Read Lost scriptures: books that did not make it into the New Testament Online
Authors: [edited by] Bart D. Ehrman
Tags: #Biblical Reference, #Bible Study Guides, #Bibles, #Other Translations, #Apocryphal books (New Testament), #New Testament, #Christianity, #Religion, #Biblical Commentary, #Biblical Studies, #General, #History
fect, the light, the Holy Spirit, have
united the angels also with us, with the
1John 6:54.
An ass which turns a millstone in a
now found food because the person has
circle went one hundred miles. When he
worked the ground.
was turned loose he found he was still at
If anyone goes down into the water
the same place. There are people who
and comes up having received nothing
make many trips and get nowhere. When
and says, “I am a Christian,” he has borevening came upon them, they saw no rowed the name at interest. But if he
city or town, no creation or nature, no
receives the Holy Spirit, he has taken the
power or angel. The poor fellows labored
name as a gift. If someone has received
in vain.
a gift, it is not taken back. But he who
The Eucharist is Jesus. For they call
has borrowed something at interest has
him in Syriac
, which is, “the
to meet the payment.
one who is spread out.” For Jesus came
It is this way . . . if anyone should
and he crucified the world.
be in a mystery. . . .
The Lord went into the dye shop of
Levi. He took seventy-two colors and
Do not be afraid of the flesh nor
threw them into the kettle. He took them
love it. If you fear it, then it will be your
all out white, and he said, “Thus the Son
master. If you love it, it will swallow and
of man came, a dyer.”
strangle you.
Wisdom (
), whom they call
Either one is in this world, or in the
barren, is the mother of the angels, and
resurrection, or in the places in the midthe consort of Christ is Mary Magdalene.
dle. God forbid that I be found in them.
The [Lord loved Mary] more than all the
In this world there is good and evil. Its
disciples, and he kissed her on the [mouth
good is not good, and its evil is not evil.
many times]. The other [women/disciples
But there is evil after this world, true evil,
saw] . . . him. They said to him, “Why do
which they call “the middle.” It is death.
you [love her] more than all of us?” The
As long as we are in this world, it is
Savior answered and said to them, “Why
fitting to us to acquire the resurrection,
do not I love you as I do her?”
so that when we peel off the flesh we will
If a blind person and one who can
be found in repose, not making our way
see are in the dark, there is no difference
in “the middle.” For many wander astray
between them. When the light comes,
off the path. For it is good to come out
then the one who sees will see the light,
of the world before one sins. . . .
and the one who is blind will stay in the
The truth did not come naked into
The Lord said, “Blessed is the one
the world, but came in types and images.
who exists before he came into being.
One will not receive the truth in any other
For he who exists was and will be.”
way. There is a being-born-again, and an
The greatness of the human being
image of being-born-again. It is truly
is not revealed, but it is hidden. Because
necessary that they become born again
of this he is lord of the animals that are
through the image. What else is the resstronger than he and are great according urrection? It is necessary that the image
to that which is clear as well as hidden.
arise through the image. The Bridal
And this mastery gives to them their sta
Chamber and the image necessarily enbility. But if a person leaves them alone, ters into the truth through the image; this
they kill one another (and) bite one anis the recapitulation. It is necessary not other. And they ate one another because
only that those who have it received the
they could find no food. But they have
name of the Father and the Son and the
Holy Spirit, but that they took it themis not imperishable and neither is he who selves. If someone does not take it himcreated the world. For there is no imperself, the name also will be taken away ishability, of things, but there is of sons.
from him. But one receives them in the
And no thing can attain imperishability
anointing of the power of [the cross] . . .
if it does not become a son. But if somethe apostles call it “the right” and “the one cannot receive, how much more will
left.” For this reason one is no longer a
he not be able to give?
Christian, but a Christ.
The Cup of Prayer holds wine and
The Lord [did?] all in a Mystery, a
it holds water. It serves as a type of the
Baptism, an Anointing, a Eucharist, a
blood for which they give thanks. And it
Salvation, and a Bridal Chamber. . . .
is full of the Holy Spirit and belongs to
the completely perfect Man. When we
Is it all right to speak a mystery?
drink this, we will take to ourselves the
The Father of all joined himself with the
perfect Man.
virgin who came down, and a fire[?] was
The living water is a body. It is
burned for him that day. He appeared in
right that we clothe ourselves with the
the great Bridal Chamber. Therefore, his
living Man. Therefore, when he comes to
body came into being that day. He came
go down to the water, he disrobes in order
out of the Bridal Chamber as one who
that he may put this one on. . . .
came into being from the bridegroom and
the bride. Thus, Jesus established all
As long as it is hidden, wickedness
through these. And it is fitting for each
is really brought to nothing, but it is still
of the disciples to enter his repose.
not removed from the midst of the seed
Adam came into being from two
of the Holy Spirit. They are slaves of
virgins: from the Spirit and from the virevil. When it is revealed, then the perfect gin earth. Therefore, the Christ was born
light will pour over everyone, all those
from a virgin so that he could bring order
in it will receive the [anointing]. Then
to the stumbling which occurred in the
the slaves will become free, and the prisbeginning.
oners will be redeemed.
