London Bound (7 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

Tags: #BDSM, #D/s, #collar, #erotic romance, #London, #Bound, #Jessica Jarman, #bondage, #British, #OWYM, #Older Woman/Younger Man

BOOK: London Bound
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“Wanna talk about it?” Georgia offered.

“Not particularly,” he said shortly, softening his tone with a brief smile.

She patted his hand. “I’ll keep’em coming until you say stop.”

“Thanks,” he mumbled.

His mobile buzzed several times in his pocket, and he reluctantly pulled it out, expecting to see more panicked emails from the techs or engineers. The tightness in his stomach didn’t ease in the slightest when he saw Lara’s name on the screen and opened the texts.

So sorry all that fell on you, Nate. Going through the reports, now.

I’ve set up a video conference w/team—9 AM London time.

Four AM for her. Nathan didn’t envy Lara that wake up call.

That was just FYI, BTW. No need to fry your brain trying to sit in on those fun times.

Nate snorted and scrolled down.

Fantastic job putting out the fires, though. I know it wasn’t easy.

Mum & I saw Maddie this morning. Much better today. Mum thinks I should head home at end of the week. Don’t know if I should leave her alone, but don’t want you having to deal with everything there.

I hope you’re not still at the office, idiot.

He shook his head and tapped out,
Nag, nag, nag. Having a pint, right now. Call me after your video conference, and we’ll talk. And no need to hurry back on my acct. Got it handled and under control.

It only took a minute for her response.

Never doubted that. But shouldn’t always have to be you. Enjoy your pint. Have one for me. Talk in the morning. Love you, wanker.

Love you back, harpy.

He shoved the phone back into his pocket with a sigh and lifted his glass. Knowing Lara would be meeting with her team eased some of the tension gripping him. Even via video conference, she could deal with any of the issues better than he could being physically there.

“So,” Georgia drawled, sliding a fresh drink in front of him, “anything happen between you and the pretty American?”

He stared at her blandly, careful not so show any reaction that would fuel her little gossiping heart, even as his own leapt at the thought of Meg. The morning he’d woken up alone, he’d gone to her flat right away, and she hadn’t answered his knock. After several more tries throughout the day, he’d left that damned note. Then, work had called. Even if she’d decided to come to him—as he’d hoped she would—his waking hours had been at the fucking office. She likely thought he’d changed his mind and was no longer interested. Which couldn’t be farther from the truth. The one truth in Nathan’s life at this moment? Meg was the single best thing that had happened to him in a long time, and he wanted to explore what that meant. Even if it was only for the short time she was in London.

Why hadn’t he left his mobile number on the note? Fuck.

Georgia smirked. “I only ask because she’s standing just inside the door, staring at you like a deer deciding whether to bolt or not.”

Nathan slowly turned on the stool. The pub wasn’t crowded at all so his gaze immediately went to the lone figure at the entrance. Her hair pulled back in a messy ponytail, and she was just as tempting in her jeans and long-sleeved tee as she had been dressed up that very first night. Even in the dim lighting, he could see Georgia was right. Everything about Meg screamed that she was going to run—the wide eyes, fingers clenching the straps of her purse, the stiffness of her posture. But she hadn’t run yet; that was a point in Nathan’s favor.

That in mind, he stood and crossed the room. Covering her hands with his, he leaned down and kissed both her cheeks.

“Hello, love,” he murmured.

“Nathan,” she said on a sigh.

He dragged his thumbs over her knuckles and enjoyed the way her breath hitched slightly.

“Did you come in for supper?”

“Huh?” She blinked a few times, brow furrowing.

He thought his smile would crack his face. She was fucking adorable.


“Yeah.” She shook her head. “I-I-I did. I came in for supper.”

“Good, you can join me.” Hand on her back, he led her toward the booths in back, grabbing his pint from the bar on the way, and saying to Georgia, “Two menus.”

Instead of sliding in beside Meg like he wanted to, he sat across from her. Georgia was right behind them with their menus.

“What can I get you to drink?” she asked Meg.

“Um, pint of Strongbow, please. Thank you.”

It wasn’t until the other woman walked away that Meg let her gaze find his. The uncertainty was easy enough for him to read.

“How have you been?” he asked quietly. “What have you been up to?”

