Louisiana Moon (14 page)

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Authors: Lani Rhea

BOOK: Louisiana Moon
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“You promise nothing will happen to him.”

He lowered his face to hover over hers. He gazed at her lips and sniffed. “You smell like Shade,” he mumbled under his breath. “Tell me, Kris, do all men make fools of themselves over you or is it just us vampires?”

She touched her lips with fingertips, remembering the cold press of Shade’s dead ones. Revulsion shivered through her. She couldn’t help that the asshole had attacked her. Sure as shit, she hadn’t asked for it.

Ryant stood to full height. “Bring me Shade,” he ordered the last two helpers.

Kris surveyed the room. A metal bookcase with locks held vials. Several glowed different colors of blues, greens and yellows. “Are you going to shoot him up with a special blend of serum? Fry his brain?”

He growled through clenched teeth. “How I discipline my coven or treat reluctant guests is none of your concern, my dear. Shade should not have done what he did to you. Not even after what you did to him. However, you taking a chunk from his face may have…intrigued him.” His eyes settled on her breasts.

“So, pain turns him on then?” Kris lifted a brow.

“You wouldn’t believe to what amounts,” Ryant grumbled before turning on heels.

Her human was now propped against the wall. Although in less shock and horror than before, fear seeped from his body. “I promise I won’t breathe a word if you let me go.” His plea came out hoarse.

“What’s your name?” She went to him. When she placed a comforting hand on his bare skin, his bicep jumped beneath her palm.

The human swallowed. “You’re not a vampire.”

“No.” She did not elaborate on the non-vamp, non-human subject. Let him assume the best before she showed him the worst. “Get this man some water and clothes, Ryant. You can’t treat him like an animal.” She tossed the words over her shoulder.

“What is your name?” she asked the human again.

“Darin. I’m Darin James.” He reached for her hand on his arm like a drowning man for a lifeline. Kris felt like she’d became real to him.

“Get away from him, Kris. I’ll damn well treat anything the way I want them to be treated. You’re on the verge of not leaving with the human.” Ryant started cursing in Italian.

Darin’s eyes showed alarm.

“Son of a bitch? What nerve did I piss on?” Kris stalled and searched for clothing to cover her new charge. She found nothing.

As Shade came through the door, pushed from behind, into the middle of the room, she froze. The bite mark on his face had almost healed. He eyed her with lust and smiled while licking his lips.

“Don’t look at her,” Ryant snarled. “And get him the fuck out of here!” he bellowed, indicating Darin with a toss of his head.

A helper escorted Darin from the room. His eyes were wide, but his shoulders square. He might be scared shitless, she thought, but he coped and stayed calm. She admired bravery in the face of impossible odds.

She hoped Shade would occupy the cramped iron space next. Surprised when two other vampires shoved him to the wheel, she could only watch in fascinated disgust as her attacker was chained to the large metal circle. She didn’t care if they killed him or not, but it didn’t seem right he would get to enjoy his death.

“You.” Ryant pointed at Kris. “Come with me, please.” He walked out of the room.

Kris hoped he would take her to Darin so they could leave. With each authoritative step he took, her eyes were drawn to the firm lines of his buttocks. Each globe bulged beneath the seat of his trousers. She could argue, deny and protest ’til the end of time that she hated him, but she had to give credit where credit was due. Damn, she was getting wet just from watching his ass.

“Kristina, if you don’t want to be flat on your back, I suggest you stop staring at my ass.”

She glanced up. Over his shoulder, his tawny eyes were heavy with desire and a promise of retribution. Without control or conscious thought, her gaze dipped. Faster than she could look away, Ryant moved and snatched her hand in a firm grip.

“I warned you.”





The bedroom door slammed after he thrust her inside. Kris stood in the middle of the room she’d slept in with hands perched on her hips. Ready to— What? She couldn’t say. Her breathing turned raspy while her heart thumped erratically. Surely, Ryant couldn’t hold her to this. Dampness filled her palms. It had been pure instinct to look at his luscious ass when he’d thrown down his gauntlet.

He turned to face her. Clove and musk, mixed with the manly scent of leather, swirled through the room. He raised a brow. “I did warn you, my dear.”

A strange flip-flop consumed her belly. He snapped his fingers. Candles sprang to life along the walls, casting a soft, yellow glow. Her mouth went dry. Heat filled her chest and rose to her cheeks. “What are you doing, Ryant?” If only he had an idea of how her soul soared with eagerness.

“I do.” He looked deeply into her eyes then placed his fingertips on the side of her face. His beautiful, tawny eyes melted her resistance.

No point in denying it. She wanted him. She had always wanted him. If only this once, she could have him and walk away whole.

“Shh.” He smoothed a thumb over her temple, stroking lightly, sending erotic vibrations over her skin.

Supposedly, he no longer affected her. What a blatant lie. His passionate stare affected her just as much as it had before. His face lowered, his mouth capturing her lips. Cool at first, his lips warmed with her body temperature. She invited the passion, the pure unbridled zeal. It had always been like this between them. The willingness to hold onto past resentments slipped under a tide of eagerness. Without hesitation, she pulled him closer.

Their bodies clung together. Tracing every line and plane of his body with her hands, she relished every indentation. She couldn’t get enough of his biceps and arms. They were ropy and more muscular than she remembered.

She savored his dueling tongue. His back muscles flexed as he fondled her, pulling her closer. Hungry lips left hers, and he tilted her head back with a soft tug.

