found her shivering and shaking in the corner next to the window where she huddled
on the floor, her knees drawn up against her chest with her hands clamped
around them; her face buried between her knees.  He rushed over to her but
stepped back when she lashed out at him the moment he touched her shoulder.

… don’t touch me!  Stay away from me!  Please, please don’t hurt me!”

face was drawn, his whole body tightened in anger and shock.  Terror and pain
were edged so clearly in her features he could distinguish it even in the
moonlight. Her eyes were wild and she shrank back against the wall when he
stepped closer again.  He realized she was still in the grasp of the nightmare
and went down on his knees in front of her, slowly extending his hand to her.

Samantha, my baby … it’s me, Nicolas.  Wake up, honey.”

she slapped his hands away, her voice raw and frightened.  “Noooo … please

please wake up!  I will never hurt you, baby.  Please … look at me!”

saw her blanch as his voice penetrated her frightened mind and he noticed the
bleakness dissipating and her eyes focused on him. She shivered even more
realizing what had happened and nearly cried at the expression on his face. 
She never wanted him to see her this way!  She shrank back from him hovering
over her and leaned her head against the wall.

go away.  I don’t want you here.”

I want to help you.  Honey, talk to me!”

I don’t want to talk about it.  I can handle it myself.  Just go away!” But her
words ended in tears and her body shook she shivered so badly.  Nicolas took
her by the shoulders and pulled her tight against him.  Her nakedness seared
against him; his tight jockeys leaving him as good as naked.

I will not go away.  You have to talk about this, honey!” 

heat engulfed her and her shivering diminished bit by bit and she relaxed
against him.  He held her tight against him, his one hand slowly stroking her
hair, whilst the other made gentle small circles on her naked back.  The hair
on his chest brushed her nipples and she stiffened just as they shriveled and
went painfully hard.  She recalled her dreams and gave an agonizing moan. The
details were so vivid, so real this time; it was more than a dream, she had
relived the hellish experience, felt the pain and her breathing turned haggard,
the shivers resuming in full force.

she leaned into Nicolas, her hands groping and clasping around his neck, with a
strength that astonished him.  She was frantic to draw strength from him and
tried to get closer and closer.  His arms folded around her and he pulled her
as close as she could get.

alright … I’m here and it is all over now … relax, honey … just let it go.” 
His breath was hot against her brow.

hold me, please hold me!” Her voice was strangely soft and he groaned.  Her
pain became his and he drew her up with him as he stood up to fold his arms
around her and pulled her tight against him.  Her warm, soft nakedness against
his was torture, but when he tried to push her away, she clutched at him even

… please don’t leave me alone!”

groaned, picked her up and carried her to the bed to lay her down gently,
intending to tug her below the duvet and sit with her until she fell asleep
again. She refused to let go of his neck and pulled him down with her and they
both tumbled on the bed.

don’t do this!  Not now.”

hold me.  I don’t want to be alone just now!”  Her voice sounded thin and
scared.  He put his treacherous thoughts away and he turned so they were lying
facing each other, their arms around the other. He pulled the sheet over them
and continued to stroke her hair and back until her shivers receded and she
started to relax in his arms.

arms loosened from around his neck and slowly moved down over his chest and
under his arm to go around his back.  His body tightened and all the fire, need
and desire rushed down his body. He knew if he did not get off this bed
immediately, he would not be able to leave at all.

you feel better now?  He asked hoarsely.


… I … I have to get out of here.”

Stay awhile longer.”

don’t know what you are asking, honey.  I have to get out of here. NOW!” 

pulled his arms from around her and pushed on his elbow to rise, but she clung
to him.  Her voice was frantic and desperate.


if I stay longer I won’t be able to keep my hands, my body off yours!”

don’t! You said you’d make me yours when you came back from Cape Town! It is
long overdue!  You came back more than a week ago!”

Samantha, not while you’re still in the quarry of emotion from your nightmare.”

Nicolas.  I beg you.  You said you wanted to help me. Then help me now!  Please
make the pain go away … please make me forget …”


talk anymore … please.”   She lifted her head and closed her lips around his,
softly stroking, pressing her body urgently into his.

overwhelmed him with her nearness; her warm naked body pressed so intimately
against his turned his body in a mass of Jell-O.  When she lifted her leg and
locked it around his hips, his self-control shattered into a million pieces.
She lifted her hips higher to press her heat against his fully aroused shaft
that jumped against her womanly cleft when she rubbed against him.

moan echoed his and their kiss turned wild and hotly passionate.  Their mouths
slanted this way then that, their teeth grinded against each other and their
tongues fought a fiery duel of passion. They twirled, licked and sucked at each
other, as if they tried to pull the other into themselves.

strained closer, their breathing shallow and haggard.  Nicolas gulped deep
breaths into his lungs, forcing himself to calm down.  He realized he was very
close to losing complete control over his body and if he did, he would do the
one thing he promised her he never would.  He would hurt her, his desire was
that strong for her, and she was feeding it higher and higher with her

pulled her hands from around him and drew them over her head and kept them
there, just holding her with his head resting against her forehead, until both
their breathing settled.  He drew back and looked deeply into her passion
filled eyes, softly caressing her cheek, then her neck with his fingertips.

okay, baby, I’m not going anywhere.  But we have to slow down, otherwise I will
hurt you.”

