Lawful Wife (Eternal Bachelors Club) (10 page)

BOOK: Lawful Wife (Eternal Bachelors Club)
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Behind him, he heard the door open and glanced over his shoulder. He stilled.


Eve McCall, his old high school girlfriend, breezed into the shop, wearing white Capri pants and a tank top that showed off her narrow waist and her perfect breasts.

“Daniel!” Her eyes widened in surprise and her face lit up as she walked toward him, smiling. “What a surprise!”

“I was just thinking the same thing. What’re you doing here?”

“I had some business cards printed, and I’m here to pick them up.”

Daniel cast a glance back to the door through which Mr. Peats had disappeared, hoping for the shop’s owner to return soon. “Business cards?” he asked politely, though he wasn’t really interested in Eve’s answer.

“Yes, I’m starting my own little business.”

“Congratulations! I hope it’s a great success.”

She didn’t seem to mind that he didn’t ask more details about her new business. “Thank you. And you, what are you here for?”

“Place cards for the wedding.”

“Oh.” Eve frowned then quickly pasted her smile back on her face, nodding sympathetically. “You’re still going through with it then?”

Daniel sucked in a sharp breath. “Of course I am. Why wouldn’t I?”

“Well, it’s just, you know, after that article in the paper, I assumed that—”

“You assumed what, Eve?” he interrupted, though his voice remained even and calm. He wouldn’t show her how the mentioning of the article riled him up. “That I wasn’t going to marry Sabrina? She’s the love of my life. Nothing will stop me from marrying her.”

“I didn’t mean to imply that you didn’t love her. But I know you.” She smiled sweetly, moving a little closer. “And I know that you don’t tolerate that kind of behavior. Surely she must have tricked you.”

Eve’s saccharine-sweet voice started to grate on his nerves, but outwardly, he didn’t show his agitation. “I assure you, Sabrina did not trick me. I know exactly who and what she is. And she’s not a call girl.”

“Oh?” Eve let out a snort. “Well, then let’s just say for argument’s sake she isn’t, there are still plenty of people who think she is. I didn’t think that was the kind of reputation you’d want your wife to have.” She batted her eyelashes and looked at him innocently.

“What are you getting at?”

Eve reached out and touched his forearm. Though he’d enjoyed the ex-cheerleader’s touch when they’d gone out in high school, he now wanted to throttle her for putting her hand on him.

“I’m just worried about you, Daniel. I know you’re a very loyal person. We’ve known each other a long time. I’d hate to see you get hurt.”

“I’m not going to get hurt.” He stepped back, making her hand slide off his forearm.

Eve nodded. “Are you sure?”

He was saved from answering when Mr. Peats entered the store again, carrying a box. Daniel turned to him and pulled his wallet out of his pocket, while the old man placed the box on the counter.

“Found it. Sorry it took so long,” he apologized and opened the box, motioning Daniel to take a closer look.

Daniel reached in and pulled out a place card, quickly inspecting it. “They look great.” He was anxious to leave and get away from Eve.

“I’m glad you like them.” Mr. Peats smiled broadly.

Daniel slid his credit card across the counter and watched impatiently while Mr. Peats swiped it on his card reader and typed in the amount.

“Please sign here.”

Daniel hastily scrawled his signature onto the receipt, took his credit card, and grabbed the box from the counter. “Thank you.”

He turned to leave. “Bye, Eve.”

But Eve didn’t give up so quickly. “Wait, I’ll walk with you.”

Not wanting to make a scene in front of Mr. Peats, Daniel didn’t respond to her and continued walking to the door. When he opened it and exited to the sidewalk, Eve followed him. He turned halfway.

“I don’t think you should make a hasty decision about this,” Eve continued and put her hand on his free arm.

He wanted to remove her hand from his arm, but he was holding the box in his other hand.

“It’s not a hasty decision,” he pressed out from between clenched teeth.

Eve moved closer, leaning into him. “I still have feelings for you, Daniel.”

Daniel tensed.

“If you’re afraid that you’ll be alone if you break up with her, don’t be. I’m here if you need me. We were good together once. It could be like that again.”

Before he could tell her that it would never happen, a shadow entered his peripheral vision.