“I’ve been well.” She shrugged. “I’ve been...exploring, seeing the sights. American tourist and all. Some of the time, I just wandered around. I went to the Tower yesterday, spent an enormous amount of time there. Today, I...”

She stopped suddenly, lips pressed together, throat working as she swallowed. Nathan didn’t say anything; he just waited.

“I went to your apartment,” she said in a rush. “Yesterday morning. I didn’t see your note until late the night before so... You weren’t there. Or you didn’t answer. I don’t know which, really.”

“I wasn’t there.” He reached out and took her hand in his. “If I were, believe me, I’d have answered.”

“Oh.” Her lips curved into a bright smile. “Thank you,” she said again as her drink was set before her, though she didn’t look away from him.

“I was called into work,” he explained.

“That explains the suit.” She nodded and moistened her lips. “Looks good on you.”

“Thanks.” He winked then, after a quick drink, asked, “You’ve international calling on your mobile, yes?”

“Yes, why?” She laughed.

“Give it here. Make sure it’s unlocked.”

He held out his other hand and wiggled his fingers. She pulled it from her purse, and shaking her head, plugged in her passcode before handing it over. He opened her contacts and quickly typed in his information. After saving it, he clicked “call”, and his mobile buzzed in his pocket.

“There, we have each other’s numbers and can avoid any confusion in future.” He handed the device back with a smile.

“All right.” She looked down at the entry then said, “Stevens. That’s my last name...for when you put in my information in your phone, Nathan Harris.”

He brought her hand to his lips and kissed her knuckles. “Charmed, Meg Stevens.”

She snorted and pulled away with a laugh. “A bit late for that, all things considered.”

“Oh, but I continue to be charmed by you,” he insisted, trying to grab her hand again, loving the way her laugh danced around him.

“Shut up, and help me decide what to order.”

“Have you have fish and chips, yet? Can’t come to England and not have fish and chips,” he pointed out, leaning back.

“I haven’t,” she said, looking at the menu. “It’s good here?”

“Yeah, best thing on the menu, in my opinion. ”

“Served with mushy peas,” she read, wrinkling her nose. “May pass on that.”

“You have to at least try them. You’re a mum; you know that.”

“Yeah, but
‘mum’ isn’t here.”

“Oh, come on, now. Live a little, try it.” He nudged her foot with his. “Traditional British pub food, love. Gotta go for the full experience.”

“Fine, but it I don’t like them, you have to eat them.”


He motioned Georgia over and ordered fish and chips for both of them. That done, he settled back on the bench with a sigh. While his mood was greatly improved, he was still fucking exhausted.

“Is everything all right?” Meg tilted her head to side as she studied him.

“Yes, love. Just tired. It’s been a hellish couple of days. I wish I’d been able to spend them with you, to be honest. Even if only playing tour guide for you.”

“I’d have liked that, too, though I hope you’d play more than
tour guide,” she said, so quietly he had to strain to hear.

“Meg,” he murmured. “I meant what I said. It’s your choice.”

Her cheeks reddened, and she wouldn’t meet his gaze.

,” he repeated, his tone low and firm, and her eyes instantly snapped to his face. He bit back a groan as his cock swelled and pressed against the zip of his pants.

“I choose more,” she whispered. “I don’t want just neighbors, and as nice as the friends sharing drinks would be, I want more.” She pressed her hands to her stomach and dragged in a breath. “As much as it freaks me out, Nathan, I want more. With you.”

He smiled and held out his hand, palm facing up. A strained huff of laughter escaped her as she obeyed the unspoken command and placed her hand in his. He wrapped his fingers around hers and squeezed.

“So, what now?” she asked.

“Now?” He took a long drink. “Now, we enjoy our drinks and our supper, talk a bit. Then, we go home.”

“Okay, then.” She pursed her lips and glanced around the pub.

“Relax,” he murmured. “Nothing’s changed.”

She snorted. “Everything’s changed, Nathan.”

He traced a fingertip along her palm. “Has it?”

“Yes, it’s...” She took a deep breath, held it a moment then let it out slowly. “It may not be for you, but for me? This is a big step. Deciding to be...involved, even if it’s for a short time. I haven’t let myself even think of doing this, not really. If it crossed my mind, I shoved it out pretty quickly.”

“So, what’s different now?”

