Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel) (13 page)

BOOK: Lost in the Moment (A Savioe Family Novel)
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“Figured they would.” He scratched th
e back of his neck and nodded. “Yeah, I’ll go. Marie, are you okay?”

She rolled her eyes at him. “Naw, Beau. I’m kinda sore from that
gangbang Drez just picked me up from. Of course, I’m fine jackass. Why wouldn’t I be?” His face turned red as he narrowed his eyes at her. She shrugged at him and leaned up to kiss me on the cheek. “I’m going to find Angie.”

I watched her walk away. Her hips swayed back and forth t
o the tune of my heartbeat. All I could think about even with her brother glaring daggers at me was finding a quiet place for just the two of us. So I could push her against the wall and bury myself in her until I couldn’t see straight.
I’m going to hell

Beau smacked me in the back of the head.
“Quit checking out her ass with me standing right here.”

I pinned him with a hateful glare as I rubbed the back of my head.
My lips twitched in a snarl as I growled out at him. “Don’t ever lay a hand on me again. Friend or not, I’ll knock seven shades of shit out of you.”

is eyes widened as he took a step back and raised his hands in an effort to pacify me. “That’s my only sister, man. I don’t want her hurt.”

I took a deep breath and tried to ease my frustration. “
I am well aware of that, mate. I don’t think you give her much credit though.”

He raised his brow at me then shrugged. “I’ll go make the rounds and see where the party is going to be. Do you wanna take the truck or Grace?”

“The truck. I plan on getting blitzed and I don’t need to drive Grace in that condition.” I rubbed the back of my neck and admitted.


Timberwolves beat the Cougars that night 35 to 7. Beau found out that the party was going to be at Hunter’s house and Marie’s friend had somehow convinced Mrs. Savioe to let her go to the sleepover. I had followed Beau to his house after the game and parked Grace there. Once we dropped off Marie at Angie’s we headed to the other side of town toward Hunter’s house.

I was still wound up from
my encounter with Marie at the game. Because of the stupid arrangement of not seeing anyone else, getting laid at this party was off the table. So getting drunk was looking better and better. When we pulled into Hunter’s driveway, the party was in full swing. I hopped out of Beau’s truck inspecting the surroundings. The yard was full of cars and trucks, the music blared and alcohol flowed freely. Someone’s truck bed was filled with ice and at least four kegs already tapped. Empty red cups littered the ground and some guy was chucking his guts up in the bushes.

A group of girls walked by us as we started walking toward the house, a few of them turned to look at us and giggled to each other before rushing inside. Beau snorted out a laugh and shrugged his shoulders while shaking his head. “Remember you are supposed to be in a relationship with my sister.
So leave the pussy alone.”

I groaned tilting my head back and let out a frustrated sigh. “Don’t remind me. You know how long it’s been since I’ve had a taste? Too bloody long. And yes I know it’s going to stay that way until things blow over.”

He tried to narrow his eyes at me in an attempt to look pissed only to fail and let out a low chuckle. He clapped me on the back and ushered me in the door. “You always have your hand.” He turned and smirked at me before heading toward the football team. “Awesome game. You slaughtered those Cougars!”

“Well God Damn! It’s Beau. Glad to see you finally came to one of these, brother. Guys! Beau finally decided to show his sorry ass. Grab a beer and join the fun.”
I recognized that voice from the locker room. Scott. The one that reminded Bus that Roxy was no longer a virgin.

When Beau walked over to them, his demeanor changed. His stride became more assured, more confident. He commanded the room without having to say a word.
The guys from the team all stepped up to him and greeted him like a war hero. Even Polo Shirt looked on him in awe and quickly rushed him over a beer. I stood there gobsmacked at the scene enfolding before me. Those wankers adored him. Every last one except Bus vied to talk to him. I shook my head in disbelief as I turned to find the drinks.


An hour or so into the bash and six beers
later, at least I think it was six, I felt my frustration from earlier finally fade. Beau still held court in the living room and I walked around listening to the conversations around me. I slipped into an empty room to escape the noise and collect my thoughts for a moment.

The room was filled with family pictures on the walls and tabletops. I walked over to an end table and picked up a frame. A family photo stared back at me. The mother knelt down next to a towheaded boy around five years old smiling at the camera. Ice cream covered the boy’s toothless face. I immediately put it back down and took a swig of
my beer thinking of my brother.

He would have turned s
even this past July. The last time I had seen him, his face was smeared with the chocolate cupcake I had given him that morning, after he informed me he lost another tooth. His hair was almost the same light shade of blonde as the kid in the picture and he possessed the same grey eyes our mother had. If he had survived the blast we both would have been stuck with that bastard of an uncle and possibly worse off than I already was. I took a deep breath as I fled the room and the memories unleashed in there.

I made my way into a packed room to grab another drink when someone handed me a white pill. I looked down at my hand then back up at this kid with blatant curiosity on my face. He looked like a younger version of Polo
Shirt even down to the clothes.

“Just to make sure you have a good time.” He nodded his blonde head to me and walked away.

I looked down at the simple white pill. I know I shouldn’t do this but I really needed to find an escape from what my life had become. I popped the pill and chugged down the remnants of my beer. Another half hour floated by before the effects of the drug started to take hold. My senses became overly heightened, before long I was dancing in the middle of the room and laughing with a few people around me. Every movement was a new experience for me. The simple motion of waving my hand in the air, the swaying to the beat of the music or the vibrancy of the colors seemed more intense more amplified. I stepped outside for a breath of fresh air and to cool down my overheated body.

