London Bound (21 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

Tags: #BDSM, #D/s, #collar, #erotic romance, #London, #Bound, #Jessica Jarman, #bondage, #British, #OWYM, #Older Woman/Younger Man

BOOK: London Bound
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Choking again, this time on a mouthful of cider, Meg blinked back the sting of the resulting tears. “Damn it, Jack!”

He bent forward, arm wrapped around his stomach, laughing. She waited until he was upright again, both of them breathing normally, then bumped him with her shoulder.

“What’s the problem with Seth?” she asked.

Jack shook his head. “Seth is not the point. Bottom line is, I just don’t need to be set up. And, I sure as hell know Pete didn’t set us up because he honestly thought we’d hit it off—though, I’m sure he’s convinced himself of that. The reality is, Seth and I are the only two gay men Pete knows. So, clearly, we’re meant to be,” he drawled.

“Okay, that part’s...not cool, but maybe,
Seth is a good guy. You could get to know him, and you might have something in common. You might actually hit it off,” she pointed out.

“Meg. Dear, sweet, gentle Meg,” Jack said, patting her on the head. “The first thing he said to me—the very first thing—was that I was clearly fitter than his ex, but just not as hot. And wasn’t that a pity?”

Meg’s mouth dropped open, and she looked over at the dark-haired man again. “Seriously?”

“Yeah, and apparently, the hot ex wasn’t so hot in the sack if you know what I mean.” Jack rolled his eyes. “I didn’t listen after that.”

“I can see why you want to hang out over here,” she muttered, draining her glass. “I wasn’t going to say this before, but you, my friend, can do much better than that.”

“Damn straight, I can do better.” He twisted and signaled for another round. “And even though I know you’re just saying that, I feel incredibly close to you, right now.”

Meg snorted and slipped her arm through his. “I’m not just saying that. You
do better. Like that guy, over there,” she gestured toward a table closer to the door, “the one leaning on the table. He might not be gay, but he has a fine ass. And that alone puts him leagues ahead of stupid Seth.”

“He does have a fine arse.” Jack nodded. “Though, you should know, if he’s not gay...that’s kind of a deal breaker for me.”

Meg leaned against him, her head a bit fuzzy as she thought back, mentally counting how many drinks she’d already had.

“Okay, yeah, definitely needs to be gay...” she said slowly, and Jack shook with laughter. Then, a bit more quietly, she asked, “Do you guys do that a lot? Set each other up, I mean?”

He stilled and, unlinking their arms, wrapped his arm around her shoulders and rested his chin on the top of her head. “Nathan never agrees to be set up, sweetheart.”

She huffed, face heating. “I’m pathetic and obvious, aren’t I?”

“Not pathetic. Not at all. You’re in love with him,” he murmured.

Swallowing around the lump in her throat, she turned into his embrace. “Don’t want to talk about that. Please.”

“Well,” he cleared his throat, “you’re in luck, because I’m not in the mood to talk about that, either. Do you want to know what I’m in the mood for?”

She drew back and met his sympathetic gaze. “I really do.”

“I’m in the mood for more alcohol in my system and more ogling of arses. The one you pointed out? A seven. I think we should make it our mission to find a ten, Meg. I really,
do. Will you join me?”

She pulled away completely and grabbed the fresh pint from the bar. Holding it up, she said, “Absolutely.”

His drink in hand, he tapped it to hers. “Brilliant. Let’s do this.”

“You’re not even listening to me, are you?” Lara shook her head when Nathan glanced at her. “I’ve never seen you like this. What’s so special about her, anyway?”

He frowned at her bewildered tone and looked back to where Meg stood with Jack, the pair cracking up about something. As they had been for the past hour. Everyone else had taken off, leaving just the brother and sister still sitting at the table.

“I’m not trying to be snotty,” Lara said hurriedly. “It’s just she isn’t... She doesn’t seem like your type. At least, not what I imagined as your type.”

“And just what did you imagine as my type?” Nathan congratulated himself on keeping his tone even as irritation tensed his muscles.

“Young, for one. I mean, she’s old enough to be Maddie’s mom.” She laughed. “You’re closer in age to her kids than her, right? That’s crazy.”

“Is it?”

