Love at First Date (3 page)

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Authors: Susan Hatler

BOOK: Love at First Date
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“He’s over there.” A white-haired woman with a poodle on her lap pointed toward a potted plant in the corner of the room. Chester was gnawing on one of its leaves.

A little boy near the front door snickered. “Your dog totally needs obedience school.”

“That’s not polite, Junior.” His mother scrunched up her nose, the expression implying she agreed with her son but wasn’t going to say it.

It annoyed me that the woman had judged my friend’s dog. Especially because she was correct in her assessment. But, that wasn’t the spoiled beagle’s fault. Like the kid said, the poor mutt had never been trained.

“Come on, Chester.” As I tugged him away from the plant, the back door opened.

A young blonde wearing pink velour sweatpants with a matching zip-up hoody stepped into the lobby checking her clipboard. “Good evening, everyone. I’m Abby Wilson and welcome to Simply Skilled. I take it you’re all here for dog obedience class?”

Affirmations sounded throughout the room and one in particular stood out. Hearing Henry’s voice tugged at something inside me.

I raised my hand. “Is it too late to sign up?”


Glancing around the waiting room at the gold-framed puppy and kitten pictures in All Things Furry, I could see why Abby Wilson had charged me an insane amount of money to enroll Rachel’s spaz in Simply Skilled obedience class. This vet clinic appeared to be hosting the Cambridge of doggy schools. In today’s dismal economy, it was hard to believe they’d managed to pack the place. Even harder to believe, I’d made a significant financial decision on a whim. But, there was a mystery behind those deep gray eyes that I needed to solve . . . 

Clearly, I was not in my right mind.

As Abby ran my credit card, I stole a glance at Henry who smiled at me. I shrugged and said, quietly, “He obviously needs it.”

I signed the slip Abby handed me, then skimmed through the glossy brochure she’d included with my receipt. In addition to dogs, they train all kinds of hairy creatures. Apparently if you want your hamster to put his paws on his glass wall and wave to you, this was the place to come.

Ruff. Ruff.
Chester jumped up against my shins and wagged his Snoopy tail as though thanking me for his first doggy class. That, or he felt stoked for another opportunity to eat something he shouldn’t. We’d see if this class could cure him of that urge.

Abby strode to the center of the room and told us her résumé. Although I could feel Henry’s gaze on me, I kept my eyes glued to the perky woman and tried to play it cool. Because, hello? I’d just met the guy and already I’d blown a designer pair of shoes’ worth of moola because I was wondering if Henry had felt the same—what had Rachel called it?—
that I did with him.

Abby clapped her hands and threw a fist in the air. “When we leave at the end of the four-day session this week, your beloved pet will understand the basic commands: sit, stay, and heel. Plus, on Thursday, our last day together, we’ll work on a special individual skill of your choice that you want your furry friend to master.”

All I wanted to master was more time with Henry. Although getting this mutt to stop eating my stuff would be an awesome side benefit.

Abby’s blonde ponytail bobbed as she waved her hand over her shoulder. “Let’s come on back and get started.”

Out of the corner of my eye, I saw Henry rise from his chair. I slyly waited for the dozen others in the room to follow her first so I could bring up the rear with him.

His face was somber as we fell into step together. “Give me a call if you need me to save your dog from deadly hair again.”

My belly danced at his adorable flirtation. “That’s very kind of you, but he’s not mine. He belongs to my best friend.” I glanced at Chester who was sniffing Kenzie’s, uh, private region. So rude! “I’m hoping to win an Auntie of the Year award by being the world’s best dog sitter.”

“Tough start with the choking thing,” he said, while managing a straight face.

“You have no evidence of that.” I nudged his elbow, playfully. “I’ve been Rachel’s friend for more than four years. She would never believe your word over mine.”

“She go out of town?” he said, as we entered a large room with an arena made out of bright green sod.

I shook my head. “Out on a hot date.”

He gave me a curious look. “She gets a hot date and you’re left watching her dog?”

“Doesn’t seem fair, does it?” Although, the way we were flirting almost made me feel like I was on a date, too. Too bad this class didn’t include wine by the fireplace.

Kenzie whimpered and I looked down to find Chester nuzzling her with his nose. “He really does believe he owns the world. Think this class will teach him anything?”

He studied me a moment with those deep gray eyes. “I think it’ll be worth our time.”

I couldn’t wait to see if that statement turned out to be true.






The next day, I couldn’t help but agree with Henry. The class had definitely been worth my time—and the money I’d paid. But that was my hormones talking. I told myself to be more practical, even as the man on the phone, Gilbert Watson, gave me an earful on how our financial software program was to blame for his computer woes.