“Being here, alone, not having to focus on the kids and being there for them. Maybe it’s just been long enough. I don’t know. Maybe it’s

Meg could have cut off her own freaking face as soon as the words fell from her lips.
Maybe it’s you
. Seriously, could she sound more desperate?

“Whatever the reason, I’m glad,” he murmured. “And I’m so
very glad
it’s me.”

He winked, and she cursed her quick-to-color complexion as she felt her face heat, yet again.

“Me, too.” She frowned, and her heart thudded wildly. “Which is silly, because I hardly know you. I mean, this whole thing is a crazy, right? I don’t know much about you, at all, and I’m jumping in feet first. And I...I...”

“Breathe, love,” he murmured, engulfing her hand in both of his.

“See?” She gestured helplessly at herself. “Told you. Freaking out.”

“It’s all right.” He lifted a shoulder. “I’d say you’re entitled. If it helps, ask me whatever you want to know.”

Staring at him, Meg wondered how he could even be real. How was he not be running in the opposite direction, right now?


“I’m an open book,” he said slowly then grinned.

“Okay.” She bit her lip then blurted out the first thing that came to mind. “Why were you such an asshole before?”

He jolted and blinked a couple times. “Pardon?”

“Before the other night. Every time I saw you around the building, you weren’ you’ve been since.”

“I know that perhaps I wasn’t the most friendly neighbor but
?” He scrunched his face up, and managed to look cute while doing it. Which should be a crime. He was already too good-looking.

“My first day here,” she started. “I was hauling my luggage up the stairs, and you basically pushed right past me. Didn’t even say anything, no offer to help. Nothing. You ignored me when we passed each other in the hall. You let me in that morning and just walked away. You were definitely asshole-ish.”

“That’s not even a word.” Nathan narrowed his eyes, and his mouth twitched.

“And yet it describes you perfectly then,” she shot back.

He threw his head back and laughed.

“Honestly, love, I don’t even remember that first time. I’m sorry.” He sighed and shook his head. “I got back to London a little over a week ago, after spending several weeks in the States. Several weeks that were brutal. So, if I was...‘asshole-ish’, I can only plead temporary insanity due to stress and exhaustion.”

The carefree happiness that had been on his face moments before was replaced by an expression of sadness that made her ache for him.

“Were you there for business?” she asked, even though she had a feeling that only something personal could cause such a drastic change.

“No, though I was trying to keep up with my work during that time, which only added to the stress,” he explained. “I was there for my sister. She found herself in trouble and needed sorting out.”

“And that fell to you?”

“Until my mum and sister could get there, yes.”

“What kind of trouble?” She immediately held her hand up. “No, sorry. That’s not my business. Never mind.”

“Open book, remember?” He gave a small smile. “Maddie got caught up in things, with the wrong people, which is horribly clichéd, isn’t it? The boy—because damned if I’ll call him a man—she was involved with was abusive. I didn’t know
until I was there, though. No, the reason I was called was she’d OD’d. She almost died and was in hospital.”

“Oh, Nathan.” This time, she tightened her grip on his hand. God, his sister’s story was one every parent feared. “I’m so, so sorry. How is she doing?”

“When she was discharged, she went straight into treatment, and is there now. Mum and Lara—my other sister—are there, and I came back to...”

“Take care of things here,” she finished when he trailed off.

“No point in my staying. Maddie isn’t speaking to me.” He chuckled humorlessly. “Probably because I threatened to kill the twat she was seeing if he showed his face. Though, last I heard, he’d been arrested for dealing and assault, so with any luck, he won’t be an issue.”

“How horrible. For all of you.”

“She’s in good hands with Mum and Lara. It’s fine,” he said a bit thickly.

Meg recognized the gestures of a man wanting the subject changed—the clearing of the throat, straightening his back, squaring of his jaw.

“Well, I’d say, under the circumstances, I can forgive your asshole-ish-ness.”

not a word,” he protested though he visibly relaxed.

She chuckled then quietly added, “We don’t have to talk about it anymore, but thank you for sharing that with me.”

“It’s not a subject you have to avoid or anything. There’s just nothing more I can do, at this point. But, I hope she can turn things around, now that she’s getting the help she needs. She’s so young, barely twenty, and has her whole life ahead of her if she doesn’t throw it away.” He drained what was left of his pint. “Now, moving on. Ask me something fun, this time, yeah?”

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