I, Jane: In The Court of Henry VIII

BOOK: I, Jane: In The Court of Henry VIII
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Praise for the Novels
of Diane Haeger

The Queen’s Rival

“Made me fall in love with Diane Haeger’s gift for storytelling all over again…an impeccably written piece of prose.”

—Historically Obsessed (5/5)

“It’s official—Diane Haeger is one of my favorite authors. I love her ongoing series about Henry VIII’s court, and
The Queen’s Rival
was no disappointment. I read it in less than twenty-four hours…. Four and a half stars to a well-written and very interesting book.
recommended to all lovers of the Tudors and romantic historical fiction.”

—Fresh Off the Shelf

“Brings to life one of the lesser-known but no less interesting figures in one of history’s most dynamic and intriguing times. As a fan of English history, I have read tons of books surrounding this time period, and Diane Haeger promises to become one of my favorite authors.”

—Night Owl Reviews (top pick)

“The author brought history to life with this story. The descriptions on court life, the beautiful gowns, and the intrigues were fantastic. In truth, I did not want this story to end.”

—To Read or Not to Read

“Bessie…[brings] freshness as a rarely used (if ever) character…engaging biographical fiction.”

Midwest Book Review

“Haeger plots swiftly and fills the court with a plausible cast of characters.”

Publishers Weekly

The Queen’s Mistake

“Haeger’s characters, even her minor ones, have a certain depth that’s often lacking in novels that trod this well-traveled ground, and she handles the love affair between Catherine and Thomas Culpeper skillfully and sympathetically.”

Historical Novels Review

“Fans will enjoy Diane Haeger’s take on sixteenth-century aristocratic permissiveness.”

—Genre Go Round Reviews

“Fans of tales of royalty will find Haeger’s novel both historically accurate and sympathetically written.”

—Fresh Fiction

The Secret Bride

“Haeger delivers complexities of court and duty plausibly and with aplomb.”

Publishers Weekly

“Haeger masterfully brings the past alive in her latest historical novel. A tale of thwarted desire and sacrifice, it is rich in court intrigue and lavishly detailed descriptions of court life during the early years of Henry VIII’s reign. Both fans of Haeger and readers new to her novels will relish her insightful story about the one woman Henry truly loved: his sister.”


“An enjoyable, well-written book about one of history’s true love stories.”

Romance Reviews Today

Other Historical Novels
by Diane Haeger

“In Haeger’s impressive Restoration romance, King Charles II and his mistress…leap off the page…. Charles and Nell are marvelously complex—jealous and petty, devoted yet fallible. Haeger perfectly balances the history with the trystery.”

Publishers Weekly

“Engagingly deep romantic historical fiction.”

Midwest Book Review

“Romantic…filled with intrigue and danger.”

Indianapolis Star

“Set against the vivid descriptive detail of Rome and Trastevere, Haeger’s tale of how the ring came to be obscured in the Raphael masterpiece resonates with the grandeur and intimacy of epic love stories…. This romance is first to be savored as the wonderful historical tale that it is.”


“Lush…rich yet fast-paced story.”

Historical Novels Review

“Spectacular…Haeger explores the fascinating, rich, exciting, and tragic life of Henry II’s beloved…. Lush in characterization and rich in historical detail,
will sweep readers up into its pages and carry them away.”

Romantic Times

“With her wealth of detail cleverly interwoven into a fabulous plot, Diane Haeger has written a triumphant tale that will provide much delight to fans of historical fiction and Regency romance.”

Affaire de Coeur



The Queen’s Rival

The Queen’s Mistake

The Secret Bride

I, Jane



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Copyright © Diane Haeger, 2012

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Haeger, Diane.

I, Jane : in the court of Henry VIII / Diane Haeger.

p. cm.

ISBN: 978-1-101-59968-6

1. Jane Seymour, Queen, consort of Henry VIII, King of England, 1509–1537—Fiction. 2. Henry VIII, King of England, 1491–1547—Fiction. 3. Great Britain—History— Henry VIII, 1509–1547—Fiction. I. Title.

PS3558.A32125I15 2012



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This is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents either are the product of the author’s imagination or are used fictitiously, and any resemblance to actual persons, living or dead, business establishments, events, or locales is entirely coincidental.

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For my dear friend Karen Thorne Isé


This journey with Jane has been a true joy for me, and for helping me along that journey I have many people to thank:

Dr. Bill Creasy, for graciously clarifying issues regarding the religious themes and religious works during the Renaissance. Helen and Phlippe Tartavull, for their many years of generous assistance with all things French.

Jhanteigh Kupihea, my incredible and gifted editor, for patience and continued care with my words. Working with you is a true privilege.

Irene Goodman, my truly amazing literary agent, for so many years of encouragement, direction, and unfailing belief in me. Our shared love of France, travel, and the historical novel continue to be a great inspiration.

Kelly Stevens Costello. Your friendship and support are gifts for which I am thankful every single day.

Ken, Elizabeth, and Alex, my wonderful family. As always, you are my light, my purpose, and my anchor, without whom…ah, but then that would have been impossible!

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