“Yeah. Not that I blame you know. And it’s not like it’s going anywhere with her only being here for a little while. I guess, that was the appeal,” she murmured thoughtfully. “God knows you needed a break with everything piling on. Sometimes, I wonder how you handle everything you do, so I sure as hell can’t blame you for wanting something, a meaningless fling, whatever, to forget all of that for a little while. It’s actually really smart to choose someone you don’t have a whole lot in common with for something like that. Less of a chance of things getting complicated.”

“You don’t blame me...” Nathan’s hands clenched on his thighs, and he counted to ten.

“Of course not. I really think—” Her eyes widened, and she stared at him. “You’re mad.”

“Is this...bullshit what you said to her at the park? What upset her?”

“What? No! She didn’t say anything,” she wet her lips, “on the way here?”

“No, she didn’t say a word. Wouldn’t, because that’s the kind of person she is. She didn’t want to cause problems between us, Lara.”


The relief in her voice, in that one word was crystal clear, and Nathan felt a dark satisfaction in quashing that.

going to tell me what you said and why you would go out of your way to hurt her,” he ordered.

“I didn’t say anything mean, or untrue, or anything like that. I honestly don’t know what I said that made her so upset. I might have mentioned her leaving soon, but it’s not like that’s news, Nate! I was just making conversation, which I didn’t have to do, by the way. I was being nice. I brought her tea and talked to her, even though she’s one step up from a one-off.”

Nathan pressed his lips together, not trusting himself not to lose his shit.

“I didn’t do anything wrong!” she protested. “You’re acting like I purposely set out to be cruel or...or drive her away or something. I didn’t. She completely overreacted. And so are you! You’re getting pissed at me, your sister, over a woman who doesn’t even matter, who won’t even—”

“You’re going to want to shut up now,” he forced through clenched teeth.

“But, Nate, she doesn’t—”

“I said shut up!” He slammed his palm on the table, and Lara’s mouth snapped shut. “You don’t know when to stop, do you?”

Her eyes filled with tears, and she blinked rapidly. But he couldn’t bring himself to care. Not this time. The utter stupidity he was hearing infuriated him.

“Let’s make a few things clear,” he started. “You don’t get to choose who matters to me or what has meaning in my life. You can keep your asinine assumptions to yourself, and if you can’t speak to the woman I love without making a complete arse of yourself, then stay the fuck away. Christ, Lara!” He shoved his hands through his hair. “I have always done everything in my power to support you and Maddie and Mum. To be there for you in any way I could. Is it too much to fucking ask for the same in return?”

Pushing back his chair, he stood, knowing he had to walk away before he said something he’d regret. Unlike his sister, he fucking knew when to stop.

“And the objections you had about Meg? Are you kidding me? She’s older than you think she should be,” he sneered. “You disappoint me. Mum did not raise you to be so shallow, to judge somebody without even knowing them. Hell, Lara,
didn’t raise you to be that.”

She grabbed his arm as he stepped away. “Nate, please.”

“No. I’m done.” He shook his head, anger and sadness and frustration a sour cocktail swirling in his gut. “I’ll talk to you when I’m back at work.”

Making his way to the bar, Nathan focused on Meg. The sight of her, head thrown back, laughing, eased the tension gripping him. He’d deal with the other shit, later. Right now, Meg was everything. All he needed to see.

“You are blind or too picky,” Meg accused Jack as Nathan stopped in front of them. “That one is no lower than an eight.”

“An eight? That last cider has impaired your judgment beyond repair, sweetheart,” Jack returned then, seeing Nathan, grinned. “Your girl is awesome. If she had a dick, I’d fight you for her.”

“Logic’s a bit flawed there, mate.” He laughed. “Dick doesn’t interest
, so you wouldn’t have to fight. Though, I will agree, my girl is awesome.”

Meg’s face lit up, and she shoved at Jack’s arm. “See, he thinks I’m awesome even without a dick. So...”

“So what? I’m the one who said you were awesome in the first place. The dick would push you

“Aww.” She crinkled her nose and smiled happily.

“As I was saying...” Jack hiccupped...actually fucking hiccupped. “She’s awesome. You’re my best friend, Nathan Harris, but Meg is a very close second. Do you know why?”

“I’m dying to know,” Nathan drawled.

“Well, one, she’s awesome.” Jack held up one finger.

Biting back a laugh, Nathan nodded. “That’s been established.”

“Two,” another finger raised, “she agrees that I can do better than Pete’s creepy friend.”

