Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3) (21 page)

BOOK: Landon's Obsession: An Endless Series: Book 3 (Series 3)
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     Her gaze continued to probe, but then she sighed and
wrapped her arms around my waist. “I guess since you’re a guy that’s all I can
expect right now. God forbid we discuss feelings and such.”

     Thank god! I’m glad she realized that.

     Enfolding her closer I bent to nibble at her neck and
inhale her scent, my aggression turning instantly to arousal.

     “Where did you go this morning?” Maya asked against my

     “I had to go and exercise or I would have ended up
waking you up this morning with my cock inside you.” I knew I was being overly
blunt, but I was riding high on lust and frustration.

     Maya froze and tilted back to look at me with shocked
eyes, but I could see excitement in them as well.    

     “Should I not have left this morning?” I bent, grinding
my aching cock against her mound.

     Maya whimpered and sagged against me.

     Smiling smugly at her instant response I grabbed her
ass and ground her into me. Last night we’d crossed a line and there was no
going back now. She might need more time in regards to actual intercourse, but
her ass, breasts, and cunt were fair game now unless she expressly forbid it.

     “Maybe we should go back upstairs right now.” I
whispered while licking at her ear.

     Maya gasped and then moaned. “This isn’t fair, Landon,
you are catching me at a really weak moment.”

     Moving down her neck, I murmured. “I thought you were
always weak around me?”

     “I am.” She sighed and dug her fingers deeply in my
back, furthering my arousal. “And there’s nothing here to stop me from capitulating.”

     I chuckled, liking that answer a lot.

     “Damn, Maya, I heard your voice in here and thought you
were cooking up some breakfast, but instead I find you cooking something else

      I groaned at Gabby’s timing. Maya groaned as well, but
then huffed out a laugh. “I don’t know whether to call that fortunate, or

     I kissed her hard on the mouth before pulling away and
growling. “It was very much unfortunate.”


∞                    ∞


     It was five-thirty on Wednesday, ten days since our
time at the beach, and I’d made a different type of date for tonight.

     “Landon, what are you doing? We can’t come here.” Maya
exclaimed in distress as I drove down my driveway.

     I squeezed her hand. “My parent’s are gone for the
night, for at least four hours, so we have the place to ourselves. I thought
maybe we’d go swimming, hit the hot tub, watch a movie.”

     Her expression brightened, but then contorted. “But I
didn’t bring a bathing suit.”

     “I wanted to surprise you so I went and bought you one

     She rolled her eyes. “I would have still been surprised
even if you had told me to bring my suit.”

     “Well, I wanted it to be a complete surprise, and I was
able to buy you a present as well.” That had been an interesting experience;
both buying her a present, and it being a swim suit.

     She shook her head, but there was a smile of pleasure
on her face.

     I parked near the south side of the garage because it
was closer to the pool. Maya and I then made our way around to the pool area.
“I left your present in the pool house, so go inside and change.” I gave her a
small push.

     While Maya did that I changed as well in the one next
to her, and then grabbed us both a drink; a Mike’s lemonade for her, and a beer
for myself. As I was walking back from the bar Maya stepped out in a white
bikini. I inhaled deeply at the sight. The color magnified the shade of her
skin perfectly, just like I knew it would, making it look even more spectacular.

     God, she was beautiful.

     “You look stunning.” I declared huskily, walking up to

     She flushed. “It’s a beautiful suit.”

     It was like she was saying it was the suits function to
make her beautiful, when in fact it was the other way around.

     “You make the suit beautiful.” I leaned down giving her
a consuming kiss, wishing my hands where free to touch her. Pulling away
reluctantly I held out her cooler. “Drink?”

     She took it and walked toward the pool. “I have to say
I was feeling sorry for this pool the entire time I was working here.”

     I frowned at her strange wording. “You felt sorry for
the pool?”

     She grinned. “Yes, the whole time I worked here I never
saw anyone get in it. It made it seem so lonely, sitting out here with no one
swimming in it.” She set her bottle down and stalked toward me. “How could you
do that to this poor, lonely pool, Landon?” I grinned at her theatrics. “You
need to show it you’re sorry.”

