Lily's Mistake (9 page)

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Authors: Pamela Ann

BOOK: Lily's Mistake
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Sex starved? Yes, that would be me.

I am heady with erotically aroused senses and my hand seems to have its own mind because it won’t part with his crotch. Drake breaks the kiss and rests his head against the headrest. “Lil, you’re killing me here. Unless… if you don’t have any plans to stop.”

I sensually bite my lip while my heart speeds frantically against my chest as I look at Drake’s sexually charged profile. “Do you want to… fuck me here?” I whisper excitedly.

Drake’s large hand goes over my hand that is still rubbing him. His hand tightens against mine as he leans over and brushes his lips against mine. “I want to fuck you anywhere I can get you. You should know that by now. I want to feel those wet folds glide against my cock while I fuck your pussy well. I want you. I have always wanted you, always.”

Shit. That admission soaks my panties. “Claim me, Drake.” Again.

“Turn around and lift your hips.” Drake orders before he covers us both with a blanket. I do as I’m told and within less than a second, his hands slide my leggings and underwear down, all the way to my knees. Fuck, what if we get caught? This is going to be humiliating.

My heart is pounding so hard.

The thought of having sex with Drake alone is enough to put me in hysteria, but put an extra dose of joining the mile high club, and it definitely gets me turned on.

I never thought I could be naughty, but hell, I have to admit this is fun. My body stills when I feel and hear Drake unzip his jeans. I almost moan when his hand strokes the back of my thighs.

Drake pulls my back against him. His heartbeat is evident against my back. I bite my lip when he whispers throatily against my ear, “Under no circumstances will you moan, scream or utter a damn word. Do we understand each other, Lil?”

I turn halfway to just see a bit of his face; when our eyes meet, I know without a doubt that I’m about to have the fucking time of my life. “Deal.”

Drake kisses my shoulder as his hand starts to inch close to my mound. At this point, I’m so wet and ready for his invasion, but still, he is taking his sweet time getting to the main event. “Come here, give me your lips.”

I bite my lip, twisting my head and inching closer to him, still on my side, his chest on my back. I hear him draw his breath and slowly, his lips brush against mine. The soft touch ignites something foreign inside me. I don’t even wait for him to take charge. I just reach my arm up, grab the back of his head and kiss him passionately. This is Drake and I have missed him so fucking much.

His kisses are just as fevered, matching mine. I sag against him, feeling weak and dizzy. Just being in his arms again makes me feel all sorts of things; it is overwhelming. Still devouring each other’s lips, his other hand snakes across and reaches inside my shirt. Pushing my bra down, his hand cups and kneads my breast. I moan against his lips when he works on my nipple, twisting and pulling it, driving me insane.

When his hand reaches lower, he stops to caress my butt in slow circles. I pull away from his lips when I feel his hand closing in on my mound, the heavenly feel is intoxicating. He slowly parts my legs, so his fingers can reach further inside. The stroke of his finger undoes me. FUCK!

“Shhhh, be quiet,” Drake speaks close to my ear. His hot breath sends shivers all over my body.

His forefinger, glides up and down my womanhood. He teases my nub a few times and shocks me when he sticks a finger inside my tight hole. It’s been a year since I last had sex. The alien feeling of another man touching me is too much to take. Like I said before, I suppose one could say that I am sex starved.

His finger teases as it plunges in and out of me. When he adds his thumb into the mix to rub against my clit, a soft moan escapes me.

“Lil, I warned you. Do you want me to stop?” Drake threatens.

I slightly shake my head as I grind my pussy on his hand. He takes that as a sign of understanding and I feel bereft when he withdraws his hand. He pulls my hips against his and his hard cock slides in between my thighs. I shudder at his size.
Was Drake this big the last time?
I wonder.

When I feel the head of his shaft rub against my outer core, sliding the shaft slowly, up and down to get me even wetter, I hear him warn me again in my ear. “I’m going to fuck you now, but you have to be a good girl, understood?”

