Read L. A. Mischief Online

Authors: P. A. Brown

L. A. Mischief (18 page)

BOOK: L. A. Mischief
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Not to mention I was horny as hell and I was getting damned tired of the company of my hand.

The Silver Lake house we’d shared for the last four years was too big and too empty. Every creak and settling door frame seemed louder than normal. Being alone had never bothered me before David. Now I hated it. Next time he was going to take me with him.

I had finally managed to drift into an uneasy sleep when a new sound brought me back out of it. Sweeney, the Siamese cat David had brought to our relationship, had abandoned his place on David’s side of the bed and I should have been alone in the room.

I wasn’t.

Even before I could sit up a large shadow detached from the door and in two steps was over me. A gloved hand clamped over my mouth, stifling my cry of alarm. Before I could struggle I felt the snick of metal handcuffs circle my wrists, immobilizing me. A gag replaced his hand and he unceremoniously hauled me out of bed and slung me over his shoulder. Terrified I pounded on his denim-clad back with my shackled hands, but I might as well have been an ant fighting an elephant. His broad back was impervious to my fear or rage.

He hauled me out of the house, jogging down the driveway past my silver Acura and David’s Chevy sport coupe. I couldn’t believe the brass balls of the guy—I was stark naked and flopping around like a gigged fish; if anyone had seen us they would have known he was up to no good. But he casually trotted down our street, past the homes of neighbors I had known for years. And of course not one of them was outside shouting, “Hey, what are you doing with Chris?” Why was I the only one suffering insomnia?

Finally we reached a dark Pontiac Sunfire, which he stuffed me into. The interior of the car smelled vaguely of refried beans and that phony chemical stink you only get from those pine-shaped fresheners you hang on your mirror. I nearly choked behind my gag. I tried to sit up but before I could he dragged me into a sitting position and wrapped a heavy cloth blindfold over my eyes. I tried to twist my head free, but he effortlessly shoved me onto my back and shut the door. He slid behind the wheel and we roared off down the hill toward Glendale. I struggled to free myself but he’d done a good job of binding me and with a groan muffled behind my gag I sank into despair. I couldn’t even beg him to let me go, or ask him why he was doing this. Was it some kind of revenge against David? As a cop David had a lot of enemies. Had one of them decided to strike back through me? I mean it couldn’t be revenge against me—what kind of enemies did I have? I spent my days buried in basements hunched over computers. Someone got mad because they think I over-billed on a service call?

We drove through the night. Not that I could tell, since I couldn’t see a fucking thing. But it couldn’t have been much past two o’clock when he had dragged me from bed. My sense of time was totally shot but I thought the drive was at least two hours. Time gets pretty distorted when you’re scared shitless.

Finally we drew to a stop and he killed the engine. I held my breath. The silence that descended was total. Wherever we were there was nobody else around. No traffic. No human voices. Not even a dog barking. That really freaked me out and I began to struggle in earnest when he opened the back door and hauled me out.

He made short work of my struggles and slung me back over his shoulder. This time I heard the crunch of dry leaves under his shoes and the distant sigh of wind through tree branches. The air against my bare skin had a wintry bite I hadn’t felt down in the basin. When I heard the faint hoot of an owl I knew for sure we had left the city behind. I had no idea where we were or what this man intended to do to me but it couldn’t be any good if he had to bring me to hell and back to do it. He clumped up wooden steps carrying me as easily as if I was a sack of potatoes. We passed through a door that creaked shut behind us and he abruptly dumped me on a bed. I immediately scrambled up only to be shoved back down. Deftly he unsnapped the cuffs but before I could react to my freedom, he attached another set to both my wrists and snapped them around the bed’s headboard. I suppose it was small consolation that these were lined with something soft. Fur or velvet. I twisted my body around, knowing I was completely exposed to his gaze. I desperately wished I had gone to bed in pajamas. Or at least underwear. Not that it would have stopped him from ripping them off me, but I felt so damned

It was nearly as cold inside as out and I shivered. He left me on the bed and I could hear him banging around followed almost immediately by a sharp crackle and the smell of wood smoke. Either the room we were in was very small or the fire he had built was very big, but soon I felt the fire’s warmth beginning to settle over my shivering limbs.

