Authors: Alex McCord,Simon van Kempen
Credit or Debit?
In St. Barthsevery year we take a mom and child(ren) photo on top of Pointe Colombier the highest spot on the island Three years ago François didn’t want to stand still and we were worried about him fall ing, as it is the edge of a cliff. Simon gave him a credit card to play with and unintentionally it was his black AmEx. Monsieur François likes to play grocery store and all those things kids do
and decided to swipe Alex
s backside with the credit card. We have a couple of great photos (which will never see the light of day) of Alex laughing so hard she nearly dropped Johan while being on the receiving end of a metal credit card wedgie.
Kill the BurgerNo Really
Please Kill the Burger.
One of the more infamous kid scenes on our show involved François and a guests boy friend who arrived later and didn
t particularly want to get involved in the grown up drama. By then the younger kids had had enough and Simon and I just wanted to go home. François and his toy plastic kangaroo were drawn to the new guy in the room a father of three The end result? The kangaroo ate the burger replayed endlessly from several angles Viewers assumed the boyfriend was horrified and angered over the burger I don’t think he was thrilled and neither were we but it gave him something to do that didn’t involve dealing with the other adults in the room
Jellybeans Will Get You High.
If you’re filming a scene and trying to keep the boys in their chairs bribery is permissible Any prize involv ing sugar however is a BAD idea Just don’t do it7.
Chocolate Looks Like Blood on TV.
There have been a few times that our chocoholic little boys have had treats while were filming. I make homemade chocolate ice cream
and at my birthday celebration we had cupcakes. When filming season one, François came out with a chocolaty face and walked right in front of the camera. A crew member saw the extreme close up and shouted
“Is he bleeding?” If you ever want to make a low-budget horror movie
stock up on chocolate syrup.
When in DoubtBring Out a Three-Legged Dog.
Kids are naturally curious, and one of our more fun experiences involved filming with a handicapped dog A house that we rented in the Hamptons two years ago came with the spa services of the owner a masseuse who brought with her a dog with three legs The boys were fascinated by the animal and wanted to know how she could walk why did she lose her leg, etc. I was so proud that the cameras caught them being politely inquisitivewhich is truly real.