Daniel jerked his head to the side. Sabrina had stopped only a few feet away from them. Her eyes darted to Eve, then Eve’s hand, which still lay on his forearm. When Sabrina raised her eyes to meet his, he realized how this situation must look to her.


“We need to talk,” was all Sabrina said in response.




Sabrina followed Daniel to his car and got in without saying a word. She looked out of the passenger side window while he drove north, her arms crossed over her chest.

Like a vulture, Eve McCall had already swooped in and was trying to snatch Daniel away from her. It was clear from the way Eve had glanced at Sabrina that she knew about the article and saw it as her chance to make Daniel change his mind about the wedding. Had she actually told Daniel about it? Did Daniel know or was he still in the dark about it? She couldn’t tell from his reaction.

“I didn’t know Eve was going to be there. She came in while I was waiting,” he said long after they’d left East Hampton behind.

“I don’t want to talk about Eve. I want to talk about us. In private.”

She noticed Daniel nod and pull into a side street outside of town. The dirt road turning off the Old Montauk Highway led to a secluded beach framed by dunes. Daniel pulled the car to a stop and switched off the engine.

Without waiting for him to say anything, she opened the car door and got out. She needed fresh air. Daniel followed her as she walked down to the beach and stared out at the ocean.

She heard Daniel sigh behind her. “What’s wrong, Sabrina?”

“Everything is wrong. The
New York Times
published an article about us, claiming I’m a high-class hooker.” A sob tore from her chest. How would he take the news?

Daniel reached for her elbow and turned her to face him. “I’m sorry. I didn’t want you to find out. I knew it would upset you.”

“You knew about the article? When? When did you find out? Did Eve tell you when she came on to you just now?”

When he lowered his lids, she knew the truth. Disappointment coursed through her.

“I knew before today. I read the article the day it was published.”

Sabrina pulled her elbow free of his grasp. “Why? Why would you hide that from me?” She turned her face away. “For the past few days people in town have been giving me strange looks. I couldn’t figure out why. Now I know: they read the article. They think I’m a gold-digging prostitute who tricked you into marrying me!” She paused to take a deep breath. It did nothing to calm her.

“I’m sorry, baby. Ever since I read the article, I’ve been trying to get them to retract it and issue an apology. I was hoping that I could make it all go away, and you would never have to deal with it.”

She shook her head. “Daniel, I got fired today!”

Daniel stared at her, stunned.

“The firm terminated my employment because of that article. Everybody thinks I’m a whore!”

Daniel gripped her biceps. “Don’t say that word! That’s not you! They’re wrong. They’re all wrong.”

“Don’t you see? It doesn’t matter what the truth is! Because everybody believes the lies in that article. I can’t make that go away.” She tried to pull from his grip, but he didn’t allow it.

will make it go away. It’s my responsibility, because I am responsible for this.”

She gave him an inquisitive look. “What do you mean you’re responsible for it?”

Daniel released one of her arms and shoved a hand through his dark hair. “It’s because of Audrey.”

Sabrina’s heart stopped only to restart at double the rate a moment later. Hadn’t they laid their issues with Audrey to rest several months ago?

Daniel sighed. “She managed to get her hands on a copy of my credit card statement and saw the charge for the escort service on it. With it she concocted a story, and the newspaper believed her. I just have to discredit it.”

“Hold it! How did she get your credit card statement?”

Daniel closed his eyes for a moment. “Frances, my assistant. Turns out, she was spying for Audrey all along. That’s how she always knew what I was up to. I fired Frances immediately when I found out.”

Sabrina pressed a hand to her chest. “Oh my god! Where is this gonna stop? How are we going to ever fix this?” She pushed back the tears that threatened to overwhelm her and rob her of her ability to think clearly.

Daniel lifted her chin with his fingers. “I’m already on it. I’m looking into a way to discredit her story. Please trust me.”

“What are you trying to do?”

“Let me worry about that. You’ve got enough on your plate with the wedding preparations.”

Sabrina looked at him and took a few breaths before she continued, “Daniel, we can’t go on like this.”

His face paled. “Like what?”

“You can’t constantly keep things like this from me, Daniel. If this marriage has any chance of working, we have to be honest with each other, no matter what.”