“Yes,” I whisper back.

With one slow, swift thrust, he slides halfway in. I turn my face on the seat to muffle my reaction. Oh God. Drake feels amazing. When his hips thrust further in, I bunch up my hands together to stop myself from screaming in pleasure. My nails bite the insides of my palm; it hurts, but I don’t care. I’m past caring because what Drake is doing to me is the only thing that I can focus on. Well, it’s the only thing that dominates me, nothing else matters. He grips the side of my hip so he can control the pace better.

The sweet, slow, tortured pace is driving me insane. When he goes deeper into me, my lips let out a loud gasp, but it’s too late for me to take it back. Drake hisses in my ear.

I still, I’m suddenly scared he is going to stop. I sag in relief when he starts to move in and out of me again. I rejoice when his right hand snakes around my stomach and seeks my nub, rubbing it violently. My body is starting to quiver. Drake notices the sudden change in me and on cue his left hand covers my mouth while his other still touches me and his cock is still fucking me.

The forbidden feel of the whole scene, and Drake using his hand to shut me up, drives my body into such a sexual high, I come a minute after.

“Are you on the pill?” he asks, panting hard.

I shake my head, since his hand makes it impossible for me to speak. He cusses, panting like a maniac, but it doesn’t stop him from pummeling me. His tongue nibbles on my earlobe. “Can I come inside you? Is it safe?”

Was it? I had my period a week and a half ago. Am I ovulating? I have no clue. It should be okay, right?

To answer his question, I push my ass hard against his cock. “Thank you.” Drake’s lips nip on my neck as he concentrates on his release. Then picks up pace and his finger slides around my folds, driving my body to another thrilling orgasm. His teeth painfully sink into the flesh of my neck when he unloads his semen. His small thrusts make me swell with pleasure as he pumps and drains himself inside me.

His heavy breathing tickles the back of my ear. “Did I hurt you?” he softly asks.


“No, of course not.”

He kisses the spot where he sunk his teeth in hard before he pulls out of me. The instant feel of not having him connected to me makes me feel odd for some reason.

After Drake helps me with my clothing, he pulls me towards him, our faces against each other. Our eyes twinkle, obviously happy. I don’t want to talk because we might just ruin the mood. Wetting my swollen lips, I slowly kiss him.

Drake pulls me closer and has my head resting against his arms as his palm cradles my face. The kiss lasts for a good forty-five minutes.

I think, in between that time, my heart starts to thaw out.



“I’m outside,” Drake says and instantly hangs up without waiting for me to respond. We just arrived back yesterday and he woke me up an hour ago─thanks to my jet-lag, my schedule is now messed up─demanding for me to get ready. He doesn’t mention where we’re going.

Irritated, I grab my purse and go out the door.

What greets me is a total surprise.

Drake Tatum in black jeans, a black wife beater,
black boots and straddling a black with red outlined limited edition Ducati. I stand there mesmerized at the very sight of him. His grey eyes smolder as he watches me walk towards him.

Oh, shit. I’m in so much trouble.

I haven’t seen him in twenty-four hours and I’m already drooling at the sight of him. Will I be addicted to him like I was eight years ago? I better not. I don’t think I’ll forgive myself if I go that route again.

“Want to go for a ride?” Drake asks with a heart-thudding huskiness.


Yes, I want to ride.


I stride over to where he’s sitting lazily on his bike and as he hands me a black helmet, I looked at him, lustfully. “I didn’t know you were a biker boy.” I’m wearing a short baby pink chiffon dress, how do I manage to hop on that testosterone machine?

“There’s a lot about me you don’t know, yet, Lil. As for your dress, just tuck it in between your legs once you’re seated.” Drake helps me put on the helmet. Before sliding the visor of my helmet down to shield my eyes, he stares and pauses as his eyes take me in. “You look fucking hot, Babe.”

I blush and give him a shy smile that he can’t see. “You look fucking delicious, too, Drake Tatum.”

