Lawful Wife (Eternal Bachelors Club) (6 page)

BOOK: Lawful Wife (Eternal Bachelors Club)
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He nodded and brought his mouth to her neck again, pressing a soft kiss onto it. “I’ve done as much as I could.” Then he sighed. “How was your day?”

“I went over the music arrangements with the pianist. I think we’ve covered everything. I wish you could have been there. He had some wonderful suggestions, and at times I had a hard time deciding.”

Daniel brushed a strand of her hair behind her shoulder. His fingers grazed over her skin, then gently stroked down her arm to her elbow and forearm until she felt his fingers lace with hers.

“I’m sorry I wasn’t there to help. But I’ll help you with anything you want tomorrow.”

“You’re so sweet! But tomorrow I have the dress fitting with Holly, and I’m afraid you can’t come to that, and afterward I’ll have to go and find a present for Holly. Without her. So maybe you and Tim can entertain her while I go shopping?”

“A present for Holly?”

“Yes, it’s customary for the bride to give her bridesmaid a gift. Don’t you know anything about weddings?” She chuckled and turned onto her back to look at him.

He made a comical face and threw up one hand. “Hey, it’s my first!”

Sabrina slapped a playful hand against his chest, laughing. “And it had better be your last too!”

His eyes twinkled. “I promise!”

Her heart skipped a beat and her laughing subsided when she noticed the heated desire in his eyes. She’d never before in her life felt so loved.

“I love you,” he murmured, his face serious all of a sudden, his eyes locking with hers as if he wanted to tell her something important. “It would kill me if I lost you.”

At his strange words she felt her forehead furrow. “Why would you lose me?”

His hand came up to cup her nape, his thumb stroking over her cheek as he bent over her, shifting his body so he was hovering over her. “I need you so much.”

Then his lips were on hers, claiming her as if he were a conqueror who took possession of a new continent, intent on making it his. His tongue foraged into her mouth, kissing her so hard and so deep that she wondered if she would ever recover from it. She’d always loved the way he kissed her: with single-minded determination, with passion and an eagerness that was unparalleled.

But tonight he topped even that.

There was nothing frantic in his movements, nothing hurried. Yet at the same time his kiss was urgent and all-consuming. Deliberate, as if he had something to prove.

And just like his lips and his tongue fueled the fire in her body, his hands weren’t idle and contributed to the sizzling flames that engulfed her body and threatened to incinerate her if Daniel didn’t drive his cock into her soon.

When his thumb slipped underneath her negligee and rubbed across her nipple, she cried out, unable to contain the sensations that raced through her.

“You like that, don’t you?” he teased before lowering his head and simultaneously pushing one spaghetti strap off her shoulder to free one breast.

She gasped with pleasure when his tongue licked around her nipple and his mouth enveloped it.

“Yes, I love it,” she hummed and thrust her breast deeper into his mouth.

A low, animalistic groan bounced against her nipple.

Sabrina looked down at Daniel’s dark head of hair, in awe of how he lavished so much care on her. Sabrina threaded her fingers through his hair and arched into him. She loved how he suckled her breasts.

“More,” she moaned softly.

In response to her demand, his hands divested her of her negligee and tossed the garment to the foot of the bed. Now she was naked like Daniel. Bare in front of him.

When he lifted his head from her breast, she noticed the way he looked at her: hot, feral, lustful, and at the same time full of affection.

“God, I’m one lucky son of a bitch.”

His voice was different, too. It was raspy and filled with raging need. She loved hearing it, craved it in fact, and relished the knowledge that it was a voice reserved specifically for her, for when they were alone.

Sabrina watched him as he continued caressing and kissing her breasts. She loved seeing the subtle changes in his face as he touched her and made love to her. When she reached for him, trying to pull him up to her to feel his hard body on top of hers, he encircled her wrists and stopped her.

“Just lie back and let me love you tonight, baby.”

She licked her lips and nodded, because she recognized the look on his face; it was one that brooked no refusal. He was determined to lavish her with pleasure tonight. With a sigh, she dropped her head back onto the pillow and gave herself over to him.

Daniel’s descent on her body was slow and torturous as he kissed and licked and nibbled every inch of her bare skin.