“Sir, if you would listen to me—” I tried interjecting, but he talked over me trying to talk over him.

“My laptop worked perfectly before. Now, it’s slow. Sometimes it even shuts down on me. Big business is out to screw the innocent, unsuspecting consumer and I will stand up for my rights. My wife totally agrees with me about this!” he said.

Considering I didn’t know his wife, that really didn’t matter, but as he took a breath, I jumped hoping to chill the man out. “We’re a
business, Mr. Watson, and I assure you—”

No use. The dude had zero interest in a two-way conversation. He wanted to vent. As a customer service rep, I should be fine with this but, after only two hours of sleep, I was
in an emotional place to hear his diatribe on the evils of capitalism. And I hadn’t spent the remaining six hours of my night tossing and turning with thoughts of Chester in my head. No, I’d been obsessing about the guy who’d saved him.

When I’d gone to bed at ten o’clock, I’d snuggled into my pillow and pictured the way Henry Holbrook III (I’d managed to find out his full name, if nothing else) had smiled at me every time I’d made a joke during dog school. Normally I took class, any kind of class, seriously. I’m an A student (fine, A-/B+). But yesterday evening, all I could pay attention to was Henry. And that had been true even after I’d gone to bed. Actually, it had been

Then I’d thought about my date with Craig and reminded myself I hardly knew anything about who Henry really was. More importantly, I didn’t know if we were compatible. I mean, he had a dog and I didn’t. I’d never owned any kind of animal, actually. Hairy things shed a lot and I kept my town home immaculate. Did
own a home? Did he live in the area? If so, did he plan to stay in this area? What did he do for a living? And did he like to travel?

If my mom’s marriage history had taught me anything, it was that relationships won’t last if your life goals and interests aren’t in line. Everyone knows the more conflict, the more arguing. I’d heard my mom and Hubby Number One get into heated discussions repeatedly and, not a shocker, they had zilch in common.

I mean, did I want to end up like my mother? Mentally deleting her child’s father from her love list? Absolutely not. If she’d done her proper homework, she would’ve known he didn’t want kids—and that one should always double-up on birth control.

“Mr. Watson?” I managed to get out when he’d paused for a breath. “Why don’t you bring your laptop to our office and I’ll have our service guys take a look at it. Free of charge. Okay?”

It wasn’t the thousands of dollars he wanted for a new laptop, but it was all I could do. Thankfully, he accepted. After listing his agenda for the week (a doctor appointment Tuesday, taking the car in for an oil change Wednesday, and a waxing appointment on Thursday—didn’t ask the details and really didn’t want to know), we agreed that he would come into the office before lunch on Friday.

I hung up the phone, dropped my head on the desk, and moaned.

“Tough phone call?” Gina stood in the doorway of my work cubicle.

I rolled my head toward her so that my ear was on my forearm. “Tough night, tough call, tough

“That’s deep.” She came up next to me, leaned her petite frame against the small filing cabinet by my desk, and gestured toward the cube next to me. “So, I guess you’re not in the mood to hear about Rachel and Dillon then?”

That had me sitting up fast. “I left her apartment after ten last night and she still wasn’t home.” I wiggled a finger in the direction of my adjacent cubie. “And obviously she hasn’t come into work yet . . . ”

“Don’t get ahead of yourself.” Gina put a hand on my arm and leaned toward me, conspiratorially. “Dillon was the perfect gentleman. Rach just overslept from staying out late.”

“So . . . ?”

Gina came over and fiddled with one of my many
Detailed Dating
pens, seemed lost in thought for a few moments, then shook her head as if to snap out of whatever she’d been thinking. “The Oasis had a new band playing last night and they totally rocked. George and I hung out with them until almost midnight when Dillon and Rachel went out for coffee. And according to George, Dillon didn’t get home until after two.”

“Wow.” I hadn’t pegged Mr. Beach Hottie as a big conversationalist. “Good for Rach.”

“Yeah.” Gina set the cherry-red pen back on my desk and gave me a sad look. “Watch it work out between them. They could be married before George even proposes.”

My heart went out to her since it really did seem like George was proposal challenged. “Gina, talk to him. Ask him where it’s going.”

“I have. Maybe it’s time again.” She gave a forced smile. “How are things in the
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“Great,” I said, mentally reminding myself I was supposed to be excited about my
tonight. “I’m taking Rachel’s pooch to doggy class after work, then I’m meeting one of the guys for dinner.”

Gina raised an eyebrow. “You’re taking Chester to dog class? Why?”

The image of deep gray eyes framed with dark lashes popped into my head, but I ignored that and lifted my foot onto my desk. “See what her mutt did?”

Gina glanced at the marked-up boot and shook her head. “Ouch. Those were cute, too.”

