Love Heals All (4 page)

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Authors: Addie McKenna

BOOK: Love Heals All
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Something's uneasy about
Autumn. I don't know what it is, but I need to know. We all do. We all need to be watching out for her. She's like a fragile piece of glass that could break at any time.

I got out my phone to text Bailey. I just want to get all of this stress off of my shoulders, so what's better than texting your girlfriend? I also want to see how my girl's doing.

Hey, beautiful!

Hey, Daniel! What's up?

Nothin' much. I'm still at the hospital, you?

Dang that sucks . . . how's Autumn? And I'm okay, I guess, it's not the same without having you here . . .

I know, babe! We'll be in Canada to see you and Shae soon! I swear on it.

I know! When are you guys gonna get here for FAM Tour?

Our first stop is there, and then we'll leave after a week to go to L.A.

WHAT?! I thought you guys were staying longer! I really want to see you, Daniel.

I want to see you, too, babe, but there's a surprise along the way.

You know I hate surprises.

I know.

By that time I was smiling at my phone. I have the best girlfriend ever!

“What are you blushing at, Daniel?” Bart asked.

“Shut up, I'm not blushing, I'm smiling. Is it so wrong to smile?” I said. Everyone laughed while I just went back to my thoughts.

Bailey and I met a
time ago. We were best friends when we were little and had always liked each other, but never admitted it. I found out she liked me in eighth grade, so I asked her out, and we still have a steady-going relationship now, two years later. We've had no on-and-offs, no cheating, none of that. She's the nicest person I have ever met. She puts others before herself and never lets people get in the way of the ones she loves. I love her, and I will till infinity and beyond.


I'm texting Daniel,
and I can't keep my eyes off the phone. He's the best boyfriend a girl could ask for. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself: I'm Bailey! I'm fifteen years old and a sophomore, I have blue-green eyes and brown, curly hair. I live in Toronto, Canada. I guess you could say I'm pretty famous because I'm dating Daniel Skye, but I don't act like it. I hate being approached as famous. Anyway, Shaelyn Kowaski is my best friend, and yes, we met through Daniel and Nash. I can tell her anything, and I trust her with my life. She's my sister from another mister!

I have to go. We're talking to Autumn's doctors. I love you so much, and I'm really sorry that I have to miss your birthday.

Aww! He's so sweet! All the guys are! They are all really devoted, what with everything Autumn is going through with all the doctors and stuff.

Okay! I love you more, Daniel! See you soon, and it's all good. Don't worry about it, babe.

What Daniel doesn't know is that I'm coming with Shaelyn to North Carolina because Nash is going crazy! I feel so bad for Autumn, I couldn't imagine going through what she's going through, but she's lucky to have a group of guys like Bart, Cam, Nash, Aaron, Jonah, Tez, Alec, Carter, Daniel, and Hayes. I decided to text Shaelyn to tell her that I'm on my way over because I've already finished packing my stuff.

I'm coming over now. Are you packed?

YAY & no. I need help.

Okay, on my way!

I hopped into my 2003 Volkswagen Beetle Convertible (yes, I have my license because I turn sixteen in two days, so why not?) and drove to Shaelyn's house, which is in Vaughan, a grueling five minutes away from my house. Yes, I'm lazy . . .

•   •   •

When I got
to Shaelyn's, I parked in her driveway and walked up to the house. I got to the door and literally just walked right through and up the stairs while saying a quick hi to her mom. That's how close we are. While I was walking up the stairs, I could hear “A Drop in the Ocean” by Ron Pope blaring through Shae's speakers.

I was prayin' that you and me might end up together.

I teared up a bit thinking of Daniel and my dad, but held it back because I will see him soon.

That was my favorite cover Daniel's ever done, hands down. He sang it to me that night when my dad died. He died of lung cancer, stage four, when I was thirteen years old.

