Learning-to-Feel (12 page)

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Authors: N.R. Walker

BOOK: Learning-to-Feel
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His smile became a smirk, and he looked at me with playful eyes.

"To sleep," I reminded him. "I’m going to have a sleep." He pouted, so I told him, "But I sleep better when you're with me, so…" my words trailed off, and he grinned and rushed past me, taking the stairs two at a time. I followed him, not quite as fast, but grinning like an idiot.

I set the alarm on my phone, peeled my clothes off, leaving only my boxers on and climbed into bed. Trent was already undressed and lying down, so I shuffle across the bed and rested my head on his chest. His arms wrapped around me and very quietly, he said, "I sleep better when you're with me, too."

I smiled, and the next thing I knew the alarm on my phone told me it was time to wake up.

We arrived at my parent's house, and I could tell Trent was nervous. Before we got out of the car, I asked, "What's wrong?"

"Um," he said with a nervous laughed, "just never been to meet someone's parents before."

Oh, fuck.

I didn't even think of
. I was so fucking out of the loop on this shit. "That isn’t what this is," I told him to put him at ease. I didn’t want him to think I'd set this up… "It isn’t like we're
, for fuck's sake. We're just going to have dinner. So my mother doesn't scalp us, remember?"

His brow furrowed for just a second, but then he smiled, he looked relieved, and I tried to not let that bother me. We got Bentley from the backseat and walked up the steps to the house.

I opened the front door and yelled out, "Hello?"

"We're out the back," came my mother's reply. As we walked out into the open entertaining area, five pairs of wide eyes were watching me. Kat, my sister-in-law, even had to close her mouth.

I made introductions as quickly and painlessly as possible. Hands were shaken, cheeks were kissed and the smiles were genuine. After Brendan had gotten over his shock of seeing me with a dog, he took Bentley and patted his head and tummy, finally settling to scratch him under his ears.

"See?" my mom announced to the room, "I told you he looked great."

I groaned and fell into a chair beside my dad. Trent took the only remaining spare seat beside me and my dad chuckled. "Your mother's been on and on about how the country air has been good for you," he said, still grinning. "You do look…refreshed."

"Sleep," I said by way of explanation. "It’s amazing what it will do for you." So, with that the subject was dropped and I asked Trent if he wanted a drink.

"Just a soda or water," he said quietly.

Brendan declared, "There’s beer."

"Ugh," I winced. "No alcohol."

And Trent laughed, causing more inquisitive eyebrow raising from around the table. "Um, Nathan is a little hung over today," he told them. My head lolled back, and I groaned.

"What?" Brendan cried.
?" he asked me, and everyone stared, waiting for my answer.

"I had three drinks, and it nearly killed me."

"Where'd you go?" Alana asked, bright-eyed.

"Some bar in the city. I can’t exactly remember," I lied.

"You can’t remember?" Brendan asked. "What the hell were you drinking?"

"I don’t know. They were green," I told them. They laughed, incredulous that me, the brother who never drinks, got hammered.

I grabbed us some sodas, and the attention turned to Trent. He explained that yes, the accent was Texan, and that he’d been traveling, seeing the country, for nearly four years. He’d spent a while in New York, and then he told them the story of how he came to be staying in the house at Belfast.

"So how long do you plan on staying in Belfast?" Kat asked him.

Trent's eyes darted to mine, then back to Kat. "Not sure. Haven't thought about that yet." Which I could tell was a straight up lie, but I didn’t want to know the truth.

So I steered the conversation away from what I didn’t want to know. "I took Trent to see the Contemporary Abstract exhibition at the Arts Museum," I said, knowing it would spark a long conversation about art - and not about Trent leaving town.

We talked through dinner about the exhibit, about art, and the Boston summer weather blessed us for an outdoor evening. Trent's excitement and passion for what he did really showed in the way he used his hands and how his eyes shone when he talked
I couldn’t help but smile at him. Bentley sat by my chair, and I sneaked him some sausage. When I looked up, Trent was smirking at me with his eyebrow raised. "You're gonna spoil my dog."

"He doesn’t mind," I answered, trying not to smile.

Brendan started to lecture me on animal behavioural habits and dining tables. I scrunched up my napkin, threw it at him and told him to shut up.

