Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (22 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     My breath exploded out at the intimate touch. “Fuck
yes!” My hips powered forward instinctively, and I don’t know if it was me,
her, or the both of us, but in minutes the rest of our clothing seemed to have
disappeared and I was lying on top of Maya naked.

     “Shit, Maya, you are so fucking gorgeous, and feel even
better.” One of my hands pushed up her breast so I could devour as much of them
as I could, while the other rubbed the inside of her folds and around her clit.
She was soaking wet, her nub hard, and she was tensing slightly which told me
she was getting close.

     I rose up to look at her. She looked completely dazed
with pleasure, panting heavily. “Maya, how do you want this? Do you want me to
finish you with my finger, or do you want me to come inside you?” I was nearly
out of my mind with want, desire, the need to come, but I had to find out how
she wanted this.

     I know how I wanted it.

     “I…” She gazed up at me in bemusement. “D…do you

     I laughed gruffly; half amusement, half pain. “Yes, darlin’.”
Helplessly I rubbed my cock along the inside of her thighs. “What do you want
me to do?”

     She swallowed through her erratic breathing and writhed
under me reflexively; seeking what my cock had been teasing her with. “I…oh
god, Landon. How can you ask me that now?” She moaned.

     Shit, I
waited till the last second, and now
she was too muddled to decide. “It’s okay, honey, I’ll use my finger.” I
declared, trying to hide my slight…extreme…disappointment. Leaning down to kiss
her I began working my finger again.

     Her hands tangled in my hair, her hips rolled with my
finger, and she returned my kiss fervently, but then she pulled back and gazed
up at me wildly. “Landon, I think I want to…have sex.” Her flushed cheeks
flushed further.

     I nearly exploded right there. “Shit, Maya, are you
certain?” I groaned, wanting nothing more.

     “Yes.” She leaned forward nipping at my collarbone
softly and I groaned at the feel of her lips.

     In the back of my mind I had a niggling feeling that
the situation had gone farther than Maya was comfortable, but that feeling was
miniscule compared to my extreme arousal. I’d wanted Maya for so long, and
right now my compulsion to fuck completely consumed me.

     I reached down snagging my wallet. Grabbing the condom
I had in there I ripped open the package and then went to my knees so I could
sheath myself. Maya watched me with red-faced curiosity, and her attention only
escalated my near explosion. Bending over I rubbed myself against her wet heat
and wished for the first time that nothing covered my cock. It was a shocking
thought, but the desire to feel her hot, wet center was nearly unmanageable.

     “Are you ready?” I asked hoarsely.

     “Yes.” She set trembling palms on my damp chest. “But
Landon, it will be my first time so go slow, please?”

     Elation erupted inside me. I would be her first. She
really was a virgin. It had seemed a terrible inconvenience when I’d first met
her, but now I was unimaginably pleased.

     “I’ll try, darlin’, I will try.” I slipped through her
heat again, and then again, before nudging slowly inside her. Maya gasped and
clutched at me. “That’s right, baby, just hang on to me.”

     Maya bit her bottom plump lip and gazed up at me with
eyes swimming with emotion, and that look almost undid me. Feelings besides
lust swelled inside me; happiness, exhilaration, euphoria, they all massed
together making this act of sex something more, something new…something I’d
never experienced before.

     Hunching over I consumed her mouth while gradually
working myself inside her extremely tight core. She was so tiny, and I wasn’t,
and it had me worrying if our joining was possible, but she was so unbelievably
wet, and with each small thrust I made my way deeper and deeper, until I hit that
barrier proving her virginity. Not wanting to cause her undo anxiety with an
extended wait I pushed forward without delay, sliding through to the hilt.

     Maya gasped and tensed, her eyes pinching with the

     I groaned deeply, the pleasure nearly unbearable.

     Placing my forehead to hers I growled. “Okay, I’m going
to wait for you now…you tell me when you’re ready.” I was having a really
difficult time holding myself motionless, but I could do it for her.

     Taking a few deep breaths, Maya smiled. “I’m okay, it
wasn’t that bad.”

     I had to take her at her word because I was hurting too
badly to not move. “Can you raise your knees for me, honey?”