That was the saddest moment of my life. Especially being there holding his hand when he died. It's like a piece of my soul went up to heaven with him as he died. I'm not the same person as I was that day. I've changed a lot.

I plastered a smile on my face and walked into Shae's room.

“BAILS!” Shae came running up and tackled me to the ground. “I NEED SO MUCH HELP!” she screamed. I laughed.

“Just pack what you usually do. Jeans, T-shirts, shorts, sweats, Vans, Converse, flip-flops—the usual,” I stated, like it was common sense, 'cause it was. God, she just couldn't think sometimes.

“I know, but I want to look nice for Nash!”

“Aww, you know you always look nice for him, even when you're in a pair of sweats and a hoodie—especially
hoodie.” I winked. She blushed, and I laughed.

“Whatever! We leave tomorrow, so go get your stuff, and you're spending the night!” she said, pushing me out of the door.

“Okay, Mrs. Pushy, I'll go get my stuff!” I said, heading out to my car.

Tonight and tomorrow were going to be crazy.


Today is the
day Shaelyn and Bailey come! I'm so excited. Yes, we all know that Bailey is coming. The guys are going to the airport to pick them up while Hayes, Skylynn, and I stay at the hospital. Sky has to stay with us because Elizabeth has to work, and Will had to go back to dumb old college for football. I mean, I love football and everything, but why does it have to take my bro-bro away from me?

While the guys are at the airport, we are just going to watch
Mary Poppins
. We are Disney people—no judging. Apparently, the guys got there thirty minutes early, but then the plane got delayed two hours. I feel bad, but I laughed really hard when Jonah texted everyone to complain. You see, we have a huge group chat, or the “family group chat,” as we call it. It has the guys, me, Hayes, Elizabeth, Johnnie, Chad, and Will. We text important stuff, and sometimes it gets pretty funny.

We are watching
when Sky falls asleep. I look at the clock and see that it's her naptime. Wow, time goes by fast!

“Do you wanna change the channel to
Nitro Circus
?” Hayes asked me.

“What if Sky wakes up? You know she's not allowed to watch it, and I don't want you to get in trouble.”

“I won't, I swear. It will be fine! Promise.”

“Okay, fine . . . But only because
Nitro Circus
is my favorite!” I warned.

I love
Nitro Circus
. It's hands down the best show I've ever seen (including
Fantasy Factory
, and
, of course). I love the movie, too! My favorites would have to be either Travis Pastrana or Jolene Van Vugt. Jolene shows that girls can do anything that guys can do, and kick their butts while doing it. She's my role model.

“They're so cool!” I said in awe. I've seen most of them, but I've always been amazed at what they do. It's almost like they have no fear.

“I know! But I couldn't imagine doing that!”

“Me, neither!”

We were cuddled up on the hospital bed, and before you know it, I was asleep.

Three Hours Later

Have you ever
been woken up by someone crazy squishing you to your death on a rock-hard hospital bed? No? Then don't! It's an awful feeling. Worse than falling in your sleep, and that feels like falling off a cliff . . .

“Guys, WHAT DID YOU EAT?” Hayes groaned.

They all just laughed and Bart said, “Nothing. Just waking up some of our favorite people in the most pleasant ways . . .”

“Yeah, right,” I mumbled.

“Who's that?” Sky pointed at the girl Daniel had his arm around.

“I'm Bailey!” she said with a giggle.

“Nice to meet you. I love your hair!” I smiled at her, and she smiled back.

“She's nicer and way prettier than you said she was, Daniel!” Bailey commented. I blushed and hid my head in my hands.

“Don't hide yourself, babe. You're beautiful,” Hayes said, pulling my hands away from my face.

“Okay, guys, stop with the compliments, 'cause I don't need to look like a freaking cherry lollipop!” I exclaimed. All of these people are full of compliments. It's great sometimes, but other times it's embarrassing.

“SHE SAID SHE WANT MY LOLLY! SHE WANNA MAKE IT POP!” Carter shouted. By then we were all crying from laughing so hard.