He gives me a toe-curling, earth-shattering, heart-attack inducing kind of smile. I blush deeper and hop on the sex-hormonal-machine. I follow his instructions and make sure I tuck the ends of my dress underneath and in between my thighs. Once I’m done, I hug him a little too tightly.


Hell to the yes. “A little. Go easy on me, okay? This is my first.” My voice is muffled inside the helmet.

I hear him chuckle. “I always go easy on your first times, Lil. You ought to know that by now.”

My hands go inside his jacket and caress the side of his hips. I sigh at the feel of his heated, hard body. Drake takes off his helmet and seizes hold of my right hand. He kisses it before he plants it back inside his jacket. “I missed you, too, Babe,” he says before he places his helmet back on and guns the bike.

If I thought Drake drove like a maniac with his sports car, he proves me wrong. The way he swerves and guns the bike is mental, coupled with insanity. It is terrifying and yet thrilling. Once in a while, he will try to reach in and squeeze my hand with his. Every time he does, my heart gives way.

I know I have to put a grinding halt to my emotions and possibly even have to end this sexual relationship I have with him, but I’m not ready, yet. Maybe, a few more days? A week? Or maybe a couple weeks, who knows? Sooner or later, though, I eventually have to end it. I can’t risk losing my heart to this man. I just can’t.

Once was enough.

My thoughts are dominated by him during the entire ride, I barely notice when he turns into a parking spot and kills the engine. Sure enough, I didn’t even manage to read the road signs on the way, so I have no clue where we are. 

I carefully hop off the bike before he does. He takes off his helmet and helps me with mine. He beams when he sees the state of my hair. “You look adorable.” His fingers try to fix the mess that my hair has become. Drake being attentive and sweet is too much. When he’s done, he holds the side of my jaw and kisses me. The kiss is heavy, loaded with everything that I could ask for, everything that I am scared of, and everything I have hoped for.

Lost, I am so lost in his kisses.

I’m drowning so quickly and I don’t know how I can stay afloat and fight this, fight him.

When our lips part, our eyes encounter each other’s as we both pant, heavily. “Where are we?” I ask, breathy and a little unstable, but I have to break that electrifying bubble we are in.

Drake grins and kisses my forehead before he responds. “Laguna Beach.”

“Okay. We live around the beach. Why did we have to go an hour away to be by the beach, again?” I cock my head sideways while we leisurely stroll with the passing traffic. It is jam packed with people walking around with humming enthusiasm and excitement. Galleries, boutiques and restaurants are littered with artsy people.

“Thursdays are Art Walk. I come here whenever I get the chance, which is not very often. I wanted to show you, and at the same time, spend some time with you.” Drake takes hold of my hand, entwines our fingers and acts like it’s the most natural thing in the world.

“Art Walk, interesting,” I state as I take in the surroundings; it’s thriving and lively.

“There’s a live band and art galleries are open while people, like me, drink, eat and enjoy the good things in life.” Like him? Really…

“Right… because that is just your cup of tea. Right on,” I tease.

But, heck, this side of him is surprising. This is definitely not the old Drake I once knew. This is the neo-Drake that I have yet to get to know. I have to admit that I like the new him.

It’s endearing to see him relaxed with me. We go to one gallery after the other and another. It is endless. Drake is jovial while we both discuss art and what he loves most about it. We’re walking past a handmade jewelry boutique when he tugs my hand, which brings me to stop. “What?”

“Let’s go check this place out.” He points his head towards the store and leads the way.

It’s a tiny store, but it consists of some pretty intricate handmade items. I’m checking out ankle bracelets when I see Drake purchase something. Shrugging, I stroll to the other side of the store and admire a few more delicate necklaces.

“Like anything?” Drake asks from behind me.

Like I would tell him if I liked something? I don’t plan for him to pay for the things I want. I can do it myself.

I shake my head. “Nope, nothing catches my eye, yet.” I spin around and smile at him. “What did you get? A man bracelet? Something for your mom?”

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