When he reached her sex, he paused and took a deep breath, his eyes roaming over her. He took his time looking at her, almost as if he’d never before seen her like this: naked and aroused, yearning for his touch.

“What is it?” she asked self-consciously.

“I have to memorize you like this.”

“Why?” she murmured.

“I don’t know. I just know that I have to. There’s something different about you tonight.” He smiled softly.

Sabrina swallowed hard. He thought her to be different tonight? Did he suspect something? Did he sense the change in her that she’d started sensing?

But she had no time to dwell on it, because Daniel lowered his head to her sex.

When his lips touched her and his tongue lapped at her drenched folds, she closed her eyes and pressed her head harder into the pillow, while her hips involuntarily jerked toward him. Daniel spread her thighs wider, his fingers stroking along her cleft, while his tongue licked over her clit, igniting her.

Her heart beat violently, her breaths came in shallow pants, and her hands grabbed the bed sheet for support, clasping the luxurious fabric in her palms to force herself not to lift off the bed.

“Oh God!” she choked out.

Daniel knew how to pleasure a woman. He never failed to arouse her and drive her wild. With every lick and stroke, he drove her closer to the point of no return. Lust and pleasure spiraled higher, making her body perspire and her heart pound like a drum. She writhed underneath his mouth, but his hands clamped over her thighs, preventing her from moving. She was at his mercy, vulnerable, yet safe.

“So close,” she whispered. “I want you inside me.”

Daniel’s head reared up, and cool air wafted against her burning sex. Her entire body tingled. As he shifted and brought his body over hers, positioning his cock at her core, she reached down to him, wanting to feel his rock-hard shaft in her hand. But Daniel jerked his hips back.

“Don’t touch me, Sabrina,” he said gruffly.

For a fleeting moment, she pulled back, stunned.

“I’m sorry, baby,” he said quickly, his eyes looking at her apologetically. “But I’m barely holding on by a thread, and if you touch me now, it’ll be over before it begins.”

She lowered her lids seductively. “Then start,” she urged him on.

Sucking in a breath, she held it as Daniel thrust into her. A slow delicious burn spread through her body as it stretched to welcome him. He filled her so completely, it was as if they were one being, their bodies perfectly in synch, their hearts beating as one.

“I need you, Daniel.”

“And I need you more than you can know.”

Daniel slowly withdrew and then plunged all the way back in, this time even harder, deeper than before.

Sabrina wrapped her legs around him, holding him to her, not wanting to ever let him go. Like a couple that had danced together for decades, their bodies moved in perfect harmony, coming together, then separating, then joining again. It was a symphony of love, of lust and passion.

When Daniel pressed his lips onto hers and took her mouth for a searing kiss, Sabrina felt as if she were lifted in the air, floating on a cloud. Everything around them melted into the distance and became a blur. Only the two of them counted. Only the two of them existed in that moment.

Sabrina arched beneath him, lifting her hips to meet his continued thrusts, wanting more, needing more of him, of his cock.

He ripped his lips from hers. “I could stay inside you forever.”

That single word swirled around her like an added caress.

Daniel dropped his forehead to hers and closed his eyes. His jaw clenched. “But I can’t hold it back any longer. I’m gonna . . . oh baby, I’m gonna come. I’m sorry.”

His thrusts became hard, fast, and frantic. He was losing control, and she loved every second of it, because she was the reason for it. The reason his face was contorted with pleasure, the reason he couldn’t stop moving inside of her, and the reason his breaths were short and ragged.

Inside her, she felt his cock jerk. It made her muscles clench around him. Her legs tightened around his backside, and she let herself go, welcoming the waves of pleasure that raced through her.

“Daniel,” she moaned as her orgasm claimed her. “Oh, God, Daniel . . . ” Her words trailed into a soft sigh as she surrendered fully to him.

Daniel clutched her shoulders as he thrust one more time, burying himself so deep that she cried out. She felt the warm spray of his semen fill her at the same time.

Moments later, he collapsed on top of her, braced on his elbows and knees, his face nuzzled against her neck. His hot breath tickled pleasantly. Breathing hard, Sabrina held him firmly, not wanting to ever let him go.

“Are you okay, baby?” he whispered against her neck.