Daniel let out a ragged breath as if he’d expected a bombshell and instead only a small pebble had hit.

“You’re right. I’m sorry. I’ll do better in the future. I’ll never hide anything else from you. I promise you.” He lowered his head, his lips suddenly hovering over hers. “Forgive me? Please?”

It was impossible to reject his request. With a sigh she leaned toward him, brushing her lips over his and offering him the kiss he sought. When their mouths fused together, she felt his arms coming around her, cocooning her, protecting her.

Daniel lifted her into his arms then lowered himself to his knees, placing her with her back in the soft sand. Daniel’s hand trailed down the length of her body until he reached the hem of her skirt, which he lifted just enough to slide his hand beneath it. His palm was hot on her stomach, igniting her with one touch.

He ripped his mouth from hers. “Do you think I’m crazy, because I want to make love to you right now?”

“Yes,” Sabrina answered breathlessly as Daniel worked his lips along her jaw and down her neck. “But then we’re both crazy.”

He kissed her throat, before pushing her T-shirt up over her chest and pulling it over her head. “You are so beautiful, Sabrina,” he said, gazing down at her, his eyes burning with lust.

Daniel leaned down, flicked his tongue over her lips, and then dove into her mouth again, kissing her hard and deep.

Daniel covered her with his body. “I can’t wait to make you my wife.”

He unhooked her bra and exposed her breasts to him. A warm afternoon breeze stiffened her nipples.

Her hands were already busy removing his polo shirt while her eyes cast glances to both sides of her, making sure they were truly alone. As far as her eyes could see, there were only dunes and sand and beyond, the waves of the ocean crashed against the shore. Their sound provided the backdrop to their intimate encounter, swallowing the soft sighs and moans as they tore their clothes from each other’s bodies.

Daniel lifted her onto the makeshift bed he’d fashioned from their clothes and lowered himself over her, spreading her thighs wide, so he could slide between them.

His cock was hard and heavy, almost purple in color and curving upward. Sabrina reached for it, sliding her fingers over the velvet-soft tip and feeling it jerk under her gentle touch. At the same time she noticed Daniel clenching his jaw as if fighting an invisible enemy. That she could still do this to him—still bring him to the edge of his control—made her feel powerful.

“I want to feel you now,” she murmured against his lips. “Take me.”

The head of his cock breached her sex a moment later, making her hiss in a rapid breath, while her moist channel stretched to accommodate him. He slid inside her in one smooth move, seating himself balls-deep, his pelvis slamming against her forcefully. She tightened her legs around his back instinctively, not wanting to let him escape. But he pulled back nevertheless, sliding out of her almost all the way, before he thrust back in with even more force.

“Fuck, baby! Don’t ever scare me like that again!” he ground out.

“Scare you?”

He delivered several hard and fast thrusts, clenching his jaw all the while. “Yes, you scared me. When you said we can’t go on like this.” He groaned, pulling his hips back. His cock plunged back into her as if to punish her. “I thought you . . . ”

He didn’t have to continue his sentence. She could see his thoughts in his eyes.

“I love you,” she assured him.

“I love you, too,” he murmured, before claiming her lips again and dueling with her tongue, thrusting into her mouth in the same rhythm as his cock did farther down.

Sabrina felt like floating on a bed of cotton balls as Daniel kissed her, while his hands roamed her body, caressing her, and his pelvis rocked against her, delivering thrust after thrust, his movements becoming more frantic with every second.

His moans were carried away by the ocean waves, which broke against the sandy shore and outlying rocks, just as her own sighs and sounds of pleasure were swallowed by the afternoon breeze that cooled them against the hot mid-afternoon sun.

Her entire body began to hum and tingle pleasantly. Her skin heated and her heart hammered against her ribcage in a rhythmic tattoo as if to pronounce the feelings it harbored inside it in Morse code.

With every thrust of Daniel’s cock inside her, she felt her body tense, preparing for the inevitable. He’d never failed to pleasure her, nor did he now.

“Oh God, yes!” she cried out when the first wave of her orgasm crested and washed over her.

Then she felt Daniel’s cock jerk inside her, and a moment later, his hot semen filled her, making his thrusts even smoother.

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