Love in Fantasy (Skeleton Key) (7 page)

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Authors: Elle Christensen,Skeleton Key

Tags: #Skeleton Key series

BOOK: Love in Fantasy (Skeleton Key)
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“I find this puts me in a dilemma, Chloe. Because if I don’t have you soon, I’ll lose my ability to deem who is a threat and instead, I’ll start killing every man who so much as looks at you.”

“Ok,” she squeaks as his big body presses into hers, his arms on either side of her head, effectively trapping her in. “I thought, ahem.” She clears her throat nervously. “I thought you weren’t affected by me.”

His eyes glitter with hunger, the fire only growing as he stares into her sea-green pools. “I can’t protect you if we are together. All I’d be able to see when I looked at you is the image of the last time I fucked you,” he growls. “Keeping completely away was the only way I could shut my desire for you down and focus on my job.”

“What you’re telling me is that you’ve locked the long-haired princess in a tower in order to keep her to yourself?” she asks sassily.

His eyes dance with amusement. “I’ve decided to remove all other variables, Chloe.” He leans his face down until his mouth is only a breath away. I’ve stolen you away, you belong to me, and I’m keeping you. No one can get to you here but me, so I no longer have the duty of being your bodyguard.”

“Aren’t you supposed to free the princess from being hidden away by the witch?”

He grins. “I decided the old bat was really onto something.” His mouth covers hers and he kisses her with such passion, she feels the flames lick her body from head to toe. He runs his tongue along the seam of her lips and she opens, accepting his tongue as it plunges inside. When he finally releases her mouth, they are both panting, their hearts galloping at full speed.

“I know you want me, Chloe,” he grunts, grinding his hips into her and letting her feel what she does to him. She mewls an agreement, no longer focused on anything beyond how he’s making her feel. “I will not allow anyone to take you away from me, nor will I let you escape. You will stay here and I will worship your body every chance I get, love your heart completely, and be everything and anything you will ever need.”

The clouds of desire dissipate enough for her to grasp on to his statement, laser focusing on one part. “Love me?” she asks.

He nods slowly, locking his gaze with hers, letting her see his sincerity. “I love you, Chloe.”

Her heart practically explodes with emotion, as though a dam broke and she realizes she’s been holding them all back, afraid to let them free. Love for him pours from her heart and she slides her hands into his silky hair, taking hold with a tight grip. “I love you, too,” she tells him earnestly.

His face transforms with the most beautiful smile she has ever seen. Damon has rarely ever smiled, but this, this is like a rainbow. Rare, elusive, and magical to see. After a moment, a hint of vulnerability creeps into his gaze. “You’ll stay with me?”

“For as long as you love me.”

He grins as he lifts her by the hips, wrapping her legs around his waist and falling with her onto the bed, his body covering hers. “So, forever then.”

There are no more words. Damon whips her gown above her head and closes his lips around one turgid nipple. Chloe moans and shifts her hips restlessly.

“Damon,” she whimpers, “I need—I. . .”

“I know what you need, Chloe,” he growls, “and I’m going to give it to you.” He waves a hand and she sucks in a breath when her arms involuntarily fly up to the headboard and silk ties bind them to the posts on either side. Wow.
Magic has never seemed so sexy.
“But, I won’t be rushed. I’ve waited so long to have you, to lick and taste every inch of this spectacular body, to sink my cock into your soaking wet pussy.”

He punctuates his words with a little swivel of his hips and it’s enough to set her off. She splinters apart with a cry of his name and reaches a high she didn’t know existed. Floating back down, she opens her eyes to see Damon staring at her with both hunger and awe. “Watching you come is the most fucking beautiful thing I’ve ever seen.”

Chloe blushes and it widens his smile before he kisses her again, stealing her soul with every breath. Her eyes drop to his lower body, narrowing on the breeches separating her from his, um, powerful sword? Chloe mentally giggles at herself, just keeping with the theme. It occurs to her right then, shouldn’t she get magic, too?

In half a heartbeat, Damon is gloriously naked. He raises a single eye brow and a grin slowly grows on his face. Then he spends, what seems like an eternity, doing exactly what he said, worshipping, licking, and tasting her everywhere. Until finally, he sinks deep, deep inside her.

He doesn’t seem surprised when he breaks through her barrier, but he does look a little smug. If Chloe weren’t so fully in the throes of passion, she probably would have smacked him upside the head. As it was though, they were both instantly lost to the feel of their bodies so completely connected.

“You’re mine now, Chloe” Damon whispers once they’ve come down off of the high and are cuddled in each other’s arms. “Forever.”

Damon shoots up into a sitting position, disoriented and confused at first, then seriously pissed when he realizes he’s in bed and it was all just a fantasy. Throwing off the covers, he stands and begins to pace, sexually frustrated and his heart pounding. Maybe it was time to take the next step. The waiting was slowly killing him. Making a split second-decision, he takes off down the hall and sprints up the stairs two at a time. As he’s reaching for the door handle to Chloe’s room, the door flies open and she smacks right into him.

Her head comes up, meeting his gaze as his arms close around her.

“You’re fired.”

“I quit.”