Gosh, I love these people.


I am so
happy that Bailey's here. I actually get to see her earlier than expected! I get to hold her close and never let her go. I get to hear her beautiful laugh that just lights up the entire room. I get to see the beautiful smile that's always on her flawless face. And lastly, I get to see my best friend. The person I probably missed the most! And what surprised me was that she surprised me, and she's
at surprises.

Flashback to the Airport

When the guys
and I got to the airport, we immediately went up to the desk to ask when Shaelyn's flight would get in.

“Hello! Welcome to Delta, how may I help you?”

“Uh, yes, can you tell us when the flight from Canada will get in?”

“That flight is delayed, I'm afraid. It's now due to arrive at five thirty, instead of three thirty. So sorry about the delay, but I hope you have a nice day! Thanks for flying Delta!”

“Thanks,” Nash mumbled sadly. Aww, the poor guy! At least he actually gets to see his girlfriend. Jonah texted everyone that the flight was late and that we would be there longer than expected. But knowing Jonah, the text didn't turn out as serious as I made it sound. Anyway, I was about to get out my phone and text Bailey, but for some reason I got a feeling that I shouldn't. That was weird, but I just went with my gut and did a follow spree on Twitter.

Two and a Half Hours Later

Shouldn't Shae be
here by now? My butt hurts, and I'm so hungry I could eat my phone—not that I would, because my phone is very important to me. Right after Bailey and my family, of course! Just after I thought that, I saw Shaelyn coming through the terminal toward the baggage claim area.

“Shae, I missed you so much!” Nash screamed, and he got weird looks from the people around us. I'm guessing he didn't care, because he ran up and gave Shae a giant hug and kiss. Gosh, I wish that was Bailey and me right now.

I put my head down in sorrow and thought about Bailey. All I wanted to do was hold her and give her those stupid little compliments that she would blush at every time. I wanted to have her in front of me and be the happy couple we always are when we're together.

“Hey! Don't I get a hug from my loving boyfriend, who I haven't seen in three months?” I turned around in disbelief and saw my Bailey standing right there in her sweatpants, oversized sweater, and glasses, looking perfect, as always. Immediately, I picked her up and spun her around.

“When did you get here? I'm not supposed to see you for another two weeks!” I said, kissing her. Sparks flew everywhere, just like the first time we kissed. I still get sparks after two years.

“Well, someone invited me to come with her when her boyfriend was having a mental breakdown. By the way, how are you doing, Nash? How are all you guys doing?” she asked, smiling over at Shaelyn and then looking carefully at each of the rest of the guys. That's my girlfriend for you, always concerned about everyone and everything.

“I'm doing better now that y'all are here!” Nash said.

“Well, that's good, 'cause we don't want to see you guys in a bad mood. Right, Shae?”

“Yeah! We want everybody to be happy and have a good time while we're here!” Shae exclaimed.

“How long are you guys staying?” Bart asked.

“However long y'all want us to,” they said.

“Forever!” Nash and I said in unison. The girls looked at each other and blushed.

“Okay, let's go get our bags and go to the hospital. I want to see Autumn!” Shaelyn said. We all said okay and walked over to the baggage claim. I put my arm around Bailey and pulled her into my side. I missed my girl!


I'm finally here
after six grueling hours of the stupid plane and airport. But I'm okay now because I'm with my best friends.

Flashback to Six Hours Before

For some god-awful
reason Shae wanted to get there twenty minutes early and wait, so when we got there, we wasted our two-hour delay in Security because Shaelyn didn't know she had a penny in her pocket and then we had to literally run to the gate.