     I arched my brow inquiringly. “And how do I do that?”

     “It needs a sacrifice.” She announced sensationally.
“You’re going to have to be pushed in.”

     “But I’m not a virgin.” I stated logically, holding
back my grin.

     She straightened, looking offended. “Hey, I totally
don’t believe in those types of sacrifices. Hedonistic individuals initiated
that variety of sacrifice to keep themselves safe.”  

     I narrowed my eyes at her. “Are you calling me

     She smirked, raising both brows. “Only if the
pleasure-seeking boots fit.”

     “Oh, they fit.” I confessed with leer, stalking

     Trying to look alarmed through her amusement, she crept
backwards. “There’s a rule to these things; your pool, your sacrifice.”

     Damn, this girl made me happy in a way I’d never been. “The
way I see it; my pool, my rules.” I amended.

     She squealed and turned to run, but I was on her directly,
lifting her in the air and carrying her toward the edge of the pool. She wiggled
enough that she was able to lock her legs around my waist.

     “I’m not going in without you.” She laughingly
exclaimed, latching her arms about my neck.

     Of course her position instantly had my cock at full
attention and I instinctively pulled her harder into me, rubbing myself into
her open sex. She gasped, eyes widening and darkening with arousal, and both
her hands and legs gripped me tightly.

     I subtly rocked my hips, gazing down into those warm
dark chocolate eyes of hers. “I’m not going in without you.” I countered

     Her mouth gaped as she realized my intent, because
while I wanted her with everything in me I could wait until after our swim, and
with that small warning we submerged. Maya’s limbs constricted even more around
me until we popped up above the water.

     Gasping for breath she pushed away from me with a
splash. “You touched the water first, so you’re the sacrifice.” She

     Laughing, I swam after her and we fooled around in the
pool for almost thirty minutes before moving to the hot tub. We only spent
about five minutes in there before getting out and changing back into our
clothes. I got us each another drink, set some food on the coffee table, and
was just popping in a movie when Maya stepped in the room.

     She’d fastened her wet hair into some kind of side
braid that secured all of it up off her shoulders. It was slightly messy, but
pretty, and it showcased the beauty of her features flawlessly.

     We sat down together on the couch and Maya cuddled up
to me like she did it everyday, and I pulled her back into my chest like she’d
been made to fit there. I loved that we had this, that it came so naturally. It
was times like this that all my doubts and suspicions disappeared. It was just
me and her.

     Maya’s fingers danced over my arms and she sighed.

     “What was that for?” I asked kissing the back of her

     She was silent for a moment before answering. “This
summer has been like a dream, but pretty soon I’ll be back in school and you’ll
be going off to college. I’m going to miss you.” Her voice was sad.

     Damn, her words had my throat constricting with
emotion. “Maya, Charlottesville is only one hour away, you won’t miss me.” The
words came unconsciously, but I realized I meant them absolutely. I couldn’t
imagine not continuing to see her.

     She seemed to stop breathing for an instant, but then
she turned to face me with eyes hesitant with some emotion I couldn’t read.
“You…you want to keep seeing each other?”

     Latching my fingers in her hair I gripped it gently and
brought her face closer to mine. “I do…very much.” Brushing my lips softly over
hers I drew her deeper into my embrace. I wanted to tell her how I felt, how
powerful my emotions toward her were, but the words got caught in my throat. So
I showed her instead. 

     Palming her face I held her motionless as I took
control of her mouth, teasingly at first, but then the taste of her was too
potent and I dove in for a deeper taste. Her lips were so fucking perfect, and
the connection, the pleasure that we created together was without comparison.

     With a soft moan Maya pressed her breasts into me and I
could feel the hard nubs of her nipples poking me through our cloths. Fire and
pleasure poured through my body like lightening, shooting down between my legs
in an agony of need. Turning the both of us on our sides I positioned myself
half on top of her so that I would be able to touch her more easily.