     She nodded and did as I asked. The adjustment had my
cock sinking even further, and we both whimpered at the sensation. Pulling up
to lean on my elbows I hovered over her and pulled out slowly, nearly all the
way, and than sank back in to the hilt. Maya’s brows pinched, but when I
repeated the motion a dazzling smile broke over her face.

     “Oh my…oh Landon…that feels so amazing.” She whispered

     Satisfaction merged with every other feeling inside me,
and I was near to bursting with the overload. My hips began a rhythm I couldn’t
control. “Maya…darlin’…I can’t hold back any longer. I’m sorry.” My body was
screaming and aching for release. It had been too long since I’d been inside a
woman, and it had never felt this fucking good before.

Why was it so much better with her

     Maya’s hands clutched at my arms, and she shook her
head. “No…its okay…it’s perfect.” She closed her eyes and moaned. “Oh my,
god…ahhh…is it supposed to feel this way?” Her hips began moving in time with
mine, and her eyes popped back open.

     I wasn’t able to answer her question because I had just
asked myself the same thing.

     Her fingernails bit into my flesh at the same time I
felt her walls constricting around my aching, pounding cock. “Oh…oh….ohhhhh!”
She cried.

     I thrust furiously inside of her, powering through her
tightening walls, my cock on fire and swelling with an impending orgasm of my
own. I had never felt this kind of pressure before and I was sure my head was
going to explode along with my dick.

     “Fuck Maya…I’m coming.” I slammed my mouth down on hers
covering her cries and my own roar of satisfaction as I experienced the most
intense climax of my life. I could only hope the condom I wore would be able to
contain everything I was releasing.

     My head fell to her shoulder and I reached down with
both hands to grip her ass so I could tunnel even deeper inside her. I was nearing
the end…I think…but wasn’t able to get enough of her as pleasure poured through
me in waves. “Shit…shit…auhhh…shiittt.” I grunted out each thrust, and with the
last one I dug my feet into the couch slamming into her forcefully while
pouring everything I had into her, before finally slumping on top of her insensible.

Holy shit!
I’d been stupid to think I’d ever be
able to get her out of my system.

     We both lay there unmoving for several minutes. Well, I
lay unmoving, but after the passing of some time I became aware of Maya’s
fingers lazily combing through my hair. It felt unbelievably fantastic and was
like a cherry on top of what just happened. I never allowed myself this with
women. I’d never wanted it, but with Maya I did.

     I groaned and squeezed her ass in gratitude. This had
her constricting automatically and warned me that that my condom was in serious
danger of slipping completely off. I was so used to pulling out right away I
forgot about that little concern. Reaching between us I made sure it stayed in
place as I extricated myself from her core. It was an exceptionally
dissatisfying feeling. 

     Leaning up on my elbow I looked down at her, examining
her visage. She seemed okay. Actually, she was gorgeously flushed.

     “Are you alright?” I asked hesitantly.

     She gave me a tired, bashful half smile. “Is it possible
to be alright after that? I feel like I’ve been changed irrevocably.”

     I kept my agreement on that to myself. Instead, giving
her a deep kiss I moved off of her. “Let me go take care of this.” Striding to
the bathroom I pulled the condom off and winced slightly at the blood. Maya
wasn’t the first virgin I’d deflowered, but she was the only one I cared that I
might have hurt. The other ones had come to me and been manipulative in handing
over their virginity.
     Grabbing a washcloth I wet it with warm water and strode back to Maya. She
was sitting up and had covered herself with a blanket from the back of the couch.
I knelt down in front of her. “You might need this.”

     Her face went beet red and she jumped up and looked
down at the couch. “Oh, my, god.” I followed her gaze and saw why she was
freaking out. A small amount of blood was smeared over the couch.

     I rubbed her back. “Hey, it’s okay. The couch is
leather, it will wash right out.” Using the washcloth I cleaned it up.

     A sigh burst from her. “Thank god.” She stood there and
couldn’t seem to look me straight in the eye while shifting restlessly, and I
could literally feel her awkwardness. “I’m just going to run to the bathroom.”
Snatching the washcloth from my hand she dashed toward the bathroom and closed
the door.