Then, on the plane, there was a screaming baby, a child who wouldn't stop kicking the back of my seat, and a fat man who wouldn't get his head off my shoulder when he slept. Oh, and when he wasn't sleeping, he ate Twinkies and
did not

But at the end of the flight, it was pretty great. There was Alyssa, a cute eleven-year-old girl who noticed Shae and me. It was funny because she started screaming and was like “OMG, IT'S BAILEY JOHNSON AND SHAELYN KOWASKI! AM I DREAMING? SOMEONE PINCH ME!” So Shaelyn and I pinched her, and then she had another fangirl moment while Shae and I were laughing and smiling.

“Do you want a picture or something?” I asked her.

“Yes, OMG, it would mean the world! AHHH!” She got out her white iPhone 5s and handed it to a lady nearby.

We did one smiling picture, a waterbugs one, and one where Shaelyn and I had Alyssa in a cradle kind of pose and did silly faces.

“What're your Instagram and Twitter?” Shaelyn asked her.

“My Instagram is Alyssa_Skye, and my Twitter is 26_Lover_101.” She blushed.

“Those are cute. Do you wanna know what Shae's Twitter was before she met the boys?” I asked her, smirking at Shae.

“What was it?” Alyssa asked excitedly.

“No, let's not—” Shae said uneasily.

“It was Thirsty_for_Nash!” I said, laughing with Alyssa while Shaelyn blushed.

I noticed the lady who had taken the picture had gone somewhere. Hmmm. “Hey, Alyssa, was that lady who took the picture your mom? And where did she go?” I asked, panicky. I didn't want her to be alone.

“Oh, um, no. She's my caretaker at the new foster home I'm going to live in, and she went to get the car,” Aly said, looking down. I gave her a huge hug and asked her where it was.

“It's in Mooresville—or something like that.”

“Really? That's where Nash and Hayes live! We will totally visit sometime. Here, let me see your phone, and I'll put our numbers in!” I told her.

She looked at me in shock as she held out her phone. “Am I really getting numbers for
Bailey Johnson and
Shaelyn Kowaski? I must be dreaming!” she said in disbelief.

“Don't think of us like that. Think of us as your new big sisters!” Shaelyn said.

“Thanks so much! If it weren't for you and the guys, I wouldn't be here today. You saved my life,” she said seriously. I started to tear up and gave her a giant hug. Shaelyn joined the hug, and we just stayed like that for a good few minutes.

“Since you're our new little sister, you're bound to meet our best friends sometime, so how about once you get situated, you text me or Shae, and we'll come to pick you up at your foster home. We'll take you out for the day to meet the guys and Autumn. It'll be great! How does that sound?” I asked her.

“Oh my fudge nuts, that sounds awesome! I love you guys so much! Y'all are the best big sisters ever! And I can't wait to meet Autumn! She sounds just like you guys!” She smiled at us and gave us yet another hug.

“Well, we have to go, but text us later, Aly! See you later, girly!” Shae and I said in unison.

“Did you notice she looked exactly like Bart?” Shae asked.

“I know. It's scary,” I replied, deep in thought while we walked to meet our beloved boyfriends and best friends.

End of Flashback

Now I'm here
waiting for my bags with my extremely handsome boyfriend. I look over at him and just smile.

“What?” he asks, looking over at me, then kissing my cheek.

“Nothing. Just thinking,” I said, and looked back at the baggage thingy.

When Shaelyn and I got our bags, we headed out to the car. The car didn't have enough seats, so Shae and I had to sit on Daniel's and Nash's laps, and Carter had to sit on Bart's lap. Ahh, I love their bromance!

We finally got to the hospital after an awful car ride consisting of paper ball fights, a stop at Taco Bell, lots of social media, and too much yelling.

We walked in and took the elevators up to Autumn's room. Since she's in the Children's Ward, we had to pass a lot of sick children. They all looked unhappy and sad, but one stood out. She looked so sad and in such pain, I wished I could help her poor self.

Anyway, we reached Autumn's room and saw Autumn, Hayes, and Skylynn sleeping. Aww, they were so cute! I saw all the guys smile and aww at them.

It was nice to see everyone happy again.

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