     My dick was harder than steel at finally having her underneath
me. Ten days of make-out sessions in my car were not satisfying me. While I’d
been able to touch parts of her, and we’d dry humped to completion twice, I
wanted…needed more. 

     Maya’s hands slid into my hair, holding me to her as I
greedily ate at her mouth. The whimpers and moans coming from her vibrated
against my lips and it took every ounce of my control to not rip her clothes
off and ram myself inside her, but then she had to go and sling her leg over my
hips, opening herself up to me, obliterating that control.

     “Oh shit, Maya. I want you so fucking bad.” I took a
hold of her ass and ground down into her. The pressure against my aching cock
granted me a small measure of relief and I groaned in satisfaction.

     Maya’s head fell to the side and she cried out in
pleasure, clutching at my back like I was her lifeline. “Landon…auhhh!”

     Hearing my name on her lips as she cried out in bliss
was like a drug to my system. Situating myself into her open thighs I circled
my hips into her hot core again and again, suckling up and down her neck in a
frenzy of desire.

     Do you want me to make you come like this again, or how
about I finger you this time? Remember how I went inside you at the beach house
and how good that felt?” I so wanted to get something inside of her, even if it
was only my finger.   

     “Yes…yes…” She panted, rotating her hips, seeking

     Pushing up on my hands I looked down at her as I rocked
my hardness into her blazing heat while working on unbuttoning her shorts.
Maya’s face was turned away from me, and I didn’t like that. After the first
few girls I had never desired to look into another females face when she
reached orgasm, but I wanted it with Maya.

     “Look at me, darlin’.” There went the endearments
again, but I ignored it as she followed my command. Her heated gaze locked with
mine and my heart clenched at the deep emotion in them, because what I saw in
them was more than just physical pleasure, there was a multitude of feelings
swirling in her dark depths.

     “Yesss.” I groaned at seeing it, and as the ache in my
groin built.

     “Landon…” She tugged at my shirt.

     I had no problem complying with her silent request.
Going to my knees I ripped off my shirt. “Yours too.” I declared. The both of
us then began tugging her shirt up over her head, revealing a black bra that
needed to go as well. “Maya?” I left it as a question.  

     She hadn’t fully taken her bra off before this, I’d
only been pushing it to the side under her shirts during our car sessions, but
after only a small second she lifted up again and reached back to unfasten the
clasp. I removed it slowly taking in my first sight of her breasts. They were a
small handful, creamy chocolate, with dark puckered brown nipples.

     “Beautiful.” I whispered reverently. Forgetting about
getting into her pants for the moment I lay back down on top of her cupping one
luscious mound, molded it, and pinched her rigid nipple lightly. She shivered
and moaned, and unable to stop with such a small sample I leaned down taking
what I could in my mouth. Her shiver than became mine at how incredible she
tasted and from how soft but firm her skin was.

     “Ohmygod…that feels so good.” She dug her fingers into
my scalp stirring both my pleasure and pain receptors. It was outstanding and
hardened my cock further.

     I swiveled and drove my hips into her forcefully.
“Shit, you make crazy.” I grunted, sucking on her nipple vigorously. My hand
trailed down her abdomen, caressing her soft, taut skin, and slipped inside her
shorts to the wet, silky heaven beneath.

     Her hips jerked and she cried out softly at my touch,
and then stared up at me flushed and wild eyed.

     “Is this okay?”
Please say yes, please
say yes
I whispered inwardly.

     Panting heavily she nodded her head. “Yes.”

! I explored her moistness, running my finger
the length of her, swirling and caressing, but I didn’t go right for the end
game just yet. I didn’t want to make her come too fast now that I got to touch
her so intimately again, but she felt amazing, and I loved touching her. I
think I could have done it for hours if the blood rushing to my dick wasn’t
making it ache so badly.

     Maya’s hands were just as exploratory as mine; running
over my chest, playing with my nipples, moving down my abdomen to the edge of
my shorts. She halted briefly, but then seemed to gain courage and moved her
hand inward, taking me in her soft palm.

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