There are two trees in paradise. The
[Every] plant my Father in Heaven
one engenders a[nimals]; the other endoes not plant [will be] rooted out. Those genders people. Adam [ate] from the tree
who are alienated will be united. They
which brought forth animals; [he
will be filled. Everyone who [will go in]
be]came a beast and he begot beasts. Beto the Bridal Chamber will [light the cause of this they worship . . . of Adam.
light]. For [it shines] as in the marriages
The tree . . . fruit is . . . engenders people
which [are seen, although they] are in the
. . . the (person) . . . God created the
night. The fire [burns] in the night, then
p[erson . . . the perso]n created God.
it is extinguished. But the mysteries of
It is like this in the world: people
this marriage are fulfilled in the day and
create Gods and they worship those
the light. That day and its light do not
whom they have created. It would be
proper if the Gods worshipped people. . . .
If anyone becomes a child of the
Bridal Chamber, he will receive the light.
The world came into being through
If anyone does not receive it while he is
an error. For he who created it intended
in these places (i.e., this world), he will
to create it imperishable and immortal.
not be able to receive it in the other place.
He failed to attain his hope. For the world
The one who has received light cannot
be seen nor can he be held. And no one
the aeon, for the aeon has become for
can torment him, even while he lives in
him the fullness. It is thus; it is revealed
the world. And further, when he goes out
only to him. It is not hidden in the darkof the world, already he has received the ness and the night, but it is hidden in a
truth in images. The world has become
perfect day and a holy light.
The Gospel of Truth
A moving expression of Gnostic joy in experiencing enlightenment, the
“Gospel of Truth” is one of the real treasures of the Nag Hammadi Library (see p. 19). The book is not a Gospel in the traditional sense—there is no account of the life or teachings of Jesus here. It is called a Gospel because it presents the “good news” of God’s gracious revelation of saving knowledge, gnosis, which comes through Jesus Christ. Some scholars believe that it was originally a sermon preached to a Gnostic, or possibly a more broadly Christian, congregation; many are convinced that it was authored by the most famous Gnostic Christian of the second century, Valentinus himself.
The Gospel of Truth presupposes important aspects of Gnostic myth, but it does not explicate them; there are only scattered hints about how the divine realm, the material world, and human beings came into existence.
Instead, the book focuses on the truth that brings redemption to an anguished humanity languishing in darkness and ignorance, and especially on the one who brought this revealed truth, Jesus Christ, the Word who comes forth from the Father as his Son. Through Christ’s revelation, the fog of error has been dissipated and the illusions of falsehood have been exposed, opening those who receive the truth to understand who they are, allowing them to be reunited with the incomprehensible and inconceivable Father of all.
Whether or not the work actually came from the pen of Valentinus, it was known to the church father and heresy-hunter Irenaeus, and so must have been written sometime before 180 ce.
The gospel of truth is joy for those who
pleroma, the one who is in the thought
have received from the Father of truth the
and the mind of the Father, that is, the
grace of knowing him, through the power
one who is addressed as the Savior, (that)
of the Word that came forth from the
being the name of the work he is to
Translation by Harold W. Attridge and George W. MacRae, in Harold W. Attridge,
(Nag Hammadi Studies, 22) (Leiden: E. J. Brill, 1985) 82–117; used with permission.
perform for the redemption of those who
the mercies of the Father; the hidden
were ignorant of the Father, while in the
mystery, Jesus, the Christ, enlightened
name [of] the gospel is the proclamation
those who were in darkness through
of hope, being discovery for those who
oblivion. He enlightened them; he
search for him.
showed (them) a way; and the way is the
When the totality went about searching
truth which he taught them.
for the one from whom they had come
For this reason error grew angry at
forth—and the totality was inside of him,
him, persecuted him, was distressed at
the incomprehensible, inconceivable one
him (and) was brought to naught. He was
who is superior to every thought—igno-
nailed to a tree (and) he became a fruit
rance of the Father brought about anguish
of the knowledge of the Father. It did not,
and terror; and the anguish grew solid
however, cause destruction because it
like a fog, so that no one was able to see.
was eaten, but to those who ate it it gave
For this reason error became powerful; it
(cause) to become glad in the discovery,
worked on its own matter foolishly, not
and he discovered them in himself, and
having known the truth. It set about with
they discovered him in themselves.
a creation, preparing with power and
As for the incomprehensible, inconbeauty the substitute for the truth.
ceivable one, the Father, the perfect one,
This was not, then, a humiliation for
the one who made the totality, within him
him, the incomprehensible, inconceivis the totality and of him the totality has able one, for they were nothing, the anneed. Although he retained their perfecguish and the oblivion and the creature tion within himself which he did not give