Love Heals All (5 page)

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Authors: Addie McKenna

BOOK: Love Heals All
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Bailey, Shaelyn, and
I got to talking, and I could tell we were going to be really good friends. I already think of them as my sisters. They told me about a girl they met in the airport today—Alyssa. She seemed really sweet and nice. They showed me a picture of her, and she's drop-dead gorgeous and looks exactly like Bart. They look like they could be twins, if she was older.

Bailey told me what she knew about Alyssa's past, about how she just moved into her eighth foster home and how she's been in foster homes her entire life, but she never said why. Apparently, they stood together for a while in the airport and just talked; their conversation was mostly about things from Alyssa's past. I feel so bad for her, and I really want to help.

She also told me about the girl they passed in the hallway. I told her that that was Callie; she's five years old and has leukemia, and she's been in and out of the hospital her entire life. Callie is Skylynn's best friend in the hospital, and they always play together in the playroom down the hall. She's the sweetest girl you will meet, even though she's the most depressed. I know you might think, How can a five-year-old be depressed? Try having leukemia and losing your dad at five years old. Yeah, it's probably not the best feeling in the world.

“Do you wanna go visit her?” I asked Bailey and Shaelyn.

“Of course we want to visit her! She seems like such a nice little girl, and she's had such a tough past. I really want to help!” Shaelyn said.

“Okay, we can go right now. Hey, Sky, do you want to go see Callie?” I asked Skylynn, who was on the floor playing with her dolls with Hayes.

“YES, PLEASE, LET'S GO! COME ON!” she yelled, already running out of the room. We laughed, and Shaelyn and Bailey got out of their chairs while I just stayed in bed.

“What are you waiting for? Aren't you coming with us?” Bailey asked. I was shocked. Why would they want me to come? I'm only an annoying thirteen-year-old who gets in the way of everything and everyone's life. I'm a wasted breath of fresh air.

“Are you sure you want me to come?” I asked, skeptical.

“Well, duh! You're like my little sister now, Autumn. Shae and I
you to come, right, Shae?” Bailey said, looking at Shaelyn.

“Yeah, you're like the little sister I never had,” she said.

“Hayes, can you please come help me up like the best boyfriend you are?” I asked him, batting my eyelashes. He looked up from his phone and smiled.

“Anything for you, Aut.” I blushed while B and Shaelyn awwed. He helped me into my stupid wheelchair, and then Bailey pushed me out into the hallway. I don't get why I need the stupid thing—it's just a concussion and a sore back. Nothing
major . . . Just kidding.

While we were walking (well, Bailey and Shaelyn were walking and I was wheeling) down the hall, we saw Callie and Sky playing their fairy princesses game. That's their favorite game to play together.

“Dearest Princess Callie, you are the most beautiful princess I have ever met in my life! You could totally whip Cinderella off her throne!” Skylynn said, sassily snapping her fingers. The girls were drinking tea and eating cookies.

“Thank you, Princess Skylynn. That's the nicest compliment someone has ever given me! I'm so happy to have a best friend like you!” Callie blushed and hugged Skylynn. It warms my heart to see that Sky has a friend and to see that she's changing this girl's life and she doesn't even know it. She's just being the bestest friend she can be.

“Hey, Cal! I want you to meet some people. This is Bailey, and this is Shaelyn!” I said, introducing them, then giving Callie a hug.

“Hi, I'm Callie! I'm five years old and I just lost a tooth,” Callie said, overjoyed. She gave all of us a huge smile, showing off her lost tooth right in the front.

“It's wonderful to meet you, and what a big girl! You've already lost a tooth at the age of five!” Bailey said, looking astounded.

That's what I love about Bailey. She's so loving and kind, and she has a great sense of humor. Not to be rude, but she and I have a closer connection than I have with Shaelyn. It's like we've known each other forever, even though we just met.

So that's what our day consisted of, playing with Skylynn and Callie, getting to know one another and having a triple date with our boyfriends.

Oh yeah, the triple date was
. I loved it! Even though it was only in the hospital movie theater, it was great. We watched
The Fault in Our Stars
. It was the best movie
, even though I cried my eyes out the entire time. Yes, we got to see the movie early because it was a “hospital perk.” Get it—'cause people with cancer get cancer perks? No? Okay . . .

Anyway, what surprised me and was the most shocking was that Nat Wolff played Isaac! He was my favorite in the Naked Brothers Band, believe it or not! I used to watch them all the time as a kid and I

So, of course, I fangirled when I saw him for the first time in the movie. The guys looked at me weirdly, but I don't blame them because I looked like a dying whale on crack. But I mean, who
resist Nat Wolff?

