London Bound (19 page)

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Authors: Jessica Jarman

Tags: #BDSM, #D/s, #collar, #erotic romance, #London, #Bound, #Jessica Jarman, #bondage, #British, #OWYM, #Older Woman/Younger Man

BOOK: London Bound
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The sound of Nathan’s phone broke through the sensual fog that enveloped her. Twitching beneath him, Meg summoned the strength, somehow, to lift her head to glance down at his discarded jeans.

“Oh, no, darling girl.” Nathan twisted the hand between her thighs, setting off another series of quivers through her body. “Eyes are meant to be on me.”

She flopped back onto the pillow, gaze connecting with his. “Could be important.”

“Whatever it is can wait. I’m not done with you. Not even close.”

The heat that spread through her, this time, wasn’t sexually driven, but it was no less intoxicating and breathtaking. Being put first, Nathan making her a priority—that wasn’t something Meg would forget any time soon.

The phone rang again, and Nathan cursed under his breath.

“Ignore it,” he said firmly, bending forward to mouth at her shoulder. The slippery caress of lips, the sharp nip of teeth, the hot glide of his tongue... The man knew how to keep her attention, she thought, pulling again at the ropes, wishing she could return the touches.

Suddenly, a series of knocks sounded through the apartment, loud even through the closed bedroom door. Meg groaned at the loss of Nathan’s warmth as he vaulted upright.

“Are you
kidding me?” he snapped violently, though his hands were gentle on her as moved to stand beside the bed.

“Nate? Nate, are you home?”

Meg frowned at the muffled female voice punctuated by more persistent knocking. “Doesn’t sound like she’s going to give up.”

“No.” He shoved his hand through his hair, making the blond strands to stand on end. “My sister is nearly as stubborn as I am.” The front door slamming shut had him cursing again and grabbing his jeans. “I’ll be right there!” he yelled then smiled ruefully at Meg. “I’ll get rid of her.”

Meg’s heart raced, blotting out nearly everything else as it thundered in her ears. She twisted and pulled at the ropes and dug her heels into the mattress, trying to scramble into a sitting position.


Nathan’s voice was as muffled as his sister’s had been. Meg was aware he was approaching but couldn’t stop trying to get free as hot fear fueled her.

“Meg! Stop!” His hands settled over her bound wrists.

“Red, red, red,” she whispered, tears blurring her vision. “I can’t stay here like this.”

“Damn it, I said
!” He bent to put their faces close together. “You’re going to hurt yourself.”

She hiccupped and tilted back her head to see his fingers pulling the knots, freeing her hands.

“I wouldn’t leave you tied, darling girl,” he assured her, rubbing her wrists once the ropes fell. “I wouldn’t.”

“I’m sorry.” She turned her hot face, pressed it lightly to his side, embarrassment flaring. She’d overreacted, and thrown her safeword in his face over something silly. “I’ll stay in here if you don’t want her to see me, but the thought of being tied up and alone... I’m sorry.”

“What are you sorry for?” He pulled away to look at her. After a moment of her silence, he kissed her, hard and fast, then stood.

“I shouldn’t have said red,” she muttered under her breath, a flush continuing to burn her skin even as she calmed down. She felt so stupid.

“Meg, do you remember when we started this? The rules I gave you?” When she nodded, he continued, “One of them was you safeword if anything is too much.
.” He leaned over and pushed the hair from her face, making sure she was looking directly at him. “You did exactly right, love. I’m so pleased.”

“Nate? Is everything okay?”

Rolling his eyes at his sister’s shouted question, he again reached for his clothing. “With you. I’m pleased
with you
. Other people? Not so much. Christ, Lara,” he pitched his voice louder, “I’ll be out in a minute!”

Drawing on his jeans—and Meg wasn’t too far in her head and worries to ignore his lack of underwear—he kept his eyes on her. “It’s your choice whether to come out or not. Either way, I’ll send her on her way.”

He pulled on a T-shirt then touched her shoulder lightly before heading to the doorway. He paused and repeated, “Your choice.”

Meg sat on the edge of the bed as he slipped out of the room and pulled the door shut behind him. When she heard the murmur of voices, she gave into the temptation and moved closer, trying to hear what was being said, even going so far as to quietly turn the knob and crack the door a hair.

“—report from the meeting yesterday, as well as my notes for the coming staff meeting. I thought you might have some thoughts—”


Meg pressed a hand to her fluttering belly at the hard edge to Nathan’s voice as he interrupted his sister.

