Last Bride, The (Home to Hickory Hollow Book #5) (13 page)

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Authors: Beverly Lewis

Tags: #FIC042000, #FIC053000, #FIC026000, #Lancaster County (Pa.)—Fiction, #Amish—Fiction

BOOK: Last Bride, The (Home to Hickory Hollow Book #5)
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Chapter 18

essie received a follow-up note from Levi on Tuesday, saying where to meet and the restaurant he’d chosen to treat her to supper Saturday evening. She turned sideways and looked in the dresser mirror, shaking her head. Who next might realize the truth about her? It pained her that Mandy had reacted so, yet if the tables were turned, she, too, would have urged her sister to confess her situation to the man of God.

Tessie also worried that Mandy might spill the beans, given the right circumstance.
Or the wrong one.
What Tessie really wanted was to talk privately with her sister Molly to find out what things she would face in the months ahead before the baby came. Tessie had stopped in at the library and looked through a book on such matters, but she hadn’t dared to check it out. Molly would know very well, as would Miriam, Marta . . . and Mamma. But it was unfeasible to share with any of them, not just yet.

She placed Levi’s note in her dresser along with the cards
and decided to make the best of the proposed date. She couldn’t deny that she felt remarkably peaceful around Levi, so that was something, at least.

I’ll go with him only once,
she promised herself, adjusting her soft blue apron against her matching dress.

Friday noon, while they waited for Great-Aunt Elaine to arrive for the meal, Mandy listened as Sylvan told her about his busy morning getting the family buggy wheels reset.

“I ran into a hole on the road and bent an axle,” Sylvan said, scowling.

“Good thing you weren’t hurt when the carriage hit it.”

“No chance of that,” he replied quickly, still glowering at his misfortune. “But it’s all fixed now . . . just more money out of the budget than I wanted to spend.”

She considered that and wondered why he wasn’t more pleased for the extra money she was bringing in, although it wasn’t terribly much.

Before she could say more, Sylvan added that it was mighty good to see Tessie
wearing normal clothes again. “It’s time she was out of mourning attire, that’s for certain.”

Mandy shifted in her chair, suddenly uncomfortable. Even though she had
promised to keep to herself what she knew, she felt a responsibility to stay quiet about it.

After his aunt Elaine came over and they’d enjoyed their meal, Sylvan offered the silent table blessing, then left to go outdoors. Mandy walked Elaine back to the Dawdi Haus, then returned to make two big batches of hot dish, trying her best
to get over her grouchy attitude. Knowing yet another sister was in the family way—
and Tessie, no less
—was another blow to Mandy’s own hopes.

When at last the task was complete and she was ready to head out, Mandy led their most reliable horse from the stable and hitched up the carriage by herself, frustrated that Sylvan hadn’t noticed or bothered to help.

She loaded the food into the buggy and headed to their English neighbors’ three miles up the road, where they rented space in one of their big freezers. And all the way, Mandy fumed and fretted, knowing her feelings were not at all pleasing to God.

Later that afternoon, Tessie Ann dropped by Mandy’s on foot, wearing her snow boots and heaviest coat. Mandy greeted her, looking her right in the eye, not letting her gaze wander to Tessie’s middle. “Glad you came by, sister,” she said with a hug.

“Needed some air, cold as it is.” Tessie looked downright miserable. “But I’m really here because of Mamma . . . she’s starting to look at me funny.”

“Well, I wonder whether she suspects.”

“What would it hurt if I just came right out and told her?” asked Tessie, following Mandy into the kitchen. “Bring an end to the questions in her eyes.”

“That’s up to you.”

Tessie shook her head, quiet for a moment. “No, I don’t think I’m ready for all of that yet. I’m really not.”

“Just wait till you are, then.”

Tessie sat at the table on the wooden bench while Mandy brought over two mugs of hot cocoa. Tessie took her time stirring her cocoa. “Do ya have marshmallows, maybe?”

“How many?”

Tessie smiled a little, then laughed. It was an outright giggle.

“What’s so funny?”

“Nothin’, I guess. I’m just every which way with my emotions nowadays. Maybe that’s normal . . . for my situation.”

Mandy made no comment. She really didn’t want to hear about any of that, perturbed as she was with her own inability to conceive.

They had been drinking their cocoa for only a few minutes when here came Ella Mae Zook, riding into the driveway, alone in her gray carriage.

“I’d never expect her out on such a frosty day,” Tessie said, appearing surprised. “I’ve actually wanted to go and visit her. Ella Mae invited me over to see her a while back. I just never got around to goin’.”

“Ah, for some of her wonderful-
peppermint tea?”

Tessie nodded as she stared out the window. “That’s just what she offered.”

Mandy knew full well what could happen if you sat long enough at the Wise Woman’s cottage sipping her famous tea. Oh, she knew, all right. “Well, it might be providential that you’re both here today.”