"Boys," Mom chided us. Brendan ignored her and threw the scrunched up napkin back at me. Just like always.

After dinner, I found myself sitting with my feet up on a lounge chair with Bentley's head in my lap as I was talking with my dad. Everyone else was still there, but dad was talking hospitals. He asked a hundred questions about Belfast County, and I told him, "When you visit, I'll give you the grand tour."

Trent was stuck talking to Brendan and Alana, and when I caught his eye, I smiled apologetically. I noticed Kat looking at me. She smiled, more to herself than to anyone else, like she was confirming something in her mind. I looked at her with my eyebrow raised in question, but Trent's loud laughter interrupted our silent conversation.

"It’s true!" Brendan exclaimed. "It was huge!"

I chuckled and asked Trent, "Is he telling you why he became a vet?"

We'd been on a family camping trip when we were kids and encountered a bear. He'd been fascinated by animals ever since and told everyone he encounters the same story.

"It was just a cub," I told Trent, and he laughed. "That bear gets bigger every time he tells that story." Brendan snarled and threw his beer top at me. I caught it and threw it back at him.

"Boys!" Mom chided us. Then she looked at Trent and said, "You'd think with their IQ's they'd act like adults… but no, they still act like they’re twelve."

Trent grinned at me, the type of smile that made my heart thump, and I knew it was time to leave. I made a point of looking at my watch, "Better get going." Bentley had fallen asleep on me so I patted him to wake him, "Come on, Little Buddy. Time to go."

He shook himself awake, and Trent thanked everyone for their hospitality before he took his dog to harness him into the back seat. I re-invited everyone to visit in a fortnight's time. When we got in the car, Trent asked me, "What's the rush, Doctor?"

I started the car and enthusiastically pulled out into traffic. "Somewhere else I'd rather be."

He grinned and put his hand on my thigh. "Such as?"

I tried to concentrate on driving, but his hand was burning through the denim to my skin, and my dick was getting hard. "Um, anywhere I can be alone with you."

"Anywhere?" he asked. With his eyebrows raised and that sexy smirk, his fingers edged closer to my hardening cock.

"Fuck, Trent," I moaned and shifted in my seat, trying to relieve some uncomfortable pressure in my jeans. "Yes, anywhere. In the car, on the floor, on the sofa, in the shower…I don’t fucking care."

He laughed. "I think I’ve unleashed a monster!"

I grinned back at him. "You have. I feel like I’m seventeen years old! It’s all I can think about."

Trent chuckled. "Mmm, so the car or the floor, huh?" He rubbed the denim, then deliberately squeezed my cock, making me groan. "I think we can arrange that."

I pulled up at the front of my place, and before he could pull his hand away, I grabbed it. I pushed his hand down on my cock and pushed my hips into his hand. "You're fucking killing me."

Trent's head fell back, and he groaned, making Bentley bark from the backseat, and it scared the shit out both of us. "Now your dog’s trying to kill me," I said, clutching at my heart.

Trent laughed loudly. "Come on, get that pretty ass of yours inside."





We walked into my apartment, and my dick was throbbing
I was keen to head straight upstairs, but Trent suggested another pit stop for Bentley. He opened the back door for him but caught his finger on the handle. "Ow! Shit!" he said, rubbing his hand.

I took his hand and looked over his fingers. "Would you like me to look at that," I asked, then grinned at him. "Trust me, I’m a doctor."

He laughed at me. "Is that the infamous Nathan Tierney pick up line? How you lure all the pretty blond girls back to your place?"

I shook my head at him. "I’ve never had anyone else here."

"No one?" he asked in disbelief. Then he laughed, "Don’t you like blonds?"

I pulled a curl of his hair and twisted it around my finger. "Blond yes, I like very much."

He was uncomfortable again, like any words of emotion make him embarrassed, and he turned to watch his dog pee.

So I walked into the kitchen and grabbed a bottle of water. I took a mouthful and told him, "I told you I was never sexual. I’ve been with four women – each time it was at their place, so I could just leave." He was staring wide-eyed at me, so I admitted, "I’m not very proud of just leaving like that, but it was never anything more than sex."

He was still staring at me. "Four?"

I exhaled a laugh, and I nodded, embarrassed. "How many guys have you been with?"

"Um, more than four…let's just leave it at that."