     I stared after her uneasily, her earlier hesitancy
coming back to me, and my disquiet grew. Was she regretting what happened? I
hoped not.

     Sighing deeply, I pulled on my cloths and then
gathering hers I stepped up to the bathroom door. “Maya, I have your clothes

     The door opened and Maya peaked out. She gave me a
small smile and took them with a soft, “Thank you”.

     I went and waited on the couch and it suddenly hit me
that I’d taken Maya on the couch when there was a perfectly good bed not ten
feet away. I shook my head at how out of control I’d been. My only focus had
been to get inside of her as soon as possible, and I was still slightly stunned
at how fucking wild I had been for her. Not since my first few times having sex
had I been unrestrained like that…and even then it hadn’t been this intense.

     After four long minutes Maya finally emerged. She
walked across the room slowly staring at me with apprehensive eyes, and seeing
that made my gut clench. When she neared I scooped her in my arms and slumped
back onto the couch with her.

     “Maya, please don’t be regretting what happened.” I

     She buried her face in my neck. “I don’t regret it; it
was the most amazing experience of my life. I just feel embarrassed for some
reason. I don’t know how to act.” She chuckled softly. “To bad we couldn’t have
laid there forever because I was fine until I had to look you in the face.”

     I sighed in relief, and smugness, rubbing her back. “Yeah,
I can understand that. The awesomeness of my face is pretty overwhelming.”

     She chuckled again, hugging me.

     I hugged her back. “My awe-inspiring looks aside…I
would say you’re reaction is probably normal. I remember how uncomfortable I
was the first time.”

     She looked up finally, her expression shy and curious. “Do
you remember when it becomes less embarrassing?”

     My hand slipped under her shirt to stroke her bare
back. I loved the feel of her skin. “Maybe around the fifth of sixth time, and
from there it begins to decrease in degrees at a gradual rate.”

     She giggled, catching my humor. “So around the fiftieth
time I should have no problem?”

     The thought of being there when she was completely
comfortable around me naked, even overtly sexual, had my cock swelling all over
again. “Give or take some, but you’re a girl so it could be different.” I
answered huskily.  

     She grinned back and dove back in for another hug. I
began nuzzling her neck thinking that maybe we could go another round when the
door of the pool house flew open. Maya and I started in surprise thinking it
was my parents. However, it wasn’t them. It was my brother, Kristopher.

     “Landon!” He came in with his arm around a girl, but at
seeing me he raised his hands in the air in an exuberant greeting.

     “Kris. When did you get back?” He’d left for Europe right after college had let out and had been gone since.

     He continued into the room, staggering slightly. The
girl followed, appearing a little steadier on her feet. She gave me a once over
with a seductive smile. Her features were Latin, and she was attractively
exotic, but she didn’t do anything for me. I wondered if Kris had brought her
back from his trip…like a souvenir.

     Maya stiffened up in my arms and I rubbed at her back

     Kris crashed into the chair next to us. “Got back
yesterday. Went over to Jackson’s to say ‘hey’ and walked into a party, so I
stayed.” He was eyeballing Maya as he talked in a way I wasn’t appreciating. I
drew her closer into my body automatically.

     “Kreezz, you zaid there waz zumething to drink in
here.” The girl stood behind Kris trailing her finger over his shoulder while
eating me with her eyes, completely ignoring Maya. From her accent it appeared
my brother
brought her back as a memento.

     Kris waved his hand over by the obvious bar set up in
the corner. “So, Landon, who is this sweet little morsel?” He asked with a
drunken grin. My brother and I were pretty similar in looks, same hair color,
same eyes, but sports had made my physique bulkier. At this moment, Kris’s eyes
were blood shot, his hair was messed, and his face looked slightly bloated from
too much partying. He certainly wasn’t at his most attractive.  

     I rubbed my hand over Maya’s shoulder in comfort. I
wasn’t certain how she was taking in my brother’s manner, but I wanted her to
know I was here with her. “We were just watching a movie, but we can get out of
your way since you two appear to be staying.” I ignored the question and
changed the topic.

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