Tessie blinked and looked at her, not speaking what her eyes implied.

“Don’t worry none.” Mandy meant it; she had no intention of saying anything about the baby Tessie was carrying.

Her sister looked relieved. “I’m so weary of all the grief. I even cry in my sleep—ever hear of such a thing?” She paused and fingered the handle on the mug.

Mandy was at a loss to know how to cheer her up. “Want some sugar cookies to nibble on? I’ve got a big batch.”

“Sugar’s helpful, sure, but I’m getting

Mandy decided to let that comment be and excused herself, going to the back door to welcome the elderly woman.

“Guess who just arrived a few minutes ago,” she said as Ella Mae came up the walkway, all bundled up.

“Ain’t Cupid, is it?” The old woman’s eyes were full of mischief.

Mandy frowned a little.
What on earth?

“Well, wasn’t Valentine’s Day just last week?” Ella Mae grinned, showing her teeth. “Or don’t you two lovebirds celebrate such Englisch holidays?”

Mandy couldn’t help but smile. Ella Mae sure had an uncanny way of being able to see right to the heart of things.

When the dear woman was safely inside, Mandy helped hang up her woolen coat and scarf. Ella Mae went straight to the heater stove in the corner of the kitchen and stood there, rubbing her wrinkled hands together. She glanced over at Tessie. “Awful nice to see ya, dearie.”

“You, too, Ella Mae.” Tessie started to get up but sat back down right quick, which surprised Mandy. The Wise Woman didn’t seem to notice.

“’Tis a real cold snap,” she said. “Oh, and I brought along a German sweet chocolate cake to share, but it’s still in the carriage. Maybe one of yous can go out and bring it in when you’re ready.”

Mandy volunteered, leaving Tessie and the Wise Woman alone as she put on her wrap and headed outdoors. She hoped her sister might share her burdens with Ella Mae, at least for a few minutes.

So she dallied, admiring the now white pastureland laden with layers of snow. She could see tiny footprints of squirrels and the larger ones of deer, tracks that led out to the windmill and others that traveled in circular patterns rather than straight lines.
Like our lives,
she mused, remembering how, when she married Sylvan, everything had seemed so clear-cut—according to her father, anyway.

Out near the stable, she spotted Sylvan conversing with another man, his hands clasped behind his back.
Always talking to everyone else . . .

With a sigh, Mandy glanced toward the kitchen windows and saw that Ella Mae was sitting right next to Tessie.
Des gut,
she thought
. If
anyone can give my sister the help she needs, it
’s the Wise Woman.

Chapter 19

essie figured something was peculiar for Mandy to jump at the chance to run outside and get the German chocolate cake from Ella Mae’s buggy.


Waiting, she engaged in small talk with Ella Mae. Yet Tessie knew this commonplace chatter would not continue for long. Ella Mae liked to get down to brass tacks, as anyone who’d spent any time with her over tea in the woman’s charming little cottage knew very well.

“Are ya goin’ to the hog butcherin’ over at Smuckers’ place in a few weeks?” Ella Mae asked casually. She’d already refused Tessie’s offer of hot cocoa and sat empty-handed at the table.

“First I’ve heard of it,” Tessie replied.

“It’ll be a big doin’s. Five families butchering together, I hear.”

Tessie found it interesting that the Smucker name had been dropped right off the bat. Did Ella Mae already have knowledge of Levi’s interest in her?

“You ain’t so chatty today, Tessie Ann.”

“Feelin’ a bit weary, is all.”

“Well, that’s to be expected when someone mourns so awful hard.”

She nodded. “Time to move on past all of that, I’m thinkin’.” She said it, but she didn’t mean it for a second. Putting aside her mourning clothes hadn’t changed that.

“Ain’t always the easiest thing—keep that in mind, honey-girl.”

She agreed and asked if Ella Mae might like some hot tea now. “It won’t taste near as
as yours, though.” Tessie smiled.

“Oh, I’ll wait for some fresh milk with my cake.” Ella Mae craned her neck to look out the window. “What’s become of your sister, I wonder?”

“Maybe she’s helped herself to a chunk of your delicious treat. Who knows?”

Ella Mae chuckled. “That’s the spirit!” She patted Tessie on the hand. “I’ve been worried you lost your sense of humor.”

“Guess I did . . . for a while there.”

“Grieving takes near everything out of a person.” Ella Mae sighed audibly. “I do understand that.”

“Marcus wasn’t just anyone to me,” Tessie confided.

“And that’s mighty clear.” Ella Mae leaned her head a bit, studying her. “You loved him very much, ain’t so?”

“But he’s gone now, and there isn’t anything I can do to change that.”

Ella Mae gave her a faint smile. “You’ll see him again, don’t forget. One sweet day over in Gloryland.”

Tessie really wished Mandy would hurry and get herself
back inside, or she might start to cry and divulge far too much about herself . . . and then feel sorry later.