Anyway, the movie is my new favorite, and I loved the book. When I finished the book, I was on the plane from Chino to Mooresville, and I cried in front of at least a hundred people, but I didn't care. It was such a sad book.

When we got back from the movie, we went straight to sleep. I was so tired because it was a long day and because of my stupid sleep medicine. I also have to take medicine for headaches, nausea, dizziness, and depression.

Yes, I have depression. It's called adjustment disorder, and it's a type of depression. It's a side effect from my concussion, and I have to go to a therapist about it. It makes me think negatively about everything and have a lot of stress and some other things I can't even explain. This concussion is an awful process, and most people don't know the half of it, but they judge me about it anyway.

I woke up at three thirty in the morning with a pain in my stomach. I got up to go to the bathroom when something started to come up in my throat. Oh no. I ran to the bathroom, which hurt like crap because of my sore back, and threw my guts up. It was hard to keep my long hair back, but then I felt it lift off of my shoulders. When I was done, I looked up with tears in my eyes to see who was behind me. It was Hayes. I just started bawling my eyes out, quietly of course, while he shushed me and told me everything would be okay.

“What's wrong, Auttie?” Hayes asked. I knew I shouldn't be crying, but it's hard.

“I don't want you to see me like this, Hayes. I don't want anyone to see me like this. I just want people to think I'm happy, even though I'm not. I don't want your pity or for you to stress over me. I want you to live your lives and be free, without me holding you back. I made you stay here for three weeks when I was in a coma, and y'all were suffering!” I said.

“What do you mean? You
did not
make me stay, I
to stay. Why didn't you tell me? You know you can trust me with anything, including something that big,” he said, tears filling his big blue eyes.


“I-I just don't
want to put more stress on everyone when they've already had enough,” I stuttered.

“Autumn, don't ever say that,” he said harshly. I started to cry again and hung my head down in shame.

His voice softened. “Aut, I didn't mean for that to come out so harsh. I'm sorry.”

“I just don't want you to be stressed. I want you to live your life and not have to put up with annoying little me. You deserve way better . . .” I bawled. I didn't want to lose him, but I wanted what was best for him.

“Autumn Nicole Brown, I would never,
leave you in a million years.
! And you are not annoying. You're the funniest, kindest, beautifulest person in the world! You're even better than Ariana Grande. Also, you're the one who deserves better, I mean you're
! I love you and would never leave you, ever,” he repeated, then pulled me into his arms for a hug.

I blushed and decided to mess with him. “Is ‘beautifulest' a real word?” I said with a smirk.

“Shut up. I don't know! I was
to be sentimental, babe.” He pushed at my shoulder to emphasize

“And you succeeded.” I went to kiss his cheek, but at the last second he turned his head and so I kissed his lips instead.

I pulled away after a couple of seconds. “Ew, Hayes, I just threw up, and you're kissing me before I brush my teeth?” I said in disgust. “Why not wait till after?”

“You're worth it, babe,” he said. I blushed and kissed his cheek.

I stood up then and started to brush my teeth, then realized I was falling to the floor. I shut my eyes tightly and waited for the impact of the hard tile, but it never came.

Instead, I felt arms wrap around me. I opened my eyes slowly and saw Hayes above me.

“Thanks, babe,” I said, and tried standing up, but I felt a little dizzy and grabbed Hayes's arm while trying to clear my head.

“Here, let me help,” he said, holding me up while I brushed my teeth. He was standing behind me with his arms wrapped around my waist, making funny faces. I was laughing so hard, I almost spit my toothpaste all over the mirror.

“Hayes, stop unless you want toothpaste all over you!” I warned him, still laughing.

“I'm not that funny,” he said. I turned around in his arms in shock.

“Hayes Benjamin Grier, you are the funniest person I've ever met,” I said in all seriousness. I knew he thought Nash and all the other guys were funnier than he was, but they aren't.

“You're just saying that 'cause I'm your boyfriend. You know Nash and the guys are funnier than me. Admit it, Autumn. You just don't want to hurt my feelings,” he said, looking down at the floor.

“I AM NOT! I'M SAYING IT 'CAUSE IT'S TRUE, AND IF YOU DON'T BELIEVE ME, ASK ANYONE ELSE!” I whisper-yelled at him and briskly walked to my bed, avoiding Skylynn, Bailey, and Shaelyn's pullout bed. Which was pretty hard because my back hurt like crap.

I jumped into bed and pulled the covers over me, infuriated. I may be overreacting, but he doesn't believe me when I'm telling the truth.


“Autumn, talk to
me, please?” I said, wrapping my arms around her waist. She turned to face the wall and gave me the silent treatment.

I don't get why she's so mad. I just don't believe I'm funnier than all of the guys, even Autumn, and it's true, I'm not.

