Read Last Chance Online

Authors: Viki Lyn

Tags: #Gay & Lesbian

Last Chance (14 page)

BOOK: Last Chance
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Aric's hands circled the base of his cock. Stu gasped as his head jerked back. Aric laughed, his hands now wrapped tightly around Stu's shaft. “I'm a damn good cocksucker.”

Before him was the confident lover who took control and demanded submission. Fine. Stu would give in to him. He enjoyed being serviced.

A tight sheath of flesh engulfed his cock. The motion of Aric's mouth and the hard, firm grip around the base of his cock lit up a million sparks throughout his body. The sight of Aric's head bobbing between his legs almost made him lose control. He burned hotter as Aric gently kneaded his scrotum, cupping his aching balls while that active mouth concentrated on his cock. The slick tongue rimmed the edge of his head, and teeth lightly scraped the sensitive swell before Aric resumed sucking its full length again.

Stu bit his lip, trying for silence, not wanting the hallways to echo with his lustful moans, but it was hard to constrain his voice. He dug his fingernails into Aric's shoulders for leverage and thrust his hips forward into that sumptuous mouth. A fiery heat blazed in his groin. He'd never been sucked off with such expertise. Aric seemed to control his every sensation, bringing him to the brink of orgasm only to allow the feeling to ebb, then slowly building it up again.

Aric pulled back and swept aside the hair falling into his glittering eyes. He grinned, a dangerous smile. He kept one hand pumping Stu's cock, slick with precum. Aric gazed at him and licked a drop of moisture from his lips with the tip of his tongue. It was the sexiest, most erotic thing Stu had ever seen, and he couldn't subdue the strong groan that tore out from chest. Pleasure reamed through him, and he didn't care who heard him moan.

“Ready to experience nirvana?”

Aric deep throated Stu's cock, and Stu shouted out as the sensations set his groin afire. An arm circled his thigh, bringing him closer to Aric. His eyes fluttered shut, thinking ceased, and the world faded away as lust catapulted his body into infinite space. He coiled his legs tightly around Aric's neck, his orgasm sucked right out of him.

Once his breath slowed, he opened his eyes, taking in his half-softened dick and matted thatch of pubic hair. Sweat beaded his skin, causing patches to soak through his shirt.

Debauched and extremely sated, he smiled. “Fuck, you
give good head.”

Aric wiped his mouth with the tail of his lab coat, removing the last of the semen glistening on his chin. His hair was mussed and sexy. He peered at Stu through half-mast eyes, the sight tugging at Stu's heart.

Aric was now standing too far away for Stu's liking. He slipped down from the counter. “It's my turn.”

Aric held out his hand in a
motion. “Get dressed and go home.”

So, he flipped the switch again.

Stu couldn't understand Aric's hot-and-cold attitude, but he wouldn't put up with it any longer. “I don't think so.”

He shoved aside the stool and moved within inches of Aric. The slight tic of Aric's jaw gave away his irritation, but Stu ignored it.
Let him squirm
. Aric treated him like a kid, and between Aric and Corbin, Stu was sick of being pushed around. “I'm not leaving, and I doubt you can force me.”

He kept his gaze trained on Aric's face. Smiling at the doubt in those grave eyes, he cupped the pointed chin. Taller by a couple of inches, he liked the slight advantage of his height. “You have too many clothes on.”

Aric shoved his palm against Stu's chest. His upper lip curled. “Look. You had your fun being sucked off by the gay boy. Now get lost.”

Anger flared up in Stu, his skin burning with it. He grabbed the front of Aric's lab coat and pulled him so their faces were level. “You're dense if you think I'll leave.” He traced the curve of Aric's cheek. He moved his hand downward, skimming the thin collarbone, then farther down, teasing the top button of Aric's lab coat.

Aric remained motionless, and Stu took his inaction as a green light. So his lover boy liked to play games. So did Stu.

“You're an idiot,” Aric growled.

“I'm taking that as an endearment.”

Aric winced, and Stu chuckled, enjoying his lover's discomfort. He was going to teach Aric to trust. He reached into the lab coat pocket and removed the lube and condom, then twisted around to set them on the counter. He smiled, knowing how they'd be used very soon. He went back to stripping Aric of his coat, enjoying disrobing his stubborn nerd-boy. Next went the polo shirt, joining the pile on the floor. Aric stood bare chested.

Stu's heart skipped a beat at the sight of the well-defined pecs and flawless skin. The diminutive nipple ring glittered. His gaze latched on to Aric's thick lashes and that sexy mole.

He tugged the piercing with his teeth, getting the response he wanted—Aric moaned, his fingers pressing into Stu's waist. He licked the nub and pulled back. “Like a little pain, huh?” He licked the perfect shell of his lover's ear. “That's kinky. I think I like it.”

Aric grabbed Stu's ass and ground their hips together, the friction exciting Stu. He tilted his head with a sly grin, knowing full well he looked desperately hungry, again.

Chapter Nine


Aric didn't know what to do with this boy who was tonguing his nipples, teasing his aching nubs, tugging at his ring. Stu licked and circled around his sensitive nubs, drawing out his lust, snapping each link of the chain around his heart. With every touch of Stu's tongue on his flesh, he weakened. Strained beyond his limits of self-will, his cock flared red-hot.

Fucking Christ, I'm the idiot.