“More than okay.” She smiled. “Wow, you were different tonight.”

He lifted his head and gazed into her eyes. “Different how?”

She cocked her head and studied him for a moment. “I don’t know. More intense. Did something happen while you were in New York today?”

“No. Nothing happened. I just missed you.” Then he took her mouth for another kiss, preventing her from speaking.




Sabrina came down the stairs and looked around. “Holly?” she called out.

“In the kitchen,” her friend responded.

She walked toward the kitchen, entering it a moment later. “Are you ready for the dress fitting? We’ve gotta leave in a minute.”

Holly put her finger over her lips to stop Sabrina from saying anything further and pointed to Raffaela who was talking on the phone. Her future mother-in-law appeared flustered.

“This is awfully short notice to be canceling. But fine. If you don’t want to come to the wedding, then don’t come. We don’t need or want people like you here anyway.” Raffaela huffed with disgust. “Well I’m glad you’re not coming!” She slammed the receiver onto its cradle.

Sabrina glanced at Holly, tossing her a questioning look, but Holly simply shrugged, throwing her arms up in a helpless gesture.

“Good morning, Raffaela. What was that about?” Sabrina pointed to the telephone.

“Oh, nothing.” Raffaela smiled sadly.

“Somebody canceled?” Sabrina pressed.

Raffaela sighed. “It’s really no big deal, dear, please don’t worry about it. Sometimes people just cancel last minute, because they can’t keep their calendars straight.”

“Are you sure? You sounded very upset. We’re getting so close to the wedding and I want to make sure there will be no last minute problems to deal with.”

“It’s nothing that important. It’s just upsetting when somebody who said weeks ago that they were coming cancels all of a sudden.” Raffaela shrugged. “It’s no big deal. These things just happen sometimes.” She smiled and patted Sabrina’s hand. Then she took a pen and crossed out a name on the guest list, before placing it back on the counter next to the phone.

Sabrina’s gaze fell onto the list. She instantly noticed red lines going through several names on the list and picked up the piece of paper.

“What’s this? I only printed the guest list out yesterday morning. Did all these people cancel since yesterday?” She counted down the list. “That’s seven guests.”

Raffaela took the list from her hands, a tight smile on her face. “Honestly, don’t worry about it,
. It’s normal for that to happen. When I got married, half of my family canceled on me at the last minute.”

Sabrina gasped. “But that’s horrible. I’m so sorry that happened to you.” She couldn’t imagine not having family present at her wedding. Though she knew that making sure that no fight broke out between her mother and her father, who were divorced, would be an achievement worthy of a Nobel Peace Prize.

“Of course, this does throw the seating all out of whack.” Raffaela frowned. “I’d better re-do the seating chart.”

“Do you need some help with that?” Sabrina offered.

“No, I can handle it.” Raffaela pointed to the car keys in Sabrina’s hand. “Where are you off to?”

“Holly and I need to go to the dressmaker for a last fitting.” Sabrina expectantly looked at her friend. “Are you ready?”

Holly nodded. “Let me just grab my handbag.”

Moments later, Sabrina and Holly were sitting in Daniel’s sports car and driving the short distance toward downtown Montauk, where the seamstress was working out of a tiny bridal boutique.

“I love this car,” Holly said. “I’m surprised Daniel let’s you borrow it. What’s he driving then today?”

Sabrina gave her a sideways glance. “He borrowed his dad’s Mercedes and is running errands with Tim. I told him I’d drop you off at the Maidstone Country Club around lunch time before I go shopping in East Hampton, so you can have lunch with the guys.”

“You’re going shopping after the fitting? Why would you drop me off for lunch then? I don’t need food as much as I need to go shopping.”

Sabrina laughed. Of course Holly would react like that. “Sorry, honey, but that’s one shopping trip I’ll be making alone.”

“But why?” Holly fidgeted in her seat.

“Don’t ask.”

“Come on,” Holly insisted. “Why can’t I come? You know how much I love shopping.”

Sabrina sighed. “You can’t come, because I’m buying a present for you.”

“A present? For me?” Holly firmly jumped up and down in the passenger seat.

Sabrina laughed. “You’re like a little child before Christmas!”

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