So far he hadn’t spoken a word. I focused on his even, deep breathing in order to keep track of where he was in the room. When I heard him approaching the bed again I tensed, ready to fight if a chance presented itself. That was a joke, right, I thought bitterly. How do you fight someone when you’re blindfolded and cuffed to the bed? Not that he gave me that opportunity. I heard the chilling slide of a zipper and the rustle and snap of clothing being undone. I tried to pull my legs up into a fetal position to protect myself but he slid his hands under my pits and levered me up until I was half sitting. He pulled the gag out of my mouth. Then he slid his fingers through my short hair and tilted my head back. When he pushed his cock up against my lips I tried to turn my head aside but he held me steady. His cock was slick with pre-come and I could smell the rich earthy odor of him as he rubbed the thick head over my closed mouth.

“Suck me,” he commanded. His voice was hoarse and low, barely above a whisper.

I resisted, but he held my head firm. Finally, knowing I had no real choice, I opened my mouth wide and he eased his uncut cock past my lips and teeth and I struggled to suppress my gag reflex. Finally I began sucking him, figuring in some still thinking part of me that the faster we got this over with the better for me. I swirled my tongue around his rigid shaft, tracing the thick ropy veins and pushing back the foreskin to expose the supersensitive skin of the head of his cock. I couldn’t help it, I thought of all the times I had done this for David, how I loved the way his huge cock tasted. It wasn’t fair that this
could be so similar to the man I loved. Similar enough to evoke an unwanted reaction from me. A single tear leaked from my eye. I had just talked to David this morning when he was on his way to class. He had told me he loved me and would see me next week. Now I had to wonder if I would ever see David again.

My kidnapper’s breathing roughened and I sensed that he was close to the edge. He rocked against me and I almost got his entire monstrous cock down my throat. With a grunt he held my head in both hands and pushed his throbbing cock forward. His hot come splashed across my tongue and tonsils. I gulped and swallowed, breathing through my nose as he stuffed his pulsing cock down my throat.

When he withdrew from me I sagged back on the bed. I was no longer cold, and it wasn’t just the heat from the crackling fire that warmed me.

Briefly his fingers trailed over my swollen mouth. He spoke in a low whisper. “If you promise to keep quiet I won’t gag you again. Deal?”

Eagerly I nodded. It was bad enough he tied me up like a side of beef, and kept me in the dark, but to be gagged too, made it all that much worse. But then I grew apprehensive again as he left my side.

He moved around to the end of the bed and grasping my ankles with both hands he pulled me flat on my back. Unable to see him I had no idea what he was doing until I felt his mouth settle over my big toe. I jerked at the wet heat and odd sensation of having each one of my toes sucked until they tingled. The tingling spread, traveling up my nerve endings and settling in my cock. To my horror it swelled and grew embarrassingly hard as his lips and tongue stroked my heel, then my ankle before moving up along my shins and calves. His surprisingly agile fingers stroked the delicate skin behind my knees.

His mouth followed and he left a trail of blistering heat up my leg, edging my knees apart and sliding his tongue and lips up the inside of my thigh. I arched my spine, thrusting my hips up and gasping as his hot breath brushed my stone-hard cock.

But instead of taking me in his mouth he lifted away from me until I couldn’t even feel his breath. I groaned and lifted my pelvis, silently begging him to take me. I was instantly ashamed of the action. Jesus, I couldn’t be responding to this guy. What would David say? David sure as hell wouldn’t give in to this kind of seduction. What was this guy trying to prove anyway? That I was a hopeless slut? To what end?

I felt the bed shift again. This time he turned his attention to my other foot, following the same torturous path as before. I was moaning wordlessly as he inched toward my cock. I screamed in frustration as he bypassed it yet again. This time he wrapped his mouth around my right nipple. An electrical current slammed through me and I writhed on the bed begging him wordlessly to let me come.

But he wasn’t done yet. He traced a volcanic path to my left nipple then moved up to my mouth.

“Do you want me to release you?” he whispered against my lips. “Say the word and I’ll let you go right now. Your call.”

I shook my head violently. “No.” I don’t know if I meant ‘no’ let me go, or ‘no’ don’t stop.

He took it to mean the latter and pressed his mouth against my throat. He slid down my length. This time I opened my legs for him without prompting and he moved between then, slipping his hands up under my thighs and lifting my legs up to expose me completely. I was drenched in sweat and shaking violently.