“I’m off until Tuesday.”

“I know,” Lara said quickly. “But you always go over my notes with me, and I thought, even though you took some time off—rather suddenly, I might add—you would want to have a look over this.”

Nathan’s sigh, loud and heavy, pushed Meg into action. She grabbed her clothes and put them on as fast as she could without falling on her ass. What the hell was she doing hiding in the bedroom like a teenager, anyway? Nathan had met her kids—albeit through the computer. He’d sat through more than one video chat with them and had done it with a smile, no less. She needed to put on her big girl panties and go out there. Jeans and long-sleeve tee on, she only hesitated when she caught sight of the black leather in the mirror. When her fingers touched the clasp at the back of her neck, she froze. She couldn’t do it; she couldn’t take it off. It wasn’t hers to remove. Nathan put it on her; he took it off. And that was that, as far as Meg was concerned.

Determined, she pulled open the top drawer of the dresser and chose one of her long scarves, wrapping it around her neck. She moved back to the mirror, fiddled with how it draped then twisted back and forth to make sure the material would stay in place.

Back at the door, she allowed herself a couple of deep breaths before opening it and stepping out. Just in time to see the two siblings talking to each other quickly, and none too happily, if their frowning faces were any indication.

“Clearly, someone is staying here. More than just your usual hook-up, too. Several pairs of women’s shoes by the door, sweater thrown over the back of the door, purse on the counter, laptop that doesn’t belong to you.” Lara gestured toward Meg’s computer resting next to Nathan’s on the coffee table. “And, suddenly, you’re taking time off with no clue as to why? This is so out of character, Nate. And, obviously, whoever it is is still here, and that’s what took you so long to come out here. Who is this woman?”

“I’m Meg Stevens,” Meg said loudly, walking through the dining area to the living room where they stood.

Nathan turned toward her, and his wide smile soothed any nerves she may have felt butting into their conversation. And soothed as they were, they were completely obliterated when he held his hand out to her. Putting hers in his grasp, she faced to the other woman.

“You must be Lara. It’s a pleasure to have a chance to meet you.” She had to fight to maintain her smile as Lara frowned fiercely.

“Yes, well...” She looked at Nathan. “Clearly, you’re
Let’s meet for dinner tonight, yeah? We can discuss this,” she held up the files she held, “and...other things.”

“I already have plans. All of that can wait until Tuesday, when I’m back at work.”

Lara’s jaw tightened, and she narrowed her eyes at her brother. “I think we need to talk before then.”

“You brought me meeting minutes, Lara,” he said, exasperated. “There is nothing that needs my attention at this moment. No emergency, nothing urgent. So, I’m going to enjoy my vacation days, and would prefer to do that without anything involving work.”

“I’m not just your coworker, Nate!” she protested. “We haven’t even spent any time together outside of work since...” Her gaze flitted over to Meg then back to Nathan. “Maddie. I’d like to see you. I missed you.”

Nathan pinched the bridge of his nose and sighed again. Meg frowned—she could practically feel the weight of guilt being shoveled on his shoulders and resigned herself to a likely evening on her own. At least for a few hours while Nathan smoothed things over with the sister he was so devoted to.

“I have plans tonight,” he said again, and Meg bit back her shocked gasp. “I’m not changing those simply because you show up unannounced, making demands. But, call me later, and we’ll get together.” He let go of Meg’s hand. He stepped forward and pulled his sister into a hug. “I missed you, too, harpy.”

She closed her eyes and wrapped her arms around his waist. “Funny way of showing it, wanker.”

When she moved back, Lara took a deep breath and turned to Meg. “I apologize, Meg, for being rude. I wasn’t expecting my brother to have company,” she said stiffly. “But that’s my own fault as I showed up without warning. Even then, that’s no excuse. I hope you’ll accept my apology.”

Meg lifted a brow and thought the offered apology was about as sincere as the ones she’d forced out of her kids when they were preschoolers, but from the happy smile on Nathan’s face, he was pleased, so she just went with it.

“Of course.”

“I’ll call you,” Lara said, back to focusing on her brother. “And, I’ll just leave this here. Just in case you get some time later.” She laid the files on the coffee table and, after a quick peck on the cheek for Nathan, walked to the door. “Have fun with
you have planned tonight.”