Meg nodded so enthusiastically Nathan had to reach out and grasp her elbow before she fell over.

“And three,” Jack held his hand with three fingers up above his head, “she checks out arses with me. You’ve never checked out arses with me, Nathan. It’s the one thing lacking in our relationship. I truly believe that.”

“My apologies.” Turning to Meg, he lifted a brow. “Checking out arses, hmmm?”

,” she said quickly. “It was friendly. And your ass... That is a ten. No one else had a ten. It’s a ten, right, Jack?”

His friend leaned to the side, trying to gawk at Nathan’s arse, and nodded sagely. “Yes, it
a ten. I’d be lying if I said I hadn’t noticed before tonight.”

“Fuck, how much have you had to drink?” Nathan laughed, gesturing to the bartender behind them for the check.

“A lot.” Meg nodded. “But we had so much fun, and I needed some fun, today.”

“I know, love.” He dropped a kiss on her forehead as he reached around her for the slip the bartender held out. Glancing down at the amount, he burst out laughing and pulled his wallet from his pocket. “Christ, you two. I think even ‘a lot’ is an understatement. You are going to have quite the head tomorrow, poor girl.”

“I’ll give
‘quite the head’,” she scoffed.

Jack leaned over and whispered...or rather tried to whisper, “That’s not how you say it, Meg.
Give head
. Not
head. I know what I’m talking about.”

Meg nodded, and Nathan thought she tried to wink at his friend, but she only managed to scrunch her face up and blink dramatically. Once the tab was paid, he took them each by the arm and started pulling them toward the door. They were almost there when Lara intercepted them.

“I called for two cabs,” she said quietly, taking Jack’s other arm. “I’ll get him home.”

Nathan couldn’t bring himself to say anything, so he nodded. Together, they stepped outside into the cool early evening.

“Come here, give us a kiss.” Jack grabbed at Meg, yanking her into a hug. “‘S’okay... Nathan knows it’s just friendly. Pucker up, baby.”

She put a hand on each of Jack’s cheeks and pulled him down for a smacking kiss on the lips. “Go to bed when you get home, okay? Sleep it off. And lots of water.”

“You, too.” He pressed his mouth to hers again then let Lara lead him toward one of the waiting cabs.

“Come on, love.”

Nathan guided her to the other car and helped her into the back seat. Meg leaned into him, her nose pressed to his neck. Draping his arm around her, Nathan gave the driver his address and settled back for the ride. He thought Meg had dozed until she lifted her head to look at him quizzically.

“You’re mad,” she whispered.


“Not at me. And not at Jack...” Her mouth flattened into a thin line, and she blinked rapidly. “Lara?”

“Don’t worry about it.” He couldn’t deny the anger still coursed through him, though Meg and Jack’s antics had cooled it significantly.

“Don’t be. She loves you.” Meg head bobbed wildly as she nodded. “You love you... I mean, her. You love her. Don’t mess that up because of me.”

“If I’m upset with her, it’s because of her,” he said firmly then repeated, “Don’t worry about it. Lara and I will be fine.”

And he knew they would be. They’d work through it; it’s what family did.


He dragged a thumb over the adorable pout. “Yes.”

She let her head fall to his shoulder. “I’m sorry.”

“What for?” He smoothed his palm over her hair.

“So sleepy.”

“Of course you are. You drank your body weight in cider.” He chuckled.

“Was fun, though. Jack a good friend.”

“He is.” Nathan rested his cheek against her head. He’d have to thank Jack properly, later. He hadn’t just been a good friend to Meg tonight, but to Nathan, as well. He’d taken care of her for Nathan. There was a reason the man was his best friend.

“Really wanted the naughty things,” she slurred. “Sorry ‘bout that, too. That I’m too sleepy.”

“Stop worrying,” he commanded. “There’s time for the naughty things, love. Later.”

“Not enough.” She sniffed. “Not enough time. Not enough later.”

Nathan closed his eyes, refusing to voice his agreement, and held her tighter.

Chapter Fifteen

uck this day.

Nathan had known this was going to be hard, had imagined how he’d feel when the time to say goodbye. But the reality of it... He hadn’t come close.

Scrubbing a hand over his face, he looked at the woman sitting beside him. Meg’s posture was stiff, and there were several inches between them. All morning, she’d avoided touching him. And while he knew what she doing—trying to distance herself and make the actual break easier—it fucking hurt.

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