She opened her mouth around his lips and sighed. His masculine scent filled her senses as his teeth grazed down the side of her neck toward her jugular. She pushed on his arms to get him away from her vein.

A throaty laugh near her ear gave her a pleasant thrill. Her thighs trembled. Excitement soaked her panties with arousal.

His tongue lashed at the hollow part of her sensitive shoulder. She moaned, enjoying the sensation. Nipping up her neck, he placed delicate kisses over her heated skin. Recognizing the shake thrumming through his body, she knew he wanted to puncture her flesh.

He continued to devour her with his mouth even as his fingers sloped down the sides of her ribcage and back up caressing her breasts through the shirt, kneading, squeezing them in a playful way. She groaned, loving how he measured the weight of her in his palms.

She tightened her grip around his neck, stabbing her fingers through his hair, grabbing a handful to hold on to for dear life. Then he lowered his head, nipping greedily at her nipples.

An aroused whimper escaped her lips. He bit harder. Gods, she wanted him to take her now. Her mind was doused with lust and desire.

“Let me taste you,” he begged from between her cleavage.

“You can’t have a drop.” She clenched her fingers on his back, scraping with her nails at the thin material keeping their flesh apart.

“That’s not what I meant.” His voice was husky with need.

Her eyebrows rose. “Oh.” She swallowed.

“For now, just a delicate, sweet taste of you, that’s all I need. You’re so beautiful.”

With a growl, he took her mouth again. When his tongue slipped inside, she welcomed it, twirling around it with her own. He melded her to his body, holding her firmly as if he never wanted to let her go. He glided his hand down, dipping inside her pants as he cupped her core, massaging her swollen clit as he prepped her for him. A heavy and tingling sensation consumed her body. She sighed, wanting him to continue.

He moved her to the bed and laid her on it. Never taking his gaze from hers, he tugged off her jeans, pulled off the running shoes then tossed them by the door. Only her black lacy panties and fitted tee kept her from nudity. The cool air made goose bumps rise on her flesh.

She watched him strip. His thick, vein-engorged dick sprang from its confines. Her mouth watered. As he crawled onto the bed, he smoothly and insistently spread her legs wide. Leaning down, he placed delicate kisses on her mound. She arched, longing for him to lick her, to suck her. Hot breath danced along her skin through the thin material of her panties. The hairs on his head tickled her stomach and only added fuel to her desire.

With a quick twist of his wrists, he freed her from the tiny scrap of lace and tossed the material to the floor. When he settled back, his gaze roamed over her body. Gentle gliding of his fingertips up her hips made her close her lids in anticipation. With the tip of her tongue, she moistened her dry lips, ready to beg for more. She couldn’t hold back much longer.

He situated himself between her thighs and slid his hands underneath her body, cupping her ass. Tugging her pussy to his face, he buried his mouth between her folds. She gasped, opening wider as the tip of his tongue lapped over her sensitive spot, nipping her tender, aching nether lips. Then his tongue traced the outer rim of her sex as he squeezed a handful of her ass, keeping her in place.

Fully in the moment, she savored his ministrations, bowing off the bed, her chest jutting toward the ceiling. Her hands fisted the sheet as her neck bent backward in ecstasy. She swiveled her hips, riding his face, covering him with her juices.

As he lifted his face, he smiled at her. “You taste as sweet as the first time you gave your purity to me.” He dipped his tongue inside, wiggling then licking and nipping her nubbin.

She thrust, matching his movements. The first wave threatened to explode. His tongue sank further inside her sex. Full awareness of his fangs excited her. Gods help her; she wanted him to bite her.

When that thought hit her, she froze.
No, not now.
Kris snatched a handful of his hair, yanked him from the final lap of ecstasy that would send her over the edge, past the point of a bad decision.

“No, Ryant, we can’t,” she whispered.

“What? You’re almost there. You always tense like a spring before you come. If you would clear your mind you wouldn’t be thinking, only feeling.”

She wriggled underneath him, her feelings jumbled and irrational. “I need to leave. I can’t do this. I thought I could and just not care about the past, but it’s there and it’s not going to go away.”

He pushed her to the bed with his body. His heavy, thick erection lay on her thigh, twitching to be inside her.

“You don’t need to leave. Stay here with me.” He smoothed a strand of hair away from her face. “I can protect you.”

The scent of her musky arousal gleamed over the bottom part of his face. “No, you cannot. I have to go. I need to get out of here. Now,” she bubbled wildly, on the brink of panic.

He had to let her go. If she stayed, she could envision herself as some mindless love slave, catering to his every whim. Her pride demanded she not succumb. She slipped out from under him, aware he let her as she hurried to her discarded pants. In an instant, he stood behind her, and she stiffened. His breath blew hot near her. Desire trembled through her.

“You cannot deny I am the only man who has ever made you feel like this.”

Before she could react, he held her firmly around the waist, solid against his chest as he slipped his hand low, capturing her mound. He plunged two fingers deep inside her and pumped fast. Her sensitive body quaked, thrusting her forward. Her palms braced flat on the door as she screamed out her passion.

He held her tight and the waves washed over. She stilled and leaned into his shoulder, huddling into his embrace. For an instant she only breathed, waited and wanted.

“Don’t thank me. You needed it.”

“I need Darin,” she announced, surprised her voice didn’t tremble. She straightened and pulled away from the intoxication of his cool skin.

Awkward silence enveloped them. When Ryant moved away from her, she bent to continue dressing, focusing on making her limbs work the way she needed them to.

“I’ll send someone to guide you to the human.” Ice dripped from his voice. “I’ll let you leave with him on one condition—”

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