When he pressed his mouth against my puckered hole my entire body went rigid. My heart stopped and the air burst from my lungs in a deep groan. He probed my hole briefly then slipped his tongue between my balls, taking each one in his mouth and gently rolling them around before letting them plop out to leave a wet smear along my thigh. His tongue slithered around my cock, soaking me with his saliva. Finally his hot mouth closed over my cock and he swallowed me to the root. He held my hips in his iron grip as I writhed under him.

With a shout I blew my load. I swear I blacked out while my body emptied itself into his mouth.

Then he was gone. I swung my head around, holding my breath while I tried to trace his movements in the room. Finally I heard the rustle of material and the clump of boot heels tumbling to the floor. Second later his weight settled on the bed and he stretched his now naked body alongside mine. His chest was thick with hair and muscle and he pressed me down into the bed. He smelled of soap and smoke and a cologne I had never smelled before. I inhaled deeply, thinking someone ought to bottle that combination. Or maybe they had and that’s why he smelled so much like David. Except David wore Kenneth Cole. But God, this guy felt so much like David I almost wept. It wasn’t fair. His mouth moved along my throat and inched up toward my mouth. Our thighs pressed together. He was hard again.

Finally his mouth came down on mine. His tongue teased my lips and I opened up to him. Our tongues tangled and fought while his hands skimmed my body. His fingers slipped between my legs and when he slid one digit up my ass I thrust eagerly against his hand.

“You like that?” he whispered. “Then let’s try this.”

He eased between my thighs, raising my legs over his shoulders.

When he probed my hole with his massive cock I sank my teeth into my lips at the sharp pain. I wanted to shout at him—
Where the hell is your condom?
Only David had ever ridden me bareback. But the words wouldn’t come. He pressed on, biting my throat as he penetrated me, then smothering the area with hot kisses. The pain receded, replaced by a growing heat in my gut. God, he was so big and he filled me so completely.

He didn’t pause until his balls came to rest against my tailbone. By then we were both gasping for breath.

He wrapped my legs around his sweating back and urged me on with a voice now hoarse with lust and need.

Need drove us, thrashing furiously on the bed we growled and shouted as the pressure mounted. He pounded into me, harder and faster with each savage piston stroke. He cried out and I felt him throb inside me. His teeth worried my throat and for the first time he whispered words of passion against my hot, slick skin.

He shouted my name as his cock exploded inside me.

In response I came, blasting come across my stomach and chest, smearing it over both of us as I clung to him, my legs still wrapped around his hips, his cock still deep inside me. My mouth was on his, sharing our shattered breaths.

He shivered against me. Reaching over my head he did something to the cuffs and the next instant my arms were free. I rubbed my wrists then placed them over his back, cradling him in my exhausted arms. But he wasn’t done. Next he slipped off the blindfold and I stared up into his green-flecked eyes.

“Wow,” David murmured in a normal voice. “You almost make all the work worthwhile.”

“You!” I scrambled upright away from him, crashing into the headboard I had so recently been cuffed to. I slammed my fist into his fur-covered chest. “What the hell are you doing here? I wasn’t expecting you for another week.”

He withdrew his still semi-hard cock from me and turned me around to face him. Over his sweat-soaked shoulder I could see the fire he had started earlier.

“So much for not gagging you. I think I liked you better when you were silent.”

So I hit him again.

He caught me in a bone-crushing hug, though I’m not sure it wasn’t self-preservation that made him do it as opposed to lust. I can be a bitch when I’m pissed. And I was definitely on the rag tonight—or this morning, however you choose to look at it. I glanced at my watch, which only reminded me that it was sitting on my bedside dresser back in L.A.

“You could have at least grabbed some damned clothes. I wouldn’t have stopped you.”

“Oh settle down, hon. I had Des pack up some things this afternoon while you were at work. They’re out in the car.” He renewed his assault on my body and I couldn’t help but respond. Nobody did to me what David did. And the damn thing was, he knew it, too. Curse his miserable black heart. It was like even when I thought he was a stranger my body had known otherwise. “We can get them later,” David murmured, dusting my chest with feather light kisses. My big strong bear must have been eating his Wheaties. He was already hard again. My skin grew marbled with goose bumps and it had nothing to do with being cold.

BOOK: L. A. Mischief
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