Read LATCH Online

Authors: LK Collins

Tags: #Fiction, #Romance

LATCH (3 page)

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Reading the text again that she sent me last night hurts like hell.
No, I’m not okay, Latch. My world has been flipped upside down.
Now, I have to figure out how to help Abby through this, when I’m not even sure how to help myself.

I rest my head back on the arm of the couch and close my eyes. My cock is throbbing so hard that it hurts. Giving in, I reach into my pants and grip my dick tightly in my fist, thinking only about her, about her perfect body and how much I love to play with it. As I begin to stroke myself, I close my eyes remembering all the times we’ve shared. God, I love how she’d always look into my eyes as our bodies blended together and became one. I enjoyed every second I was with her. Being with Abby has always been so intense. She evokes all sorts of different feelings inside me, she makes me want to be a better person. No matter what is ahead for us, this isn’t the end…it can’t be. Taking my shirt with my left hand, I hold it close to the tip of my dick and get ready for my release. I tease myself a little making it last longer and to make it stronger. But as I fight this feeling, I lose. The thought of Abby burns in my memory and I erupt, letting go into my shirt. My hand rubs the tip of my shaft as I squeeze out every last drop, grunting in pleasure. Christ, I’ve become so needy when it comes to orgasms – I need a few a day, at the very least.

After I clean myself up, I still can’t shake away the worry. Grabbing my phone off of the table, I text her back,
What can I do to help? I’ll do anything to make it better.

On my walk to get breakfast, I get a text back from Abby,
For now, please just give me some space.
Her words are the last that I ever wanted to hear, but if that’s what she wants, then that’s what I’m going to give her. I respect her on a different level than anyone else. Locking my phone, I place it in my pocket and walk inside Tazza Di Caffè, making eye contact with the girl that works the counter and smile, “Morning.”

“Hey, Latch,” she responds. “What can I get for you?” She’s always seemed to like me, but after I fucked the other counter girl that works here I know she won’t ever consider it. “The usual.” She turns and starts my order, knowing just what I like. My eyes are locked in on her gorgeous body as she’s making my latte and I really wish she’d change her mind. My job has made me a true connoisseur of women, and I always want a taste of something fresh.

God, I’d love to tear her up, I’d even trade her for free breakfast and lattes.

I laugh to myself, and then her mom says, “Morning, Latch,” from the back and my mind gets real dirty as she bends over and I imagine a threesome. “Hey, Deb.” I watch her sexy ass and then notice that the girl is waiting for me to pay with my order in hand. I toss a twenty down as she hands me my breakfast. Walking out, I shake away the images of fucking those two.

My phone rings. Pulling it out, I am shocked to see my dad calling. I haven’t talked to him in probably six months. I contemplate not even answering it, but considering the time of day, I’m intrigued; he’s never up before noon…at least that I’m aware of.

“Morning, son,” he says in his raspy voice, sounding like he hasn’t slept in days.

“Hey, everything okay?” I ask right off.

“Yeah, I’m fine. Listen, I hate to bother you, but I kinda need a favor.”

Now it makes sense – of course he needs a fucking favor. I cross the intersection, wishing that I would have just ignored his call.

“I’m not really sure I’m the best person for you to be asking that.” My dad is the chapter president for a biker club in Baltimore where I grew up, and from the moment that I hit puberty, he and I bumped heads. We never saw eye to eye on a lot of things, especially his club.

“I think you can. I just need to store some items at your house for a while.”

“Items?” I ask, questioning him.

“Yeah,” he clears his throat, “Maybe a week or two? We came into some unexpected merchandise last night and need somewhere off the radar to keep it.”

Stopping on the street, I look up at the cloudy sky, not sure how to answer him. I haven’t talked to him for so long, and this is how he’s going to call me for the first time? Not “how are you doing?” or “how’s your Grandma?” just some selfish bullshit, like always.

“I don’t think so.”

“Please, Latch, I wouldn’t ask you if I had another choice.”