I need you now!”  His breath hissed out his body hearing those words, but he
shook his head.

listen to me.  If we don’t slow down, I will hurt you.  Not intentionally, but
I won’t be able to hold back.”  He clasped her one hand and drew it down his
body and folded it around his large shaft.

eyes widened and fear suffused her heart. “Oh!”  He gasped and growled, “Yes
oh!” Her hand involuntary started exploring his length and he gnashed on his
teeth.  He seized her hand and drew it back over her head.

I want to …”

not this time!” 

sulked, remembering the velvet softness, even though it was as hard as steel. 
He was big, much bigger than she thought, she couldn’t even close her hand
around his girth and her desire mingled with fear pulsed urgently in her groin.

your hands off me!  If you don’t, I am leaving this bed!”  He warned her when
she started to object and she pulled her full bottom lip between her teeth in

hands moved down her arms over her ribs to stroke her breasts and then roll and
pinch her sensitive nipples between his fingers.  His lips stroked slowly down
her neck until he pulled her budding nipple deep into the recess of his mouth. 
He sucked strong and deep, fondling the other with his fingers, drawing a deep
mewling moan from her.  He swopped breasts and sucked harder, pulling her
breast deeper into his mouth as if he would take all of her.  Her back arched
off the bed, pushing her breast deeper into his mouth.  He accepted it gladly
and suckled loudly, moaning around the delicious and sweet flesh in his mouth.

moved restlessly against him, her whole body a mass of need. Her skin tingled
all over and sizzled everywhere he touched and kissed. His mouth brushed hers
tenderly and she fisted her hands to keep from touching him.  His mouth kissed
his way to her ear and he sucked her earlobe, and once again she lifted of the
bed.  Heat rushed down her body and the wet need for him flushed from her body.

kissed down her neck to softly lick the salty sweat from between her breasts. 
Her back arched again and she pleaded hoarsely, “Nico, please!”

mouth captured her nipple again and he was merciless in his possession of it. 
He pulled at her nipple, he drew and suckled on it loudly, he moved wildly and
hungrily from the one to the other, softly scraping his slight stubble beard
over the sensitized tips, causing her to cry out in need.

… I can’t anymore … please!”

passionate plea urged him on and he felt his control slipping.  His shaft was
so hard it throbbed painfully against her leg. He moved his hand over her flat
stomach, and exulted in her bare mound rising to meet his searching fingers. He
lifted his head and watched her head move from side to side on the pillow,
gasping for breath when his fingers found her velvet bud and he caressed and
rubbed it urgently.

desire to see her go wild for him, increased his passion, his breathing fast
and haggard, he urgently and slightly roughly pulled her legs apart.  She
stiffened slightly, but he pushed his leg between hers and his hand moved down
to urgently part her soft folds and enter her body with two of his fingers.  He
moaned loud at the heat and wetness that engulfed his fingers; Samantha cried out
and froze.

moved his fingers deep inside her, then pulled out and back in urgently.  He
was so engulfed by her heat around him that he did not realize she was not with
him anymore.  His urgent and slightly rough entry with his fingers had transferred
her back to another place, another time.  When her sobs penetrated his passion
induced brain he lifted his head and froze. 

had the same terrified and pained expression on her face as she did when he
found her after the nightmare. He pulled his fingers from her, moved up her
body and tenderly covered her cheeks with his hands.

baby …”

… please don’t hurt me!”  Her voice was torn and very scared.

my God!’  Suddenly all the pieces fell together and he pulled her up against him. 
She glanced at him wildly, realizing where she was and what just happened.  Her
hands covered her mouth and she stared at him with agony in her eyes.  His eyes
were wet with moisture when he looked at her.

tell me it’s not what I think! Samantha, what happened to you?”

… I can’t!  Please don’t ask that of me!”

have to!  You took me to the point of no return, and froze up on me.  I am in
agony where I sit! I have the right to know what I am up against! Tell me,
Samantha!”  He grabbed her by the shoulders and shook her.



a dream … it’s just a dream!”

Don’t lie to me, damn you.  I am not a child.  Did one of your lovers abuse

were running down her cheeks and suddenly she was so tired, so absolutely tired
and having to live with the shame and moreover, tired of being scared and
alone.  She snapped and screamed at him.

it was not a brutal lover!”

what?  What Samantha?”

… I was raped.  I was brutally raped! There … now are you satisfied!”

felt as if a hammer had hit him against the chest and he stared at her in
shock.  She shivered and pulled her legs up to lock her arms around them, the
sobs that rocked her body were deep and tortured.

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