My mouth turned down. “I’m determined to get my money’s worth out of them.”

“That’s big of you to take Chester to obedience school, but I have to say I think it’s a lost cause.” She paused, probably thinking the same thing I was. That George was a lost cause, too. “Well, I’d better get back to my desk. Have fun on your date.”

“Thanks.” I waved to her, then turned to my computer, and pulled up the
Detailed Dating
website. A few keystrokes, plus the click of my mouse, and a picture of Craig displayed on the screen.

He was a handsome man, for sure. Plus, we both liked skiing, boating, traveling, wanted at least two kids maybe three, had similar political views, and sounded compatible.

So, why was I more into taking Rachel’s pampered pup to All Things Furry than a date I’d been screening for almost six weeks? Intense chemistry shouldn’t trump compatibility if I wanted a lasting relationship, which I did.

I closed out the screen, drafted a message to our service department setting up Gilbert Watson’s appointment on Friday, and hit SEND so hard the key nearly broke.

I would not make the same mistakes my mom had with my dad and pick a guy just because he made me go weak in the knees. No, I wanted a marriage that would last for life, which meant choosing a guy who makes the most sense logically. Tonight, I’d enjoy my first
—even if it killed me.


I rapped my knuckles on Rachel’s apartment door half an hour before the Simply Skilled class started.

Rachel’s front door flew open and she stared at me. “I got your message that you’re coming to pick Chester up. What gives?”

“Nothing.” Since I couldn’t make sense of my irrational feelings, I so didn’t want to talk about them with her. “I just want to borrow your dog. Is that so wrong? Chester? Come here little poochie.”

Rach blocked my path with her arm. “Last week you didn’t even know his name. I’m officially scared.”

“Aha!” Her little maniac was curled up by the heating vent on a bone-shaped doggy bed. His big, brown eyes widened as I approached. “Auntie’s going to take you to obedience class. Yes, I am.”

Rachel knelt down protectively over her dog. “This is about my going on a date with Dillon. Isn’t it? You’re feeling left out because Gina asked me instead and so you’ve snapped.”

“Pfft. You think I want that six-one, surfing-dude who looks like he works out twelve hours a day? You can have him.” I brushed my hand through the air. “You know me, I’m not competitive.”

“Says the girl who nearly took my hand off at the company picnic four and a half years ago.”

“It was the last piece of cake and I saw it first,” I shot back. “Maybe I just want to teach your mutt some manners. Lest he try to munch on any more of my shoes.”

“But,” Rachel stammered. “You hate dogs.”

Remembering the way Kenzie had nuzzled up to her rescuer’s leg, my mouth dropped open indignantly. “I do not.”

She stared at me and I stared back. She kept her eyes on mine and turned her head suspiciously. I mirrored her look.

Then she gasped. “You met someone who signed up for this dog class. Didn’t you? Fess up.”

My body froze. “No. I, uh . . .”

“You are using my sweet baby as a man magnet!” She gestured toward Chester, who nearly jumped off his bone bed when she shouted.

“For your information, I took your crazy woofer to the emergency vet yesterday because I thought he was dying!”

Her face went white and she threw her hand over her heart. “What?”

Oops. Wrong thing to say. “It wasn’t my fault, all right? He attacked my purse while I was heating up my dinner. He ate almost everything in it, including those new lip-glosses I bought at the mall the other day that the sales lady said went perfectly with my fair complexion.”

“And he nearly died? You were supposed to be

“Funny story,” I said, though I seriously doubted she’d laugh. “I took him to All Things Furry and the vet wasn’t there because it was after hours. But there was this guy who was waiting for doggy school who has these amazing eyes I can’t stop thinking about and, well, he found a clump of hair in Chester’s throat. From my hairbrush. So, it turned out he wasn’t dying. Just coughing on a hairball. See? No harm at all. Won’t that be a funny story to tell the grandpups?”

“Chester’s neutered.” She didn’t laugh, but she seemed to relax a little. “Tell me about this guy with the scintillating eyes. I assume he’s the reason for your newfound interest in my sweet baby?”

I’d been caught. It was time to come clean. “His name’s Henry Holbrook III.”

She blinked at me. “And?”

“He is all I can think about.” I stared blankly at the leash in my hand. “It’s absurd, Rach. Absolutely ridiculous. I know nothing about him except that he adopted some stray dog who could have had rabies for all he knew. I mean, who does that?”


I looked up at my best friend, begging for some wisdom. She knew me better than anyone. She’d get me back on track. “This is the complete opposite of
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. It doesn’t go with my plan. You have to help me. What should I do?”

Rachel leaned forward with a serious look. “I think you should go for it.”

And then she handed me her dog.

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