Inexperienced fingers fumbled at his zipper, which endeared him even more to his awkward lover, and he gently swatted away Stu's hand. Stu stepped back and leaned against the counter. He looked elegantly posed wearing only a white shirt opened to reveal the gold hair swathing his chest. Blue eyes more brilliant than sapphires were wide and full of lust, and that mouth—swollen and pouty and greedy. Aric had no chance against this Apollo, who was waiting impatiently, ankles crossed, foot tapping. He looked like a man trapped but not wanting to escape.

Aric unzipped his pants and shoved them down, then toed off his tennis shoes and socks at the same time. Having gone commando, he smiled at the satisfaction in Stu's eyes as his gaze laid into his groin. It was fucking hot to be scrutinized with such intensity.

He pushed aside his doubts. It was too late to turn away from what Stu offered.

Stu licked his lips, his hands clenched at his sides. “God, you're fucking beautiful. And I don't mean it as an insult. You just are.”

The compliment made Aric's heart swell and spill over, releasing a dozen reasons why he should push Stu away. A vampire had no business falling in love with a human. And this human was his natural-born enemy. Stu would have to kill him if he turned toward the dark side. If Stu didn't stab him in the heart with a wooden stake, then Corbin would surely do it with pleasure.

But these reasons fell away as Stu dived down and sucked, nipped, and licked his nipples again.

Aric reached inside Stu's shirt and skimmed the hot, damp skin, giving him more than a reason to continue. How far would his determined jock go to please him? A part of him hoped the threat of his reaming his ass would send Stu running, while his other half fiercely hoped Stu wanted this as badly as he did.

Stu smiled wryly. “Fuck me in the ass. I want to know how it feels,” he said without hesitation, his voice strong.

“What a good Boy Scout. It'll be easier if you turn around and hold on to the counter.”

Stu did as instructed. What did this jock have over him that made him lose all sense of restraint? All Aric could think about was his cock impaled in that firm ass. Stu would be deliciously tight.

Stu turned his head and caught Aric's gaze. “I'm not sure what to do.”

That simple confession softened Aric's heart even more. “Here's a quick Ass Fucking 101.” He petted Stu's firm, round ass. “My fingers will soften you up. Try to relax into the motion.” Leaning toward Stu's ear, he licked the lobe and smiled at the whimpered moan. “I'll go slow…very slow.” He breathed in the delicious scent wafting off Stu's warm skin and nuzzled his face into the sexy curve of his nape. As he laid a trail of quick kisses across broad shoulders, his hand curved possessively over a firm ass cheek. He slid his finger ever so near the moist cleft. His own cock grew big and hard, and it bounced against Stu's ass.

Stu squirmed but kept his hands firmly planted on the counter. He stuck out his ass, and a jolt rocketed through Aric's groin as he rubbed his cock to meet it. He gave his assurance in a barely coherent voice. “If it ever becomes too uncomfortable, just tell me, and I'll stop. Okay?” He decided not to tell Stu about the prostate. Some things were best left as a surprise.

Part of screwing a straight man was the absolute turn-on of fucking a virgin ass. Yet a pang of guilt made Aric hesitate. Was it really okay to take advantage of this young man? Even though Stu certainly didn't hide how much he wanted to be fucked, Aric's age and experience gave him the responsibility of handling this situation the right way. He should have sent Stu packing, but Stu was so damn persistent.

So now, here Aric was, his cock primed for entry, his heart fluttering like a madman's, his head completely off its rocker.

Stu splayed his broad palms on the counter and spread his steady legs. The sight caused a lump to rise in Aric's throat, and he swallowed, desperate to control his trembling hands. He bent over Stu and weaved his fingers through the fine blond hair. A fresh, clean scent whipped around his nose. He could get used to this smell, and he closed his eyes. The aroma overtook him, blocking out all other scents. He was tired of fighting his sexual desires. And this boy was willing and wanting to please.

He ran his hands down Stu's spine. He kissed the vertebrae one by one, trailing his fingers along the path of his kisses. Then he went for Stu's balls.

Stu's head jerked up, and he gasped. “Fucking hell, that feels…ah… You're spoiling me for other lovers.”

Other lovers?
Aric stomach clenched, the sudden jealousy bursting through his consciousness.
Oh God, not this desire for sole ownership. Not with Stu. Not with a football jock headed for the NFL
. He paused, hoping to slow down his heart and cool the heat burning his skin. This was not right—for so many reasons. What if the condom broke? He could infect Stu with the curse if he came inside him.

Aric stepped next to Stu, then grabbed his forearm, forcing Stu to stand.

“Hey, what are you doing?” Stu croaked as he caught his balance with one hand to the counter.

Aric kept a hand on Stu's back while he took in the golden-haired god, his white shirt revealing washboard abs, dusty golden curls, slim hips. His feathered bangs fringed his heavy-lidded eyes. Stu looked debauched and drunk on sex; never had such a beautiful man wanted him.

“I'm trying to protect you from making a mistake.”

“No, you're trying to protect yourself.” Stu emphasized “protect” by giving a firm squeeze to Aric's right ball.

Aric squeaked. “You jerk.”

Stu chuckled in his ear, sending chills of pleasure through Aric.

“You think I'm going to leave once we fuck? I'm not like that.”

Aric's dick ached, his balls tingled, his mind shouted at him to forget his doubts and fuck the hell out of this willing victim. What was he waiting for? “You don't have any idea what you're getting into.”

BOOK: Last Chance
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