Leaving Normal (44 page)

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Authors: Stef Ann Holm

BOOK: Leaving Normal
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"I love you more than I ever thought possible. You are the beat of my heart."

Tony's hands held her cheeks, his smile shining down on her. She loved the way his white teeth flashed a grin that she found so irresistible.

"When you give me that grin, it makes me go nuts." Natalie shook her head. "The first time I got a real good look at it was in Home Depot."

"Oh, yeah?"

"Yes. And I think you know that grin affects me. It gets me all hot and bothered."

In his firefighter voice, he asked, "Hey, lady, where do you want me to put out the fire?"

Pulling him closer, she whispered, "I don't. Let it burn." Her mouth covered his, and she murmured, "Let it burn…"


In the Pink

Hat and Garden was decorated with lots of pink in honor of Mother's Day. In the two and a half years since the flower stop had been open, it had become a neighborhood favorite. Natalie's clientele were loyal to a fault and today several customers gathered to shop for bears, angels, teacups and any other items that caught their attention.

She was behind the counter, ringing up an order when her dad and Iris came in. They'd gotten married shortly after she and Tony had, and they had all celebrated with one big reception, filled with family and friends.

"Hi, Iris," Natalie greeted, stepping out to give her a hug.

"Hello, Natalie!" Iris Goodwin was a beautiful bride, still carrying her honeymoon glow.

"Hey, Dad," Natalie said, giving Fred a hug, as well. He engulfed her in a big bear squeeze.

"Well," Iris said, beaming, "I finally talked him into it. We're going to pick up our baby right after we leave here."

Her father's face soured. "I buckled under the pressure."

Natalie laughed. "So what are you going to name her?"


Fred grumbled, "I think Duke would have been better."

"Oh, Fred," Iris said, linking her arm through his. "You can't call a female poodle Duke."

"I know what I've called a poodle in the past." His eyebrows arched in thoughtful reflection. "And it wasn't Duke or Princess."

Sarah came out of the bathroom area, disgust on her face. "Okay, so it's happened again. The water pipe is leaking. When is it ever going to be fixed?"

Natalie simply smiled, unaffected.

Looking at Fred and Iris, Sarah said, "Hi, Dad. Hi, Iris." Then to Natalie, "Doesn't it bother you it's still broken?"

"Not really. I think I've gotten used to it. The leak sort of feels like it belongs here now."

Sarah threw up her hands. "Okay. They're your pipes."

"Is Cassie still planning on coming home for the summer?" her dad asked, checking out a Saint Therese figurine, lifting her up and turning her over.

Cassie had gotten over Austin, and several months later, she'd met a boy named Ryan. He was her age, originally from Bozeman, Montana, and they'd become inseparable. Natalie had met him and his parents this last Christmas and she couldn't approve more. It wouldn't surprise her if Cassie and Ryan got married.

Natalie moved a greeting card that had been put back in the wrong slot. "She's going to work in the store again this summer, just like last year."

"That'll be good."

"Where's Tony?" Iris asked. "Isn't he supposed to stop by? I talked to him earlier and he said he was coming to the shop."

Natalie's heart warmed whenever she thought about her husband. "He should be here any time."

And at that moment, Tony Cruz had just parked his truck in the lot out back of Hat and Garden. He walked up the flower-shop steps, holding his precious daughter in his arms.

He'd dressed her in a red-and-white polka-dot dress, white socks and black Mary Janes. He hadn't a clue what those shoes were a year ago, but now he thought girl stuff was cool to shop for. He loved taking care of her on his days off. She was his world, his everything. So was his wife.

"Are we going to see Mommy?" he asked, kissing his one-year-old on the cheek. Her skin was smooth like satin, her cheeks so plump and soft he could kiss them a dozen times.

She made a fist, put it under his chin and grinned.

"Are you giving Daddy a bruise in the chops?"

She giggled, two teeth on the bottom of her mouth showing in her wide grin.

He tickled her side, loving the sound of her laughter.

Tony pushed open the shop doors, to be surrounded by family, glad to see his mom and his father-in-law. "Hey, guys. Look at who I brought with me."

"Oh, McKenzie," his mom declared, coming over to her granddaughter and giving her a kiss. "Hello, baby girl. Grandma loves you."

Fred moved right in, crooned over her, as well. "Hi, Killer, it's Gramps."

McKenzie put her face in Tony's shirt for a moment, then looked at the two grandparents and smiled.

"Hey, babe," he said to Natalie, bringing their daughter to her.

As soon as McKenzie saw her mother, her arms stretched out and Natalie took her. "Hey, boo-boo kiss." She nuzzled their baby, gave her downy-soft hair kisses. "Look at how pretty Daddy dressed you." Then to Tony, she said, "You got her all dressed up just to come over here?"

"Nope." A smiled worked its way over his mouth. "I got her dressed up to go pick up these."

Tony reached into his back pocket, producing an itinerary and airline tickets.

"What's this?" Natalie asked, her face bright with wonder. She was so beautiful to him. Motherhood had changed her, softened her features and put a glow on her skin. Her complexion was flawless and dusted lightly with a blush across her cheekbones. The dark plum of her shirt brought out the green in her eyes.

"We're going to Tuscany. McKenzie, too." Leaning forward, his lips touched hers in a tender kiss. "Happy Mother's Day, Natalie."

"Tony!" Iris gushed.

"That's my son-in-law," Fred said proudly.

Sarah put her hands on her hips and just smiled, then laughed and said, "Well, Steve is really going to have a hard time topping this one."

Tears formed in Natalie's eyes and she blinked them back, her lips parting. "Well…oh, my. Tony. I don't know what to say."

"Say you love me." He grinned that grin that he knew shot straight to her heart.

With every emotion shining in her eyes, she said, "I love you."

And he felt every bit the luckiest man on the face of the earth.

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