There are heavy consequences to what he does, I’ve seen that first hand. That life is not my life for a reason. I might not be doing what some call honest work, but aside from Abby, I only sleep with single women and couples. I keep the drama to a minimum. I can only imagine what he needs to store and who he took it from, especially considering some of the things I’ve witnessed. It’s why I swore I would never ride or live that lifestyle.

“I’m sorry, Dad, but I can’t help ya.”

He hangs up, clearly pissed off. As much as I wish he’d change his life, he won’t and never will. So I’ve separated myself from him the best that I can. But he is who I came from and I can never run from that. Even a man as cold as he is was broken when we lost my mom, and I promised myself to never open my heart up to that pain. It’s not worth the reward of a relationship. Especially, when I landed my line of work – I’ve got the best of both worlds: a ton of sex and no attachments. And that’s why I am the way I am. The reason I really have no feelings and can fuck women for money and not think twice about it.

Getting back to my place, I sit out on my balcony to enjoy my breakfast and the moment that I take my first bite, my phone starts blowing up inside on the kitchen counter. Saturdays are normally busy for me, so I enjoy my breakfast, knowing that it’s the last bit of alone time I’ll have until late tonight. Plus, I don’t rush for anyone these days, so the calls can wait ’til I’m done.

After I finish, I stare out at the view and find myself missing Abby. I wish I was seeing her today, but I’m not and she’s asked for space. Taking the last sip of coffee, I know the only thing that’ll keep my mind busy is to fill my days with work. Heading inside, I grab my phone looking through all of the calls and texts. Filtering through them, I pick my favorite one to call back first, and then schedule out the rest of my day.

Jessy is about five-five, blonde hair with the lightest blue eyes I’ve ever seen. Her body is a bit thick, but she holds it so damn perfectly. She teaches yoga and it pays off well. Apart from Abby, I enjoy fucking her the most. Especially because I am able to use my strength when we play. Today, I hope she can help me get lost. Sitting on her couch as I wait for her to finish making our drinks, I look through my spare bag of toys and it reminds me of yesterday’s events, especially that fucking asshole chasing me down the alley.

But it could’ve ended worse – at least he didn’t actually catch us in the act, with her collared while I fucked her. I always knew being with Abby was a risk on so many levels. I opened myself up in a way that I never have and I broke my number one rule being with her. But when it came to Abby, the rules all seemed to blur. When they shouldn’t. They are made to ensure that this exact thing didn’t happen. I’m not a home-wrecker and I can’t forget first and foremost that what I do is illegal and an angry spouse would run to the cops at the drop of a hat.

Going forward, I need to keep my mind right. I can’t have any feelings that will cloud my judgment – ever – or it has to end. And that means that right now, I
to let Abby go.

Jessy bends over, handing me a drink with her huge tits popping out of her tiny ass bra. I take it from her and hope that fucking her can be the drug it’s always been. A way to shut off the noise in my head and forget about the rest of the world.

“What do you have planned for me today?” she asks.

Grabbing a handful of my dick I urge my hips upward and tell her, “A little of this.”

“A little?” she questions me.

“Or a lot,” I smirk and slam my glass. Standing to her as she sips her drink and then licks her lips, I nuzzle her neck. She smells like heaven, just what I need right now. Running my hand down her body, she is as soft as silk. I turn off everything inside and push every ounce of attention into my fingertips as they trail over her.

“On the couch,” I order her to sit facing out towards a wall of windows that overlook Central Park. Reaching for my bag, I set it on the table.

“Now, do you have any requests today?” I ask her.