Well, if this isn
’t turning out to be a busy place
, Mandy thought, seeing the bishop’s wife, Mary, pulling into the driveway. Because Ella Mae’s horse and carriage were already parked there, Mary Beiler’s team could only get so far up the lane.

Mandy waved and went to meet her, then invited her inside, forgetting all about the chocolate cake. “Ella Mae’s here, too . . . and Tessie Ann,” she said.

“Ach, your little sister? How’s she doin’?” Mary asked, looking pretty and prim in her black outer bonnet and white knit scarf and matching mittens.

“Oh . . . you know. Losin’ a beau to death has been difficult.”

“To tell ya the truth, I’ve been concerned over her . . . ’specially here lately.” Mary stayed in the buggy, not making a move to get out.

“Why don’t ya come in and warm up some?” Mandy urged.

“Honestly, it might be better to just talk out here,” confided the minister’s thoughtful wife. “Private-like.”

Mandy held her breath. What was on her mind?

“Is everything all right with Tessie?” asked Mary, her big blue eyes penetrating Mandy’s.

“She’s been in deep mourning, ya know.” Mandy felt like she was repeating herself.

“Jah, the whole community’s seen how hard she’s taken Marcus’s passing.” Mary paused, twiddling her gloved fingers
and staring down at them. “Sure hope there’s nothing amiss with all of that.”

Mandy stiffened.
Please don’t ask!

“What I mean is, did they, well . . . get the cart before the horse?”

Stunned now, Mandy wasn’t sure how to respond.

Mary looked at her hard. “
there something the bishop should know, Mandy?”

“Really ain’t my place to say.”

Mary’s eyes narrowed. “So then, there must be.”

“I never said that.”

Shaking her head, Mary pushed air through her lips. “You wouldn’t lie, would ya, now?”

Mandy hung her head.

“We really can’t stand for this sort of thing to happen amongst our courting-age couples.”

“Nee . . .”

They looked awkwardly at each other before Mary added, “I believe Tessie needs to talk with the bishop, and right quick.”

Mandy wanted to say in the worst way that she’d encouraged her sister to do just that but to no avail. She felt as trapped as a mouse in a tight corner.

“Will you please relay this to her, Mandy?”

“I’ll see what I can do.”

“Guess I won’t be comin’ in after all.” Mary squinted at her from the buggy seat. “You won’t forget now, will ya?”

Mandy dreaded having to pass on news of this uncomfortable conversation to her sister. “Will she have to go through a shaming?” It was difficult to speak the words.

“That’s all up to the ministers.” Mary glanced toward the house. “But the sooner Tessie confesses, the better.”

Mandy tried to swallow the lump in her throat. She mustn’t let herself cry; the tears would freeze on her face.

“Well, I’ll stop by another time. I think ’tis best.”

“Maybe so.”

Mary Beiler signaled the horse to back out of the driveway, and Mandy stood there watching, shivering uncontrollably. And not just from the bitter cold.

“I enjoyed stopping in at your sister’s shop,” Ella Mae said as she and Tessie continued to chat while awaiting Mandy’s return.

“It’s a cozy spot, for sure,” Tessie replied. “And Mandy and Emmalyn have done it up so nice, too.”

“The grapevine has it that you’re over there quite a lot, too.”

“More than Mandy is these days.”

“Seems like a smart thing for two young gals to look after it.”

Tessie nodded and hoped she wasn’t speaking out of turn. “Mandy’s content to be at home here lately.”

“Waiting to start her family, no doubt.” Ella Mae’s silvery blue eyes fixed Tessie with a stare.

“’Spect so.”

Mandy burst in the back door just then. Tessie could feel the cold penetrate the kitchen and wondered why she’d stayed out there so long.

“Mary Beiler just stopped by for a moment,” Mandy told them as she came in and went right to the stove to heat up some more water for coffee or tea, Tessie wasn’t sure which.

Ella Mae turned to smile at Mandy. “’Tis strange she didn’t come in and visit.”

Tessie could tell by her sister’s quiet demeanor that something was up.

“She said what she came by to tell me.” Mandy went to the cupboard and took out another mug. Tessie noticed her hand was shaking as she set it down.

“All right, then,” Ella Mae said with a curious glance at Tessie. “Sure doesn’t seem like our Mary, though.”

“Oh no! I forgot the cake!” With that, Mandy hurried back outside, this time not bothering with her coat and scarf.

“Well, that, too, is mighty odd,” Ella Mae murmured. “How does one forget a mouthwatering cake, anyway?”

Tessie could not suppress her smile, and when Mandy hurried back inside, she set the lovely cake dish and cover directly in front of Ella Mae.

To distract her, no doubt.
Tessie found this interesting, and observing Mandy further, she realized there had been much more to the outdoor discussion than her sister was willing to share at the moment. But Tessie intended to find out before she left here. For certain!

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