They speak over each other and it takes a minute for them to absorb what the other has said. Then Damon sweeps her into his arms, muttering, “Thank fuck,” and stalking back towards her bed.

Several hours later, Damon looks down at the woman who has starred in all of his fantasies as she lies draped across his chest. With a finger under her chin, he lifts her head so their eyes meet. “You know you’re going to marry me, right?” he asks gruffly.

Chloe smiles softly, leans up to kiss him, and winks. “Since you asked so nicely.”

“It wasn’t a request,” he grumbles.

Oliver - 2, Pippa – 0



hen I woke up this morning, the first thing I did was check for Wilhelm. Sure enough, he was right back in the box on the top of my dresser. I tuck him into my pocket, wondering what he has in store for Beth and Kinsey, who are the next two eldest sisters, being twins.

Not surprisingly, I have trouble focusing at work. With each day, each sister, each fantasy, I get closer and closer to being able to give Pippa my name and start a family. I’m having dinner at the palace again tonight and I spend an inordinate amount of time mapping out the castle in my mind for the best places to corner my siren.

Finally, it’s after six, and I give up pretending to work. I arrive at the castle and hand my keys off to a valet. I know, not very fitting for an idealistic castle setting, but I wasn’t going to take a horse and carriage just to indulge you even further in the fantastical aspects of my story. Leave it for the fantasies. My world has been turned inside out enough.

When I enter the house, I can’t help but stop and laugh at the sight of Damon crowding Chloe into a corner and kissing her senseless. I give Wilhelm a mental high five and he starts up with his humming again. I’m a little confused at why he’s vibrating for them until I notice a movement to my left. I turn my head and another of Pippa’s older sisters, Beth, is standing in the doorway of another room smiling fondly at the couple. I look a little closer, and that’s when I notice the longing in her eyes.

I think back to my time here as a youth and I don’t have many memories of Beth. I do remember her trouble-making twin, Kinsey, though. I only have vague recollections of Beth being there at times, but she was always in the background.

My body snaps tight when the scent of Jasmine fills my nose and blood rushes to my groin at the mere knowledge Pippa is in the room. I whip around and the moment she sees me, her eyes widen, and her mouth forms a cute little
. I’m not even trying to disguise the hunger in my gaze as my eyes scan her from head to toe. In two strides, I’m at her side and crowding her back into the room she’d just come from. My mouth crashes down on hers, and she melts into me, clinging to my shoulders. After I’ve had my fill, for now, I let her up to breathe. “Fuck, I missed you,” I whisper raggedly. She nods absentmindedly, making me smile because she doesn’t realize what she’s just admitted. Before the fog can clear, I take her hand and lead her back through the castle to the dining hall.

Dinner with the St. Claires is always entertaining. It’s rare that, when they get together, it is mother, father, and daughters alone. Instead, it’s a loud and fun group of people, but rather than being drawn into the bustle of activity, I find my eyes wandering back to Beth. Her long mahogany hair is braided and pulled over one shoulder, her clothes are not drab, but she doesn’t exactly stand out, either. What surprises me most, is that her hazel eyes twinkle with love and merriment as she watches the group and it highlights a beauty people don’t seem to notice. Except for Kinsey, who is constantly trying to draw her out. But, Beth continues to watch with amusement, seeming content to stay a wallflower.

With an arm over the back of Pippa’s chair, I lean over and ask, “Does Beth have a boyfriend?”

Pippa gives me an arch look. “Looking to trade up so soon? Fantastic.”

I tug on one of her long, coal black locks, wishing I could put her over my knee and spank her sassy little ass. I file that thought away for later because I’m currently in no condition to be even more aroused. “Baby, answer the question.”

She shrugs, resting an elbow on the table, her chin propped in her hand and contemplating her sister. “I don’t think so. Beth is the kindest and most loving person, but she’s so damn shy. We’ve all tried to pull her from her shell, but she seems content to stay there. I don’t want her to be alone.” She turns her head now, her eyes wide and innocent, the little brat. “Perhaps we’ll just have to be spinsters together forever.”

I roll my eyes and slip my hand down, using two fingers to pinch her bottom. Her expression turns dirty, and she opens her mouth, no doubt about to say something that will definitely earn her a swat on the ripe ass later.

“Um. We have news,” Chloe says loudly, interrupting Pippa and gaining everyone’s attention. Over the next hour, I sit back in my seat, observing, knowing the smile on my face is probably growing more triumphant by the minute. Chloe and Damon announce their engagement, followed by Willow and James, making the room erupt in excitement and congratulations. Pippa shifts in her seat uncomfortably, almost falling off as her jaw drops. She throws me sideways glances at times, but otherwise, pretends I’m not there. I simply smile and give her time to let it all sink in.

The jubilation dies down, and as everyone begins saying their farewells, I keep my eye on Beth, looking for the right opportunity to slip her the key. Wilhelm seems more interested in her than Kinsey tonight. Finally, as I walk to the front of the castle, I find myself alone with Beth. Lucky me . . . or maybe it’s Wilhelm, anyway, she trips and I catch her before she hits the ground. Once she is stable, I lean down to the floor and pick up the key I “let” fall out of my pocket. Yes, ridiculous, but hey, if you had a better option, take it up with Wilhelm.

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