She shakes her head. “Good, ’cause I’m going to ruin you in front of all of Central Park.” As I place the collar on her, I notice her breathing increase. Then I take off my shirt and toss it on the chair, reaching into the bag to grab the gag ball. She looks at me antsy, which makes me move quickly to her. She told me when we first met that she wanted to try any and everything there was in the sex toy world. Last time, we played with hand-cuffs and a dildo. Today, I’m just stepping it up a notch. This is what I’m good at. This is where I’ve always felt in control. This is where I belong. “Up you go, gorgeous,” I tell her, lifting on the chain that connects to her collar. Walking her to the windows, I push her body against them, my cock so stiff, but I know that none of this is about me. Maybe that’s why I cherish my time with Abby so much, because I let the pleasure be about both of us. Shaking the thought of Abby away, I hold Jessy’s body against the window, drop the leash, and unclasp her bra, slowly dragging it down her arms, allowing the tips of my fingers to follow it down, tickling her gently. She backs away and it hits the floor, then I push her hard against the window, rubbing my cock against her. It’s time to fuck Abby out of my head.

“Tell me what you want.”

“Your cock.”

“I bet you do,” I whisper into her ear, grinding myself against her. “On your knees,” I command, turning her around. She’s panting, looking up at me as she slowly kneels down. “Unbutton my pants and work my cock with your mouth before I gag…” But before I can finish, she has my cock out and dives in, wrapping her mouth around it working me. I love the type of freak she is. This is why I do this. After I grow to my full length, she still pushes herself. Leaning back, I brace myself on the windows and enjoy what she is doing for a minute. But I find myself again wishing she was Abby. Fuck.

I focus on my cock. On Jessy, on why I came here. It is to please her, after all…that’s what she is paying me for. I push Abby from my mind and grab Jessy’s collar pulling her up to stand in front of me. Taking my thoughts firmly in my hand, I place the ball and strap over her mouth and then secure it behind her head. She watches my arms flex with every move while I adjust it. She is panting heavily against the ball, her chest moves up and down, and I know it’s because she is horny, not nervous. Getting lost in a sex haze is what we both need. Now.

Taking my pants all the way off, I toss them on the chair then drop to my knees, tenderly removing her panties. She looks down at me with the ball holding her sexy mouth wide open. Then I press her body back up against the windows and start to lick her soft pink slit. She moans in pleasure, and I spread her pussy, inserting two fingers into her cunt, licking and stroking at a good pace just getting her wet enough so she’ll fuck good.

I stop when her noises peak and turn her around, holding her hot body against the wall of windows. She tries to grip on to anything she can as I roll a condom down my length and then slam into her. I hold on to her hips and fuck her good and hard, losing my mind with each thrust, pressing her against the glass, as all of Central Park could look up and watch me ruin her, just like I promised.

After only a few seconds, she shakes fiercely, coming from my dick and I work her orgasm out of her, listening to her muffled noises as they bounce off the glass and echo through the room. Moving her to the chair, I chase my inner numbness as I toss her facedown over the arm. It’s closer to my layout of toys. Grabbing my whip and a wrap of rope, I order, “Spread your legs and stick your ass out.” She does so right away and I whip her firm ass gently on each cheek. She moans in a pleasurable pain taking the whip very well even though it’s her first time. Taking her right hand into the grip of mine, I move it behind her and place my whip handle in her hand laying the thong of the whip on her lower back. My cock is so hard as I do this. Toys turn me on like nothing else, adding that extra element, and right now give me just one more thing to focus on. Reaching down, I skim a finger over her wet pussy. She’s so ready.

“Do you want to come on my cock again?” I ask her harshly.

“Yes,” she’s quick to respond.

Without another word, I line her ass with my cock and slam her deep in the cunt, causing her body to tighten. I leave my cock buried in her without moving and grab her other arm, slowly moving my dick, teasing her. Taking the rope, I tie a simple knot and then tighten her two hands together, weaving a figure eight between the two.

With her tied up, I grab a handful of each of her ass cheeks and spread her wide as I keep fucking her. But she looks so much like Abby that a guilt I’ve never felt takes over and I immediately remove the gag ball, needing to hear her voice to dispel the vision. “Let me hear you,” I tell her, trying my best to stay in the zone. “Harder,” she begs and the tone of her voice keeps me in control. She leans up and I press my lips against her shoulder. “Make me come again, Latch,” she begs for more, and I reach around her, teasing her clit as my shaft rocks her to the core. She’s panting, moaning, and clenching me.

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