“Why are you so mad at me?” I asked her. I just want to know.

“Because, Hayes. Why would I lie to you about that? It may be my opinion, but I think you're the funniest person I have ever met, and you don't see it the way I do. I love you, Hayes, and I just want you to know that,” she answered, after turning toward me and looking me straight in the eye. I'm happy she believes in me, even when I don't fully believe in myself.

Right then and there, I kissed her passionately. “I love you, too. You're the best thing that's ever happened to me,” I said in all seriousness.

“Ditto to that, but now let's go to sleep. We have a long day tomorrow—
I get to go home!
” she said, and I could hear the joy and excitement in her voice.

“I know, I'm so happy. We get to lie around, watch movies, and pig out on candy like the old times,” I said with a smile.

“I love you, Hayes Benjamin Grier.”

“I love you, Autumn Nicole Brown, always.”



I woke up
to the birds chirping and sun shining through my window.

No, just kidding, I woke up to monitors beeping and artificial light in my face. How great.

“Now, she's going to need to be on a strict schedule, and she'll have to take these medications twice a day,” the doctor was telling Mrs. Grier.

“Okay, thank you. And what do we do about school and sports? We really don't want her to be missing out on activities and school; she'll want to make new friends,” Elizabeth said.

“But, Mom, we're her friends!” Nash exclaimed, while gesturing to everyone around the room.

“I know, Nash, but she needs a friend—preferably a girl—her own age!” Elizabeth rolled her eyes. Nash shrank down in his chair while the rest of the guys chuckled under their breath.

I groaned and rolled over to snuggle into the crook of Hayes's neck.

“Well, good morning, sunshine.” Carter chuckled.

“Good morning.” I yawned.

“Good morning, beautiful!” Hayes said, kissing me.

“Hayes, I haven't brushed my teeth!” I whined. He just shrugged his shoulders and stuffed his face in my hair.

“So what do you want to do today when you get home, Aut?”

“I have plans,” I said, looking up to the ceiling.

“And what would those be?” Cameron asked.

“Sit on the couch and watch movies.” I looked over at him and smirked.

“Whatever . . .” he trailed off while taking out his phone. I laughed and snuggled back into Hayes's neck.

Five Hours Later

We are
out of the hospital, after several grueling hours of testing and crap like that. My mom had to come up to the hospital to sign the papers for me to get out. She tried talking to me, but I plugged in my headphones and ignored her. I know I seem harsh, but I didn't want to talk to her.

She really hurt me, and I don't want anything to do with either of my parents. I mean, I haven't even
to my dad since the accident, and that was three and a half weeks ago. He doesn't deserve my attention.

“Autumn, you should really talk to your mom,” Cameron told me.

“No, I'm not gonna talk to her. She's not ruining my perfect day like she and Dad ruined my life,” I said seriously, as a small tear slipped out of my eye.

“What makes this day so perfect, Autumn-Cakes?” Cam asked, while wiping away the tear.

“Well, Cammy-Boo, I am getting out of the hospital.” He nodded with understanding.

“Ready to leave, babe?” Hayes asked, walking over.

“Yes! Yes! Yes!” Everyone started laughing, and I started to giggle.

Bailey helped me over to the bathroom—which was pretty hard, considering Shaelyn was at the cafeteria—then handed me my clothes.

I changed into a Marvel cropped hoodie, some sweatpants, my Vans, my glasses, one of many Vans backpacks, and, to top it off, a messy bun.

After I did my bathroom routine, I wobbled out and was about to fall, but Hayes caught me. That's the second time in twenty-four hours!

“Thanks,” I said, kissing his cheek.

“No problem, Auts,” he said, kissing my lips. I blushed while I tried to stand up, but epically failed.

He picked me up bridal style and set me down gently in my wheelchair. He acted like I was a piece of glass, about to break at any second. Which I really was. I was physically and emotionally unstable, but Hayes being there helped. A lot.


I can't wait
to meet Ella officially. She makes Autumn so happy. It makes me jealous at times, but then I think back that Autumn hadn't even met or seen her in thirteen years, so my jealousy dies down. I just want my baby to be happy.

I carried Autumn over to her wheelchair and sat her down gently. I didn't want to drop her and hurt her any more than she already was. I hate seeing my girl in pain.

As I wheeled her down the hallway, we stopped to visit Callie. We told her we would see her after Autumn gets settled back at home. She's going to be staying at our house for a while because she and her parents aren't on speaking terms. We already have her clothes and everything in my room since all the guys who are visiting are taking up the guest bedrooms.

Cameron offered to let Aut share his room, but she declined, so Ella can stay with Cam when she gets here from her hotel. I heard that Ella liked him when they were younger, and he supposedly likes her.

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