That’s when I saw her
. Marie. She was standing next to Polo Shirt laughing. Her hand rested on his arm while her other one held onto a red cup. His body angled toward hers as he leaned down to say something in her ear. Her cheeks tinged pink as she giggled before she looked up at him with almost an adoring expression in those amber eyes. My blood stared to boil and I quickly made my way over to them.
What the hell is she doing with him?




I can’t believe Angie’s parents let us come to this party tonight. I thought for sure that they’d say no when she asked.
But they just gave her the car keys and told her not to drink and drive. That blew my mind. My parents would have flipped their lid over something like that. Hell, if Beau caught me here he’d go ape-shit. I giggled into my cup bouncing my body to the music when Hunter came up to me.

He leaned close to me. “Marie. You didn’t tell me your brother was Beau.”

“Well, I didn’t think it’d matter.” I rolled my eyes at him and took a drink. The liquid burned a trail down my throat causing my face to flush.

He gave me a small smile and whispered in my ear. “Hmm, well it does.”

I laughed at his pouty tone. “Why is that?”

had just brushed a lock of hair over my shoulder when he was jerked away abruptly. A fist hit his face seconds later. His head snapped back as he staggered toward the railing of the deck. I spun my head toward the attacker. Drez stood there with his legs braced apart his shoulders heaving as he breathed heavily. Hunter clung to the bannister and wiped his mouth with the back of his hand. A faint line of smeared blood trailed along his cheek. He glared at Drez and charged him. He caught him by his waist and tried to drag him to the ground.

laughed as he wrapped his arm around Hunter’s head and drove his elbow into his back. Hunter collapsed onto the ground with a thud and a grunt. Drez smirked at him before he picked him up by the back of his shirt. He grasped Hunter by his throat and growled something in his ear. Hunter’s face drained of all color as he grappled at Drez’s hand at his throat.

“We clear, mate?”
Drez must have squeezed tighter because Hunter started gasping for air. “Are we?”

“Yes!” Hunter gurgled out.

Drez let go of him and shoved him away into the on looking crowd. He then turned his heated gaze to me. My heart picked up its beat as he stalked toward me. He didn’t say a word just grabbed my arm and pulled me into the house. He dragged me room to room in search of an empty one. He finally settled on the laundry room.

He released my arm after shoving me in the room and closing the door. “What the hell, Marie?”

“I was just talking to him.” I took a step backward as he loomed over me. My hands brushed against the dryer behind me. I grabbed the cool metal and leaned back. The look in his eyes, that mix of anger and possessiveness, made me want to run and hide or jump into his arms. My feet hadn’t decided which.

ran a hand through his hair and growled in frustration before he placed his arms on the washer leaning against it ducking his head down. I took another timid step away from him. He looked up suddenly pinning me with his frosted gaze. With slow determined strides, he swaggered toward me. His arms encircled me as he leaned against me thoroughly trapping me between the machine and him. “Talking? Looked like you were letting him chat you up, pet.”

I nervously licked my lips as I drank in his closeness. My brows drooped down when I realized something was off with him. His eyes were dilated and glazed over. And his body had a slight sheen of sweat over it. “Are you okay?”

He pushed against me closing his eyes before craning his head down to mine. “You were flirting with him, luv. That’s breaking a rule.” He placed his cheek against mine
. His facial hair scraped against me causing a shiver to run down my spine. “You’re supposed to be mine, pet. All mine.” He groaned as he nipped my jaw. “Mine.”

“Drez?” I squeaked as he lifted me up on the dryer.
He parted my legs and stepped in between them.

“Call me Marcus, pet.”
He murmured against my neck as he trailed a series of kisses down to my shoulder. He unbuttoned the top buttons of my shirt leaving a trail of fire on my skin wherever he touched. I shivered again. His hands ran up the outside of my thighs, under my skirt until his hands grabbed my rear and slammed my hips against him.

“Marcus, stop.” I gasped as I felt his ere
ction pressing against my core.

He released me and suddenly dropped to his knees in front of me. He pushed my thighs further apart and nipped the skin at my knee. I gasped at him before looking down. His silver eyes, swirling in
desire, caught mine as his tongue started at my knee and traveled up my thigh. The sight of him in front of me on his knees and feeling his mouth on me was incredibly and unexpectedly hot. I felt myself get moist the longer I held his gaze. Whatever objections I might have held went out the window as the anticipation built.

He licked his lips, never breaking eye contact, and pressed forward. My held tilted back as I moaned low in my throat.
This was unreal. His teeth nipped at my thigh as his fingers pushed my boy shorts away from his goal. His breath teased at my damp skin before he settled his mouth on me. His tongue swirled around my clit as his hands kept my thighs apart.

“Marcus.” I moaned his name as my body bowed and twitched. He swirled his tongue around and around building the pressure in my body. My thighs twitched as my head started feeling light. He slipped a finger inside me and growled against my body. Slowly moving his finger in and out, he sped up the movement of his tongue. This was too much. My body screamed for something I could not comprehend.
I squeezed my eyes shut as I felt my inner muscles tighten around him. Starbursts formed behind my eyelids as I cried out at the force of my orgasm.

“Mine.” I faintly hear
d him growl against my thigh before he stood up. He grabbed the sides of my head and started lowering his mouth to mine when the door flung open.

Scott from the team rushed in, his cheeks
were pushed out with a look of agony in his eyes. He frantically looked around the room in search of something. He let out a gargled whimper before he opened the lid to the washing machine and threw up in it.

“Gross!” I jumped off the dryer next to him and quickly backed away.

Beau walked in shaking his head at the boy. “Scott, I told you. You shouldn’t drink beer before the liquor.” He stopped in the doorway in a state of shock when he saw me. His eyes widened then quickly narrowed. “Marie! What are you doing here?”

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