Meg ignored the flare of annoyance at the snide tone, because that was
her problem. In all likelihood, she’d never see the woman again, and it wasn’t worth acknowledging if it’d cause tension with Nathan. Not when they only had four days left.

“You could go out to dinner with her, if you want,” she offered. “I won’t be offended or upset. She’s your sister; I get that.”

“No.” He shook his head and pulled her close. “I have dinner plans with you. Doesn’t matter how bratty or bent out of shape she is, I’m not changing them.”

Meg allowed herself a small smile as he wrapped her in his arms, swamped with pleasure as he, again, put her first. He smoothed his hand up her back to her neck. He drew away, questions in his eyes, and slowly pulled off her scarf.

“You kept it on,” he said so quietly she could hardly make out the words.

“You didn’t take it off,” she mumbled, cheeks flaming.

He cupped her face and captured her mouth. Meg grasped at his waist, his shirt bunching in her grip as she opened for him, let his taste fill her senses.

“I’ve a gift for you,” he whispered against her lips.

“You don’t have to buy me things, Nathan.”

“I know, but I like to.”

He led her into the bedroom and motioned for her to sit on the bed. He pulled open the drawer of the bedside table and withdrew a square box. Meg looked between it and Nathan, curiosity and nervousness spiking. It was much too large to be a ring or anything, but it was definitely a box from a jeweler.

“I was going to give this to you at dinner, but I think now is a better time.” He sat beside her and placed the box in her lap.


“Just open it,” he ordered.

“Yes, Sir,” she murmured.

When she lifted the lid, her breath caught in her throat. A silver necklace glimmered against black velvet. At the center, the precious metal was bent, molded into an infinity knot. She ran her finger over the length and met Nathan’s gaze.

“I wanted you to have something to wear when we weren’t here, when we weren’t alone. A collar to wear freely in public,” he explained, reaching behind her to release the clasp of the one she wore. “Because that isn’t the only time you need to remember, is it?”

She shook her head as he set aside the leather and carefully pulled the necklace from the box.

“The other night, I realized how connected you are with the collar, how it helps you remember, and I wanted you to have that all the time.”

He brought the necklace—no, her new
up, and Meg hurried to sweep her hair up and out of his way so he could fasten it around her neck. Shivers raced along her spine as she touched the knot where it rested in the hollow of her collarbone.

“Nathan, thank you, but...” She wet her lips. “It’s too much. I can’t—”

“You can, and you will.” He gripped her chin tightly. “And do you know why?”

“Why?” she breathed.

“Because it pleases me.”

“All right.” His fingers tightened, and she gave a choked laugh. “Yes, Sir.”

“Better,” he praised. “Now, thanks to time wasted on interruptions, we need to get ready. We’ve reservations at five. But...” He rose and stripped off his T-shirt. “If you’re a good girl and get your arse in the shower with me, I might find enough time to fuck your pretty mouth. Maybe even enough to make you come one more time before we leave.”

She only stared at him for half a second before she was following him into the bathroom, shedding and dropping her clothes as she went.

Chapter Fourteen

eing a person who had neither knowledge of nor interest in soccer—excuse her,
—Meg had no choice but to resign herself for a couple hours of sitting on a nearby bench and watching Nathan running around all flushed and sweaty. Oh, poor her. Her gaze tracked down his body and settled below his shorts, right on his thighs—the ones she desperately wanted to sink her teeth into.

Soccer fan or not, it wasn’t exactly a hardship to watch, and it helped distract her from what her mind inevitably kept circling around to—she was leaving the day after tomorrow. The past several days, Nathan had been doing everything in his power to keep her centered on the here and now, but moments like these, when she was alone with her thoughts, she couldn’t help but look ahead. And, it wasn’t a happy picture she imagined.

Guilt prickled hotly through her. As much as she wanted to be able to put her arms around her kids and be with them, she couldn’t help but think of what else awaited her, what she’d lived the past six years. Work during the days, evenings and weekends spent mostly alone since Emily and Aaron, unlike their mother, had social lives. Sure, there were dinners with Caro and her family most Sundays, and every once in a while, she’d give in to her friend’s urging and go out, but for the most part, she was home with the TV or a book for company. And, before London, before
, she hadn’t seen a problem with that. Hadn’t
a problem with that. It was normal. It was her life. While she wouldn’t say she’d been deliriously happy the last several years, she’d had many moments of happiness. And she hadn’t been

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