I smiled at him. "Well, you make five for me," I said
I laughed to hide my embarrassment, but my blush gave me away.

Trent walked over to me. "You're so fucking hot when you blush," he mumbled, which of course, made my cheeks heat even more. Trent groaned, and he ran his nose along my jaw and whispered, "I can feel how your skin warms when you blush."

And my already hardening dick twitched. He pressed his lips against my neck and up my jaw, then whispered against my skin, "You should not shave more often." Then his hands were on my face, his thumbs feeling my stubble, and he sighed. My dick throbbed at the sound.

"Take me upstairs," I murmured, and he crashed his lips to mine. His tongue was in my mouth, licking and tasting. His hands were holding my face and in my hair, and I melted into him.

Then his tongue was gone from my mouth, but his opened lips stayed
pressed on mine. H
e breathed in my mouth, "Upstairs… now."

My feet propelled me forward, and he followed me closely. I was two steps in front of him on the stairs, and when he slid his fingers between my ass cheeks, I almost stumbled

Instead of pulling his hand away, he started rubbing my jeans, pressed against my ass and the back of my balls. I gripped the handrail and groaned. I stood there, not moving, not able to, and his fingers probed forward, rubbing the denim over my ass, and my cock was aching. "Oh fuck, Trent… please."

"God," he groaned, "all I have to do is touch you."

"Yes, touch me," I begged him.

Then his hand slapped my ass, and I yelped. His voice was gruff when he ordered me, "Get on the bed, Boy."

Fuck. Me.

I staggered up the remaining stairs and had my jeans and boxers off in under a second. I knelt on the end of the bed, pulling my shirt over my head, when Trent gasped behind me. "Like that… don’t move."

His voice freezes me. His eyes were on me, hungry, wanting, and he laid a towel down lengthways, from the pillow to the foot of the bed.

"Kneel on that and grip the headboard," he ordered. His voice was low and soft, and I shivered.

I did as I was told, I was naked, straddling a towel, on my knees and holding onto the wooden headboard. I felt exposed and very fucking turned on, and then he was naked behind me. "Do you have any idea how fucking hot you are right now?" his voice was gravelly.

"Your legs spread for me," he said and ran his hand up my inner thigh. It made me groan.

"The flesh of your ass," he murmured, and his fingertips traced circles over my ass, spreading gooseflesh in their wake.

My cock was throbbing and leaking, precum seeped from the slit. "Oh please Trent, touch me."

He whispered, "I am touching you…here," and his hands slid over my lower back, and he gripped me above my hips. His thumbs rubbed the divots above my ass, and he told me, "I’m touching the sexy dimples here."

My head rolled back, I was so desperate for him to keep touching me.

"Your spine," he said, and his fingers ran up the center of my back. "I am touching your shoulders…God, your shoulders…" he moaned, sliding his palms across my shoulders. He gripped the top of my shoulders so my back arched. He whispered, "The way you stretch your back, Nathan... it fucking turns me on."

All I could do was whimper.

Then he brought his knees behind mine, slowly pressing the front of his thighs to the backs of mine, and I groaned, low in my throat.

He chuckled. "Mmmm, you like it when I touch the back of your thighs…"

"Yes," I cried. "Fuck, yes."

Then he pressed his cock against the top of my ass, and my whole body jerked. I could feel the weight of his length, heavy and hot. "Oh, fuck!" I pleaded, trying to press harder against him.

"So eager," he groaned.

"I want it," I told him, my voice raspimg, like my breath. "Please."

I heard the click of the lube bottle, and I thought this was it. He was going to do it, he was going to fuck me. And I wanted it. I
it. My knees widened farther, and I stretched my back, feeling his cock press harder against the flesh of my ass.

"Oh, Nathan," he mumbled my name as he poured the cool liquid over his dick and down the crack of my ass. I was moaning in need, and when I pushed against him once more, he hissed. "Fuck, baby," he groaned through clenched teeth.

But then I felt his fingers. Lower, lower, rubbing and spreading and slowly, he pressed one finger inside me. My head fell back, and I groaned. He kissed my shoulder as he finger fucked me.

I was moaning, it felt so fucking good, and I was pushing my ass toward him, offering more of myself to him. "Oh yeah, Trent. More, give me more."

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